Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 11: Chapter 9 – Cleaning the dungeon III

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Half an hour into what happened with Nick, we were already heading deeper into the ruins and the mood in the group became seemingly calm once again. But the friction between Nick and me was already very evident, which was quite different with Robert, who seemed to ignore my presence.

Robert, who I had to cover for being in the rear, approached me.

"Be careful from now on, they usually never come up from behind, but that doesn't mean it's impossible."

Nodding at his words, I replied smoothly.

"Don't worry, rest assured that nothing will go wrong while I'm here"

The formation was still Nick and Veronica up front holding off the creatures, Maria in the middle providing support while Robert from afar dealing ranged damage with me covering his back.

On the other hand, I was very surprised by Maria's abilities because her main weapon consisted of a melee staff, but she was extremely versatile in regards to her techniques, which were based on nature, even mistaking her for a mage.

He could basically grow plants and trees to use in different ways, he had both defensive and offensive techniques, not to mention he also had a healing technique.

Without major complications she could occupy any role that is required.

One could easily consider Maria as mother nature for her incredible talent to create life, and at the same time being a naturally opposite talent to mine...

Shaking my head to clear such thoughts, I concentrated on noticing any anomalies in the ruins.

The creatures that started coming out from the moment we entered the ruins were considerably stronger than the ones we had encountered before. We are talking about skeletons, ghosts or any of the Undead type, mostly F rank as opposed to G rank forest creatures.

"They are getting closer, the horde is several times bigger than the previous ones"

With Maria warning the group, it didn't take long for the others to get into position.

Oh, she's not lying, it's an incredibly large horde and I can feel them approaching from quite a distance. As for how she knew that, I guessed that it is due to her specialization with nature, although this place is in ruins, there are trees and plants in many places on this site.

"This is possibly the last horde to clean up, don't be overwhelmed by the numbers and remember the formation"

While Nick was talking nonsense, the undead started to surround us due to the sheer number of the horde, almost all of them were within F rank.

When the creatures were close enough, Veronica was the first to move with her scythe cutting everything in her path and thus, starting the battle.

Maria began to make the plants grow until they became trees by building obstacles that made it easier for her companions to fight, with Robert making the most of this by using his sniper to cause damage and, if possible, finish off the undead within reach.

Everyone is too busy to notice me and on top of that, there are so many that even some started to approach me from the rear, the battle might take some time.

“This is perfect for me”

Muttering that, Nihila who was on my back quickly removed the blindfold and the key on the floor.

Although he had been practicing a little bit before entering the ruins, it was mainly because he wanted to observe the process closely, but that didn't mean he couldn't do it on a large scale. Being the ones approaching me rather slow, I began to channel a considerable amount of mana and compress it into my palm.

My next action was to project that orb of compressed mana towards one of the undead causing it to crash into him, sending him flying a few meters back, but it wasn't enough to kill him...

Well, I couldn't expect much from such a low-level technique, so I thought of something else. Closing in on another undead fairly quickly and grabbing his chest hard enough to make him jerk. The next thing was to try to do the same but with the mana inside his body, however…

"Wow, despite your pathetic appearance you turned out to be stronger than you seem"

After having said that, what had been my impression about the resistance that the mana opposed me within its nucleus, which allows me to understand that it is not the same to manipulate the mana inside a person than in comparison to the one that is in the air free.

My control over mana should have been very poor or completely impossible when it came to the mana within a person's core.

So pushing the undead a couple of meters away from me, I recharged mana in my palm and instead of throwing him away, I approached him and buried the compressed mana orb in his head with my hand to see what would happen...

And much to my surprise, this time not only did I manage to push him away, but the point-blank impact caused his head to explode.

'Excellent, now I understand this better, I have achieved a complete process'

Was what I thought before I could feel something small approaching my direction at an impressive speed, but without disturbing in the least, I decided not to move because I already knew what it was and where it intended to hit.

It turned out to be a sniper bullet, and I just watched in slow motion how it traveled dangerously a couple of centimeters from my hundred hitting one of the undead that was already very close to me.

It was when the undead fell that I heard a scream in the distance.


That had been Robert yelling, causing him to draw the attention of the rest of the group and thus, causing panic.

Well, it's not like I didn't notice, but I was completely surrounded by 15+ undead, it seemed like I was totally finished with no hope of getting out alive.

However, I knew that wasn't the case and what happened was that I was too focused on checking the extent of my control over mana to be distracted by creatures that didn't represent any danger to me.

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Also, it already sounded repetitive to mention it, but clearing the entire dungeon by simply using my martial arts was not something impossible for me.

Although of course, my insignificant situation was a totally different matter in the perspective of the members of my group.

Several seconds had already passed, but when I made up my mind to move to grab Nihila and clean this whole place up, something happened that I never would have expected.

The ground began to shake, I immediately noticed a peculiar mana but that I knew very well traveling and expanding everywhere, it was Maria's mana...


Maria's desperate scream caused me to instinctively turn my head to look at her, and what surprised me is that she really wasn't in danger, but the next thing I saw was how all the undead around me ended up in the grip of nature. that began to emerge from the ground and subsequently strangling the undead until they were destroyed.

By this time, he was completely enclosed in a kind of dome of trees and plants due to the aggressiveness with which that magic attacked.

After that outburst, she began to stagger absolutely pale until she fell to her knees.

Robert who realized this, ran towards her to protect her while the other two hurried their way to kill the last remaining undead and which was not more than 5.

'That girl is amazing'

Having those kinds of thoughts again, it took me a while to free myself from that dome of trees that had come up from the ground to protect me and once I did, I walked to where Nihila was to pick her up before going to where Maria was.

Since there were no more of those creatures in the rear or on the sides, it didn't take more than 2 minutes for Veronica and Nick to finish off the few that were left and then move to where Maria was. So when I was getting closer, the group was practically next to Maria.

Veronica who was elated holding her cousin who had passed out from mana depletion.

"Maria! Why did this happen?!”

Robert, who was also crouched down worrying about Maria's condition, was quick to spit.

“It's that stupid guy's fault! I warned you not to be reckless!”

Getting up and moving over to where I was, he grabbed his gun and pointed it right at my face.

"If you hadn't been playing around you wouldn't have been surrounded and Maria wouldn't have panicked trying to save your ass!"

'So now it's my fault, huh'

Was what I thought remaining indifferent, but Nick approached him.

“Robert, I understand what you are going through, but you should calm down, Maria just needs to rest and you will get in trouble if you continue this, remember that murder is a crime even inside a dungeon”

Robert's hand began to shake as he held the gun...

Look at trash, even if you could happen to land a shot in my head, you wouldn't do anything but tickle me...

It was what she wanted to tell him, but she also didn't want to make the situation worse and that she was certainly already sensitive enough about what Nick had mentioned. In fact, I was surprised that Nick acted rationally, I guess sometimes he was able to use his head.

Then he moved to Robert's side and glared at me.

“We will take him to the guild so that he pays and justice is done”

Ok, I take back what I said...

I understand the fact that it was reckless not to tell them about my true strength, however, it didn't make any difference that I had told them because they would never believe me.

Furthermore, they kept me out of action the entire trip without being able to object and causing me to have a chance to demonstrate my abilities only until this very last moment, but even when that moment magically arrived…

How the hell could I know that this girl would react that way when she saw me in danger?

"It's enough"

With a cold voice that echoed throughout the room, Veronica gently placed Maria on top of a blanket that she took from her bracelet, and then addressed me.

I can tell she's very angry, even her mana is overflowing and I absolutely know what she's planning to do...

- blah!

“My father will know about this”

Was what he said after slapping me.

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