Sweet Husband Pampers His Wife

Chapter 41: CH 42

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When Ji Nan Feng finally caught a glimpse of her, she was sitting in the garden, holding a drawing pad. A butterfly landed gently on her head before fluttering away. 

She carelessly pushed her hair that came loose from her half-tied bun behind her ears. The sunshine scattered rays across her face, looking beautiful and pleasant.

This was on top of a ten-storey building. There were vegetation, grape trellis, and roses scattered around the roof, forming a mini garden.

The woman sat on the swing, failing to notice the two men watching her from the door.

“Have you figured it out? How are you going to explain this to her? The amount of trust she had in you in her last life, would amount to how uneasy she’s feeling now,” Gong Ze Yun, who was standing a step behind, said.

“Do you think she can forgive me?” Ji Nan Feng originally wanted to light a cigarette but stopped after thinking about it.

“If she doesn’t forgive you, what will you do? Are you just going to give up on her?” 

“No!” He would never. Ji Nan Feng knew, even if she treated him as an enemy, he would still continue holding onto her.  

“Fs… esd’v usw tlv kv? Ls xyvvla obyv vbl swvnsxl kp, qasx uswa lde, uswa alpwzvkdt ynvksdp okzz alxykd vbl pyxl,” Qsdt Hl Zwd vssj y rwqq sq bkp nktyalvvl yde pyke xlydkdtqwzzu yp bl pvwekle vbl osxyd’p cynj rasqkzl.

Ys Nk Dkd oyp bszekdt bla pjlvnbrye, zspv kd bla vbswtbvp obld pweeldzu, vbl pokdt xshle. Waktbvldle cu vbl pweeld xshlxldv, pbl iwknjzu tayprle vbl asrl sq vbl pokdt vktbvzu.

Nssjkdt clbkde, pbl pyo vbl qynl vbyv zlqv bla yv okvp’ lde.


“Ekzz usw cl yczl vs tkhl xl ydsvbla nbydnl?” Jlqsal vbl zyeu nswze qkdkpb prlyjkdt, vbl xyd byzq bwttle bla qasx clbkde yde ypjle.

Vlabyrp kv byp clld y zsdt vkxl pkdnl bl zypv prsjl, bkp hsknl oyp bsyapl yde ewzz, yde bkp vsdl oyp rzlyekdt.

Ekvb bla cynj vsoyaep bkx, pbl nswze dsv alye bkp lmralppksd. Mbl rlapsd clbkde lxcaynle bla kdvs bkp yaxp, cwaukdt bkp blye kdvs bla pbswzela okvb bkp nbkd ytykdpv vbl pkel sq bla qynl. Mbl raknjzkdt pldpyvksd sq bkp pvwcczl oyp pzktbvzu rykdqwz. Mbl hytwl pnldv pwaaswdekdt bkx oyp yzps dsv bkp wpwyz qykdv nszstdl, cwv y rwdtldv vscynns pxlzz. Rv eke dsv vyjl xwnb vs ekpnlad vbyv bl nwaaldvzu nwv y psaau qktwal.

“Zsw… zlv ts sq xl qkapv,” obld vbl nawlz osaep alynble bla zkrp, pbl qswde vbyv pbl pvkzz nswze dsv hsnyzkpl vblx.

There will always be some things that cannot be explained using logic, so how could one convey a clear reason?

She might have resentment or hatred, but what could she do about it? How much responsibility can she throw onto Ji Nan Feng to bear? In the end, every entanglement and grievances were all part of their previous life… 

“I just have a question to ask you,” after feeling Ji Nan Feng’s anxiety, she compromised.

The person holding her jolted, “you ask.” 

She paused and looked at two fluttering butterflies, “disregarding whether it was the last life or this life. All your actions… were they done out of guilt, or have you gained feelings for me?” 

After hearing her question, Ji Nan Feng smiled in relief, “do I look like someone who will give myself as repayment?”

Mo Li Xin was not reassured because of this. Her eyes drooped, and she continued, “you might not give yourself as repayment, but you would use your all in order to exact your revenge.” 

The man tensed. Not a second ago, the corners of his mouth were curved upwards because of her question. But now, his expression fell apart and his whole body became stiff.

At that moment, the world seemed to fall into silence. It was until the girl suddenly fainted in his arms.

In the ward, Ji Nan Feng sat by the bed, tightly holding onto the woman’s hand. His face was haggard and pale as if there was no blood.

“How did she become like this?”

“When she was rescued, she suffered from a mild concussion. But due to the neglect during her recuperation recently, the inevitable happened. She needs sufficient rest to recover. I would advise that during this period, it’s best not to agitate her emotions. She would recover faster if her mood stabilizes.” A man in a white coat diagnosed.

“What happened that day?” Ji Nan Feng directed the question to Gong Ze Yun.

That day, during the face-off, Duan An Ran was finally rescued by eldest brother, Lu Xing Yan. As for the ring leader, he was shot but still managed to escape. After which he lost all news regarding Li Xin. It was only until yesterday, he finally received intel that she was still in Country B, and was together with his second brother. The information slowly pieced together to form a bigger picture…  

So it turned out that in their previous life, his second brother was the supposed wild man1.

“I’m guessing that you roughly knew what had happened. As for that day, I received information and went to the location in advance. I didn’t expect that I would really manage to intercept them there. As for why I didn’t inform you about her right away, you should know the reason better than anyone else, no?”

“Why were you so sure that she would be there?” Ji Nan Feng continued asking.

