Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 19: Chapter 5 – Mina’s Proud Whores

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Chapter 5 – Mina's Proud Whores


The space station main floor was a commercial mall of sorts, an open layout multi-levelled area with many different types of shops for the average Nomad to stock up and refill their larders. It was nicely decorated with various potted plants and plant displays stationed around here and there, with seating areas and public conveniences as one would expect. There was an adults only section of the station down a large corridor, a ship repair rig and another wing that was dedicated to long stay guests. Several ultra thick space-glass walls gave the mall a lovely view of incoming ships, the water recycler and the endless cold ocean that surrounded them which made for a great visual feast whilst chowing down of the stations various delicacies.


The smooth off-white tiled floor was nicely cleaned, glimmering under the frequent spotlights that dotted the walls and ceiling and it was obvious that the station was well looked after, with every shop having staff and there being a reasonable number of customers of varies species and creeds, but the group was getting a number of funny looks as the two huge gas mask clad aliens strutted through the centre of the main shopping area.


Down the adult wing, a skinny, elegant looking bunny girl with curly white hair and brilliant emerald eyes popped her head around the corner, staring at the aliens in confusion.


“Hey Mina, you ever see anything like this before?” The bunny puzzled, squinting at the group.


Mina padded over, revealing herself as a much shorter goblin female, with large lime ears, a cute face and a surprisingly hefty chest on her for a small creature.


“Fuck me Tani, look at that! Giant gimps! Never-seen-a-gimp-like-that-before! They're bloody huge too!” Mina gasped, her voice distinct from Tani's more classy tone with a grounded, scavenger-kin common dialectic, her sentence half sung as she watched the group. “Could feed a family of fifty with those asses!”


“They've got to be freaks to walk about like that. Hopefully rich freaks.”


“You think they're gonna want your girls when you got goblins next door? Three Die goblin knob job is hard to beat baybeeeee.” The goblin shot some sarcastic finger guns Tani as she spoke.


“Awh piss off Mina, the stench alone from your place gonna drive them away!” The bunny snapped back, giving the goblin a half joking/half not middle finger.


“They're wearing gas masks ya fluffy brained bimbo! Besides, that smell is all pheromones anyway. You get a bunch of horny goblins in a room, its gonna smell like horny goblins.” She shrugged and continued to observe the group. “Smells lush anyway.”


“Well if they prefer a little class, they got the buns next door don't they? If they even come down here.” The bunny sighed loudly. “Ohh, wait a second. They have a guy in between them! Check out that cutie!” Her eyes picking Diego out from between the aliens and watching his hands wrapped around the girls thick waists.


“A guy too?! Ah, I wouldn't bet he'd need a brothel with those two at his side to be honest. Still, imma chuck my prettiest girls up front, judging by them giant gimps glued to his side, he likes busty ones.”


“Good call Tani, looks like he likes them tall too so you might be out of luck!” The bunny stuck her tongue out and skipped off to stand behind her where she was originally positioned.


“Everyone loves a shortstack, Tani! Everyone! Four foot of fuck, stacked up! That's me and me girls!” Standing alone, Mina's ears twitched as she watched the group closely. “AYO! CLARA! VENICE! GET YOUR FINE ASSES OUT HERE! WE MIGHT HAVE SOME CUSTOMERS!”


Back with the group, Seeth was licking her lips at the various different food stalls, thinking of what to get when it dawned on her that they needed money.


“Hey Plas, weren't you rounding up salvage to sell? Do we need to do anything?”


Plasia slowly turned around to face Seeth, cocking her head in a slightly awkward fashion.


“Salvage... Sell...? O-oh! I... need to deliver it to... the salvage shop...” She rubbed her hands together awkwardly as she spoke.


“OK, do you need any help or want us to come with you...?” Seeth's brow was slowly furrowing as she spoke.


“N-no! No! I can do it! I will go do it... I will do it now...”


“Are you alright, Plasia?” Seeth asked her quite seriously, her attention suddenly snapping into focus as something seemed off with her friend.


