Swarming Sovereignty

Chapter 57: Chapter 53: Ira

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Lia stopped in her tracks, holding up a hand to signal the others to stop. She, Rose, Mia, Chrys, and Camellia had struck out as a small team to apprehend the beast, and had been following the trail of recently-regrown trees from above. Yet…now that Lia was looking more closely, the trail of regrowth stopped further ahead, but she couldn’t see the monster.

What is it? Rose asked telepathically.

I smell blood. Lia replied. It’s very faint, but some sort of battle took place up ahead. I can’t see further, because of that stupid hill, but…given what we know about this thing, shouldn’t we be able to see it over that?

Yes. Camellia thought. While she couldn’t speak telepathically, if Lia focused hard enough, she could make out what was going on in any of the swarm members’ heads, at least if they weren’t actively trying to hide it from her. So, Lia was acting as a relay between the group, so they wouldn’t have to make unnecessary noise.

Camellia says yes. Lia relayed. I think something’s happened.

Mia silently gripped her sword. Let’s proceed with caution, then.

Lia relayed that to the others, and they carefully crested the hill, bringing the beast into full view.

Or its corpse, anyway. Sitting on top of its neck was what Lia could only assume was a vampire, sucking away at the creature’s blood.

Still, Lia only assumed it was a vampire because she had, briefly, seen Amelia take a similar form; it was hunched, deformed, and ugly, with each part of the body twisted to resemble that of a bat while still remaining somewhat humanoid. It was something vampires apparently didn’t like to show, a more primal part of themselves that they brought out only when they needed the boost of power it gave.

The creature snapped its head around, whirling to face the group. Its gaze was almost feral, and was filled with a profound malevolence that made Lia shiver involuntarily. It slowly stood up, an audible cracking accompanying the movement. And soon the vampire had returned to a more…civilized form.

But the eyes were the same. His clothing, though clearly once a fine uniform, had become ragged and torn, a single tarnished medal pinned to the lapel indicating that he had been in some military or other.

The vampire jumped, a smooth, almost languid motion that nevertheless propelled it the few hundred feet to land right in front of the group. “People. It has been…much too long.” His voice lacked emotion, but his eyes spoke only of raw hatred. “What country has sent you?”

Lia floundered, unsure how to respond. Did she attempt to just convert the man and ask questions later? He was obviously hostile, but hadn’t yet attacked, Lia wasn’t sure if her attempt would be met with immediate retaliation and almost certain death. Assuming he was the one that had killed the monster, that was.

But she didn’t have to, because Rose got there first. “I-Ira?” She croaked. “Is that you?”

The vampire frowned. “Do I know you?” He asked, looking Rose up and down. “No, I don’t believe I do. You weren’t one of my soldiers, were you?”

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Ira…where had Lia heard that name before? It nagged away at the edge of her awareness, but she couldn’t quite figure it out, not in this situation. She had other things to be worrying about.

“I…so, you are Ira.” Rose said. “I…it’s me, Reuben, the Ruby Emperor. Check my Status, you’ll see.”

Ira’s gaze hardened “Excuse me?” He said, anger creeping into his tone. “I…” He trailed off, clearly examining Rose in detail. “Curious. It would appear you are.”

“Why are you out here, Ira?” Rose asked. “Did you kill that?”

“Yes, I killed that. I had been raising it for quite some time. Unfortunately, it appears to have been a failure. As for why I’m out here, I chose to be.”

And suddenly, Lia remembered. Ira had been one of the Ruby Emperor’s close aides, and after the assassination, had left society in disgust, headed towards the Spine. He had been presumed dead, but it appeared…it appeared he had survived.

“After the assassination, I had decided it was not worth living in a world without you.” He said. “I came here to die. And yet…yet I didn’t. I wanted to die in battle, having spent my all to defeat a foe, yet…each fight I found I emerged victorious. And, as the years proceeded and the fights became easier, I decided.

“I will bring ruin to the world that scorned you. I will grow in power, and at the moment of their triumph, I will descend and bring upon them the consequences of their actions. I will have vengeance.”

“I…I don’t want that, Ira.” Rose said quietly. “It is enough that you are alive.”

Ira’s gaze hardened. “You are not the man I once knew.” He said. “And not because of…this.” He gestured at Rose’s body dismissively.

“She fought to protect people, why would she ever want society ruined?” Lia asked. “Think about it!”

“I did not give you permission to speak.” Ira said. He stepped over to Lia and then, casually, thrust an open palm into her gut. There was a sharp pain as something bit into her, and then Ira withdrew his palm, as if nothing had happened. The lingering force of the blow sent Lia stumbling backwards, strength leaving her body. A sharp pain began to radiate from the site of the blow, and Lia could feel herself starting to lose consciousness.

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