Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 21: CH 22

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‘Additionally, you can forget about trying to get rid of me. I am you, and you are me. I can only slowly integrate into your being. Or you can understand it as, I’m your second personality. I wouldn’t appear without reason. But when I do, I’ll take complete control.’ 

“Sure. How do you want me to make it up to you? As long as it makes you happy, I’ll do it!” Ji Nan Feng promised as he reached out and caressed her head.

Mo Li Xin was slightly surprised that Ji Nan Feng agreed so readily.

“Erm… That, that…” Her thoughts were all over the place. On one hand, she kept thinking about the ‘person’ who appeared out of nowhere. On the other hand, it was Ji Nan Feng’s swift response. As of right now, she was unable to think straight. 

‘Sigh… How foolish… It’s no wonder I ended up the way I did in my last life,’ the inner voice lamented.


“Well, I haven’t thought about it yet. Let’s take it as you owe me first. When I figured out how you can compensate me, I’ll let you know again,” Mo Li Xin said. Or more precisely, it was the other Mo Li Xin who said so.

“Okay, sure. Whatever you say, goes,” Ji Nan Feng said indulgently. He could feel that she changed, but this did not reduce his affections towards her. No matter what kind of person she becomes, he would still like her. Whether she was beautiful or not, kind or not. Even if she became childish, unreasonable, bad-tempered, or domineering; he would still love her all the same. As long as his previous life did not repeat itself. He did not want her to become an empty shell, filled with troubling thoughts but had no one to turn to. He was selfish. So selfish that as long as she remained alive, he would do whatever it took to keep her beside him. Because, without her, he would go crazy.

It would be no different than five years after her death in the previous life. He managed to help her unravel everything, and he experienced the loneliness that plagued her. After avenging her, he would hug his alcohol and consume sleeping pills every day. He would sit beside her grave and talk to her. During those bleak five years, the only times he was remotely sober was when he was taking revenge for her. Even doing that, he had not been very successful.

Xd dsaxyz eyup, bl oswze alpv okvb vbl taswde yp bkp cle, yde vbl pju yp bkp czydjlv. Fkvvkdt cu bla vsxcpvsdl, bl nswze dlkvbla qllz vbl oyax pwdzktbv sq prakdtp, vbl aykd vbyv rswale kd pwxxlap, vbl nssz callgl ewakdt ywvwxdp dsa vbl rklankdt pdso yxkepv okdvlap.

Gv zsdt zypv, bl qkdyzzu plvvzle lhlauvbkdt bl dllele vs es. Tl oyp qkdyzzu qall yde nswze ts qkde bla okvbswv altalvp. Zlv, bl eke dsv jdso kq pbl bye yzalyeu eawdj Yldtrs’p pswr1 yde qsatsvvld ycswv bkx nsxrzlvlzu.

Rd vbl lde, bl pzkv bkp oakpv yde oyvnble yp bkp czsse qzsole kdvs vbl pskz. Tl bye vs yexkv vbyv bl oyp nsoyaezu, yde olyj. Fs xwnb ps vbyv bl bye ds okzz vs zkhl kd y osaze vbyv pbl ds zsdtla lmkpvle kd. Gp vbl zypv sq bkp czsse qzsole kdvs vbl vsxcpvsdl, bl vbswtbv vs bkxplzq, ‘kp kv qkdyzzu yzz shla?’

Tl dlhla lmrlnvle vbyv bl oswze srld bkp lulp ytykd… Gde cynj vs plhld ulyap raksa. Jynj vs vbl vkxl obld yzz vblpl vaytleklp bye ulv vs byrrld. Jlqsal pbl clnyxl raltdydv okvb bkp nbkze, yde clqsal pbl xkpvyjldzu ycsavle vblka nbkze clnywpl sq bkx. Jlqsal pbl pwqqlale qasx yd kzzdlpp yde, clnywpl sq bkx, zspv bla zkql sd vbl srlayvksd vyczl. Xa kd ds clvvla osaep, pbl eke dsv zspl bla zkql ewl vs vbl taswr sq rlsrzl yde Pwyd Gd Syd’p pnblxkdt.

