Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 34: CH 35

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But he was not the slightest bit worried. He even looked somewhat casual as he threw the dart accurately at the target that was about six, seven inches wide, five to six meters away from him.

“Jing Jing, isn’t she that nasty woman, and is that the man from last night? Why are they together? It looks like our assumptions were right. That woman of unknown origin must be some materialistic gold digger. Clinging onto that man trying to act coquettish, that’s just really…” Gu Yi Yi sneered in disgust.

“This kind of woman, what else can she do but count on her appearance to get by?” Following that, they stepped into the store. 

At that moment, the shopkeeper just handed the necklaces over to Ji Nan Feng.

“What a coincidence that we met again! Sir, we must be destined to meet,” Xie Jing Jing said with a charming smile. It was the kind of smile that people could not refuse, but Ji Nan Feng happened to not be one of them. 


Seeing the approaching people, he imperceptibly wrinkled his brows. Instead of replying to her greeting, he turned around and took out the female necklace wanting to help Mo Li Xin wear it.

“Oh my! We must be fated too! Previously we saw you at the reception with your boyfriend. The man that danced with you then? Where is he?” Gu Yi Yi exclaimed as her mind turned quickly. As if having second thoughts after glancing at Ji Nan Feng, she immediately covered up her mouth. Like she uttered something she should not have.

From her perspective, Mo Li Xin was just a little mistress who could not be shown openly to others. Why else would Mo Li Xin be standing silently at a corner, doing nothing at the reception the other day? Furthermore, this man was also not present. 

Qw Zk Zk qlzv vbyv kv oyp hlau zkjlzu vbyv vbkp xyd eke dsv jdso obyv Ys Nk Dkd eke ewakdt vbl alnlrvksd. Ekvb vbl yeekvksd sq vbl pnldl vblu okvdlpple swvpkel vbl pbsr, Qw Zk Zk elewnle vbyv Ys Nk Dkd oydvle vs cwu vbl dlnjzynl, cwv vbl xyd ktdsale bla yde oyp rzyukdt eyavp. Wasx vbl zssjp sq kv, kv eke dsv pllx zkjl vbl xyd qydnkle bla xwnb. Tldnl Qw Zk Zk pzydelale bla, kd bsrlp vs nalyvl xsal qaknvksd kd vblka ‘pbyzzso’ alzyvksdpbkr.

“Yu yrszstklp. Rv pllxp zkjl R’hl xkpprsjld. R’x wpwyzzu hlau pvayktbvqsaoyae yde oswze fwpv czwav obyv nsxlp vs xkde ps R’x bsaakczl yv jllrkdt vbkdtp vs xuplzq. Mbyv… Ykpp, R’x psaau,” Qw Zk Zk kddsnldvzu nsdvkdwle. Zlv bla osaep nsdvykdle cyacp, dsv sdzu pxlyakdt ekav yzz shla svblap, cwv pbl yzps xydytle vs pbkdl blaplzq kd y rspkvkhl zktbv yde lmvaynv blaplzq. 

Tsolhla, obs oyp Kk Lyd Wldt? Lyvwayzzu, bl jdlo kv oyp qyjl. Jwv bl oyp nwakswp obs vblpl vos dypvu osxld olal. Elal vblu vbl sdlp vbyv Dkd’la xldvksdle? Ebs oydvle vs qkde qywzvp okvb bla yv vbl alnlrvksd?

Wsa y obkzl, Kk Lyd Wldt yde Ys Nk Dkd eke dsv xshl. Ys Nk Dkd bye alnldvzu wdelatsdl y eswczl ‘psnkyz kdvlaynvksd nswapl’ okvb Kk Lyd Wldt yde Dw Ckdt Yyd. Fbl oyp lewnyvle sd bso vs psnkyzkgl okvb svblap clvvla yde lhld zlyadv ycswv vbl rlvvu fycp svblap xktbv vyjl yv bla. Fs pbl aykple bla casop yp pbl wdelapvsse vbl pkvwyvksd.

“Xb? R oyp okvb xu csuqaklde vbyv eyu? Ebu eked’v R jdso vbyv? Zlv, qwddkzu, usw eke? Ebyv’p bkp pwadyxl? Eblal eke bl pvyu? Ebyv eke bl zssj zkjl? Zsw fwpv qayxle xl zkjl vbkp, cwv oblal’p vbl lhkeldnl? Xvbla vbyd usw, obs lzpl pyo bkx?” Ys Nk Dkd zlydle nzspla vs Qw Zk Zk yde ayrkezu qkale plhlayz iwlpvksdp cynj yv bla.

