Sweet Alpha

Chapter 15: 14

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Ch14 - Playback Session

You can change here, it is all the same.

Editor: MinMin 

Ryan’s head only reached 173 cm, so when he was being held in Chu Yuwen’s 189 cm size, he looked very delicate and tiny. He was only seventeen, still in the process of growing. Omegas’ height was generally shorter than that of alphas and betas, so much so that it would make anyone feel tenderness towards them.

The youth held on to the young man’s waist for a long time. When he looked up, he appeared to be aware of his rudeness, as a blush crept up his cheeks. He hurriedly took a step back, bowed his head, and nervously said, “I am sorry, mister. I got too excited.”



He took a peek before quickly looking back at the ground. “I have been waiting for your return.”

The moment his arms were empty, a faint sense of loss also arose in Chu Yuwen’s heart. He took off his coat, hung it on the back of the chair, and turned to the boy. “Have you been waiting for long?” 

“…Yes.” Ryan whispered, “I wanted to have dinner with you.”


Chu Yuwen’s hands, which were removing the gloves, paused. “You have not eaten yet?”

His razor-sharp eyes swept over the housekeeper as if asking what was going on.

It was not possible for the servants not to provide food. The people he employed at the mansion were not the ones who do different things on the surface and behind the scenes. He could not tolerate two-faced, three knives people.


When Joel received the Marshal’s curious gaze, his heart sped up. “Madam said he would wait for your return to eat together…”

Chu Yuwen’s voice was a degree colder, “Why did you fail to inform me of this?”

He asked Joel to keep an eye on Ryan’s every move, which was to monitor the boy and let him know first if anything happened to Ryan.


Joel was speechless for a moment. He misjudged Ryan’s position in the Lord Marshal’s heart. He thought… Ryan was just a spy, a plaything, and an enemy who could be disposed of at any time. 

Joel told the truth, “I thought it was not important enough.”

Ryan’s face instantly turned pale.

The housekeeper was the most trusted assistant of the Lord Marshal, so his attitude represented the Marshal’s true attitude toward him.

Lord Marshal… believed he was not important enough. 

The youth lowered his eyes, and his body trembled as if he were very sad.

This pale and frail appearance would make anyone wish they could hold the youth in their arms and treasure him carefully, not letting the boy suffer any harm.

Chu Yuwen’s first reaction was to turn to Ryan. But when he saw that the youth was silently biting his lips and lightly trembling, Chu Yuwen felt an ache in his heart.

He was feeling distressed. 

He softened his voice, “Ryan.”

Ryan hastily raised his head and tried to pretend as if nothing was wrong. “Ryan knows that mister is very busy with work, and those are much more important than Ryan. It was Ryan’s fault for being so childish. I will not… make these requests again in the future.”


Afterward, the boy showed a thoughtful and gentle smile, but his eyes were slightly red with grievances.

The little fellow might not be aware that, in his thoughtful pretending, his voice was trembling with sorrow. 

After an alpha marked an omega, the alpha would become protective of the omega, and the omega would become dependent on the alpha. Especially in the seven days after marking, both parties almost could not leave each other’s sides, as even one second apart would feel unbearable, so they would cling to each other all day long.

The scientific explanation was that the blending of pheromones between an alpha and an omega would produce a reaction, secreting some kind of dopamine, which made both parties only have eyes for one another for a short period of time.

Since Yan Weiliang was not a real omega, he would not develop this so-called dependence on Chu Yuwen, and Chu Yuwen would not give birth to any protectiveness over him. Their pheromones would only collide and fight.

However, Yan Weiliang continued to be completely reliant on him. 

Chu Yuwen was single for twenty-eight years. Before that, he had a frigid personality because his nose could not pick up any of the omega pheromones. He perceived it as a problem on his part that he did not feel strongly protective of Ryan. Now, on second thought, he actually left an omega, who just got marked and needed company all the time, alone at home all day. He was simply a big fat alpha scum.

Chu Yuwen did not feel a sense of pity for the young man, but he took the small hand. “Do not dwell on this. You are the master of this family. Nothing is more important than you.”

Ryan was both surprised and pleased.

A smile spilled from his lips. Ryan was obviously very happy and surprised. 

Chu Yuwen looked at such a bright smile and suddenly felt that his mood had improved as well.

They went upstairs hand in hand, leaving Joel to sigh.

It seemed that he needed to re-evaluate this new madam’s position. The Lord Marshal appeared to be… enchanted by the enemy.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf obegat oibbg, vlclcu gbbw.

The table had been set with a sumptuous dinner of eight major Chinese cuisines that looked very fresh and delicious.

Szmfqa atfs kfgf mbiv.

Esjc tegglfvis reuufrafv, “Qf pera cffv ab kjgw atfw eq.” Lf vlv cba wlcv fjalcu mbiv vlrtfr, yea tf mbeiv cba ifa Obgv Zjgrtji fja mbiv vlrtfr jibcu klat tlw. 

