Sword Among Us

Chapter 519: Emperor’s Hammer Technique

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Chapter 519: Emperor’s Hammer Technique

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The female disciple of Mantuo Villa who was disarmed with one hit not only did not show any signs of dejectedness, but her eyes lit up when the system notified her of her opponent’s name. She was incredibly excited, and she did not manage to calm down even after a long time.

Happy used the chance to observe the other players’ situation as they fought.

Young Fallen Rain ended her fight very quickly. Since Happy had given her a reminder previously to hide the secret of Joined Finger and to suddenly execute the move when she got close to her opponent to engage in close-quarter combat, she managed to force her opponent back in one go and obtained her first point!

Happy was not at all surprised by this.

Unless her opponent also had an ultimate technique, that person had to have great skills if they wanted to win against her, who had Joined Finger, or else, it would be very difficult for them to have an easy time against her.

Happy then looked away and paid attention to the female disciple who managed to fight on equal grounds against Eleventh Crane.

She had an insanely large axe which she held before herself, and it practically blocked half her body. What shocked Happy even more was that she could swing that axe that was a full person’s height with her frail and thin arms, and she even did so smoothly. Her attacks were as fierce as a thunderclap.

Happy knew Eleventh Crane’s abilities very well. When he saw Eleventh Crane use his advantage in distance and long-distance combat to continuously fire arrows, he thought he was looking at a powerful DPS fighter, but his opponent was not any ordinary opponent either. She used the advantage of her axe blade to repeatedly strike away the arrows. Her defense was very tight, and the arrows could not hit her. She was an impenetrable fortress.

The moment when Eleventh Crane stopped attacking, she immediately seized the chance and used it to advance more than thirty feet forward!

Eleventh Crane’s eyes focused!

Without another word, he raised a foot and agilely drew his fourth-echelon Illusory Jade Bow. He grabbed two handfuls of arrows from the quiver on his back, and there were nine arrows in his hands. He positioned all of them on the quiver.

He stood on one foot while he held his Illusory Jade Bow with the other foot. He drew the bowstring with both hands, and his posture was astonishing.

Not only did Happy praise him in his heart for what he did, the other disciples who had finished their fight also noticed how extraordinary was Eleventh Crane’s attack.

The fourth-echelon Illusory Jade Bow instantly gained the shape of a full moon, and nine arrows were in position to attack!

His opponent was shocked and quickly stopped!

The woman seemed to have noticed the threat. She stood her ground and quickly spun her greataxe, swinging it in a manner that it looked like a bronze metal wall protecting her behind it.


The fierce sound of the bowstring being released was heard.

Once the nine arrows were released, they miraculously formed a line, and their speed was so fast that they rammed into the Mantuo Villa disciple simultaneously. All arrows hit their target!

At that moment, everyone held their breaths.

Happy, too, shut his eyes tightly and used his heart to sense the change in qi.

The world formed from the movement of qi was different.

In Happy’s eyes, the Mantuo Villa disciple was indeed extraordinary. The greataxe protected her while it spun around her with her feet serving as the axis, and it formed a powerful vortex that surpassed the vortex Happy originally imagined. It managed to protect her in the middle.

But Eleventh Crane’s bow technique was something that belonged to the top of the crop. All arrows hit their target after they formed a line. The damage was astonishing, and they struck the area outside the vortex like nine continuous bolts of lightning.


The first arrow was knocked aside, as everyone expected.

The second and third arrows were also knocked away, but the greataxe seemed to have received the fierce attack from the third arrow while it spun, and it clearly paused for a moment. The vortex froze for a brief moment.

When the fourth and fifth arrows came, the momentary pause became clearer and more prominent.

The flow of qi in the vortex also became much weaker, but that was to be expected. Eleventh Crane’s Life and Death Realm bow technique had damage that was not that much inferior to an Inaction Realm fighter’s damage. It was already very surprising for the Mantuo Villa disciple to be able to last until then, because going through Eleventh Crane’s attacks was the same as receiving a few blows from an Inaction Realm martial artist!

