Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 1: The Introduction

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Chapter 1 – The Introduction

“People have been disappearing for weeks now, and no one seems to give a shit! I'm not talking a couple of people! Entire towns along the outskirts of the forest have gone quiet! I need help, please come to the following coordinates... and please come armed, we can’t lose anyone else! - Oxyi.” 


Diego Harley slowly ruffled his sleek, black hair, his eyes carefully reading through the advert, to see if it contained any other details, but that was all it said. It felt desperate. Another opportunity  for a man like him could continue to earn back some good grace of the universe. He nodded to himself; there was yet more work to be done. There’s always more work to be done.


He was a black scaled Coralith Komodo, a little leaner for his profession than perhaps he should be, but well-built nonetheless. The Komodo are an unusual species, considered reptilian despite the wolf-like snout and large ears more akin to a bat than any type of reptile. Equipped with a massive single edged meta-steel sword strapped across his back and unusual plated armour, saying that Diego stood out from the crowd is an understatement, not that he minded the stares or questions from passing Nomads. 


Suddenly his chair started to rattle loudly and the passengers around him began to gather their belongings, interrupting Diego's trail of thought; the shuttle was about to touch down. These shuttles acted somewhat like buses but between planets and allowed Nomad's to get about between different solar systems; there was nothing unusual about the landing and the shuttle’s ramp descended to reveal the usual affair, cargo waiting to be lifted, passengers anxious to board, and so on. There's a lot more people trying to board than usual for a planet like this, Diego thought. It looks like half the town’s trying to leave. Gazing out of the shuttle window, he spied a serious looking security official, manning a table off to the side of the new arrivals, waiting for guests. Dressed in decent quality security gear, consisting of a bullet proof vest on, combat trousers, thick boots and a couple of weapons strapped to her hips. normally this wouldn't be odd, but she looked like she'd been crying... Diego was the last off the ship but it hadn’t looked like anyone had even tried to approach her.


As Diego got closer, he saw her table had a sign on it, which read “Missing Civilian recruitment aid.” He breathed out slowly, as he confirmed he was in the right place. He narrowed his eyes, trying to read the nametag on the officer’s chest - “Oxyi”. She looked like a big-cat cross breed, something similar to a lion and jaguar cross, she was thickly built, muscular and rather tall, with short spiky blonde hair, nothing out of the ordinary for someone who worked a demanding job like hers. She was just turning to leave, gathering her things and sniffling quietly, trying to hide her emotion from the public, when Diego approached the table.


“Oxyi? I saw your ad for help? The missing people?” He spoke softly, placing a hand on the table. “Name’s Diego Harley.”


“Oh! Excellent! T-that's good, thank you!” Startled, she turned around, and several emotions seemed to flicker across her face as she quickly looked Diego up and down, eyeing his gear “T-uhm-uh. Yes! Uhm, that's great! I - I see that you're armed! With a giant sword... that's not… strange at all... I mean, God I’m so sorry! You’ve actually come here to help me and I’m just prattling on and embarrassing myself -”.


Rather than be offended, Diego just laughed, smiling warmly.


“I can understand the scepticism! That’s not all though; check this out...” He held his hand out, palm flat and produced a series of bright yellow electrical sparks crackling from his fingers, Oxyi understood the significance of this immediately.


“Oh! You're psyonically gifted as well! Amazing! You must be confident in your abilities if you're wielding half a lamppost as a weapon. Oh fuck, there might actually be hope on the horizon!”


“Hopefully!” He smiled again, and with a flick of his wrist the sparks faded. “Your advert caught my attention... I don't want to sound like an asshole or anything but it sounded desperate, I hate to mention it but it it didn’t say anything about payment either - 


“I am desperate, and I've got nothing to pay you with… I hope that’s not…” Oxyi paused and looked Diego right in the eyes to gauge his reaction. He stared back. He sensed honesty in her, and she sensed a goodness in him.


“That's fine by me. I came because I wanted to help. How about just a roof over my head, and maybe a snack?”


Oxyi’s face broke into a warm and genuine smile.


“Yes, I can do that! Help me fix this mess and you can stay at my place as long as you want!” Her smile faltered as she realised what she’d just said. “OH-SHIT, UHM, I didn't mean it like that-I-just-meant that-” She scrambled for words. 