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“Then why do you think I appeared there without rhyme or reason? Ji Nan Feng, if you still haven’t learnt how to love, I don’t mind replacing you. But whenever there’s even the slightest bit concerning her safety, I will not hesitate! So what are you driving at? You better think carefully before you say it out loud.” Gong Ze Yun’s tone became frosty after hearing Ji Nan Feng’s question, causing him to react violently. 

This was the first time he addressed his full name instead of calling him Third Brother after they met. 

Gong Ze Yun thought that Ji Nan Feng’s question was because he suspected that he was part of that group of people. But he heard Ji Nan Feng continuing, “I was just hoping that you would have some useful information to help us apprehend the ring leader.”

It was like a basin of cold water being poured onto Gong Ze Yun’s head. When he calmed down, he belatedly admitted that it was due to jealousy that caused him to lose control just now. He was jealous of his third brother, no matter what he had done, the girl he liked could not lift a cruel hand against him. 

“It’s nothing, I don’t know much. I just remembered that in the previous life, this incident occurred during Bai Sha Exhibition too. Later on, they escaped using a certain route. Hence when I found out that the exact thing happened again in this life, I assumed they would take the same path and intercepted them halfway.” 

In their previous life, he was also invited to be a judge at Bai Sha Exhibition, and such an incident also happened. Although many elements had changed when compared with the previous life, the final outcome had remained the same.

Ji Nan Feng did not continue with his questions. He just stared at Mo Li Xin, lost in his thoughts.

During this time, the affected circles were in chaos, especially in the design sector. The commotion that happened during Bai Sha Exhibition had an unprecedented impact. Jiu Zi included. 

To the unaffected citizens, they only knew that during Bai Sha Exhibition, many criminals were caught. However, only a handful of people in Jiu Zi knew of Mo Li Xin. She was the person who earned first place at Bai Sha Exhibition, and she encountered misfortune. Luckily, she was rescued but whether she suffered from any severe injuries, no one knew.

Dai Meng flew back the next day after the incident. After all, their boss knew that they would not be of any help even if they remained. They might even be at risk if they stayed, hence the whole team went back. But the people who went and came back seemed to be in a poor state of mind.

Dai Meng and Li Feng were sitting at their desks, munching on potato chips.

“You said, what do you think happened to Li Xin? I’m really worried, and their location is unknown,” Dai Meng fretted as she nibbled on the corner of one of the delightful crisps.

“She’ll be okay. Team Leader is a good person, nothing will happen to her.” Li Feng took a sip of coffee and comforted her genuinely. He pushed the frame of his glasses up as he browsed the computer on news regarding Bai Sha Exhibition.

“I think this is retribution. You guys are too optimistic about this,” Li Na strutted out of the aisle and leaned slightly on the desk. Dressed in a sexy red dress that wrapped tightly against her figure. People that encountered this view would feel that she was trying to create amorous feelings.

Too bad, her display was in this office, there was obviously no such ‘wishful person’.

“Li Na, no matter how you look at it, we all belong in the same company. Why are you always targeting Li Xin? She has never provoked you before. I think you’re just jealous! Not only does she look more beautiful than you, but she’s also better at getting along with others. Most importantly, in this office, she’s someone who is more talented and outstanding than you! Although you two were hired at the same time, in this short period, she already rose to the position of design director, but you? You’re still a junior designer!”

Dai Meng was the type of person that would feel extremely uncomfortable if she tried to hold in her word. She found herself tolerating it several times before because of Mo Li Xin’s presence. This time, however, Mo Li Xin was not there, so her words vomited out as she could no longer stand it.

Usually, Li Feng would try to meditate. But today, even he felt that Li Na had crossed the line. Hence, he silently continued to sip his coffee and everyone else in the office also remained silent.


Far away in Country B, Mo Li Xin was ‘awake’ but stuck in a coma.

She could feel everything occurring in the world around her. She could hear the sounds surrounding her and she could feel that someone was holding her hand. Yet, she could not open her eyes and wake up. Instead, she seemed to be in another realm where she can see herself staring at an endless lake where the water and sky met.

‘In the end, you still managed to force me out,’ a voice echoed. Mo Li Xin turned her head back and as expected… 

‘You said… that I forced you out?’ she asked.

‘This would be the last time I appear. You’ve probably already guessed who I am right?’

Mo Li Xin peered at her, waiting for her to continue. A shadow that looked and sounded exactly the same as her approached and rushed into her body before she had time to react.

The shadowed Mo Li Xin continued, ‘I am you, the you from our previous life. The you who loved Ji Nan Feng till death but held not even the slightest bit of resentment. Now, do you know why I appear and disappear at times?’

‘…’ Mo Li Xin shook her head. 

‘It’s because you couldn’t accept me. Or should I say, you couldn’t accept that you’re so stupid in the past. I hold your memories, and my existence dwells in these memories. You didn’t have enough courage to face this version of yourself hence, you buried my existence. Whenever you become vulnerable, I’ll gain the opportunity to appear. And when you’re finally strong enough to face everything, I will no longer exist as we will have become one. My courage and my confidence to face the future will become yours.’ 

Mo Li Xin could not fully comprehend. Didn’t this mean that there will be two souls residing in one body?

Actually, I don’t understand what Mo Li Xin doesn’t understand. I thought that it was pretty clear =3

I thought they were in Gong Ze Yun’s manor… Can a manor be ten storeys high?? Or did they move her into a hospital or something… I’m also not sure of their current location…  (∩⌣̀_⌣́)

And… Sorry about the irregular posting recently…  <(_ _)>

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