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Sixth arrow!

The vortex finally became chaotic. The woman staggered and flew out from the vortex. Her breathing was disorderly, and her grip on the greataxe did not seem as strong as before.

She barely scraped by the seventh arrow, but she could barely hold on to her axe. She coughed up blood and flew several feet backward dejectedly.

“My disciple admits defeat for this round.”

Madam Wang flicked away the eighth and ninth arrow in time and caught the axe-wielding disciple with a face that said she could not bear seeing her suffering so much. She frowned tightly while she delivered some true qi to her disciple to help her circulate her qi and heal her wounds.

“I have succeeded in carrying out my assignment.”

Eleventh Crane released a long breath and walked out of the battlefield with a calm expression.

The Murong Clan Lady nodded in praise. “There are few Murong Clan disciples who study bow techniques and long-ranged attacks. Clearly, you have deviated from the orthodox path, but it is good that you have begun to show the signs of a grandmaster with your bow technique.”

Murong Clan managed to win thrice in the three rounds that had already ended.

Distinguished Dragon and Heaven also won their matches as swiftly as the wind.

At that moment, Unrequited Love Valley, Peach Blossom Island, and the people from Nangong Clan arrived one after another.

They stood in their groups and watched the competition between the Murong Clan and Mantuo Villa disciples. While they gained experience by watching the fights, they also did not forget to give their comments.

“Tsk tsk… women will always be women. They only have this much strength. Looks like the Murong Clan is going to appear very awesome this time. They’re going to be basking in glory after facing such weak opponents.”

Everyone was the best among the disciples of their sects, so they had a bit of skill, so they were a little proud.

The remaining five matches could only be said to be very normal. Everyone was of equal strength and there was nothing that exciting about them. Naturally then, the onlookers grew a little arrogant and conceited.

“Hmph, even if they look cool, what’s the use in it? There’s only ten spots, and now that we’re here, what can they do? They’re only this powerful…” some Unrequited Love Valley disciple sneered coldly in their group. The person did not notice though that the people near them slowly distanced themselves away.

The other people from the three groups had clearly noticed that the ten people who had already finished their fights were staring at them with hostile expressions. Regardless of whether they were from Murong Clan, who won the overall match, or the Mantuo Villa disciples, who were defeated and were ridiculed, when they heard the words, they put to memory the faces of the people who spoke.

It was especially so for the Mantuo Villa disciple who was circulating her qi to heal her wounds. Her eyes were cold and filled with fury. Her killing intent was incredibly great!

“Those idiots from Unrequited Love Valley are going to suffer now.” Eleventh Crane had naturally noticed his opponent’s anger, and he could not help but pity the person who had spoken without thinking about their words.

He knew very clearly just how strong was that female disciple!

The girl should be one of Madam Wang’s favorite disciples. Her offense and defense were unparallelled, and her damage was most likely also very domineering. If it were not because Eleventh Crane had listened to Happy’s words and delivered his greatest attack head-on instead of moving about quickly, her down-to-earth attacks would have been enough to drain his qi.

He was very fortunate to win just then!

The person who had spoken the arrogant words earlier, however, was about to be very unlucky now that he was targeted by that Mantuo Villa girl with the herculean strength.

Happy deliberately cast a glance at Mantuo Villa’s Madam Wang, and he saw that she also had a chilly gaze. That could mean only one thing—the person who had spoken earlier was doomed.

The greatest selling point of the game was how much the players could interact with it. The NPCs would get angry, burn with rage, and would also play favorites!

The person mocked Mantuo Villa and the Murong Clan without even seeing where he was would definitely become a target during the subsequent matches.

“Zi’er, once you heal your wounds, teach that senior brother from Unrequited Love Valley a good lesson.”

“Yes, mistress.”

The axe-wielding female disciple pushed herself up with a palm against the ground. She easily lifted her axe and walked to the stage with a cold expression.


The axe sank deeply and loudly into the ground.

The ignorant male disciple from Unrequited Love Valley was stunned. Then, he was called by the master of Unrequited Love Valley to enter the stage.

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