Unnoticed by the pair, within the crowd, a draconic figure took particular note of the conversation as the volume increased, his eyes narrowing as he observed Diego closely. After a couple of seconds of thought, he backed away and spoke softly into his wrist communicator; “Potential CW exile spotted on freight route, investigation requested.”




“It's all good Oxyi, I know what you meant.” Diego laughed heartily, placing his hands on his hips. “Let's get to the bottom of this for you shall we? You got anyone else helping?”


She shook her head. “Just me, I'm afraid. I meant what I said in the advert. Look, let me give you a bit of background whilst we head to my headquarters. I've been doing light security jobs in the towns around here for the last year or so and my work has been drying up fast. I couldn't figure out why so I decided to check on some of my old clients… but they were just gone. The more I looked, the more people I noticed had gone missing. It must have started slow because nobody seems to have really noticed, or cares enough to notice, but it's speeding up. Entire villages have disappeared now, starting with the ones in the mountains towards the North.” As they prepared to leave, Diego carefully paid attention throughout, his ears twitching. “It all seems to be centred around the forest between us and the mountains. All the disappearances I've noticed are around the edges of it.”


“Shit... how many people do you think have gone missing?” Diego helped Oxyi pack up her table, and then they started walking away from the terminal.


“I... can't say for certain. But based on the most recent population counts of those villages,  I reckon that 75% of those ghost towns are actually gone, at least 10,000...”


10,000?!” Diego exclaimed, stopping in his tracks. “10,000 people have gone missing and you're the only one looking for them?!”


Oxyi nodded sadly, leading Diego a couple of streets away from the landing pad which was just situated outside of town. She'd set up base in a small apartment, nothing special, it looked like any other decent quality modern day apartment block in a suburban town.


“I don't know what's happening but people are disappearing in the night and fast. Some of the locals around the forest swear they can hear screaming but no one dares to go look. I know families who've lost children and they're just leaving, Diego, packing their bags and running... I'm not scaring you off am I?” She turned to face him, key in the door.


“Nah, you're fine. This sounds really serious though; why isn't anyone else helping you?”


“I can't get their attention. No one much cares about these villages on the outskirts of the system, and because the locals are just leaving, there aren't enough funds to get a merc force down here. I tried to pay for a merc gang myself but they thought I was making the whole thing up, and without the towns folk funding it, there was no way I could get the money together anyway. I'd have to sell my apartment just to get a scout! Nevermind an actual squad!” Oxyi lamented, frustrated.


“I’ll be honest with you Oxyi, this sounds like too big a job for just two people to take on -  we'll need some reinforcements. I may have some friends we can call on who should be able to help but for the time being I think that we can run some recon tonight.” Diego rolled his shoulders a little, still stiff from the shuttle-ride.


“Yeah, that sounds reasonable, I don't think we should get into anything too deep tonight -  Ah shit, Phrasing. Sorry.”


Oxyi opened the door to her apartment and revealed a messy clutter of various different bits of equipment scattered over wooden furnishings, the odd weapon or leftover takeaway distributed evenly throughout the mess.


She beckoned him in and apologised for the clutter, navigating her way through what looked like discarded maps on the floor. She pulled up a chair for him around a table in the centre of the room, sweeping leftover takeaway boxes onto the floor and grabbing some maps from a side table.


Oxyi’d managed to sketch out the forest’s entire perimeter showing where it started, ended and where the villages were. She showed Diego her calculations for the missing population figure she produced earlier, showing if anything she had been conservative in her estimations. Prior to today her work had been mostly fruitless, only uncovering additional missing people.


“Diego, can I be honest with you?” She placed her hands flat on the table and closed her eyes, letting her head drift back slightly. “I'm scared. I feel like I'm out of my depth. You’re the first person who’s turned up to help me and I feel like you may be the only one who ever does... I'm just one girl, how am I going to find thousands of missing people? Nevermind stop what's actually happening here!” 


Diego reached out with an armoured hand, placing it on top of hers, he nodded understandingly and ruffled the back of his head.


“There's no point focusing on what we can't do, let's focus on what we can do tonight. We can try and establish what's causing these disappearances, we'll play it safe, gather as much intelligence as we can and see if we can round up some additional help once we know what we're dealing with. I'm sure I can wrangle some mercs to our aid, call in some favours.”


