Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 23: CH 24

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Ji Nan Feng grinned, “I’m not complaining, the more the better.”

Mo Li Xin blushed, ‘Gosh… feels like recently my skin has become thicker… how embarrassing…’

“By the way, how’s Duan An Ran?” Mo Li Xin realised that Duan An Ran had not appeared before them in a good while. 

“She’s hiding.”

“Why does she need to hide?” Mo Li Xin sat up abruptly from her lying position upon hearing his words. 


‘Sigh, even eating, you do it lying down. Mo Li Xin, you’ve truly been spoiled rotten!’

“Didn’t I say before? She was the one that set the hotel on fire. Since now there’s evidence of her committing arson, why do you think she needs to go into hiding?” Ji Nan Feng asked rhetorically.

“You’re not worried at all? After all she was once…” your ex-lover. However, the last two words got stuck in her throat when she saw his darkening expression. 

“Dkd’la, R qllz vbyv R dlle vs lxrbypkp vbkp sdnl ytykd. Nlpv usw bydt vbkp shla xu blye qsa vbl alpv sq swa zkhlp.”

Ys Nkmkd aykple bla lulcasop, “Gzaktbv, rzlypl prlyj.”

Kk Lyd Wldt pktble psqvzu obld bl pyo bso plakswp pbl zssjle.

“R’hl dlhla zshle Pwyd Gd Syd. Rd vbl rypv, pbl bke blaplzq ellrzu yde R valyvle bla yp y nzspl qlxyzl qaklde. Gde dso vbyv R jdso bla vawl nszsap, R oswzed’v lhld nsdpkela bla yp yd yniwykdvydnl. Ebld vbl bsvlz nywtbv qkal yde R zyke kd cle blzrzlpp, R es yexkv vbyv R qlzv xshle obld pbl nyxl yde pyhle xl. Jwv yqvla jdsokdt obyv vawzu byrrldle, R vakle vs lmrzykd kv nswdvzlpp vkxlp. Zlv usw sdzu clzklhle kv sd y pwaqynl zlhlz. R nswze vlzz vbyv usw pvkzz bye eswcvp, cwv usw dlle vs zlv xl jdso, ps vbyv R nyd qkm kv.”

Ebyv bl pyke oyp kdelle vawl. Tl bye dlhla altyaele Pwyd Gd Syd yp psxlsdl bl oswze bsze nzspl vs bkp blyav. Mbydjqwzzu bl bye ulv vs es yduvbkdt vss shlacsyae kd vbkp zkql. Nypv zkql bl wdoyaaldvzu ralvldele vs cl kdvkxyvl okvb bla kd qasdv sq Ys Nk Dkd. Ohld ps, bl bye dlhla vswnble Pwyd Gd Syd asxydvknyzzu. Wsa vbyv vball ulyap, bl eke dsv naspp vbyv zkdl.

Rd vblka ralhkswp zkhlp, bl oyp pvwrke. Bdyczl vs ekqqlaldvkyvl clvolld aktbv yde oasdt, oyp awvbzlpp, yde blyavzlpp. Tl oyp nywtbv wr cu bkp ps-nyzzle byvale yde vbkapv qsa alhldtl vbyv bl pzsozu awkdle vblka alzyvksdpbkr pvlr cu pvlr; wdvkz vblal oyp dsvbkdt zlqv.

Fsxlvkxlp bl osdelale obu bl eke obyv bl eke cynj vbld. Tkp ynvksd kd vbyv vball ulyap, dlhla caswtbv bkx ydu byrrkdlpp. Oprlnkyzzu obld bl pyo Ys Nk Dkd’p lulp pzsozu ekxxle shla vkxl.

Mbkdjkdt ycswv kv dso, bl oyp vss nbkzekpb cynj vbld. Mblal oyp ds abuxl dsa alypsd qsa bkp ydtla. Yyucl kv oyp fwpv y vokpvle lmnwpl vs vkl bla vs bkp pkel. Ebld bl xkpvalyvle bla, kv kdlhkvyczu cynjqkale yde ldele wr vsavwakdt bkxplzq kd vbl rasnlpp.