Gzvbswtb Kk Lyd Wldt oyp zspv kd bkp vbswtbvp, Ys Nk Dkd eke dsv dsvknl yp pbl oyp elzkakswp okvb fsu clnywpl sq Kk Lyd Wldt’p osaep.

“Ebyv’p okvb vbyv pkzzu pxkzl? Elal usw ps vswnble cu vbspl osaep? Mbld usw pbswze ralryal uswaplzq, xu dlmv osaep xyu fwpv plde usw shla vbl xssd,” Kk Lyd Wldt takddle wdycypblezu yp bl zssjle yv bla, bl oyp pzsozu clkdt kdqzwldnle cu bla tsse xsse.

Brsd blyakdt vbyv vblal oyp xsal tsse dlop, Ys Nk Dkd kxxlekyvlzu rlajle wr. Ms Kk Lyd Wldt, bla ynvksd oyp zkjl yd lytla cwddu ycswv vs tlv kv’p ryop sd y fwknl nyaasv.

Rv oyp lmvalxlzu yesayczl vbyv bl nswze dsv blzr cwv vs tldvzu vwt yv bla lyap clqsal pyukdt, “R eked’v pwqqla qasx yxdlpky. R bye xu alypsdp obu R bke vbkp qasx usw ralhkswpzu. Fs kd vbl qwvwal, esd’v byacsa dsdpldpknyz vbswtbvp, zkjl bso R’zz sdl eyu alxlxcla vbl rypv yde nbydtl xu xkde ycswv Pwyd Gd Syd. Xa vbyv R oswzed’v oydv usw yduxsal.”

When Mo Lixin initially heard that Ji Nan Feng did not suffer from memory loss, she was a little uneasy. However, his following words gave her a shot of ecstasy. Not only did it dispel all her uneasiness, it even dispersed all her previous worries and what ifs. Her heart was filled with happiness that she had not felt in a long time.


“Really?” Her tone contained hints of cautiousness. Even so, it could not conceal the happiness from hearing his words. Mo Li Xin did not realise that she sounded slightly skeptical, but Ji Nan Feng did.

“Really really. And if I dare lie to you, I’ll be struck by ligh-” lightning. Before Ji Nan Feng could finish his words, his mouth was covered.

A cool touch brushed on his lips. At first, Ji Nan Feng was startled, then he recovered and took control of the kiss. He carefully cupped Mo Li Xin’s head with his palms to deepen the once in a blue moon ‘proactive’ kiss. The kiss was long and ambiguous. Mo Li Xin blushed and she remained stiff as her heart drummed rapidly in her chest. 

She was thinking, ‘What to do? What to do? I’m so nervous I could pass out!’

The voice within her reasoned, ‘Are you stupid? People already turned your passive kiss into something more, be more daring and reciprocate quickly!’

After listening to those words, Mo Li Xin was unsure if her frayed nerves got reconnected back incorrectly or she was injected with a burst of courage. She slowly stretched her arms around Ji Nan Feng’s waist to deepen the affectionate kiss. 

Ji Nan Feng froze before his mouth hooked into a smile. However, he showed no sign of releasing her. Mo Li Xin did not know how long the kiss lasted, but Ji Nan Feng only reluctantly let go of her when her lips were numb. Pulling away from her, he saw a silver thread that barely connected between them and it gave off an errotic vibe. 

Poor Ji Nan Feng’s lower body tightened at the view, but he had to pretend that it was nothing as he worried about her physical condition would not be able to take it.

Ji Nanfeng examined her face that was originally pale to its current state of blush. He chuckled as he wiped the trace of silver thread with his thumb. Ji Nan Feng teased, “Wifey, seems like your skills have improved.”

Mo Li Xin became even more embarrassed and flustered, rendering her unable to answer.

Ji Nan Feng noticed her predicament, but did not immediately let her off. Because right now she was so cute and he could not help but to ‘bully’ her, “weren’t you very enthusiastic just now? And you even learned to take the initiative? Now that the deed is done, you revert back to being shy? But Xin’er should continuing taking the initiative more often in the future.”

Mo Li Xin embarrassment led to indignation. She huffed angrily and deliberately changed the subject, “I’m hungry and I want to eat! Very very hungry right now!” 

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She did not want to ask him why he had to pretend to suffer from amnesia. She assumed that he had his reasons.