She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and nodded in agreement, clasping his hand tight. 


“Thank you. I feel like you're my guardian angel right now... How about that snack you asked about earlier?” She managed to regain some confidence and produced another warm smile, standing from her chair she moved carefully over to the kitchen cupboard and came back with some chocolate. Between shared bites the two continued to plan their route into the forest for later that night. I hope we’re armed enough for this, who knows what we’re going to meet out there, Diego thought as he watched Oxyi’s slender claws trace along the map. I have to be prepared for anything, time is of the essence here… 


The evening was soon upon them. Oxyi loaded up, strapping a shotgun to her back, carrying plenty of ammo and also a shoulder mounted camera, in the hopes of recording anything and everything they could. Diego remained as he arrived, sword the length of his body strapped to his back and sparse armoured plating across his body, showing off a cheeky set of abs.


The forest was only a short walk away from Oxyi’s apartment. The air was fresh, with that lovely mid-autumn feel to it. This Nomad planet was one luscious and dense with plant life, which was one of the reasons for settlement in the first place. But, it had too few natural resource deposits for one of the bigger Corps to get involved, thus, it stayed small scale and well within Nomad control. It had a wonderful star though, with a purple haze to it; as the sun set, the dense forest ahead was bathed in a beautiful, lilac glow. Although apprehensive about the situation, it was moments like these that brought Diego peace.


“We stick together and move slowly, we stay low and quiet. We're here for information, not for a fight... right?” Oxyi took a deep breath and padded towards the treeline, crossing the last field between them and it.


“Agreed. C'mon, Oxyi! We got this!” Diego patted her on the shoulder firmly and pushed forward. The carrier shuttle from earlier had departed and the town was even quieter than before, not a single soul in sight on the streets or on the outskirts of the forest. It was only a few months ago that these fields had had kids playing about in the plants and the growth, and families eating their meals together on the grass. But it was deathly quiet now... Suddenly, the scene seemed a little less peaceful.


The two skirted the outside of the forest, looking closely between the thick trees but they couldn't spot anything, just the swaying of branches and the occasional chirp of a bird. The evening steadily drew to a close, As the sky rolled back into a darker blue and the stars blinked into being, the forest showed no signs of revealing its secrets. They continued to push into the treeline. Both were capable navigators, so they weren't too worried about getting lost, but Oxyi left behind them some blotches of glow paint along their trail, just in case.


With the last of the daylight now gone, the forest's atmosphere changed from a chill summertime scene into something more sinister.  The two held their nerve, quietly treading their way through the foliage, the forest remained silent. Minutes turned into hours. They stayed low, to avoid any prying eyes or predators, but nothing came their way. Perhaps foolishly, Oxyi began to relax in Diego’s presence. They had been silently creeping around for hours now, and there hadn't been so much as a wink of activity. “Let’s take a break, Diego.” Her sudden whisper seemed like a scream cutting through the silence, but Diego didn’t even flinch.  She stopped and sat on a broken log, patting the space next to her for Diego to sit beside her. She took a swig from her canteen and offered it to him, which he happily shared.


“Thank you again for coming out with me, Diego. I never would have done this by myself... it's a shame but it looks like we're walking away empty handed tonight...”


“Hey, there's always tomorrow, right?” He said sincerely. “I'm staying with you until we get this sorted out.”


“Promise?” Oxyi felt for his hand shyly, her fingers slender and small in his tough, scaly hands.


“Promise. We'll sort this out together.”


“Of all the people that could have turned up at my stand today, Diego... I'm so glad it was you. It’s like someone picked the perfect person and dropped them at my door... I don't know what I've done to deserve you.”


“You sure you don't want a guy with a gun instead?” He laughed,gesturing at the sword in his back. “And don't sweat it... I'm here to make the universe a better place. It's only right after the damage I caused.”


“Ohhhh... A tragic backstory as well?  Sounds like someone has a dark and mysterious past!” She took off her scarf and placed it over his head like a hood, giggling cutely. “Look at me, Mr Dark and Broody!! I must atone for my sins!”


He played along, standing and taking the scarf in his hands, and posing dramatically.


“I must warn you, Oxyi! I am quite the mysterious stranger!”


