Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

Chapter 6: Supreme General, Slowly Gaining Back Supreme..

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Haile raised his eyebrow at that he had never heard that in the original, what was that."What is a core, something like a intent or something."He ask her.

Ophis shook her head."Yes and No, each element has different levels, these level depends on one's understanding of that said element,the greater ones understanding of that element the greater the element will be, for example my infinity element I was born with is at the core level, I guess you could say it is pretty strong and is the highest infinity element in the universe.."She said with some small amounts of pride.

."I see, so how many levels are there, can you name them all."Haile stroke his chin in thought while asking, it seems he must really be careful how he maneuver this world as everything is not as simple as it seemed in the anime as everything was probably focused on the explicit aspect.

Ophis put a finger on her chin."It's Form 0.1% -100% 

Foundation 0.1% - 100% 

Essence 0.1%- 100% 

Core 0.1%- 100% 

Enlightenment 0.1%-100% 

Seed 0.1%- 100% 

Law 0.1%- 100% 

Concept 0.1%- 100% 

Root 0.1%- 100% 

."I see thanks, so how can I start on making an element and increasing the comprension."Haile asked after understanding the different levels.

Ophis looked at him then look down."Most are born with it, I don't know how to naturally get elements outside of the nature's common elements like fire,water,earth,wind,lightning,ice etc., most others everyone was born with it."She said explaining to him.

Haile in thought."So have you ever met the current lucifer sirzechs?."He needed to know something.

Ophis think back and nodded her head.

."That's good, so what level would you say his bloodline ability power of destruction is at."He ask.

."Mmm, the bloodline ability is only essence about 63% from the devil Ancestor, original lucifer."She said thinking back.

."Do all of the parents abilities get transferred to the child?."He raised and eyebrow.

Ophis shook her head."No it has to reach essence and fused into the DNA by the Ancestor to become a bloodline ability, then it will be continuously passed down through the generations as part of the bloodline."She told him.

."Alright thank you, I think we should return now, my stomach is still not feeling good, I think I have to go to the toilet."He said with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Ophis nodded and open the crack the same way she did before and they both flew through it.


They exited and was outside the house, ophis look around confused.

."What's wrong ophis."Seeing her expression he ask.

She turn to him."I tried to open the gap in the house."She said doubtfully.

."Oh, that's just a defense mechanism to protect myself, it's to prevent anyone from just teleporting inside."He said, but honestly he didn't even know it could do that.

Ophis nodded in understanding, she was most aware how strong this house was so it would be pretty foolish if someone could just teleport inside, that would defeat the whole purpose.

."Well anyway let's go inside it's quite late, it must be about 12am or after."Haile said looking up at the moon and hearing the night life.

They both entered the house unaware of others being alert to ophis presence from her opening the crack outside the house without hiding the energy as she thought she would appear in the houses protection barrier.

And the bad thing, the amount of energy she used to open that crack is as much as a Peak Super Class Being....




A red hair man can be seen sitting at a desk infront of a pile of paper work with a beautiful woman standing beside the desk dress in maids clothes with beautiful silver hair, he was laying on the desk like he was passed out, then suddenly he hold up at extremely speed as if startled by something.

."Grafia did you feel that?."The man said to the woman with some apprehension in his voice as he looked up seriously.

The woman beside named grafia him in a maid outfit."Yes Lord Sirzech Lucifer."She said to him subserviently.

Sirzechs Lucifer looked around at her."I told you, stop calling me that when we are alone, it has been centuries already, you are my wife."He said shaking his head with a sigh.

Grafia look at him and bowed her head."Yes master."She said her face expressionless.

."*Sigh* I give up, well I have an order for you, go to the human world and check on rias for me, that energy felt oddly similar to the Dragon Gods, *sigh* I feel a headache coming on."Sirzechs rubbed his forehead with a sigh.

Grafia bow her head and disappeared in a teleportion magic circle.


All around the three worlds and different mythological sub realms various conversations were taking place regarding the surge of energy comparable to a super class, it was only for a moment but alot of people recognized the energy and were wary.

They had many questions, one such question was why would ophis reveal so much energy to the outside especially of that magnitude, was it an ominous sign, is something bad going to happen.


While all the deadly wrong guessing games were taking place, the culprits and accomplice were in there house having a feast.

."*Chomp* *Chomp*..."

As they eat ophis kepted her eyes on Haile the entire time not even blinking, not saying anything either.

." w..a..h *gulp* What?, if you have something to say, say it, don't keep looking at me like that, I don't like children's body's you know."Haile said raising his brow, he knows he is good looking but he also knows such things won't faze her.

." me for..... nothing?."Ophis asked emotionlessly still stuffing her mouth full of food, her expression blank.

Haile stopped eating, looking at her strangely.'Did she figure out something?.'Even with this thought he still said."How is it for nothing, you can help me get stronger and you still have to serve me till I regain your silence for you."He continued eating while still looking at her.

."You...can get strong without me...and...just because I said I will serve you doesn't mean I'll do anything."Ophis said still with the same expression.

Haile had a thought, maybe he can use this moment to gain some advantages, he chose his words carefully."I just want to, is that enough for you, as you can see from your appearance you are just a little girl, or so I thought at that point in time, you just reminded me of my own little sister, I didn't get to do anything for her before it was to late, so I decided on the spot in a moment of emotion to give the love, to you."He said with emotion in his eyes looking at her, after some thought, he decided this was the best route, he can't possibly win over an ancient emotionless beast through normal mean.

Ophis froze and a rare frown appeared on her face before quickly vanishing regaining her usual look."I see."She said slowly.

."See I am also gaining something out of this so you don't have to worry, I will help you out in exchange, I'm really pitiful aren't i."Haile said releasing a depressed sigh.

