Surviving Like a Devil

Chapter 2: FOREWORD

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"How fragile can this world be?" muttering to myself.

Since its creation, it has been attacked non-stop, and this time, as expected, it is attacked again. Although I am mentally exhausted from this situation, as one of the most influential people in this world, I cannot sit idly by and do nothing.

I am currently sitting at a desk in a large room analyzing the different reports that my assistant gives me.

All races stopped fighting each other and have come together again to fight against a common threat, this time, the rise of a Demon King and his ambition for world domination with a trail of destruction left in his wake.

The emergence of a Demon King is not new at all, it has already happened 2 times in the past, but his appearance implied a great change in the world, so we should always prepare for the worst.

Interrupting my thoughts, my assistant tells me.

"Mr. Headmaster, sorry to bother you, Duke Wilson is waiting outside.”

"About time, bring him in, I need to talk to him in private so make sure no one bothers us."

"Understood Mr. Director."

Since I was appointed Director 30 years ago, I have been constantly working to educate the younger generation in a good way so that the future would have fewer wars, but unfortunately I have not had much luck.

Despite the fact that technology has advanced, the difference in social classes is only maintained within all nations and races, some blamed this on the appearance of mana in our world 400 years ago, because, in addition, it was when the first ascended Demon King and 200 years later was when the second Demon King ascended also appearing the other races in our world.

This is especially true because the governments of the world were organized according to the most powerful people, specifically those blessed by mana, mana itself is an energy that allows the use of extraordinary abilities such as the control of Fire, Ice, Rays etc. Since this is the situation, today it all boils down to 'rule by the strongest'.

After a few minutes will pass in the hall until a tired looking man enters.

“Wilson, my friend, how have you been? Is the situation still serious?

When I called out to him, Wilson took a seat in front of my desk, taking a deep breath and opening his mouth.

"I fear it is worse than we estimated. The armies of the Demon King have resumed their attacks simultaneously on all nations, the orcs and beastmen have suffered the greatest casualties, while the elves, dwarves have locked themselves in their citadels." , though because of that they finally decided to let humans into the alliance.”

Well, not everything turned out to be bad, until recently, the other races looked down on us for our little affinity with mana, plus the human nations were almost always at war even at times like this, they didn't trust us enough , but due to my efforts and those of some of my friends, we have been able to change their view of us.

"Lucas, the human nations, both the Holy Empire of Drilon and the Kingdom of Krusugia have not given it much importance, but the Leonian Republic has decided to participate and support us in the human representation in the great alliance, so it will be a matter of of time so that the delegation of the republic travels until the academy and we can reconfigure the organization that will attend the next meeting of the great alliance”.

By then, Wilson had calmed down, but I could see that he's a bit stiff and there's some concern on his face so I reply.

"That is good news Wilson, it seems that our sacrifice was not entirely in vain, but it seems that there is something that you have not told me, is there a situation?"

After looking at me for several seconds, he sighs.

“Actually, there are 2 situations, there have been complications on the border, both the Republic of Leonia and the Kingdom of Krusugia are the only ones that share a border with the demon territory, despite being small, compared to the other races. , the forces of the demons has not been a joke and regarding the other situation…”.

I couldn't help but frown.

“Is there something else? What could it be?"

"Actually, there have been strange energy fluctuations in one of the Kingdom of Krusugia's territories, but it is quite powerful, sinister, and demonic in nature according to the sensors."

"It could be that a dungeon is opening, but it's demonic energy, it's not common at all, could it be an attack from the demons?"

Although something like this has never happened before, we can't rule anything out, at least not after what happened with the arrival of the Second Demon King.

I think it would be wise to check it out, we can't afford to turn a blind eye to a situation like this, especially when it comes to demons.

"It's likely, but I have a feeling it's something else, my knight order went to guard because it's close to the territories I manage, but after the last check where the energy meters exploded, I ordered its evacuation and restrict the area" .

"We'd better get going right there before we go support the border."

Luke, are you sure? the situation on the border is delicate, according to intelligence they have sighted up to 4 Demon Lords and even one of the Demons of the Apocalypse”.

You are certainly right, the situation is quite complex, more if one of those demons of the apocalypse are present, one of them is capable of reducing a human city to ashes if it is not treated properly since they are classified as SSS rank , although their appearances are Extraordinarily rare since they follow direct orders from the Demon King himself.