“Such intense eyes, Diego! Oh I'm swooning!” They laughed together, Diego gently returning her scarf and sitting back down on the log. but as their laughing died off, only a few yards away…  there was a sound. They froze. It was an eerie and surreal sound, not one like Diego had ever heard before… And yet he was certain, there was definitely another person nearby...


They both slowly rose to their feet. Diego drew his blade with the silence of a skilled swordsman, and Oxyi unstrapping her shotgun, and shouldering it. They remained absolutely still, waiting for another noise. Only moments later it vibrated out through the trees.

You are reading story Sweet Venom – Rebroken at novel35.com


It sounded like a groan.


They both cautiously approached its source, Oxyi watching their surroundings and Diego leading the front. Several tense seconds went by in silence, the two careful with every step they took. Another groan sounded... Diego suddenly spotted it; there was someone standing over by a tree, just a few metres ahead of them. He was difficult to see in the darkness, despite making no attempt to hide himself. He hadn't seen the pair yet. He was just standing there awkwardly, shoulders uncomfortably hunched together, head hanging a little too far off to the side. The figure shuffled around, seemingly pawing at the tree next to it, occasionally letting out a low groan.


Oxyi and Diego waited together, taking cover behind a tree and deciding what to do.


“I-is he drunk? What's he doing?” Oxyi whispered into Diego’s ear, to avoid being overheard.


“I don't know,” Diego whispered back. “He doesn't seem armed or dangerous... Do you think he's hurt?”


“Impossible to tell from here... do we approach him?” Oxyi fumbled in her pack for a flash-light and passed it to him.


“Yeah... He seems alone, if he turns nasty, I think we can handle him. You didn't spot anyone else?”




They nodded to each-other and Diego moved away from Oxyi before calling out, as not to give away her position.


“Hey dude... you alright there?” Diego gently sheathed his sword but flicked the flash-light on, revealing the figure in greater detail. Oxyi watched from the darkness of the forest closely, her expression changing sharply, first to recognition, but then to shock.


The figure was a Vulpine-morph or a foxman, average in weight and build, but completely naked, his fur was a dark grey colour and his eyes were a twisted purple, his monotone complexion did not match Oxyi's memory of him, the only reason she knew it was him at all, was because of a unique piercing he had through one of his ears. He was one of her first clients; he’d had a problem with lumber thieves that she sorted for him...


“That's Yeoman... what's wrong with him?” Oxyi blurted out, moving away from her position. As she spoke, Yeoman stumbled towards Diego, his groans becoming more aggressive. “Is that… is that an erection?!” She yelled and pointed, completely taken off guard at the naked fox’s apparent sexual arousal as he stumbled towards them. Oxyi quickly composed herself. “Yeoman, I'm gonna need you to stop and back off.” She ordered, raising the shotgun.


He didn't listen. He sped up, breaking into a clumsy run straight at Diego, but the lizard sidestepped smoothly and kicked his legs out from under him, causing the fox to collapse to the floor. Oxyi pounced on him instantly, pulling out a pair of handcuffs and securing the fox's flailing limbs as he tried to stand again. He thrusted towards her with everything he had, despite being thoroughly secured. Oxyi's shoulder mounted cam was capturing everything.


“What the hell happened to you, Yeoman? You were a good hard-working guy, why’re you stumbling around the forest naked? Did someone drug you?” He didn’t seem to even hear Oxyi’s questions; instead the fox continued his desperate but futile attempt to mate with her.. Diego, who had been watching their surroundings closely while Oxyi quizzed her captive, was suddenly aware of the danger they were in.


“We're being watched...” Diego drew his blade again, backing up towards Oxyi. “Holy shit... Oxyi we need to get out of here now.”


“W-what do you mean?” She stood and looked around, seeing nothing in the trees. “I can’t see anything!”


“Oxyi; we’re being ambushed, we need to leave-”


The fox on the floor was twitching violently, his limbs writhing and twisting against their joints as if he were a puppet being manipulated by strings.


His drunken flailing suddenly turned into precise movements, and with a ravaged cry he kicked Oxyi right in the knee, hard.


“Ow! Fuck! Yeoman! What did you do that for?!” She yelled, he tried to kick her again and again but she jumped back. Her eyes flickered away from her prisoner as through the darkness of the forest, emerged hundreds of snarling naked figures running towards them, pouring out from behind the trees. All around them, the figures from the darkness were advancing on them. 


