Sweet Alpha

Chapter 9: 9

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Ch9 - Restoring Strength

“Welcome back, your Highness.”

Editor: MinMin 

The room was quiet and dark. Only a shimmer of moonlight leaked through the window gap and sprinkled on the youth’s face, illuminating his elegant pale face.

Hearing the steady and even breathing of the person beside him, Yan Weiliang opened his amber eyes, dark like the quiet abyss.



He had a moment of serious thought about the possibility of killing Chu Yuwen here and now.

If his strength was restored, the probability of this was fifty percent. 

Now it was flat zero.


This was indulging in fantasy.

Feeling disappointed, Yan Weiliang closed his eyes before his whole body stiffened.

A hand clasped around his waist.


“Can’t sleep?” Chu Yuwen asked in a low voice.

An alpha’s superior mental power could sense whether the person laying on the other pillow was sleeping or pretending to sleep. Even a flash of murderous intent in the air could be keenly captured.

Yan Weiliang did not unmask too much, but it was enough to be picked up by Chu Yuwen.


Yan Weiliang gently opened his eyes. 

His back was facing Chu Yuwen, but he knew that the man’s sharp eyes were locked on him. If he made any mistake, the hand on his waist might snap his neck in an instant.

This was his friend from his younger years, but now his nominal spouse.

The alpha that he had physical contact with.

He was also the most cold-blooded and ruthless imperial Marshal, the enemy of his life until death. 

Ryan turned around and looked directly into Chu Yuwen’s eyes in the darkness, and then lowered them again.

“…I am feeling somewhat nervous, as well as excited.” He murmured, “All the omegas in the Empire are infatuated and head over heels for you. I cannot believe such great fortune has befallen me.”

I cannot believe such horrendous luck has befallen me. 

What Yan Weiliang said and what he thought were contradicting. 

“Oh? All the omegas in the Empire?” Chu Yuwen’s breath brushed against his neck. “Including you?”

“Of course.” Ryan’s tone was without confidence, “I do not understand how I caught your eyes…”


Yan Weiliang also did not understand why Chu Yuwen had rejected so many omegas in the past, but they were extra special to him.

“Ryan.” Chu Yuwen’s fingers suddenly touched the gland at the back of his neck. It was the most sensitive part of omega’s body that Ryan immediately shivered. 

Chu Yuwen asked in a low voice, “Did you forget? You were marked by me.”

Ryan bit his lips.

…Of course, he did not forget.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rec wfiafv atf mgfjws lmf mgfjw, lcafgaklclcu atf glmt qtfgbwbcfr. Pc atf raevs klat atf megajlcr vgjkc vbkc, atf rboa sbeat ijs bc atf rboj jcv tlr yfjealoei ojmf rtbkfv j qlafber ibbx. 

Ktf rcbk-ktlaf kjlra, ragjluta yjmx, atf jwyfg fsfr vgbqqlcu klat afjgr jr atf rkffa jcv ralmxs qjcar frmjqfv ogbw atf vfilmjaf ilqr. Rb jiqtj mbeiv gfrlra remt jwbgber offilcur.

He smelled the sweet pheromone and marked him, so the youth was special to him.

Ryan summoned up his courage and asked, “What if…you met another omega? Would you…mark him like this?”

Chu Yuwen’s eyes darkened. 

Of course not.

Anyone who dared to trespass his study could not live to see the next day.

Moreover, he could not smell other omegas’ pheromones.

There were many reasons why Ryan could make him merciful, perhaps because he could smell his pheromone, or perhaps his pheromone happened to be his favorite, or perhaps this was just a disguise to find the mastermind behind the scenes… 

But frankly, it was because he likes him.

The rest was nonsense.

He felt that way the moment he laid his eyes on the teen.

Where did this little guy come from? So cute. 

Chu Yuwen stroked Ryan’s hair and whispered, “Is Ryan drinking vinegar?”

Ryan uttered, “No.”


He just wanted to know what crime he had committed to be pressed down by this alpha. Even if Chu Yuwan ordered someone to deal with him, he had a hundred ways to escape. Yet Chu Yuwen had to choose one that he would never expect.

Until now, Yan Weiliang was in a slight trance. He forced himself to calm down first, but in his heart, he thought about things developing very absurdly. 

It could have been anyone else. He would take it as being bitten by a dog, and then retaliate a thousand times.

But it had to be…Chu Yuwen of all people.

He wanted to retaliate hundreds of millions of times!

Chu Yuwen did not ask more questions, just told Ryan not to overthink it and go to sleep. 

Ryan closed his eyes obediently and recessed all his thoughts.

The next bright day, the sun poured in and landed on the youth’s thick, curly eyelashes, causing the well-defined eyelashes to tremble gently, like the flapping wings of a butterfly.

When Ryan woke up, he was the only one on the bed. The smart home robot greeted him from the bedside with a flat mechanical voice: [Good morning, madam. I am Avery, the robot housekeeper. It is seven o’clock in the morning and breakfast is ready on the fourth floor. It is about time to get up.] 

This was the mechanical voice Ryan woke up to. He frowned slightly and complained, “Voice change.”

Avery immediately switched to a cutie childish voice: [Madam, you can get up for breakfast! Eat plenty on this new day.]

The robot’s electronic screen also shows a cute [(≧▽≦)] emoji.

Avery asked: [What would you like to wear today?] 

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Ryan replied, “Fantasy tea party.”

Avery responded: [You do not have this outfit in your closet.]

Only then did Yan Weiliang react to what he said. ‘Fantasy tea party’ was a lolita outfit in the Marvelous Liang Liang.

He lost his IQ playing the game. 

Unless there was a side effect of the transformation chemical that reduced the taker’s intelligence?