On the other hand, the demon lords are usually from A to SS rank, they have their own nobility and it is established based on their strength, but both the kingdom and the Republic that have had experience fighting against them, do not represent so much problem, besides that reports indicate that they are currently accompanied by the Order of the Holy Inquisition.

But anyway I still think that we can't go without first reviewing the situation with these strange fluctuations, because if the attack on the border is a distraction, it could result in an even greater evil, they would have a free path deep into the human domain...

"I'm definitely sure, let's go."

…      …      …

We rushed to the place where the intense fluctuations of demonic energy were manifesting, according to Wilson it was in a secluded forest, and without looking much we began to feel the fluctuations in the distance.

It was just as he told me, the site was in a specific cave inside the forest, it's right where one would think a dungeon would appear, it's just that the fact that demonic energy emanates is not normal at all.

Wilson who was next to me with an incredibly serious expression turns to me.

"Lucas, this looks really bad, something has definitely changed, can you feel that?"

Intrigued by the situation, I stop and look at Wilson again.

“If I can feel it, there is something inside… and it seems that it has become aware of our presence.”

We both realized instantly that these "fluctuations" were coming from a rift in space inside the cave and it wasn't like those clashes in space-time where our world and the other world's dungeon come together.

But instead of a dungeon, it appears that what he brought was a demon, one whose strength should not be underestimated, should at least be a Duke rank Demon Lord.

But at that moment, everything began to shake violently due to an exponential increase in energy coming from the cave, since the demon that was inside began to move towards our location and although it was only the two of us, we stayed strong, not for nothing. the human world considered us geniuses.

However... it's too much force...

All the mana that was in the environment quickly escaped at an incredible speed as if it was running away in fear, what is coming, I find no comparison with what I am feeling right now, it is not strong like one of those ranged demon lords Duke as I thought and minus one of the demons of the apocalypse... it's as if the apocalypse itself is here.

I quickly told Wilson.

"Get ready, in the worst case, we could have to face the right hand of the demon king or the demon king himself, the energy that emanates exceeds that of any other creature I have seen in my life"

Wilson didn't take long to answer me, both he and I were sweating.

"Damn, no need to tell me, why of all places did it have to be precisely in the Human domain and at this time?"

It didn't take long for whatever was in the cave to come out and present itself to us, and just as we had predicted, if it turned out to be a demon, it's just... it's not like any demon we've seen...

A monstrous figure, with 4 wings, wavy horns, a height of almost half a meter taller than the average human height, his skin was like molten black metal, he does not stare as with empty eyes as if they had been consumed by the eternal fire of the abyss, seemed to escape his vision and also exuded a colossal aura of Destruction and Chaos.

Its appearance… it is not at all similar to the demons we already know, the demons tend to be similar to humans or elves only, with grayish skin and horns, but what is in front of us, I can only define it as a true scene taken from the same hell.

But it doesn't matter so much if they look alike or not, the fact is that he emanates demonic energy, he is unmistakably a demon, another demonic race or were the demons hiding this from us?

'This is not good at all.'

It was what I thought as I stood in front of him as I began to accumulate the mana to activate my abilities, Wilson understood my intentions.

"Even if I die here, I don't plan on scaring me to death here, I'll die fighting to the end."

Wilson soon unsheathed a greatsword from his back that he had brought with him and charged at the demon with all his might like lightning. The demon was unfazed by our clearly hostile stance, but what happened next surprised both Wilson and me.

The moment Wilson disappeared and reappeared on top of the demon at incredible speed aiming his greatsword to cut the demon in 2, but the demon just raised his hand as if to receive the sword and a few inches before the sword arrived, he stopped dead in midair, as if there was an invisible wall between him and the demon.

Just then, the next thing that happened was that Wilson was thrown into a nearby tree, I could tell that he was still alive and barely conscious, plus his greatsword was completely shattered into thousands of pieces.

Witnessing this I couldn't help but tense up, mainly because the demon had only moved his hand and the rest... I'm not sure, but it was as if he had never moved from his spot.

Minutes passed after I got into a defensive position to fight the demon, but he didn't do anything, just watched us lightly, until Wilson was able to stand up after recovering from the blow. However, something happened that we did not expect.

"Do not fear Humans, I have not come to destroy you."

The demon had spoken in an unbelievably deep and unnerving voice that caused chills.