“We need to move, Oxyi, now!” Diego leapt back, grabbing her by the hand and roaring into the air, ribbons of yellow energy sparking between them as he did so. Oxyi suddenly felt lighter and quicker on her feet, her breath came easy as they pounded towards the glowing paint on the trees.. Able to outpace the crowd gathering behind them, Oxyi shouldered her shotgun as she ran, blasting a couple of shells into the assailants ahead of them, Each shot hit; they dropped dead where they stood; Diego charged into another with his shoulder, shoving the figure into a tree where its body met wood with a painfully loud crack. The monotone figure ceased moving.


Should I even be opening fire on these things?! Oxyi’s thoughts came at her a mile a minute as they ran through the trees. That was Yeoman, he’s one of them! What if the others… but is that a risk we can take? 


They followed the glow paint as fast as they could, taking out anything that made it too close to them. With the heft of his blade Diego sliced another of the things cleanly in half at the waist… when their glow trail came to an abrupt end but with no end to the forest in sight.


Oxyi skidded to a halt. “T-that's impossible! I marked our trail!” Oxyi stammered, quickly loading some shells into her shotgun.


“I know. Someone's been following us, Oxyi. Do you think you can navigate us a way out?”


“Y-yes. I’ll need to read the map but I can't do it if we're running!”


Diego threw her the flashlight and planted his legs firmly, preparing himself for the coming assault, and, confidently bringing his blade to his chest.“Then I'll buy you sometime.” 


Figures sprinted out of every direction as Oxyi took cover beneath a fallen tree. His blade swung left and right, splitting through flesh and bone in massive arcs, heads severed from spines, limbs sliced from their bodies. Flesh and corpses hit the ground with deep thuds as Diego swung his mammoth sword; one leapt from his side but was intercepted by the sharpened metal perfectly, with only a spatter of blood hitting the tip of Oxyi's boot. She took a deep breath and steeled herself, concentrating on the map in her hands. She quickly finished plotting their escape route. “Let’s go, Diego, come on!” Diego turned his back on the growing crowd gathering behind them; no, not a crowd, a wall of hungry faces was hounding them, far too many for Diego's blade to cut through. But back on the move, they stayed nimble and ahead of the creatures, Diego's warcry giving both him and Oxyi the speed and endurance needed to outpace their pursuers.


After what felt like an eternity, hearts pounding in both of their chests, the faint glow of city street-lights glistened into view through the treeline. They were almost there! Her legs felt like lead and she could taste metal in her mouth, yet Oxyi pushed forward and ran ahead. With the forest now clearing, there was nowhere for these things to emerge from and surprise them. The open field between them and the city was completely clear. She glanced back and saw that Diego, despite having to slow down in their sprint to attack their pursuers, had made it to the edge of the treeline. The relief she felt at Diego’s sight was only momentary though, as the sheer number of their assailants dawned on her, and they quickly approached the treeline. We can’t do this on our own - We need an army, but maybe, once we’re in the city, we’ll be able to outmanoeuvre them… But just then, stumbling to the forest’s edge, the wall of faces stopped.


Confused, Diego and Oxyi paused for breath in the middle of the field, but before they could even speak, there was a loud clack behind them. The street-lights all popped together, tiny shards of glass tinkling against the floor, bathing the field in darkness. They spun around together, Diego’s ears alert and twitching, when - 


“Get down!”A figure was hurtling through the air at them! Yeoman, impacted against the ground with a crunch.. Oxyi fell backwards and landed with a thump, fumbling for her pistol. Diego spun out the way nimbly, when he felt something behind him. Something swiped for his back but he ducked out the way and pressed his fist against the ground, surging his power into the earth. The assailant swung for him again but Diego pulled his hand free, and a surge of concussive force erupted around him, sending bright orange sparks into the air, lighting up the field and knocking the figure off its feet. 


The assailant rolled to its knees and Diego instantly readied his blade against its neck, and froze. A few metres ahead of him, Oxyi was kicking and screaming; something held her in its grasp.


A massive creature, easily standing two heads above him and Oxyi, was holding her roughly by the neck and suspended in the air, and facing towards him. Diego didn't recognise the species but it had a humanoid body, with jade-green skin and a nose-less face and large toxic eyes, with black sclera much like his own. It had several carapace plates over its head and limbs, with beautiful, long, jelly-like dreadlock hair protruding from the back of its head. She stood tall, strong and... busty? She was wearing some kind of armoured corset but it was obvious to Diego that this thing was very well endowed.