“F-fine! Hungry! Y-you guys go have fun, I will go and sort the salvage!” Plasia nodded rapidly and turned to leave the group, hurrying off before anyone could say a word, as she left, she spotted a few scantily clad goblins down the corridor of the adult wing, putting up neon signs for “Mina's Proud Whores” in such a way that wouldn't get in trouble with the station owners but would certainly bring more attention.


A low guttural growl escaped her throat as she eyed them up from beneath her mask and she licked her lips hungrily before charging off towards the ship for the salvage.


“She seem OK to you, hun?” Seeth leaned down a little, putting an arm over Diego's shoulder.


“Maybe the looks from the crowds are getting to her?” He suggested, checking around to see if everyone was still staring at them, which they absolutely were, people were staring with a variety of expressions, from admiration to bewilderment. “We are getting a lot of looks at the moment. Don't blame her for wanting to go back to the ship for a bit.”


“True. Didn't really think of that.” Seeth sighed loudly, muffled by the mask again and grabbed Diego's hand, taking him towards the adult wing.


“Whilst Plasia is getting us some money, fancy a peek at the fun stuff? Maybe we can get some accessories...”


“Seeth! Please! You know I'm saving myself for marriage!” Diego fanned himself sarcastically, feigning embarrassment.


“Oh of course sir, I did forget! Perhaps we can find you a nice chastity cage so you won't be tempted by a devil like me!” Seeth teased him and the two headed on down towards the adult wing.


“I know you're joking but don't you dare. I literally can't think of anything worse.”


The goblins staffing the front were pretty busty and dressed in super tight latex tops and miniskirts, making sure to flutter their eyes at the pair as they approached but were taken aback by the scale of Seeth's body, gawking at her exceptional figure.


They padded through the entrance into the lobby area that had a few shops attached to it, a strip club and two brothels that were right next to one another, one labelled with bright neon signs as “Mina's Proud Whores” and the other with a golden metallic font as “The Warrens”, with there being the aforementioned Mina and Tani outside their respective doors.


“Is that... two competing brothels right next to each-other?” Diego mused, giving the goblins to his side a warm hello but a polite decline as they approached, they appeared to genuinely appreciate his friendliness despite the decline.


“I think it is... Goblins vs. Rabbits?”


As Seeth responded, Mina piped up, throwing a cheeky wink at the pair and leaping on top of her stand.


“Calling us “Competing brothels” ain't exactly correct my gorgeous gimp, its more of a constant orgy versus a pity party. Awful nice of you to be nice to my girls instead of just telling them to “fuck off and choke on a dick” like most people do to goblin whores when they're not in the mood.”


“I wouldn't listen to her, gentlemen like yourself are more well suited to The Warrens than Mina's prick fiddlers.” Tani rolled her eyes at the goblins competitive comments.


“Oi! Prick fiddler implies we don't get down to business! We do far more than fiddle! Don't mislead them!” Mina huffed, hands placed firmly on her thick, curvy hips.


“I can't imagine that having an argument any time a customer shows up is good for business.” Seeth pondered, unsure of what to make of the scene. She felt her urges rising quite steadily since they arrived on the station and gripped Diego's hand tightly, slowing her breathing down and focusing on the conversation to help starve them off.


“You'd be surprised actually.” Tani chirped, leaning forward. She was a much slimmer creature compared to Mina and certainly Seeth, with a lacy red bra that was just showing around the edges of her black shirt. “A good portion of the patrons here actually like the arguments, they said it makes them feel wanted.”


“I feel plenty wanted already!” Diego snickered, squeezing Seeth's hand back. “I don't think we'll be purchasing any services today girls, but thank you!”


“Well, if you change your mind, or just want a drink and some food served by some sizzlingly hot bunnies, don't be a stranger! There's a drink on us for being polite to Mina's girls!” Tani smiled at the pair and waved them off, with Diego and Seeth heading into a nearby shop together shortly after.


“What a cute ass pair of weirdos! Wasn't expecting a sabre fanged Coralith to be so polite!” Mina giggled, sitting on her stand and crossing her legs.