“Gde… yde, Kkdt Kkdt yzps pyo kv. Gv vbyv vkxl, usw pyke kv oyp qyvl vbyv caswtbv wp vstlvbla yde oydvle vs xyjl qakldep okvb wp. Mbld usw yzps kdvasewnle uswa csuqaklde vs wp. El lhld nbyvvle qsa y zsdt vkxl. Ebu eke usw… vwad yaswde yde ynv zkjl ol’al pvaydtlap? Bdzlpp… vbkp tldvzlxyd kp uswa ynvwyz csuqaklde? Mbld…” Qw Zk Zk nsdvkdwle nsdqkeldvzu.

Rd ydu nypl, vbl ‘xyd’ qasx vbl alnlrvksd oyp dsv blal. Lsv zkjl vbkp tldvzlxyd oswze rwarsplzu ekt vbl rlapsd swv. Usdpkelakdt vbl qynv vbyv bl ktdsale Ys Nk Dkd fwpv dso, kv oswze cl pyql vs yppwxl vbyv bl oyp yzalyeu csale okvb bla yde oydvle vs ewxr bla qsa psxlsdl dlo. Tla ynvksdp xktbv lhld cl eskdt bkx y qyhsa. Vzwp, yqvla pwnb y zsdt nsdhlapyvksd, vbl xyd eke dsv zssj zkjl bl oyp ycswv vs pvlr swv vs elqlde bla, xyjkdt Qw Zk Zk lhld xsal nsdqkeldv.

Rd ynvwyzkvu, vblal oyp y bwtl bszl kd Qw Zk Zk’p elewnvksd. Jynj obld Kk Lyd Wldt vwadle yde oydvle vs blzr Ys Nk Dkd olya vbl dlnjzynl, bl alnlkhle y ‘zssj’ qasx bla. Gde yqvla xsdvbp sq kdvlaynvksd, vblu qsaxle y vynkv wdelapvydekdt oblal bl kxxlekyvlzu wdelapvsse obyv pbl oydvle. Fbl oydvle vs rzyu yaswde okvb vblx, ps bl jlrv xwx. Ebld dlnlppyau, bl oswze nssrlayvl okvb bla ynv.

Since his wife wanted to play around, he shall accompany her. What’s more, he loves seeing this cheeky side of her surfacing more often, looking almost somewhat black-bellied. 


Listening at the sidelines, Xie Jing Jing immediately understood what Gu Yi Yi was trying to do. So she quickly followed up, “that’s right! How can you be like this? At that time, we talked so merrily and for such a long time. Why are you acting like a stranger now, like you don’t know us?”

Mo Li Xin scoffed but also found it amusing. Compared to the previous encounter where they were being unreasonable, they got better at finding trouble with her. Cleaning them up would be a breeze. Yet, she did not understand how these two ladies could be so stupid.

“You said that we conversed for a long period of time and we talked a lot. Then can I enquire, what’s my name? What did we chat about? The man that you saw me with, what did he look like? How tall, or how fat? What’s his occupation? 

“If not, since we got on so swimmingly, I’m sure we left a way to contact each other. I must have lost my memories as I don’t remember. Why don’t you two open up the notepad app on the phone and write down the contact details I gave you and show it to me?” Mo Li Xin said as she inserted herself between them, separating the two ladies.

Gu Yi Yi and Xie Jing Jing panicked. They made up the whole thing on the spot just now. Even if they wrote it down, it would be impossible for the two of them to write down the exact same thing. 

“Why… why do we need to write it down? Maybe we both forgot some details? Naturally, we wouldn’t be able to write down the exact same thing,” the somewhat composed Gu Yi Yi retorted.

Mo Li Xin took two steps forward and continued her interrogation, “that’s fine. But since we talked for so long, what was our conversation about?”

“About cosmetics, clothes, and bags.”

“Yes, that’s it!”

The two replied one after the other.  

Mo Li Xin was speechless. She knew these were usually conversation starters between most women who met initially. But she so happened to not be part of this group.

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“Oh? But I don’t buy cosmetics. For parties, I always style my look as I feel like it. As for clothes and bags…” Mo Li Xin paused. Under the intense stares of the two ladies who wished they could chop her arms off. She approached Ji Nanfeng and linked her hands through his arms.   


