Sweet Venom – Rebroken

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Sleeping Beauty

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You must tell me about this man, Seeth. Word is spreading like wild-fire through-out the dungeon, all my Marks and Nodes are talking about it, we've heard you deep into the night... it sounds most passionate!” The figure speaking was called Moltezz, she was another one of these alien creatures, like Seeth and Leech, her skin was an intimidating, smouldering ruby, with charred looking carapace dotted around her body, brilliant fiery eyes and a similarly built body to Seeth herself, that was currently secured within an armoured corset. Her, Seeth and Leech were all currently have food around a massive table within the dungeon complex, a slew of monotone figures scurried about, dropping off various foods onto the table and quickly departing without saying a word.


Moltezz was deeply intrigued by Seeth's new plaything but across the table, Leech sat with a scowl, staring at Seeth who was returning it back in between mouthfuls of flavoured meat, she seemed to be saving a plate on the side too.


Don't waste your breath Moltezz, she's not saying a word. Three days you've been locked up in your quarters, Seeth. Yet you won't spill a word on why. You haven't even offered me a go on your toy – I thought we were closer than that.” She laughed, eyes narrowing.


You have plenty of 'Toys' to play with Leech, the only reason you want him is because you can't have him.” Seeth scowled back, turning to address the other at the table. “He's wonderful thank you, Moltezz.”


Thats it?” Moltezz wasn't as aggressive as Leech about it, but she clearly wanted more details. “Seeth. Since our conception, no one person has managed to keep you entertained for more than an hour! Despite that, we've got several Mark's who are falling over themselves to spend more time with you, desperate to see you. This one guy turns up and you lock yourself away with him for three days and expect 'He's wonderful' to suffice? Come on darling, I know you refuse to penetrate those are aren't conscious, does that mean he was able to keep up with you?”


Ever the detective, Moltezz.” Seeth sighed, leaning on an arm and placing more meat on her side-plate, which Leech was watching closely. “Fine. He was able to stay awake for much longer than anyone else I've been with, certainly.”


I heard he was armed with a giant sword on arrival... he must be rather fit to use such a weapon.” Moltezz paused for a second, detecting the slight smell of something in the air. “That's... that's very pleasant...” Her eyes widened and she grinned at Seeth. “Is that his aroma? How absolutely delicious, Seeth! May I request to see him?”


Seeth began blushing furiously and abruptly stood from the table, she was absolutely sure she washed herself down but apparently, she still smelled slightly of Diego.


Maybe, whatever. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later about it...” She huffed, grabbing the side plate of food and heading out the room. Moltezz clicked her fingers and a squad of figures marched into the room, pulling her chair back and allowing her to stand.


Please do get back to me soon. Perhaps we can entertain your play-thing together.” She cackled, stretching her limbs out.


Get in line, Moltezz.” Leech growled, standing up quickly and following Seeth.


The dungeon they lived in was built from the remains of a partially completed nuclear bunker, deep underground. As Leech followed, several rooms contained more monochrome figures who were completing manual labour tasks and building work in several rooms, finishing up stone walls, hanging lanterns up and setting up rugged pipe networks for sewerage, although the dungeon was still being expanded upon, the basics were already completed, each of the alien creatures having their own chambers.


Seeth quickly made her way back to her own chamber, producing a key from her corset and popping it into the heavy metal door, pulling it open slightly before she heard Leech call out to her.


Seeth! Wait up. Stop a second... Can I talk to you?” She seemed quite genuine, dropping the attitude quite abruptly. “Look... i'm... worried about you.” She finished catching up and stood next to Seeth, looking at the floor for a second. Seeth decided to hear her out, taking a small breath and putting the key back in her pocket, placing the plate of food on a nearby side-table.


Moltezz wasn't wrong back there, this... you've changed since this guy turned up. You haven't said a word to me in three days and whenever we do talk, either i'm being an asshole or you're just unresponsive.” Leech put an arm over Seeth's shoulder. “I'm asking you as an old friend, come talk to me? Just for half an hour? You don't have to tell me shit about your new boy-toy, I just want to talk to you? Alright?”