If it wasn't for the calm way I speak, I might think that he's trying to trick us or just making fun of us, but there were already many abnormal points in all of this, starting with the fact that he didn't look like a normal devil and that he his strength was absolutely enormous, our best option was to listen to what he had to say.

Wilson with a look told me that he was entrusting it to me, a moment later, the demon spoke again.

"My name is Omega, I come to ask you a favor".

Staying calm, I couldn't help but frown slightly and thought 'a favor? With his strength, why should he ask us for a favor?'

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All of this is getting more and more strange, besides, right now I can only see him currently as a true Devil…

"Sorry, I don't understand" I replied.

The Demon didn't just watch and after a few seconds he answered.

"I don't have much time, but the longer I keep the dimensional rift open, the more risk falls on your world."

After hearing this it seems that everything is making sense, it is not from our world and definitely the demons we know have nothing to do with it or at least that is my assumption, I am still not sure, the best thing would be to ask what I know can.

“Okay, what's the favor? and why our world?

After having asked the demon, he did not take long to answer.

"This world is the best I have seen for human life, the favor I ask of you is to teach my son to live."

At that moment, the situation became weirder than it already was, and it seems that it's not all, I don't think I can back down, everything is getting out of my hands and at that moment Wilson spoke to the devil.

“We understand, but you are forgetting something, your son is a demon, isn't he? How do you think we can teach him to live? Furthermore, how do you trust that we won't kill him?"

Speak firmly and put in my valid points, I wouldn't be so opposed to this idea if I were at least human, but other than that, this world isn't very trustworthy, at least I don't know what their "prosperous world for life".

Beyond this, it seems impossible to me that we teach a demon to live, with everything that happens, it could rather bring panic to the human domain and who knows if something worse...

But my thoughts were interrupted by the same demon's voice that didn't seem affected by what I said, and just said.

"You will not kill him, I know you will not, I feel the goodness in your hearts and I can feel it clearly."

At this point Wilson and I looked at each other briefly and then looked back at the demon who spoke again.

"My son is not quite a demon, only half."

So it's half demon, eh? So what would the other half be? Human? But before I could speak Wilson beat me to it.

“Well, let's know that everything is fine, but you forget something, we don't know you. Why should we trust you?"

Although the question was valid but rather petty, the demon didn't answer right away, instead he was silent for like 5 minutes that seemed like hours until he abruptly raised his hand again and out of nowhere a huge sword appeared in it .

Then we thought that the demon had changed his mind and would become hostile to us, so we both placed ourselves in defensive postures again, however, the next thing we saw surprised us again, no, this time the blood ran from our faces .

The demon then raised the huge sword vertically with its hand, and then lowered it at a speed that our eyes couldn't catch, and at the same speed, a blast of demonic power shot out towards our direction, but it didn't aim at us, instead. Instead, it pointed behind us in an unclear direction.

Although it didn't matter because we already understood what he had done.

A panoramic landscape full of destruction, we do not know how far that attack went, but its magnitude was of apocalyptic proportions, what was a forest was reduced by half.

The blast of demonic power was as if lightning had passed through him and not content with it, the destruction it left behind was greater according to the distance it traveled only until it was lost on the horizon.

An attack that we could visualize and determine that, for him… erasing a city was nothing more than a bad joke and that it was as easy to do as breathing, then it was his voice that brought us out of his daze with something that baffled us.

"I guess that will be enough for me to earn your trust, but it's been long enough, time to leave this world."

Having said that, the demon holding his sword and looking at it as if it was his most valuable treasure in life, sticks it into the ground and then speaks again, but with a serious tone in his voice.

"Give this sword to my son when he grows old enough, the weapon only responds to my blood or that of my descendants so they should not fear that it will be dangerous in the wrong hands"

He then looks back at the cave for a full minute, then looks back at us once more.

"I'm not going back and for your own good, I will destroy the way our worlds connect, although unfortunately this is not the only way."

By the time he finished his sentence, the demon using his hands, as if grasping the space, opened it in two causing a fissure in the space that to our surprise the place wherever it was on the other side, emanated an infernal essence and radiated energy. endless devil. Without wasting time, the demon entered and immediately the fissure closed.

As the spatial fissure was sealed, we realized that all the demonic energy would have gone with it, as if nothing had happened.