“I know right? Oophm, the eyes on him too, piercing. Gives me the good shivers.” Tani bit her lip as she played the conversation back over in her head. “I hope they come back. I got some free vouchers I could give away. Reminds me why I got into this business in the first place.”


“He's a total butt slut I reckon.”


“You do?” Mina's comment took Tani off guard.


“Yeah, Czarites are herms ain't they? No idea why she's so tall but the girl is packing heat, I promise you. God, the figure on her though! I thought my girls were thick but she is something else! You rarely see figures like that in holovids, never-mind real life! I'd offer them both a job if we didn't have an exclusivity policy!”


“You can have the Czarite, I'll have the guy. Just need to break the iron-clad policies!” The bunny laughed, relaxing a little. “Say, I wonder what happened to their friend?”


“Hold up. My lude senses are tingling...” Mina's ears shot up and she looked back at the shop that Diego and Seeth had just entered, standing on her tip toes to peer through the glass.


In the shop, Seeth was browsing through several racks of skimpy clothes, getting a little annoyed at the fact that they were all Roamer sized and thus wouldn't fit her at all but she spotted a series of dressing rooms at the back of the shop. There was only a single girl sitting at the front desk, currently flicking through a magazine and not paying the pair very much attention at all, she felt an urge grip her tightly and hatched her own little plan to get a taste of her man.


*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level GREEN \\\-/// Caution Advised***


Grabbing several items of clothing from the rack, she slung them over her shoulder and got Diego's attention by clicking her fingers.


“Hey hun, can you help me try these on? I think some might fit...”


Diego raised an eyebrow but quietly slinked off towards the dressing rooms with her as he picked up on her mischievous vibes.


At the front of the shop, Mina ducked her head in the door, seeing the tail of Diego disappearing behind a curtain of a changing room, she decided to do the couple a solid and grabbed the attention of the clerk.


“Hey Debs, I got something I need your opinion on, can you hop out for a few minutes? I'll get one of my girls to watch your shop if you want?”


“Hey Mina, sure. Be out now.” She folded her magazine neatly and popped out, leaving the shop unattended with just one of Mina's girl's standing out front.


I hope they don't take too long. Not sure I can buy enough time for a deluxe fuck.


In the back of the changing room, Seeth pulled the curtain across and knelt down, leaving very little room between the two. She unclasped her mask and let out a gasp as the rubber seal popped and the smell of her man filled her mouth, the two were face to face and upon realising it, they both flushed red with excitement and lust.


“I-is this a good idea...? What if we-”


“Fuck my face.”


Diego felt the bulge in his pants twitch strongly at her words.


“Bu- Seeth... What if we get corrup-” He was clearly a little nervous as he briefly peaked out of the curtain to see if anyone was watching, but he felt her press a finger against his lips.


“Shhh... I'm not removing my clothes or getting my dick out. We're not going to expose anyone to anything dangerous. I want you to get your cock out and thrust it into my waiting mouth until you cum and then I'm going to swallow it all. We're not going to leave a trace.” Her words were followed with a slow, purposeful lick of her plump, plum coloured lips, sliding her tongue against her soft mouth and mouthing the words with perfect exaggerated pronunciation: “Fuck. My. Mouth. Please.” Biting her lip afterwards with pleading eyes that stared into his soul.


He couldn't resist an offer like that. Who could.


Unbelting his pants, his cock rocketed out fully erect already, begging for her attention and she kneeled down as low as possible to bring her head level with it. Pursing her plump lips together, she placed them at the very tip of his cock, giving it a loving kiss but then waited.


“What are you waiting for, Diego? Permission?” She mused at him, staring up with her gorgeous, slightly heterochromatic violet eyes.


“I thought you were gonna blow me...?”

You are reading story Sweet Venom – Rebroken at novel35.com


“Sweetie boy, I didn't say that. I said- Fuck. My. Face. Imagine my mouth is a pussy for the next few minutes. Grab my head and fuck it like you're trying to put a baby in it.” She resumed her position, glossy lips pursed and staring up at him lovingly, the spotlight of the changing room making the colour of her eyes pop and glisten even more than usual.