A small smile broke over Seeth's face and she nodded, putting her arm over Leech's shoulder as well and the two of them started walking down the corridor, beginning to remark about the last few days, the sounds of their heavy feet thudding against the floor slowly fading as they made their way down to a lounge of sorts, but behind them, Seeth had left her chamber doors open...


Through the crack in the door, within Seeth's rather bare chambers, laid the male. Diego was snoring quietly on her bed, his lovers slime still coating parts of his naked body, but he was sound asleep. He had no idea it had been three days since his arrival, they might as well have been a blur, if he wasn't napping, he was eating, showering or fucking. That had been the 72 hours and it had been incredible, but he had crashed hard, finally needing a proper sleep and Seeth had allowed him to rest peacefully on her huge bed. Although fun, the last few days had been physically exhausting and the male was in a deep sleep.


Unknown to him, the denizens of the dungeon had been talking about him and Seeth, their three day session had not gone unnoticed and there was a lot of curiosity about it...


A figure was staring at him through the crack in the door, another alien creature like Seeth, only this one was blue and rather scared looking... she was shaking slightly, two beautiful, blue, orb-like eyes were staring at him. She refused to come in though, just taking in his details as he slept. The way his chest rose and fell as he slept, the colour of his skin and hair, the smell of him... She must have felt bad though, as she shook her head and went to leave, as she got a couple of steps away though, something changed about her, her eyes narrowed, forming hunter-like slits and she transformed from a shy, scared creature, to a ravenous, predatory one. Bolting back to the door, she pulled it open and crept across to the bed. A snaking tongue slowly slithered out from her leering maw as she towered over his sleeping body. She wasn't dressed in a corset like the others, she was covered in large rags instead, covering her form badly, not that she seemed to care at all...


She stood over him, coming inches away from his face, her tongue tracing his outline but not quite touching him, although her neon-blue saliva was starting to drip on him, but he remained fast asleep. She roughly rolled him onto his front, leaping up onto the bed and staring at his naked body.


Mine... you will be mine.... MINE-MINE-MINE-MINE! BUT-NOT-yet.... Careful slow... plan...” Her voiced changed from quiet whispering to loud cackling mid sentence but still, the male did not stir. She leant down over his form and planted a sloppy wet kiss onto his nose and ears, leaving copious amounts of glowing blue goo on him. “YOU TASTE SO GOOD, I WILL EAT YOU UP!” And with that, she jumped off the bed, cackling madly and dashed out the door, off to make plans of some sort apparently.


How he'd managed to sleep through that was unknown, but there he laid, still cosy and snoring... Yet another visitor turned up, but this one was remarkably different to the last. A normal sized fox-man approached the door, although he was certainly looking a little rough, he was not monochromatic like most of the other figures here, his fur being orange and white. He shyly entered the door and noticed that Diego was fast asleep.


Ah shit... well, I guess this makes me a creep then... I still gotta try... there has to be some hope on the horizon...” He slid into the room and quickly approached Diego, sitting on the side of the bed and tapping his shoulder, trying to wake him up, tapping turned to prodding, which turned to a weak slap on the side of his face, but the lizard did not stir.


Man... she must have done a number on you, you're out cold... three days though? I've heard that people can still hear in their sleep and remember things spoken to them, so i'm just gonna try that and hope it works...” He sighed and ruffled his ears, he clearly had a lot on his mind. “I'm Trent, one of Moltezz's favourite 'Marks', i'm organising an escape attempt from this damned place. I saw they took your armour and sword thing... if you know how to use that weapon, you'd be invaluable for actually escaping... damn, what am I doing? Ugh. I'm gonna go before I get caught.” He felt stupid as the lizard was clearly snoozing away. “Stay safe dude. We'll sort this shit out eventually...” He sighed, standing off the bed and quietly departing, as he left the room, he attempted to push the door shut to help protect the lizard, but something caught his eye and panicked him.


Trent! Get out the way!”


Susie?! How did you get out? Why are you holding a knife?!”




The lounge was nicely decorated for a stone-work dungeon, with numerous oversized chairs dotted around the place, several sofa's with side tables and large red tapestries dotting the walls. Seeth was sitting down on a large arm chair and Leech was standing behind her, rubbing her shoulders strongly, as if she was trying to work some sense into her friend.