Jte Tekfc bgvfgfv, “Gfqbrf bo atfw jcv rfgnf cfk bcfr.”

Esjc kjr rtbmxfv, “Prc’a atja abb kjrafoei?”


“The servants will eat them,” Chu Yuwen reassured.

After the food was heated for the second time, some of the original taste would be lost. Ryan grew up in the Fourth District, eating with various families and never having a good life. Chu Yuwen wanted to give him the best. 

Lord Marshal, who did not have a single idea on how to dote on a person, was acting so gently that anyone would want to give in.

… Unfortunately, what he was up against was Yan Weiliang, whose heart was colder.

Ryan lowered his eyes and said with a smile, “Okay.”


Under Chu Yuwen’s order, the chef was very efficient, and the steaming food was quickly brought to the table.

Now there are specialized cooking robots available that could make delicious meals according to the recipes in their database. How much water to add, how much oil to pour, how many grams of salt to add, how much vinegar to scoop in… everything was millimeter-perfect.

It was just that the food cooked with this method was delicious and uniform, but lacking in human warmth.

One could easily get sick of it after a long period of consumption. 

That was how cooks, a highly paid profession, made a comeback, as there were not many people who could cook.

Ryan looked at the Chinese dishes one after another, which were glistering and full of aromas. His appetite was itching to dig in.

China had been a country of mouthwatering food since ancient times, and although it was difficult to pass on the cultures of various countries nowadays, they were more or less lost over time, but the cuisine had survived.

After all, there was no shortage of demand for food in every era. 

Steamed bass with meat is so tender that it melts in the mouth. When eaten with some vinegar, leaving an unforgivable aftertaste. The braised pork was glistering crimson with dripping oil, fatty but not greasy, leaving a fragrant taste between the teeth. There were ample mitten crabs; their snow-white meat and yellow mustards could be found in their shells by cracking them with a small hammer. To get the most out of them, combine them.

Ryan was holding a small hammer and trying very hard to crack the crab’s shell. He had never enjoyed such delicacy before, and the place he was aiming at was all wrong. The action was so frightening that it looked as if he was going to hit his fingers instead.

Having been defeated by the hard crab shell, Ryan puffed out his cheeks in frustration, forming little bulges that anyone would want to poke.

Chu Yuwen took the crab in front of him and said, “I will crack it for you.” Instead of using the small hammer, he directly used his mental power to accurately cut open the crab shells, revealing the undamaged crab meat inside. 

Yan Weiliang: “…”

Using mental power to open a crab, Chu Yuwen was a man of sociality.


Ryan showed a look of amazement. “That is so cool.”

Chu Yuwen felt very happy when he saw his little wife’s adoring gaze. He put the crab meat into Ryan’s bowl. 

Ryan said, “Thank you.” lowering his head and enjoying his food.

Chu Yuwen was satisfied after looking.

As expected, only Ryan’s eating could fill his appetite.

This appetite was more psychological, as he had already eaten two portions of dinner today. He was not hungry at all and just wanted to watch Ryan eat. 

Chu Yuwen was meticulous in picking out fish bones, peeling shrimp, and picking out sea snail meat throughout the meal. An omega’s delicate throat could not withstand any harm.

When Ryan was nearly done, he suddenly asked in embarrassment, “Is mister not going to eat?”

Chu Yuwen replied, “I ate already.”

“…I see,” Ryan remembered that the Lord Marshal already had dinner at the military headquarters, but he stubbornly wanted to wait for his return. The Lord Marshal would probably be sleeping now if he had just eaten. 

He stopped moving his chopsticks and said, “I am sorry for causing you trouble.”

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“No trouble at all.” Chu Yuwen gave the youth his attention. “It was I who was careless. I’ve been ignoring you for the past two days. I will free up more time to spend with you.”

Ryan looked delighted. “Really?!”

This happy expression made Chu Yuwen think about what a good boy Ryan was. 

Maybe he was just an ordinary boy, not a spy… Even if he were a spy, he was confident he could make the boy change sides.

He was willing to pamper him.

“Really.” Chu Yuwen wiped the corner of Ryan’s mouth. “Are you full?”

Ryan nodded. 

“Go wash up then.” Chu Yuwen threw the napkin into the trash.

“Okay.” Ryan got up and pushed the chair back under the table. “Good night, mister.”


It was far too early to say goodnight.

Chu Yuwen smiled and said, “Good night.” 

The youth showed a bright smile, turned, and ran downstairs.

Chu Yuwen turned to the table of leftovers and had people come to clean it up.

“Avery.” He called.

The four-wheeled robot quickly rolled over and said in a cute, soft, childlike voice: [Lord Marshal! Good evening. What can I do for you? Avery will take care of everything for you!] 

The emoticon that was displayed on the screen: [(≧ω≦)/]

Chu Yuwen uttered, “…How did you switch to kid mode?”

Avery replied: [The madam automatically triggered it~it seems he likes this voice of mine very much.] (Yan Weiliang: I do not.)