“Good god you're hot, Seeth...”


He did as he was told, grabbing the sides of her head and slowly sliding the length of his cock inside her mouth, her soft lips accepting the intruder, caressing his length and pressing down to the base of his manhood, kissing the hilt as he pushed in. All eight inches swallowed without a hint of fuss from her, she didn't even blink as his balls rested against her chin, soft and warm on her skin.


Gloriously warm and gooey, she was sucking on him as he slowly pulled his length out, leading to a loud “POP” as he pulled it free, to which both of them giggled gently.


“Just tap me if you need a breath, yeah?” His one hand grabbing a handful of her jelly dreadlocks and the other holding onto her neck. She winked at him and leaned a little further forward, eager for another taste of her man, her breath hot and heavy, warming the skin of his dick and he happily obliged her to another taste of his prick.


Thrusting his hips forward, she ate up all eight inches of his girthy cock and sighed in pleasure as she felt him begin to piston back and forth, the feeling of this thick meat sliding against her tongue and cheeks was pleasurable in its own right for her... Picking up pace as he thrusted deep into her face and throat, his cock fully coated in dark pink slime that made the mouth fuck a beautifully slick and satisfying experience for both of them.


He felt an intense pleasure build as he worked his way up to a climax, now fully thrusting in and out of Seeth's mouth like it was a fresh hot pussy begging to be bred, she remained still the entire time, moaning in pleasure which made his meat vibrate and led to even more pleasure, her eyes rolling back as just the thought of Diego using her like this gave her a shudder of ecstasy. She kept the pressure on, lips sealed around his cock, ensuring no fluid or slime escaped her maw and enhancing her man's experience as he worked his hips back and forth in the limited space they had. His grip remained firm on her hair and neck, ensuring his fuck-hole was locked in place whilst he had his fun.


Pistoning back and forth, her lips rolled up and down the full length of his cock over and over again, her warm, gooey mouth and silky soft, plump lips were just begging for him to dump his load in her throat, teasing him out of his seed. Looking down and seeing those huge gorgeous eyes of hers staring up at him, that perfectly sculpted face, it was enough to push him over the edge quite cleanly.


He came hard, thrusting deep and pulling her head in at the same time, the massive alien gave another louder moan in delight as she felt pleasant warmth filling her throat as he shot several creamy loads into her mouth, it was quite the load he shot into her and she swallowed every millilitre without a second thought, letting his thick meat rest in her maw for a few seconds as he regained his breath.


He pulled back and let his slate coloured member pop free of her mouth, happy with the attention but Seeth was infatuated with his cock still, and she planted wet kisses across its length, letting her tongue dance and roll across its tip and ensure that every drop of his seed was eaten up by her. She cleaned it from tip to base, licking up every drop of fluid and inspecting his length to ensure it was healthy and well loved. Finally, she pushed her face right up against his balls, allowing his dick to rest against her face as she pressed her supple, silky lips against his sack, holding them close with a single hand and giving them a series of slow, wet and sensual kisses, leaving them feeling warm, loved and fulfilled as she pulled back.


“When we get back to the ship, I want that inside me and I want those balls of yours dumping their load in my ass. And then I want to be inside you and let my girls do the same to you... That was...” She moaned again, biting her lip and rubbing her hands over his body, gently squeezing his muscles. “That was good. Its helped with the urges actually. Didn't think it would seeing as I haven't fucked anything...” She pondered to herself briefly before looking up with a deeply contented smile. “But it did.” The warmth in her throat was spreading pleasantly through her chest and abdomen and a great feeling of contentment tingled through-out her body and over her skin, looking into her man's gorgeous eyes and watching him as he sighed in deep satisfaction.


As she stood however, her own dick was quick to remind the pair of its existence and stood to attention, pressing against the latex overall and clearly visible, throbbing and pushing up against Diego's chest due to the height difference.