Things are going well for us, Seeth! We've nearly finished corrupting the villages in the mountains, the city has been nearly completely abandoned, we've got Node's and Slaves taking over the utilities and supplying our dungeon with more stuff... I know we had that drainage problem a while ago but some of the Node's we corrupted had excellent DIY skills and we figured it out... What's the problem?”


I just... we've always acted like this is the way its got to be. Maybe it doesn't have to be like this? Just because we can corrupt people, doesn't mean we should.” Seeth was relaxing a little at her friends touch but the cocktail of feelings coursing through her was difficult to defuse. She'd never spoken so freely about their situation before, she was worried about over-doing it but pressed on regardless.


Seeth... We help people, you know this. Look at our Marks! Half of them are practically in love with us!”


They're addicted to the pleasure Leech. Its not the same. And what about the Slaves?”


Isn't that what love is? Being addicted to someone? The universe is not a black and white place, Seeth. I'm speaking frankly here-” She pressed hard on Seeth's shoulders. “Fuck the universe. Look what it did to us. Look what it took from us. We don't owe anyone an ounce of remorse or compassion, life isn't fair. I get that you're still coming around to our new way of life, but you just need to relax into it. You've hardly decorated your chamber, you don't smile or enjoy yourself like me or Moltezz...” She eased off a little but continued to rub her shoulders. “We need to get you more involved. Look at all we've managed to do here, this place was a shell before we arrived, but now... Lets redecorate your chamber, spice up your room!”


I don't care about that stuff, Leech...” Seeth sighed loudly, holding her head in her hands. “I don't know what I want... I don't know who I am anymore.”


Is this all because of Diego or....” Leech stopped rubbing her shoulders and sat by her friends side instead.


I don't know... I think he's just... brought it to the front of my mind. Or maybe it all is him? I...” Seeth thumped the side of the chair hard in frustration. “I don't fucking know.”


Leech placed a hand on her thigh and thought of what best to do, having great concern over her friend for many reasons.


I think you need to get some fresh air. Promise me you'll go on a hunt tomorrow.” Leech spoke quite sternly, the two of them meeting eye to eye.


Leech, I don't know if thats-”


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Just listen for a second already. You need fresh air, you need a little time away from this guy so you can actually have your own thoughts. Go on a hunt, the adrenaline and fresh air will clear your head, help you figure stuff out. I hate seeing you like this, I need your support, Seeth.”


Seeth thought about it for a few seconds and decided that maybe Leech was onto something.


Alright. I'll go on a hunt tomorrow...” She agreed reluctantly, thoughts still bouncing around her head rapidly.


Good! We'll talk after and see how you're fairing then. I reckon you'll be right back at it in no time!” She grinned, patting Seeth on the back hard.


Yeah... we'll see I guess...”




A final figure entered Seeth's chambers, where Diego was still fast asleep, vulnerable and undefended. A small lady, feline, shoulder length brown hair, desperation in her jade eyes, knife in her shaking hands, her steps were slow and deliberate, eyes glaring at Diego with an intense hatred.


She approached the bed and stood awkwardly above him, clutching the blade in her grasp tightly.


I-its not fair... Since you showed up, I've not had a single minute with her. It's been all about you... when it should be about me and her!” Her voice broke as she spoke, a tear running down her cheek. Something seemed to be telling her this was wrong but she pressed on, ignoring her brain and listening to her heart. “But If I take you out of the picture, it can be me and her again... just like it should be...” A smile broke over her face as she remembered what she considered to be the good times.


Behind her, unsure of what to do, stood Trent, watching the girl in fear.


Susie... you can't fucking kill him because you're not getting enough time with Seeth! Are you crazy?!” He pleaded with her, desperately thinking of ways to stop this getting out of hand. “Stop this, if Seeth finds out you hurt him... think of what she'll do to you!”


She won't find out! She won't find out because i'll frame it on you and kill you too!” The pieces of the puzzle sliding together in her mind as she spoke, it all seemed too perfect. “Yeah... thats right... you got jealous of him, came in and murdered him and in revenge, I killed you... Seeth will be hurt but i'll be there for her... I'll make her... smile...” The last threads of sanity were fraying in her mind, Trent could see she was unhinged and wasn't about to let her get away with this.