Chu Yuwen said, “Revert back.” This always made him feel guilty, as if he were illegally employing child labor. 

Avery exclaimed: [Right away!]

Three seconds later, a calm and indifferent male voice came out of the robot: [Good evening, Lord Marshal. What can I do for you?]

Chu Yuwen coldly requested, “Pull up the records from the monitoring.”

Avery looked like an ordinary household robot, but he was in fact equipped with a wide range of mental powers, enabling him to monitor everything in the mansion. The main target of his observation in the past two days was Ryan. 

Avery: [Right away, sir.]

The monitor screen showed that the youth spent the whole day lying on the bed playing the dress-up game. He rarely moved, propping his cheeks and looking very bored.

The sunlight shone into the curtained window and dyed the beautiful young man’s eyelashes golden, just like the prince that only exists in fairy tales. 

The youth let out a long sigh, looking a bit melancholy.

Two hours later, he got tired of lying on his stomach, turned over and held up his optical computer, and soon dropped it again in boredom. The youth got up, walked barefoot to the window, and looked out for a while, seemingly in the direction Chu Yuwen always returns from.


After staring into the distance for three minutes, he went back to the bed, covered himself with the blanket, and took a nap.

In the afternoon, after Ryan woke up from his nap, he read The Achievements History of the Marshal repeatedly in bed. He looked proud. After reading the book, he put it back on the bed, jumped out, and looked out the window again. 

To meet with no return.

Ryan pursed his lips, looking unhappy.

The above replay was all the result of Yan Weiliang’s strong mental power to forcefully invade Avery and change the content.

The intelligent robot’s manufacturing principle also contained the existence of mental power, and Yan Weiliang’s superb use of mental power exceeded even that of Chu Yuwen. 

Both of them were top 3S-level in both mental and combat power, but Yan Weilaing’s mental power control was better, while Chu Yuwen had the edge in combat power.

This was evident in their school competitions years ago.

When this recording was played in Chu Yuwen’s eyes, it made him feel even less like a gentleman.

He gave Ryan the best material things but did not give him mental care. Chu Yuwen realized he’d been emotionally abusing Ryan for the past two days. 

The lonely look of the youth on the monitor was heartbreaking, and the way he looked at the window over and over again moved Chu Yuwen’s heart slightly.

He was in a dilemma.

Chu Yuwen had completely forgotten that Ryan’s suspicions had not been cleared—perhaps he had not forgotten, but that was not what was important.

He could not make Ryan unhappy. 

The next part was real. Ryan continued to play the dress-up game, and when Avery came in and called him for dinner, Ryan refused.

Avery went to consult with Joel, who came in and asked Ryan to eat, but Ryan still stubbornly refused.

He was stubbornly waiting for his mister to return.

Omegas were delicate beings that could not withstand being hungry. The boy was obviously hungry as he pressed on his empty stomach and bit his lips from time to time. 

But he continued his wait.

He was hungry to the point of opening a food livestream.


The surveillance only captured the youth’s back. Chu Yuwen could not see anything except for the food that appeared on the optical computer.

This lasted until nine o’clock. 

At 8:58 pm, Ryan got out of bed and waited in front of the window, looking downstairs expectantly and anxiously. When he saw Chu Yuwen appear, he immediately turned around and ran downstairs with joy—

And threw himself into Chu Yuwen’s arms.

—”Mister, you are back!”

Chu Yuwen’s heart softened from watching the replay. 

…That little guy had been waiting for him the whole day.

Yan Weiliang: No, you are overthinking it. It was all fake. 

Chu Yuwen turned off the screen, let Avery leave, turned around, and went downstairs to the master bedroom on the second floor. 

Suddenly, he remembered something and stopped Avery.

Avery’s four wheels spun in one eighty. [Sir, anything else you needed from me?]

Chu Yuwen said, “Switch back to kid mode in Ryan’s presence.”

Although he could not stand Avery’s kid mode, Ryan likes it, so he would follow the youth’s preference. 

Avery: […] He was just a robot, and sir was asking for him to keep two faces. Sir was making matters hard for him.

Avery: [Understood, sir.]

In the bedroom, Ryan just got out of the shower, wrapped himself in a white bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom with his pair of slender legs. His hair and body were still dripping with water droplets. When the droplets fell, it further defined the beautiful collarbone as a tint of pink appeared on the milky skin from the steam. 

It made the eyes more watery and the lips more charming.

He looked up and saw Chu Yuwen by the door. In shock, he turned around in a hurry as red covered his face and reached to the tips of his ears. “Mister!”


Chu Yuwen looked away and lowered his voice. “Ryan.”

Ryan nervously replied, “Let me get my pajamas.” 

His pajamas were on the bed.

Chu Yuwen responded, “Go ahead.”

Ryan returned with fake composure. “I will just go change in the bathroom, mister.”

Chu Yuwen said calmly, “You can change here, it is all the same.” 

Ryan: “…”

Yan Weiliang thought for eight hundred and twenty-one times, why hadn’t Chu Yuwen dropped dead yet?


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