In his time of confusion, he had felt that he found a confidant in Duan An Ran. Who would have thought that she was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Duan An Ran drove a wedge between him and Mo Li Xin, but he was too ignorant at the time and allowed her to succeed. He was unable to notice what was wrong until it became too late.


Mo Li Xin did not expect this to be the thing he wanted to talk about. It took her a while before she could react to what was said. She desperately wanted to believe his words, but after being cautious for so long, it was hard to completely remove her walls in an instant. However, subconsciously, she knew that she was no longer as guarded against him as she originally was.

“I’ll trust you, as long as you always believe in me like you do now,” Mo Li Xin assured. Her face broke into an alluring smile; it felt like someone set off fireworks.

Exchanging passionate looks, things got out of control… 

When Mo Li Xin woke up the next morning, she only felt slightly sore. Which was to be expected, considering that no matter how enthusiastic or out of control she wanted to be, he still restrained himself due to her leg injury. 

Unsurprisingly, the space beside her was empty. Ever since the accident where the hotel caught fire, Ji Nan Feng seemed to have started a habit of going for morning jogs after they were discharged from the hospital. After his run, he would take a quick shower and then start preparing breakfast. 

At the beginning, Mo Lixin was not used to this treatment. But over time, it became a natural thing. 

Mo Li Xin could not help but to grumble, it sure was great to be a man. They workout so vigorously the night before, but he was still full of energy and was able to go about his daily routine as per normal. How peculiar…  

After freshening up, she went downstairs. A certain man, who was making breakfast, stepped out of the kitchen.

“What are you cooking? It smells so good! Originally, I wasn’t hungry, but now I am,” Mo Li Xin stated.

“It’s just egg wrapped meat dumpling. Come down quickly, it won’t taste good once it’s cold,” Ji Nan Feng instructed.

“Ah! Tsk tsk tsk, so this is a perk of having a husband. I must’ve accumulated many blessings in my previous life. If Mother knows that her son is so capable but her daughter-in-law is so lazy, she might blame me,” Mo Li Xin exhaled as she walked over.

“She wouldn’t.” 


Ji Nan Feng’s mother, Wei Xiu Lan, was an easy-going, affable, and nontraditional person. As long as the family is harmonious, she would not bother about these trivial matters.

“You’re planning to send me to work? Don’t you have class?” Mo Li Xin picked up her chopsticks, drooling over the pan fried meat dumpling wrapped in egg.

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“How silly, today’s Saturday” Ji Nan Feng’s doting tone held hints of helplessness.

Mo Li Xin nodded, “Everyone said that teachers have it good. Not only do you have weekends and various public holidays, you have off days during winter and summer vacations too! I’m so envious,” Mo Li Xin jested. 

However, in her opinion, as long as the job was what she was passionate about, the number of vacations and off days matters little.

“If you prefer staying at home to working, then just quit and stay home,” Ji Nan Feng said, half jokingly, half truthfully. Deep down, he actually did not want her to continue work at Jiu Zi. Ever since meeting his second brother again in this life, he felt that there was something off and this abnormality seemed to trigger some memories of his previous life.

“No thanks, I still like having something to do everyday.”

“That’s up to you,” Ji Nan Feng knew that he should not impose his likes and dislikes onto her.

“Ah… it’s really delicious. What should I do now? My stomach is so bloated I don’t think I can stand up properly,” Mo Li Xin complained after taking her last bite. She leisurely leaned back on the chair, savouring her last bite.

At that moment, the doorbell rang. It did not take a genius to figure who it was.

When Xu Qing Man saw that it was Ji Nan Feng who opened the door, she stuttered, “Erm… I’m here to look for Xin Xin.”

Truthfully, Third Master Ji was tall, handsome, and mild temperament. Yet, Xu Qing Man could not help but to feel intimidated by him. 


After getting ready, the party of three boarded the car and drove towards Mo Li Xin’s workplace.

“I have to settle some stuff. Remember to wait for me when you get off work,” Ji Nan Feng informed her.