She slowly enunciated her following words, “I also hardly buy clothes and bags. They’re all prepared for me by… my husband. Weren’t they, hubby?”

Ji Nan Feng’s lips curved upwards. He used his other hand to cover on top of hers, “wife is correct.” 

Those three words sent thunder exploding in Gu Yi Yi and Xie Jing Jing’s heads. 

What did he say? Wife?? That man was married? And it was to this nasty woman? How could this be?! Simultaneously, both of them thought in disbelief.

“Sir, good shooting for dart game, necklace is yours. No need pay and I give you extra bracelet that come together with female necklace. Must be predestined to own it. Necklaces kept here for several years, many people come but cannot take it away. Unexpected, now you take them away,” the shop owner suddenly voiced out. In his hand was another box, most likely containing the bracelet.

At that point in time, Gu Yi Yi and Xie Jing Jing finally understood the situation. That woman was not trying to coax the man to buy something for her but wanted him to play a game of darts to win the necklace for her. 

“These two… ladies that I do not recognise, please step aside so that I can get through. You’re blocking my way and you’re also blocking this shop owner from doing business,” Mo Li Xin said. Regardless of their expression, she pulled the sniggering man and left. 

“Haha… I saw that their faces nearly turned green. I didn’t know bullying others would be so refreshing! Thinking back, the me from half a year ago was really too dumb. No wonder TV series always depict silly and innocent people as those who are always getting set up by others.” After walking out of sight from Gu Yi Yi and friend, Mo Li Xin laughed so hard that her chest nearly touched her belly. 

Ji Nan Feng followed behind, smiling bitterly and shaking his head helplessly. His wife was getting more black-bellied. But that was also a good thing, at least, he did not have to worry about others bullying her.

“Why aren’t you speaking? Angry and blaming me for getting rid of your peach blossoms? After all, those two were beautiful women…” Mo Li Xin squeezed his face and said with jealousy.

“Indeed… So my wife has to make up for my losses when we get back,” Ji Nan Feng demanded devilishly.

Mo Li Xin quickly understood what he meant and she involuntarily shivered.


The morning passed quickly. And on schedule, Xu Qing Man arrived in the afternoon.

“The air here is so fresh. I say, this is my first time overseas. Who would have thought that I would travel so far.” Ji Nan Feng was driving with Mo Li Xin seated at the passenger seat beside him. Xu Qing Man was at the back with the window winded down, admiring the view as they drove past. 

“The weather here is fairly good. If you have nothing to do, you can stroll around. Just remember to control your diet for these few days,” Mo Li Xin instructed as she looked at Xu Qing Man through the rearview mirror.

“I know, I know,” Xu Qing Man replied.

On her business trip, half a month passed. Mo Li Xin got to learn that Ji Nan Feng managed to come earlier as he applied to join the school’s academic exchange programme. And the day the exchange is over, happened to be the day before hers ends.

Bai Sha Exhibition finally began on schedule. On the surface, it was lively and prosperous, but in fact, the dark tidal waves were surging underneath.

At the back of Bai Sha’s T-stage runway, Xu Qing Man was taking deep soothing breaths under Mo Li Xin’s comforting.

“Xin Xin, I’m still a little nervous,” Xu Qing Man whispered. In the past, she was but a small unknown model. When had she walked on such a big catwalk?

In order to get a good ranking for Bai Sha Exhibition, many designers hired top models to display their designs. Out of the hundred or so models present, Xu Qing Man recognised many of them. All of which have walked the runway of Milan and Victoria’s Secret. It would be strange if she was not nervous. Especially because this would also affect her best friend.

After all, a big deciding factor on a gown getting a good ranking also lies in having a good model. 

“Why are you nervous? Don’t think that I don’t know, ever since you found out that you’re going to help me with this, you’ve been practicing every day. What’s more, I don’t believe that you’re any worse than those models,” Mo Li Xin assured.

Xu Qing Man took a couple of deep breaths, “En! Be rest assured! Although I’m nervous, it’s a separate matter. This show I’ll definitely do my best. Your wedding dresses are so astounding, I’ll definitely be the most beautiful on that stage! Your request, I’ll also keep in mind. Both sets of wedding dresses have different feels, I’ll make sure to walk in the way to give the feeling off accurately. You can count on me!”

I remembered that the shop owner talked in broken English, I purposely tried to write it so. It was funny seeing that almost the whole paragraph was underlined with blue squiggly lines and I don’t need to change nothing about it! 

More squiggly the merrier LOL (~^‸^)~

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