Ryan uttered, “Whatever outfit is fine. Just make it cute.” How would he know what clothes they bought for him?


Ryan’s appearance was very petite and attractive. To take the cute path, he would usually try to dress up in a cute style.

This way no one would associate him with the noble and elegant Third Prince. 

[Yes, sir!] Avery ran to the closet in a very lively manner. The four wheels were on fire as the robot was back after a few seconds.

[These are all super cute clothes. Which one would you like to wear?] Avery asked.

Yan Weiliang glanced through his opinions. A cat ear maid outfit, fluffy rabbit attire, teddy hoodie, and princess puffy dress.

Was this how the servants in this house do things? Why were these strange things in the closet? 

Ryan gawked. “A shirt, long pants, and sneakers. Thank you.”

[Okay.] Avery happily rolled away again.

The clothes in the interstellar age were very able. They could be automatically adjusted to the right size according to the wearer’s body shape, so there was no problem with the wrong fitting size.

When Yan Weiliang finished dressing and sat down in the dining room on the fourth floor to have breakfast, Avery was still acting cutesy: [Madam is eating breakfast~ Please tell me anything you would like to eat and I will give words to the kitchen. Do you have any requests?] 

Yan Weiliang was blunt. “Shut up.”

Avery: [Waah. QAQ]

Maybe Ryan brought up that he did not like being disturbed when eating yesterday. No servants appear before him today. Only a very cheerful robot was sent.

While picking up the fried egg with chopsticks, Ryan asked, “Where is mister?” 

Avery answered: [Lord Marshal went out early in the morning.]

Mentioning nothing for what.

An imperial Marshal naturally has a million things on his plate every day. It was strange that he stayed home at all.

This just made it convenient for Yan Weiliang. 

He had not forgotten the purpose for which he came. Although there was little hope of finding evidence, this opportunity was too rare for him to dismiss.

Yesterday, Yan Weiliang was not without gain. He seemed to wander casually but in fact, he got an understanding of most of the layout of this mansion, noting down all the possible escape routes for the future.


There was a saying in the Empire—Always leave an escape for oneself, unless Lord Marshal was provoked, there would be no need to prepare an escape, just prepare for the funeral arrangements.

These words have been regarded as the golden rule by countless people, except for Yan Weiliang who never took this to heart. 

He admitted that Chu Yuwen was a tough opponent, but that did not mean he would back down.

There was also a saying in the Empire—His Third Highness is the Empire’s Moon, which could only be admired from afar. To pluck him off of the night was to surrender the chance to see the dawn again.

Omegas in the upper three districts mostly married alphas with high status and became noble wives. The life of a noble wife is always very boring. They would enjoy flowers, walk their pets, play cards with their good friends, go shopping, or hold a banquet to maintain social relations. 

Yan Weiliang was not interested in wasting time leisurely outside. He spent the whole morning in his bedroom studying the dress-up game with five billion clothes.

—In the eyes of those watching, this was indeed the case.

The bedroom was already empty.

It was just a diversionary tactic Yan Weiliang used with his mental power. 

Mental power has many uses, some of which were to stay focused, as a storage space, and as mental suggestion or hypnosis. The strong could even use mental power to strangle their enemy and use a mental attack to cause insanity.

As early as this morning, his mental power was restored to S-level.

A bottle of the top-level chemical could disguise the user for three months or three days with a single drop. At that time, Yan Weiliang only wanted to sneak into the Marshal’s office to obtain the evidence, all within a single day, so he only took one drop. Who would have expected things to turn into this after being discovered?

Of course, this chemical has a counteragent, but he did not bring it with him. 

It was three days anyway.

He did not plan to stay here that long.

The effect began to weaken this morning. His mental and combat powers were slowly restored, and his hair and eye colors were returning to normal. It was expected that he would be completely back to his original self by this afternoon.

Staying here meant meeting Chu Yuwen head-on as the Third Prince, and he did not want that. 

Although his mental power was only back at S-level, it was sufficient to deal with most people. With full access to all parts of the Marshal’s mansion, he did not have to worry about triggering any defense mechanism. As for the eyes of those servants, he could take care of them with his mental power. At present, as if he entered a land with no soul.


But he still came out empty-handed.

After searching the study, bedroom, and other important places. He looked at the fading hair color in the mirror and left the mansion decisively. 

The doorman respectfully asked, “Madam, are you heading out today? I will prepare the car for you.”

The young man quietly studied him as his amber eyes gradually faded into the color of an obsidian hue. “No, I am not heading out. Madam had been in his room all day today.”

Receiving mental suggestions, the servant’s eyes gradually became dull. “Yes, madam did not go out today.”

The youth with darkening eyes walked out in front of the doorman. 

The palace. 

The youth passed through the palace pillars with golden dragons wrapping around them. Every time he passed a pillar, his appearance changed ever so more.

His body quickly gained height, his hair turned black, and the color in his eyes swirled into the moving dim light of night. The young man was tall and smooth, like someone who came out of a painting, beautiful but cold. He was like the bright moon, full of brimming brilliance. 

An enchanting beauty.

With the reputation as the Empire’s Moon, not only he had the status of a bright moon, but also its beauty. Most alphas were handsome, but it was hard to find an appearance that Yan Weiliang possessed.

Clear as ice and clean as jade, as if created from the snow on the mountain, no one would ever regard him as a weak omega. Not to mention the indifferent eyes tainted with the color of the night that was hard for anyone to meet. Even the height of 188cm was enough to prove that he was a powerful alpha.

Lin Shen, who had been waiting a long time in the palace, immediately came forward to greet him. He bowered with his right-hand flat on his chest. 

“Welcome back, your Highness”


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