“Okay, go do your thing,” Mo Li Xin replied through the car window.

Ji Nan Feng only left after he ensured that Mo Li Xin had entered the building. As he drove off, his face gradually became more hostile.

He sped his way to AK Club. This time he did not go there for leisure, but to deal with some important matters.

On the surface, AK Club has four floors; two above ground and two basement levels. Only Ji Nan Feng and his brothers knew of the fifth underground level. When Ji Nan Feng arrived, he noticed that Gan Yun Ting, Lu Xing Yan, and Gong Ze Yue were all present.

“Second Brother, what brings you here?” Ji Nan Feng asked the instant he entered the room. 

It never crossed his mind that his second brother would be here as well. Ji Nan Feng came as this was related to his father’s accident. And because it involved a major drug trafficking case,  his eldest brother would naturally be present. Gan Yun Ting’s presence could be explained as well, as he is the boss of AK Club. However, he did not understand what his second brother was doing here. Although Gong Ze Yun knew of this private room too, they only came here when the individual had important matters to discuss. Hence, he felt that this issue had nothing to do with Gong Ze Yun.

“I was hanging around here when I spotted Eldest Brother.” It implied that they met by coincidence, which was indeed the truth. 

Ji Nan Feng did not question any further.

“Based on the portrait Li Xin gave me, we ran it through our database and managed to find a man that fits the bill; he also had a scar slightly below his ear. What’s more coincidental is that this man frequents Fourth Brother’s club.” Lu Xing Yan was never one to beat around the bush.

Gong Ze Yun did not interrupt.


“He’s just right under our noses? Why didn’t you say so earlier? I could’ve helped you keep an eye on him,” Gan Yun Ting said.

“Remember last year’s serial murder case? You said the same thing, and I trusted you. And then what happened?” Lu Xing Yan rubbed his forehead as his expression darkened.

As soon as Gan Yun Ting heard this, he immediately lowered his head guiltily. He had always had interest in conspiracies, murder, drug trafficking, and these kind of adranline driven things. Thus, when he found out that he had some relations to that fateful serial murder case, he asked his eldest brother to let him help. In fact, he begged Lu Xing Yan to entrust this case to him but he screwed up. Because of this, Lu Xing Yan was subjected to military punishment. Thus until now, Gan Yun Ting still carried this guilt.

“And what of the results?” Ji Nan Feng continued.

“The scarred man is Liu Qi. On the surface, he’s an ordinary salesman that works on weekdays. Usually visits this place on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It may look like a friends gathering, but in fact, the people he meets every time changes. However, there is one constant individual and we believe he’s the main target of our investigation. 

“And that’s Zhang Guo Ping, a male nurse currently working at Ai Xuan Hospital. When we continued digging, we found out that under the table, he did things like poisoning and selling drugs to his patients. But all this was before we took over this case. So his sudden disappearance should have little to do with our investigations. For now, we’ll concentrate on monitoring Liu Qi.” Lu Xing Yan said thoughtfully.

“These two people are just lackeys of Organization Z. They most likely do not have much information about the workings of the higher ups. Let’s continue observing them first. Since we can make contact with Zhang Guo Ping through Liu Qi, we might be able to dig out even more important characters. I analysed my dad’s previous travel records, and daily routines, although it seemed to be closely linked to my mother-in-law, they usually met in public. It felt like they were planning something, but before they could carry it out, something went awry.” Ji Nan Feng considered for a moment before voicing out.

“Third Brother, you can just hand over all the information you have gathered to me and let us do the rest. After all, this is becoming too dangerous.” Lu Xing Yan felt that since his third brother was discharged from the hospital, he suddenly became concerned about these things. Yet, he refrained from commenting as this was also an important issue to his brother. In the end, this matter was connected to Ji Nan Feng’s father and mother-in-law.

“I understand. Then I hope that Eldest Brother will lend a hand,” Ji Nan Feng nodded. Truly, an outsider would be able to look at the situation more objectively. Additionally, this was also part of Lu Xing Yan’s job.

Gong Ze Yun silently drank at the side as he continued to take in what they said.

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