Alright Susie, that sounds good, one problem though...” The Fox thought quick on his feet, he would have been proud if he heart wasn't thumping against his ribs so hard. “You'll need to kill me first.” And with that, he dashed to the door, prompting the feline to scowl viciously at him.


Then so be it! I won't have some mutt or leather-skin stand between me and my love!” Susie dashed after him madly, holding onto the knife and throwing herself through the door to catch after Trent, who began to run down the endless corridors of the dungeon, it was a delicate procedure however, neither wanted to get spotted by roaming guards or aliens. So they began their chase, treading carefully around corners and watching for anyone who might catch them. Trent was planning three steps ahead, trying to see if he could stay hidden whilst staying away from Susie and keeping her away from Diego.


Try as she might, Trent was fast and she could not gain ground on him. They both paced around the stonework floors, taking cover behind furniture, staying low and as quiet as possible, as neither were meant to be out of their containment cells. Slowly, Susie began to lose her patience, she knew she had limited time to act, her thoughts grew more degenerate as her obsession with Seeth grew, fuelled by their separation. The fox watched her, her thoughts written in bold on her face. Her plan wasn't going to work, she couldn't catch Trent, but she could still kill the root of all the problems. Both of them were currently hiding in a second lounge, similar to the one that the two aliens were in but just down a different wing of the dungeon, but to both of their ends, Moltezz entered. She felt something was happening, perhaps a change in the air currents or the atmosphere in the lounge, but she entered the lounge, her eyes scanning over the room.


Susie was closer to the exit, currently hiding behind a dark wood dresser unit, Trent was crouched up behind an armchair in the far corner of the room. They both remained silent and still, they knew not to look at her directly but were watching roughly in Moltezz's direction as best they could. These creatures could tell when someone was looking at them and often used it to find those hiding from them...


Moltezz stood in the centre of the lounge, her eyes narrowing as she sensed something was happening. But she remained quiet, just surveying the room that was bathed in a tense silence, she was listening closely though, very closely. Trent realised that she knew someone was in here, she must have done, he paused his breath, Susie must have done the same, but he realised this was not a fight he was going to win, he had been running faster than her, harder... he was more out of breath, the question was, could he hold his breath longer than Susie?


The alien towered in the middle of the room, like an intimidating obelisk, waiting patiently. She had already won and she knew it. Trent felt his lungs ache, his heart pounding in his chest, he struggled against the pain, desperate not to give up his position, knowing what it meant if Susie got the chance to slip away...


He slowly let out his breath, as quietly as possible and took another, but he wasn't quiet enough. The alien turned around to face his hiding spot, striding over with a menacing grin planted smugly on her face. Susie took the opportunity and bolted for the door, but in her haste, she knocked over the dresser next to her, causing it to rock forward and crash against the floor loudly. Moltezz frowned and turned around, seeing the girl's tail leaving the door, she quickly marched over to investigate, not recognising who it was, but didn't give chase, as by the time she'd reached the corridor, the figure was already long gone...


Moltezz turned back and returned to the arm chair, the smugness returning to her face and pulling it out, but revealed nothing but an empty corner...


Trent managed to slip out through another door, but he couldn't get back to Seeth's chambers without passing by Moltezz, he cursed under his breath and decided that he had to do something, even if that meant being recaptured by Moltezz, he wasn't going to let an innocent man die.


Susie grinned to herself, clutching the knife tightly against her chest, she felt like it was coming together again. She arrived back in the corridor of Seeth's chamber to see the door was as they left it, peering around its metal body, it revealed Diego as he was previously, sound asleep. She quickly looked around to ensure no one was coming and all seemed to be quiet, padding into the room without making a sound, she sat on the bed next to him and took in his features.


I don't see what's so special about you... Seeth would be far better off with someone like me. I was here before you, I was her first Mark. I'm special to her. You're just a nobody.” She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself rather than anyone else. She raised the blade and laid it against her own face. “M-maybe it was self-defence? Maybe I wanted to see her and you attacked me? I-i just had a knife on me... just in case...” Desperation overtook her, she knew it didn't make a lot of sense... but nothing did these days, not since being locked up down here. The only thing that made sense in her head was Seeth.