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Ophis without saying anything nodded her head.

Haile's lip twitched.'Just how emotionless is this dragon, couldn't she had said some nice words or something, was it because of her long years alone that she is like this, just can't relax amongst people, guess it must be hard being a dragon God, either someone wants to use you or they want Nothing to do with you, it seems I am no different."He thought to himself deep, but he doesn't mind it, he had already done alot to survive so it doesn't really bother him.

In the past world he ate his own best friend to survive, his only true friend, though it was willingly, he was still trapped in depression as his situation back then was kinda similar to ophis either people wanted to get close to him to use him or they didn't want anything to do with his existence, that's why they killed him.

As he was thinking to here his thoughts was interrupted by ophis and the pressure on his lap.

."All right."

Ophis had sit on his lap, Haile was stunned speechless."What?."He didn't even know what to say.

Ophis looked up Emotionlessly at him."Deal, big brother."Was all she said.

Haile's eyeball began to twitch."Aren't you dragons supposed to have some extra special pride, trying to give me a heartattack, don't you have any dignity?."He ask still in shock, he never expected this to happen, this was happening to fast, he took a deep breath calm down returning to his usual state of mind.

."Dignity?."Ophis said tilting her head cutely.

Haile raised another eye brow."Are you playing with me?.'Would anyone believe this situation, she is so much more powerful than him, she obviously doesn't have to do this, was she that lonely or was his words that effective, doesn't she have the khaos brigade.

He shook his head deciding to just go along with it.

."Well if you want to play it, I'll take care of you."He said hugging her body and started pating her head.

Ophis stiffened up instantly, at his touch, then slowly began to relax, it was still a little strange so she ate his food to distract herself.


*5 minutes later*

After finishing up the food, Haile got up with ophis, he show her to the bathroom so she can bathe first before him.

.'Does she even need to bathe though, has she ever bathe is the next question.'Haile rubbed his chin in thought.

She went in and came out 10 minutes later dry, she walked up to him."Help me big brother."Ophis held his hand and said monotonous.

Haile just gave her a deadpan look.'Well I won't be shy then if you want to go this far.'He thought, though he doesn't know why she is going so far, why should he care, if she wants to kill him she doesn't need to plot so what should he worry about.

He let her pull him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them.


*3 minutes later*

They were now both naked relaxing in the bathtub, ophis was sit on his lap with the same monotonous face but was fidgeting every now and then, Haile was sitting behind her looking off into space blankly, well not really he was actually checking out his statistics.....



TITLE:Supreme General, Traverser

RACE:Human(God 10%)



CLASS:High, High Class

COMBAT STRENGTH:low Ultimate Class


ABILITIES:Refine, Absorb energy.

MAGIC SPELLS:Concentration magic

It seems fighting can help refine his Divine energy as well, it went from 0.05 to 10 after just one spar with ophis, the pressure from fighting a Dragon God was something else.

His strength even went up to High, High Class from Low, High Class, it was truly smart of him to make that deal, though he'll have to make enemies of another Dragon God, it will be worth it in the future, ophis very present is a huge backing, he is currently not powerful enough to stand on his own like in the other world but with ophis only a handful of people can still kill him, two of them being God kings of major mythologies namely Shiva the God Of Destruction and Indura the King Of Heaven.

Thinking of all the beings that can kill him made him a little uncomfortable but he steeled himself and a golden light flash in his eyes.

.'Very soon I will rule Supreme once again.'

Ophis as if she felt something glanced back at him with blank eyes.

He smiled and patted her head still in thought not really paying her any mind.

After 5 more minutes they got out and dried off each other as ophis wanted to dry him so he dried her also, he then put on his sleeping clothes.

After getting dressed he looked back and saw her still naked then realized.

."Sorry ophis I don't have any female clothes, Mmm you probably have to make do with one of my shirts unless you want to put back on the clothes you had on before."He said offering her one of his shirts it was a plain white shirt.

She took the shirt from his and put it on, but because it was his shirt it completely shallowed her but made her look extra small.

."Hh hahaha."He laughed a bit looking her.'Her appearance and her expression is such a contradiction, she looks so cute but is so cold on the inside guess she really is a reptile.

They soon arrived at the bedroom, they both stood and looked at the bed in silence, then he broke the silence.

."Since you are my guest I can't have you sleeping on the couch so, You can go ahead and have my bed, I don't want to push it to far."Haile said decided that was best.

Ophis went to the bed and lied down on the pillow making herself comfortable.

Haile nodded at her and turn to leave but froze at what she said.

."Come."She just said one word, leaving no room for argument with her commanding tone.

He frown at her tone but wasn't angry he didn't let ego cloud his mind from the fact that she can turn his ass to ashes in an instant.

."Are you sure, are you really willing to go this far?."Haile asked her, was she really serious.

."Come."She said again but this time with a softer tone.

He sighed and walk to the bed after turning off the light, that even he doesn't know how it works without electricity in a forest.

He got in the bed and lied down awkwardly, not because he's shy or can't handle women but because he knows his limits, the woman he is in bed with is a all mighty Dragon God that can breathe his life away at any moment, he wants a little rest from risking his life, it would be a shame to die for a stupid reason like accidentally touching her in a weird place.

Ophis not caring for his plight climb closer to him and layed her back against him, laying for a moment then reached over taking his hand and putting it around herself, to keep her warm which is weird since she is to powerful to get cold from ordinary cold.

Haile didn't say anything, cause since she doesn't mind it, he will relax himself and enjoy his sleep, he squeezed her tighter and said.

."Goodnight love you little sister."

Ophis open her eyes for a moment then close them again not saying anything.


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