Supreme Hybrid

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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São Paulo is a Brazilian state in the Southeast region. It is the most populous federation unit in the country, with 46 million people, and it is also home to the city with the highest concentration of inhabitants in Brazil, which is its capital.

The year 2013 was one of Aron's most defining moments, something happened that made Aron question his life.

It was like cotton candy was stuck in her throat, the feeling was unbearable. Aron couldn't take it anymore and wanted to scream, it was as if every piece of him wanted to rip into a thousand pieces.

Aron didn't know when he got home and how. All he remembers is that he was at his best friend's 18th birthday party. But what he did after drinking the third beer was unknown to him.


It was killing him inside, the pain, the heat in his body, it was all agonizing. It was a worse feeling than when you want to cry but can't, he dug his nails into the mattress as he tried to bear the pain he was feeling.

Suddenly, he managed to scream...


At least he thought he screamed until he heard a howl, it was terrifying, he could have sworn he tried to scream, so why did a howl come out?

When entered the bathroom, he turned on the shower in very hot water, naked, he looked at how his body was changed, he was feeling stronger, how could he continue to take a shower, he turned off the shower and went to the mirror, he was amazed at what he was seeing, he was louder, he felt something strange.

In his mouth, there were canine type teeth very abnormal what is happening. As he put his hand over his mouth, he noticed that his fingernails were getting longer and he got dizzy leaning on the sink, so it just split in half.

Aron was disoriented, he couldn't just go to a hospital because of it, he didn't want to become some kind of lab rat.

Despite that, he still wanted to go for a walk. He needed to wait, and get his thoughts in order, staying at home would drive him even crazier.

Soon he left his apartment and locked the door.

As he walked along the sidewalk, he felt himself being watched, then he noticed that all his senses were stronger.

It didn't take long for him to see two boys who were always bullying him.

At that moment, his body shuddered in a state of fury and rage as they approached and began to do their usual.

One of them said "hence silly~" and gave him a shove.

The blood boiled when the other approached, instinctively he lifted his hand and pushed him with an ease that the boy soon fell with his mouth open.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you do that to Alexandre?!?" The other yelled furiously, despite being amazed at the strength, at that moment he just thought it was some sort of luck, as he was used to making others fear him, not the other way around.

"Shut up!" However, Aron was not like before, the anger he felt was something that was difficult to control as he did before, when the other got close, he just wanted to push, however, intentional or not, the force he used was still stronger than before, thus causing the boy to be thrown even further than Alexander.


The body dropped with a loud thud.

Both boys were feeling like they'd been run over.

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"Damn, how did he get so strong?" Alexandre could barely think, he had to work hard to get a seat on the asphalt floor, let alone get up.

Meanwhile, a couple passing by saw the two boys. Perhaps out of embarrassment, at knowing the couple, the two boys gathered the strength they had and ran, but not before yelling, "Aron, you're fucked!"

Aron scratched his head in confusion. Yes, he'd heard it before, but it was never addressed to him. It was a strange feeling, but it wasn't a bad feeling. They say that nothing is solved by violence, but in that moment, he felt genuinely happy.

But, of course, that only lasted for a while, until the adrenaline he was feeling was replaced by the pain from before.

Cursing in his mind, Aron resumed walking as he thought.

In his mind, it looked as if the editor of life had taken the last two days and cut it up and thrown it into space. He struggled to try to remember what happened, maybe find some clue as to why he was this way, but it ended up being useless.



Aron didn't know how long he was walking outside and when he realized, he had already returned.

'Although not much, the pain is more bearable...' He went to the mirror. In the reflection, he could still see the fangs.


Sighing, he walked into the kitchen. He remembered that it had been hours since he woke up and he hadn't eaten anything.

The walk to the kitchen wasn't very long. Because her apartment wasn't big, with just a small room, a bathroom that only had space for a shower, a toilet, and a sink, it was practically a step to get to the next room.

What might be a little surprising, is that despite being so small, the balcony was a bit big. This, for him who lives alone, was a good thing, since he himself had to wash his clothes and put them to dry.

When he opened the fridge, what he saw were various industrial products such as frozen lasagna, pizza, noodles with ground beef, etc.

His time was short, and he was always tired. Despite knowing how to cook, it was tiring to do it after returning from work, because of that, he ate a lot of industrial stuff. Not a healthy diet, but it was better than starving.

After baking a whole 1-kilo lasagna. He was still hungry, and even when he drank two liters of soda, he was still thirsty...

Worse still, he now looked like a pregnant woman with desire, thinking of flesh filled with blood, making him even more hungry.

'I've never liked rare meat, why am I having this crazy craving for it?'

It was weird. Honestly, he could only blame the change that was happening to him. For a few moments he even thought he was going to become some kind of bloodthirsty vampire, but when he came out earlier, the sun didn't affect him, not even when the two boys from before bled, it didn't arouse any mad need for blood.

Of course, that was a good thing. It would be ridiculous to wake up and leave the house and die from the sun. Or even end up committing cannibalism in the middle of the street and getting arrested for it.

As he thought, he had already closed the door to his apartment after taking his wallet and heading out again.

Although he didn't know why he had this crazy urge to eat rare meat, he succumbed to the urge and went shopping with the remaining money he had.

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