She looked over his sleeping form again, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. Was she nervous about killing a man? Or nervous about getting it right so she could be with her love? She didn't know herself. She was on the verge of leaving, but she couldn't take her eyes off his body, not his body per-say, but the slime on it, Seeth's various fluids that were dotted around on him. She placed a finger in some of the goop on his arm and brought it to her nose, inhaling its smell deeply, her legs wobbled and her eyes rolled to the back of her head, that smell was irresistible, it re-awoke the feelings that her consciousness just tried to bury...


Her face turned sour again.


Its not fair. I won't be denied any-fucking-longer. I want that.”


She roughly prodded the males sleeping form, almost like she was trying to stab him with her fingers, he still didn't stir... She took a final breath, grasping the blade with both hands and standing above him, raising the blade and preparing to drive it into him repeatedly.


Her arms drove down hard but something caught her arms from behind, two large purple hands caught her movements and intercepted the blade, stopping mere inches from Diego's neck.


S-Seeth!” Susie sounded almost happy, but her happiness was short lived. The alien was currently behind her back, holding her by the arms firmly. Seeth was beyond furious, this was unacceptable. She quickly glanced at Diego, seeing him unharmed her mind went back to the stuttering girl in her grasp “I-I missed you Seeth! Will you fuck me? Plea-” Her words were cut short with a sudden pressure across her chest.


She picked Susie up akin to how one would pick up a doll and began to crush the life out of her, squeezing her arms and ribs with tremendous force. The feline couldn't struggle out another word, the grip around her was too tight, too strong, she quickly blacked out, going limp in Seeth's overwhelming grip, as her lights dimmed, she appeared to be smiling. Perhaps the alien should have stopped there, seeing as the danger was dealt with, but she couldn't help herself, The thought of what she attempted was washing through Seeth's head over and over, she continued to crush until the sound of bones splintering, cracking, crunching - repeatedly rang out, taking out her fury on the now corpse. What was left behind did not resemble what was started with...


In the door-way, both Leech and Moltezz stood, watching Seeth closely. Moltezz had a certain Fox man slung over her shoulder, who was bound and gagged. Leech was watching Seeth, smirking with satisfaction.


There is the girl I know.” She cackled, loving the scene. “Well done Seeth. That was an amazing display! How dare she, right?”


The purple girl ground her teeth together and dropped the now dead Susie on the floor with a slap, flicking her fingers slightly, a squad of monochrome figures quickly appeared and removed the body, cleaning Seeth's hands and tidying up the room, only taking seconds and quickly departing as swiftly as they arrived. On Moltezz's shoulder, Trent breathed a sigh of relief, not how he wanted it to end, but this place was dangerous enough without Mark's murdering each-other. He didn't know what Moltezz had planned for him this evening but she seemed pleased, he met eyes with the sleepy lizard for a brief moment as Diego finally awoke, looking rather confused.


He yawned with a quiet whine, stretching his limbs out and smiling wide as he saw Seeth, opening his arms out to ask her for a cuddle, still drunk off pleasure, completely unaware of the danger he was just placed in. Seeth sat next to him, gently rubbing his neck and ears lovingly and looked back at the door with glassy eyes, the anger fading away quickly.


Thank you Moltezz... if you hadn't of told me... I only just caught the blade in time...”


One could say you owe me, Seeth?” Moltezz grinned, tilting her head slightly as ideas popped into it.


I suppose I do...” She already knew where this was going. She sighed loudly and obviously, inviting Moltezz into the chamber, Leech had seen all she needed to and left to get on with her own tasks, also making eye contact with Diego briefly as she left.


Don't be like that, Seeth! It'll be fun. Bring your man down to my chambers in a couple hours.” She entered and sat on the other side of Diego, Trent still on her shoulders who was just quietly listening. “Goodness... he is quite the succulent slab of fuck, isn't he?” She watched him closely, seeing his pleasure drunk state. “I think we can have some fun later, I'll round up Plasia and we'll ensure his needs are catered for... I know what you want Seeth. We'll get him settled, don't you worry.” Moltezz winked at her and stood, deciding not to waste any more time as she had plans to prepare. “When we're done, this gorgeous little hunk will never want to leave your side. Ever.”


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