*** Hazard Warning \\\-/// Level GREEN \\\-/// Advisory End***


“Oh dear... You'd better leave me in here for a bit for this to calm down. Uh... any chance you'd fit into any these outfits though...?” She fit the gas mask back over her face and pointed Diego to several school-girl and maid outfits she'd grabbed and hung at the back of the room, to which Diego raised an eyebrow and slowly shook his head.


“Maybe if you're lucky for a special occasion? I am not dressing up like a maid on a regular basis.”


“Didn't think so but there's no harm in asking, is there? You did also say special occasions which isn't exactly a “no” now, is it? Mhmmph, I can picture you now, dressed up and taking my dick like a good little slut- Oh fuck, I gotta stop! This is getting out of hand!” Seeth shook her head to get the thoughts out of it, there was no way in hell her arousal would drop if she continued to think of such things.


The lizard peered around the curtain to see the shop attendant coming back to her station and sitting at the till again, retrieving her magazine and kicking her legs up onto the counter.


“I'll give you a few minutes. Fancy a stroll through the non-adult mall? Might help keep your brain off things until we get back? ”


“Yeah, sounds good! I'll meet you out front.”


Leaving Seeth behind for a few minutes, Diego's mind leapt to what she just suggested and he slowly browsed the rack of clothes, looking for something that might fit him.


There's no way in hell I'm doing the school girl outfit but maybe I could maid it up... hmm. Fuck it. Could be fun.


He saw one that might work, complete with white frills, laces and sultry black body and pulled the outfit out from the rack, taking it to the front desk and laying it down. He was unusually shy as he spoke to the cashier, with just a hint of pink flushing through his cheeks and face.


“Any chance you could hold onto this for me? We'll be back later to pay for it.”

*** Half an hour later – At the salvage area within the ship hangers ***


“Holy hell, this is a lot more than I expected! Looks like you dragged half a reactor down here!” The man wiped his brow with an oily cloth and looked at the industrial sized pull cart with a mixture of awe and fear.


“You can pay?” Plasia towered over the man, staring down at him from behind the lenses of the mask, her organs itching for more but she kept it together, knowing what was around the corner for her.


“Yeah, that's not an issue, I just gotta figure out how much this is all worth. Don't wanna short change you.” He stepped out from behind the rusting work bench and began to examine the piled up equipment, pulling a worn notepad from his breast pocket and scribbling some notes.


“Can I just check, this stuff was spare, right? Half of this stuff is vital for a ship to run and if you've pulled it out willy-nilly, well, you'll need it back.”


ITS FINE!” She snarled from under the mask, looking around to see if anyone was about, it appeared to be just them. “Sorry, hungry.”


The guy recoiled in fear a little but then continued his inspection of the equipment, keeping a close eye on the masked giant.


“Sure. My wife gets cranky when she's hungry too. How fast do you need the money? I can draw you up a proper price for this lot but it'll take me an hour or so, or I can do a rough but fair estimate.” He scribbled and figure on the note pad and showed it to her and the alien nodded enthusiastically.


“Rough is good, yes.”


“Alrighty, as long as you promise not to come down here later and raze hell cuz you think I short changed you. Lemme go sort the payment out.”


He ducked off behind another work bench and into a separate room and could be heard searching through some drawers. Plasia surveyed the room and noticed some cameras in the corners, but they didn't seem to be on from what she could tell.


“Cameras broken?”


“Only in here, its fine, we don't get much crime. The boys here are a solid bunch of lads and I know I can trust them.” The man raised his voice to talk back from inside the storage room.


“Alone now...?” Plasia asked, creeping towards the door, feeling her urges build.


“Uh... yeah, the guys are on lunch. Hey, look, I get that you're a bit different but you can't be asking people if they're alone after you've just asked about the security cameras, that's weird. People are gonna think you're up to something.”


The words had a sterilising effect on her, the note from earlier shunted to the front of her mind and she snapped herself out of her haze, stepping back from the door and back towards the salvage. In a few more seconds, the man emerged, noticeably with a pistol now holstered to his hip but a large bag of cash in his right hand.


“Are you... scared of me...?” Plasia queried, tilting her head slightly, trying to appear smaller by hunching her shoulders together awkwardly.