The creature at the end of his blade looked to be the same species, but this one had bright purple skin. She slowly raised its arms in surrender, but the green one that had Oxyi simply grinned menacingly.


“Well that was fun, little ones! You almost made it back to town! But playtime's over now.” Her grin faded into a hiss as it shook Oxyi about in a brazen and effortless display of strength. “Why don't you drop your weapons and make this easy?”


Exhausted from her struggle, Oxyi did as she was told. The gun slipped through her fingers.


“Did you get him, Seeth?” The alien looked up and its face dropped upon seeing Diego's blade to her companion's neck. “Ugh. Now that's annoying.” 


“Annoying?! Are you the ones responsible for all the disappearances around here?” Diego yelled, one had firmly on his blade, the other preparing another psyonic.


“You should be more concerned with your safety than mystery solving right now, hero.” She scoffed, holding Oxyi out at arm’s length towards him.”I heard you two talking in the forest earlier, you were so cute. I just had to get some of that for me, you know?”


“Shut the fuck up, you monster.” Diego barked, gesturing towards his blade.. “You think you can take me on? Your friend here wasn't quite up to the challenge, in case you haven’t noticed so you might wanna stop running your mouth.”


“You want to protect her.” The one he held at blade-point spoke up. Her voice was softer than her partner’s.. “You can still do that.” As she spoke, the green one tightened her grip on the back of Oxyi's neck, causing her to yelp in pain. “Agree to come with us and we'll let your friend go.”


The pressure mounted as Oxyi choked in the air, and Diego knew he had to do something, now. But there was so much he didn’t know. Would he be able to take this creature out if it decided to kill Oxyi? Would his psyonics even help him here? He could see Oxyi was trying to shake her head, pleading with him not to listen, but he couldn't see another way out. 


“W-what do you want?!” He yelled, desperately trying to come up with another solution.


“You.” The purple one spoke again, quietly. “Promise to come with us, with no fuss, and we'll let your friend go.”


“Oxyi... you get the fuck off this planet, yeah?” He slowly pulled his blade away from the purple one’s neck and she slowly stood, keeping her hands in the air. He kept his gaze on Oxyi, but shifted his address to the creature beside him. “I promise. You let her go and walk away and I swear, I'll come with you peacefully.” This is going to be suicide, I know it, but I can’t let Oxyi die here. The green alien relaxed her grip a little on the frantically kicking Oxyi, giving her some breath to speak.


“Diego! You can't just give yourself up for me! You bloody idiot!


“I don't wanna hear it, Oxyi! I promised to keep you safe. I am honour-bound to that promise.”


“Fuck honour! Just get out of here!”


No! Now unhand her, you creature! I meant what I said.” Diego's eyes narrowed sharply as he spoke.


The second he uttered the words, the green ones grip on Oxyi loosened, and she dropped to the floor with a thud, gasping. The alien backed off, kicking away Oxyi's guns but otherwise letting her stand. 


“Say your goodbyes and leave us, girl .” The creature demanded. “A bargain has been struck. A decent Node for a rather fetching Mark who fancies himself as a hero...” That sinister grin spread back over her face. Oxyi slowly approached Diego, threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, crying into his neck.


“Y-you didn't need to do that... I'm just a Nomad and -  and we only met earlier today! I'm no one...” She sobbed, the aliens watching both of them intently.


“You don't understand...” He hugged her back, holding her close, but keeping his eyes on the green creature.. “I made you a promise. It doesn’t matter how long I've known you for, I said I'd keep you safe... Now go! Before they change their minds. I'll be fine! Just get to safety!” She pulled back, rubbing her fingers over his hair and ears and kissing him gently on the nose, before breaking into a run with all the strength she could muster, up the field and towards the city, bawling loudly... Soon enough, Oxyi's crying slowly faded away, leaving Diego with the two alien creatures in the darkness of the field, as the  sparks from his earlier psyonics reached the ground and fizzled out.


He took a long, deep breath, filling his lungs with the fresh night air. A heavy feeling in his chest told him that this might be the last taste of freedom he would get….

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