It took us a while to catch our breath and get on our feet after having lived such an experience, Wilson was the first to speak

"Caring for your son, what a job."

It sounded absurd, to begin with, he didn't tell us where he was, but after seeing how the demon saw the cave before he left, presumably he's inside so don't delay in getting down to business.

"I'll go look for him, he'll surely be in the cave, help me with the sword, we'll have to keep it well."

"Sure Lucas, I just hope nothing happens to me when I take it, just seeing it makes me feel horrible."

It didn't take me long to find him inside the cave, but to my surprise, his appearance is practically that of a human, even... I could say that he is a human baby, no trace of the demon race could be noticed.

…      …      …

3 weeks later.

Wilson and I were again in my office room at the academy where we had begun to discuss various topics.

"Wilson, you really can't take him into your house?"

Wilson looked at me with an apologetic expression as he explained his reasons.

"No friend, I'm sorry I can't help you, but if I bring the new son without any explanation, it would only bring me problems, to begin with, my wife will think I cheated on her and I already have a daughter to take care of, besides it could bring me some problems with the other nobles that I prefer not to speak”.

I certainly can't throw that problem at him like that...

“I understand, although I will not be able to take care of him as I should either, as the director of the best international academy, my time is limited and giving him up for adoption to a family does not seem like a good idea, it is too unique and would immediately attract the attention of many people”

Not to mention that the boy is unable to feel mana, he is practically a baby since he is only 1 or 2 years old at the most, and what is worse, we do not know if his demonic energy could come out and unleash chaos in the future. .

Even though he's very small and hasn't woken up, I should be able to feel some mana in his body no matter how small it is, but I don't feel anything like that from him.

"Unique, you say? Well, to tell the truth, people with black hair are extremely rare, but it's not just his hair, but also his eyes are red, the boy's features are quite peculiar without a doubt, without a doubt." However, Lucas, even though I cannot take the boy to my ducal house, I can at least provide you with a place where he could live secluded and assign him some servants to take care of him.”

"That could be more than enough, I really appreciate it."

Well, this could be the best possible result, so I proceed to change the subject to a more delicate one.

“Friend, how has the situation been in the Krusugia Kingdom and the Leonian Republic on the border with the demons?”

Wilson takes a long breath and with a serious look passes me some newspapers and proceeds to turn on the TV where they talk about the incident.

Yes, chaos had broken out because of what had happened on the border and no one could explain it, but those who lived through it assured that it was real and there is proof that it was.

What had happened?

The fact was that the Devils army suffered one of the worst defeats the world has ever seen in these 15 years since the war against the Third Demon King began, 3 S-rank demon lords, one SS-rank demon lord and even an SSS rank apocalypse demon had died in an instant.

According to the people who had been present, they said that it was just before a great battle was to start when from one moment to another the entire battlefield trembled uncontrollably and the next thing they saw was how an infernal blast was devastating the entire demon army in He blinked without any chance to react in time, no one had expected it, not even an SSS rank apocalypse demon could expect such a thing.

The Demons were forced to withdraw after what happened, while panic and confusion were made in the human domain, an attempt was made to investigate the matter, but it was absurd to explain, the only thing there was as evidence was the wake of destruction left behind by burst of power from an unclear place in the forest to the battlefield on the border, fortunately, there was no city or town in between.

When Wilson and I first heard this news, we were pale and sweating profusely because we knew what had really happened, and like them, it was not something we would have expected.

As I turned down the volume on the TV, Wilson asked me.

"What kind of Devil did we meet that night?"

Honestly, I'm not even sure, even his cryptic messages were complex.

“I am not sure, from all my years studying and expanding my knowledge, this was beyond my expectations”

Even every time I think about his words and actions, everything is inconclusive, did he know everything? Did he attack the demons knowing that they were our enemies or did he just try to intimidate us? However, there is no point in thinking about this at the moment, so he did not delay in telling Wilson

"Anyway, we have a lot of work on our hands now, we have gained an advantage over the demons and a chance to pressure both the empire and the kingdom to collaborate in the alliance."

Wilson snapped out of his thoughts when he told her about it.

"Certainly Lucas, it's a good time to take advantage, and I think I have an idea that could be useful to us, let me tell you."

Despite the very strange overall picture we found ourselves in, I think we can conclude that nothing went wrong and as for the boy, only time will tell…

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