“Ma'am, you're four times the size of me, wearing a gas mask and asking if I'm alone. It's a little troubling if I'm honest. I've taken steps to protect myself but providing you're just a bit... well, weird and not say, dangerous, then we're all good. How does this look?” He held out the weighty bag of money to her and she grabbed it from him carefully, making sure to not appear any more threatening.


“Good! I am just weird... Fast way to adult wing?”


“The adult wing? Oh, is that where you're from? I thought the mask was a health and safety thing but maybe its a sex thing after all. Take the corridor to your right out the main entrance, follow the signs, should take you straight there rather than going through the mall.”


“Will leave you now. Thank you.” She forced out gratitude as her trembling body urged her to take rash decisions that would impede her plan.


She span on the spot and marched off before the guy could respond and he just stared at her in bewilderment as she disappeared through the main entrance to the area. She knew exactly where she was going next though, she cared not for the random looks from passers-by but instead kept a very close eye out for the crew who knew her, it was imperative that they didn't spot her.


She took the most secluded route she could, following the man's instructions and eventually ended up back at the adult wing, making her way to the front carefully to ensure that her crew-mates weren't around, upon clarifying they weren't there, she marched right up to the combined entrance of “Mina's Proud Whores” and “The Warrens” where both Mina and Tani where talking about what they'd seen today.


“Oh hey Tani! Look at that, the other Czarite turned up! She's coming over too!”


Her breathing became more frantic from under the mask as her urges kicked in hard, an animalistic magnetism was drawing every fibre of her being towards them with a potency that was unmatched.


“How much for services?” Her barely contained lust was beginning to crack through the thin veneer of normality she'd crudely crafted together


“Straight to business huh? Don't blame you! Your friends were super nice earlier so I'll do you a discount if you want! What were you after?”


“Sex. Want to cum inside.”


“See, Tani would charge you extra for that but not at Mina's, it'll be 7 Dies for a girl of your choosing with that glorious cream pie finish.” Mina was laying her sales routine on thick but it was becoming more obvious to her that it really wasn't required.


“7 Dies...? How many girls?”


The comment took Mina off guard slightly.


“One ain't enough? Eh, I don't suppose it would be looking at you! I got forty five girls in total, you can have as many as you want, no discounts for bulk buying though.”


I want all of them. Now.” A deep, lustful growl rumbled out from beneath the gas mask.


All of them?!” Mina's jaw dropped and she started to pull her crew together. “Not being funny but that's a lot of bodies! You sure you're gonna get your monies worth? Y-you're gonna cream pie forty five goblins?! Hell, have you even got the money?!” There were so many questions but the massive alien kept the conversation pushing forward.


Plasia slammed the bag she was carrying onto Mina's stand, silver and golden Dies spilling out as she did so.


“Holy shit, I guess you do! You were right, Tani! She IS a rich freak!” Mina and Tani were looking at one another and back to Plasia, a cocktail of feelings coursing through them. “Lets see if you got what it takes! I'll make it fun, you do finish in every goblin I got and I'll knock half the price off.”


How much for the bunnies?!” Plasia's voice was quaking, a bulge rising and pressing tightly against her groin.


“T-twelve a piece for an h-hour! I-i got sixteen girls and three guys!” Tani was shaking on the spot, rapidly switching her vision between Plasia and Mina, trying to make sense of the situation.


Them too! All of them.


“You're buying out both houses?!?” Tani couldn't believe what she was hearing and struggled to pick her jaw up. “Holy shit Mina! We're gonna make an absolute killing here!”


“I want you both too. Bring everyone.


“O-of course! Come on in!” Tani dashed into the club to immediately gather her people up whilst Mina escorted Plasia into the back rooms of the club, picking out the biggest room for her, giddy excitement rolling through the room as the massive alien strode in and the stage was set.


A wicked grin spread over Plasia's face as she was brought to the room and she began to unzip her outfit, a whole squad of eager goblins licking their lips and waiting for their turn behind her.


They had no idea what was about to unfold.

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