Sword Quest

Chapter 23: Ch 22

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                “As it should be. The boy needn’t share such information with commoners,” Wendell scoffed at the surprised boy as he turned back toward Al. “So, I only heard a bit, but I’m guessing you’re reporting an intruder?”

                “Yes, that’s correct, Al responded shortly. “I’d like to speak with Chief Allen, or at least gain some peace of mind. Your man here telling us that all is well, and that is it…the Red Wolves are clearly making their move here, and I’d like to know for certain that there is no need to escalate the matter with the Chief.”

                “Very well. I will be as transparent as you need me to be, Commander Al,” Wendell said with a firm look. “The facts are that our sentry unit spotted a deceased Red Wolf in the forest last night. Concerned that there may be more, the unit rallied with more troops and initiated a full search of the areas surrounding the battle zones. In the end, the dead man was the only one that we found. Is this sufficient?”

                “Whose troops did they commandeer? Me and my men were back and forth between Giro and Hydrick’s position, and neither of them seemed to have any men requisitioned.” Al inquired with the air of someone interrogating a prisoner.

                “It was one of Samuel’s independent units. Sarai, I believe his name was.”

                Cedric waited to see if Al would question further, but he seemed to be thinking.

                “Um…what did the dead man…look like? I saw the intruder myself, so, to make sure there wasn’t any others-”

                “He had a torn red sash, a wounded side and arm, and long dark hair.” Wendell responded, almost too quickly.

                Cedric and Galgi looked at each other wide-eyed. It was undoubtedly their man.

                “Anything else?” the man asked, tapping his finger on his opposite arm while Shae smirked and Ango awkwardly hid his face in his papers.

                “Why is this being kept quiet? Don’t the people deserve to know, in case there is a real concern going forward?” Al pushed further, not satisfied.

                “Like I said, we have every reason to believe the situation has been handled. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to cause the public needless worry. In fact, I would ask that the three of you keep this to yourselves. We are in a period of uncertainty as it is, especially concerning our security within, so it is in our best interest to keep the public contentedly ignorant.”

                The three frowned at this, Cedric more so than any, recalling the conversation at Quentle’s place the day before. However, none of them spoke up.

                “And need I remind, that your little party here is completely unlawful, and would cause trouble for all three of you in different ways. Especially you, Al. And Cedric, I’m sure I needn’t explain the trouble this would cause your father if it were to be dealt with properly. In return for keeping this matter to yourselves, I will turn my head to your little friendship.” Wendell spoke with a mixture of coldness and liveliness, looking them over one by one.

                Cedric bit his lip, his eyes downcast. Al glanced his way, before looking back at Wendell with a bitter grimace.

                “Fine.” With that, he turned, and led the group toward the hall, stopping briefly to shoot one last glare at Shae. The cocky noble smirked back at him, while Ango hid his face in awkward panic.

“Well, either those two are seriously insistent on keeping the people out of the loop, and with good intentions, or something else is going on behind the scenes.” The group had walked silently all the way back to the fountain where the rest of the men awaited them, when Al finally spoke up.

                “But just what do you think they’re hiding?” Galgi inquired.

                “I don’t know. But I know that I don’t trust those two at all. I don’t know much about the Eraldin family, but the Cillaviers…the old man-Shae’s father seems to have a lot of influence, despite being a long-retired military general. The few times I met him, I sensed a strange vibe about him. He seemed more like an official than a soldier, I guess.”

                “Hmm…but, Mel’s father, huh? You really didn’t know anything about him, Cedric?”

                “No, I really didn’t. But…I know that the two families are friendly with each other. Mel and Selmy, the daughter- you guys know her, those two are practically engaged…” Cedric trailed off, half-wanting to explain the weird exchanges he’d been noticing between the two. However, he couldn’t talk so freely about a friend like that, even in this situation.

                “Gah, this whole thing stinks,” Al sighed, standing to his feet. “If either of you find anything else out, come straight to the barracks and ask for me or my Lieutenant, Jack. If you can’t get either of us, look for General Hydrick. Ah- speaking of! Well then, fellas!” Al strode away as energetic as he had been earlier, having spotted someone wandering around the greenhouses a distance away. When he caught up and greeted the man loudly before proceeding toward the exit, Cedric caught a brief glimpse of the man’s flowing blonde hair.

                “Well, Cedric, you better get going or you’ll be late for lessons,” Galgi reminded him, standing back up himself.
                “Ah, right…”

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                “Don’t worry too much about it for now, okay? Al’s a reliable guy, so he’ll do whatever he can do. Just go about things like normal, if you can.”

                “Yeah…good luck tonight, guys.”

                As Galgi and his men departed, Cedric pondered his words.

                If you can, huh…

                That’s the thing…

                How can I…

                He needed some sort of answer. For now, though, he didn’t want to see Mel. Therefore, he searched the courtyard, but to no avail. And then the school infirmary, where there was still no sign of her. Only Tess was there, sleeping comfortably.

Having opened the door quietly enough to prevent her from stirring, Cedric decided not to enter. Instead, he made his way to Valblin’s dojo, noticeably late.

                “Ohho? Just waltzing in whenever you like, is it? This Heir business getting to your head? Ohohoho, putting the cart before the horse there, aren’t we?” Valblin chuckled, completely sarcastic.

                “Not at all, Master. I was just looking for someone, and lost track of time. I apologize,” Cedric replied seriously, head bowed.

                Valblin shrugged him off, and promptly began the lesson. As Cedric fought avidly yet helplessly against the overpowering old man, he forgot about everything that was going on around him. His stress seemed to dissipate, as he found himself oddly at home in the dull, dusty old room.

                Thus, his energy level and focus remained consistent, and he was therefore much more proficient with his attacks and defense than ever. Not overextending or going for anything desperate, Cedric maintained his aggressive style, and felt his strength and precision begin to come together anew. Exuding an aura of confidence, he stayed the course, and managed a few very even exchanges with the old man.

                “Well, what a sight, it’s like you’re growing before my very eyes! Splendid form and consistency today, young Cedric!”

                As a reward, Valblin only dumped a small portion of his big water basin over Cedric’s collapsed body. Though, as exhausted as he was from the genuinely good workout, he would have welcomed even the whole basin.

                “But you know, you shouldn’t try to grow too fast. Everyone and everything follows a natural process that shouldn’t be underestimated. Allow yourself to grow properly, or you might find yourself wilting before you ever get the chance to bloom.” Valblin said this, his back turned and face half showing as he reached for the door handle.

                Don’t reach out too far, huh…

He sounds like father…

                “Master… do you know anything about…everything going on with the war?” 

                “Hoh, I wonder. An old geezer like me wouldn’t know much. I have more than I can handle at this schooling center here. For example, did you know my wooden swords have decreased in number lately? Hohoh, I surely wonder where they could have gone! A gnome of some sort?”


                “Ohoho, well, it might suit the gnome better to find a real sword next time. Goodness knows, it’s a dangerous world out there for little gnomes.” The old man chuckled his way into the hallway, letting the door close behind him.

                Cedric dropped his head against the wall, letting the old man’s words sink in.

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