Sword King

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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A fist-bumped occurred on Albeit's hand.

“Let's pass the Entrance Exam, together,” Albeit exclaimed, waiting for Nolan to fist-bumped back.

The question made the golden-haired boy speechless. He wiped his teary red eyes, removing his arms from his mother.

Nolan half-chuckled. “Albeit, you really do know me,” he stated and his brown eyes flared with determination. His balled right hand tackled Albeit's fist, making a fist-bumped.

Albeit tossed his right arm around his friend's neck and tousled his hair, making them messy. Both of them laughed afterward. While Nolan's mother giggled and left the room.

Albeit got something in mind as he paused tousling his buddy's hair. “By the way, where did those blades come from?”

“What blade?”

“You know, the transparent blade on your broken hilt earlier.”

Nolan recalled the old man's hollow voice. He put his hand on his chin, thinking hard, before answering, “All I know is that a voice suddenly whispered to my ear.”

“A voice?” Albeit cocked his head to the side. He gasped and added, “Wait! So, you're telling me that this voice is an entity!?”

“I'm... Not sure,” Nolan hesitated.

“Then, if this voice whispered to my ear, will my weapon have power too!?”

“I don't think that's the case. I mean, the Divine Weapons already have their powers.”

“Oh, right.” Albeit felt dumb for a moment, but then, his brows narrowed. “Hey, we did get our weapons, right?”


“But, the keeper didn't tell us how they work.”

“... All I can say for now is, maybe the keeper is trying to realize that by ourselves... Or maybe he forgot... I think?”

“Well, that's dumb,” Albeit commented.

“You said it,” Nolan agreed.

“... Wanna go outside?”


Outside, Albeit had his weapon with him whereas Nolan did not. The sight of Albeit's Claymore astounded the kids. It was a good thing Nolan didn't bring his weapon. Because otherwise, the kids would have made fun of him right now.

Children asked, Albeit, to swing is Claymore. He swung his weapon, creating a strong breeze in front of them. Everyone clapped, including Nolan.

“Thank you, thank you,” Albeit smiled broadly.

“Hey! Albeit!”

He turned around and noticed, Yelim, pointing her Halberd at him. As her red cape waved.

“Let's spa-” Yelim clumsily let go of her Halberd and quickly picked it up. She cleared her throat and repeated her lines, “Let's spar!” she grinned triumphantly, showing her sharp teeth. “If I win, you'll do whatever I want!”


“Will you take the mood more seriously!” Yelim pouted.


Yelim sighed...

The kids were waiting for something monumental to occur at a specified place. Full of grass that was far away from the village. The kids shivered as the atmosphere intensified.

Some kids voted Albeit, while others voted Yelim.

“Whoever surrenders first, wins,” Yelim declared.

Albeit positioned himself, after recognizing her seriousness. Albeit took the initiative first and hurled himself toward her direction. When Yelim noticed Albeit's eyes, glaring at her. She grinned uncomfortably. Others occasionally mistook him for a killer, even though that was just his fighting mode.

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As Albeit closed his gap, he brought his Claymore up in the air and dragged it down on his opponent. Yelim used her Halberd's edge to block it. After taking a severe blow, the ground she stood cracked slightly.

Yelim's legs weakened, struggling to maintain the impact.

Yes, Albeit didn't have any experience in wielding a sword. However, at this point. His only option was to attack. Swinging his sword with all his might using his bulky muscles.

Albeit raised his sword again, then slammed it on her opponent's weapon. More quickly than his first swing. Yet, Yelim was able to react, evading his attack. She twisted her body along with her Halberd, as her fiery eyes flared.

“I won't lose!” Yelim's long dark hair ferociously flowed in the air.

Her Halberd started to blaze in flames.

Albeit was surprised to witness this and he abruptly retreated. Yelim smashed the innocent grass and soil, destroying them into pieces with her Halberd.

The audience yelled in excitement.

“Hey! How did you that!” Albeit stomped his foot like a kid.

“Whoa!” Yelim was surprised to herself. She glanced at Albeit and replied with a mocking smirk, “That's a secret~”

Yelim charged forward, moving like lightning, and confident to face Albeit. Her Halberd blazed again and slammed it on her opponent's Claymore. The tables had turned. Albeit was the one struggling this time.

Yelim approached Albeit head-on, moving like lightning. Her Halberd blazed once more, slamming it on the weapon's foe. The table had turned and Albeit was the one struggling this time.

“How is she even doing that!?” Albeit gritted his teeth. He tried to fight back until his right arm ached.

Nolan gasped because he noticed Albeit's expression changed. There was something wrong and it made him worry. While the others were admiring Yelim's graceful attack

“Do you surrender?” Yelim asked as she rapidly smashed her Halberd over and over to her foe's Claymore.

“Ha! Never!” Albeit shouted and proceeded to block every attack of hers.

Every attack made Albeit's arms and legs weakened.

“What's wrong? Getting weak?” Yelim insulted.

Albeit furrowed his brows. “I won't let Nolan see my uncool side anymore!”

Albeit vanished in front of Yelim's eyes. The audience gasped in shock as their eyes sprung out.

“Where did he go!?” the kid darted his eyes all over.

Sweat, piled up on Yelim's face. When her single droplet of sweat touched the ground.


Her Halberd flew in the air and Albeit finally showed his appearance, behind Yelim.

Albeit exhaled and stood straight. “Got it.”

Just as he said those words, Yelim knelt on the grass.

“I surrender...” Yelim mumbled, trembling from the sudden attack.

The audience felt goosebumps on their skin and went wild. The kids rushed at Albeit, hoping in circles while asking him rapidly.

The audience experienced a shiver on their skin, before going wild. The youngsters charged Albeit, asking him non-stop while running around in circles.

“Albeit, that was so cool! How did you do that!?”

“Tell us, tell us!”

He remained silent and collapsed to the ground with a sore body.

“Damn... I can't move.” Albeit grimaced.

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