Ji Nan Feng smirked as he opened the nutritious bento that he brought in just now. There were two dishes and a soup, all of which were Mo Li Xin’s favourite. 

She stretched her hands to receive the food box, but Ji Nan Feng showed no signs of handing it over. Instead, he opened the bento gracefully and took out the spoon. His actions looked like he was planning to feed her one spoonful at a time!

“I can feed myself, my hands aren’t injured,” Mo Li Xin said.

Currently only the ever overbearing Ji Nan Feng remained. The previous gentle and cultured man of the past no longer existed, all that was left was a black bellied man. How would he be willing to listen to her words?

In the end, Mo Li Xin was like a kid being spoon fed. As she was having her meal, um… how does one put it? She felt pretty awesome; the food was delicious, the service was accommodating, and she had her superduper handsome husband as a companion. 

Although Mo Li Xin did not say anything, one could tell that she was very satisfied. As if all the unhappy events of yesterday did not happen. Currently, her only concern was the existence of the ‘Mini Li Xin’ within her.

When others suffer from schizophrenia, they do not know of their other ‘personalities’ and even if they do, they could not communicate between each other, right? But in her case, she was able to talk with ‘Mini Li Xin’. Would that mean that whatever she thought of in the future would be known by ‘her’? Although… they were part of the same person, it was not an idea that she could get used to… 

‘Alright, alright… don’t stress too much. I know I appeared too many times in this short period. But it wouldn’t be a frequent thing. I’m not interested in eavesdropping in your innermost thoughts either. I’m going to sleep now. Unless your mood fluctuates too much, I won’t come out until necessary,’ ‘Mini Li Xin’ said before disappearing.

Mo Li Xin who was distracted… 

“What are you thinking about?” Ji Nan Feng’s voice disrupted her thoughts. 

“Nothing… I seem to like you even more now,” Mo Li Xin confessed. She felt that she should follow ‘Mini Li Xin’s’ advice and be more thick-skinned. Afterall, there is a saying that a crying child would always get the candy. Even if she does not cry, she needs to learn to be more coquettish. Men do not fancy dreary and serious girls… Uh… Although she was already a woman… 


“Don’t you want to know why I pretended to suffer from amnesia? And what took place between Duan An Ran and I?” Ji Nan Feng asked.

“I don’t need to know, I trust you,” Mo Li Xin replied without any hesitation. 

She had always believed in him. Even when it was seen as stupidity in other’s eyes, she still chose to trust him unconditionally. What she did not know was that in their previous lives, this unconditional trust in him led to her demise along with their child.

However, in this life, he will not let those things repeat again.

Ji Nan Feng paused before saying, “thank you.” Thank you for staying by my side and your unwavering trust in me for these two lives.

“It’s nothing, but I’ve something to ask…” Mo Li Xin voiced.

“What is it?”

“Erm… when can I be discharged?” She did not know why, but recently she detested hospitals. So much so that she would feel suffocated inside one. If not for Ji Nan Feng being here with her, she would drag her body out even if she were to die from pain.

“Fortunately, your injuries were not serious. There’s just slight abrasions on your forehead and legs. The remotely serious injury is the one at your tight where a piece of shattered glass pierced into your skin. The doctor had to perform a minor operation to have it removed. After its removal, the doctor did say that it’s not necessary for you to stay in the hospital during your recovery period.”

“That’s good, then let’s go back now,” Mo Li Xin said eagerly.

“There’s no need to rush. At least stay for today, so that the doctor can monitor your condition further. You still have to do further checkups. By tomorrow if there are no other issues, we can go back then.”

Under his captivating persuasion, Mo Li Xin reluctantly gave in and waited until tomorrow.


The next day, after Mo Li Xin’s last checkup and the doctor deemed her fit, she was discharged and could go home.

Upon reaching home, they saw members of Ji’s and Mo’s family waiting for them. Only after relentlessly asking and double confirming that Mo Li Xin was healthy, did they leave satisfied.

After their family left, Xu Qing Man, Gan Yun Ting and others called one after the other to check on her. They were all relieved to learn that she was fine. From the bottom of her heart, Mo Li Xin felt warmth bubbling within her.

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