Sword Quest

Chapter 4: Ch 3

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“Well then, I’d like to start with the Mist Dome that formed over these Islands of Molovar, twenty years ago. So…let’s just get this out of the way now-what kind of rumors have all of you heard about the Mist Dome’s sudden appearance?”

“The Gods came to trap us here and harvest us!”

“All the rain clouds in the world came here and froze so that we’d get hungry and desperate and kill each other for food!” Two carefree boys blurted out excitedly from a table away, bringing a cringe to Gambell’s face.

“Ah..hahh. Kaolo, Farum, the way you say it sounds stupid, but the second theory isn’t completely moronic. The lack of rain clouds within the dome could be explained by the dome absorbing the water vapor. This leads us to why we very rarely see rain, which is why farming families such as yourselves must work so hard to prepare the fields for the next rain. However, can anyone explain how-”

“There is a cloud, that’s why we get rain.” Quentle cut in with a blunt tone.

“Ohh, how surprising, what more do you know about this, Quentle?”

“I heard it at the shipyard. There’s fisherman that have seen a huge silver cloud. When it appeared, the normally still ocean became wavy, and there’s actually wind, which created a storm so strong that they barely made it back in one piece.”

“Mm, indeed, you seem to be quite well informed, for a ruffian.”

“Oy, Gambell!”

The teacher ignored this, and continued.

“Here on Takanova we have never officially seen the cloud pass over, but we have witness testimony that it has come somewhat near our island many times, hence the rainfall three or four times a year. You won’t hear anything ground-breaking from me regarding its appearance or what it means as I know nothing more than what you’ve likely already heard, just like the Mist Dome itself.

“However, there are certain theories that can be useful in attaining a greater understanding of what the Dome means for us, both our state, and our country of islands. Therefore, allow me to share with you my own theory. To begin, we must venture back to the beginning of Takanova’s story.”

The class began to grow restless. Cedric gulped, silently waiting. He’d been diligently listening in wait for this part, not because of his sense of duty, but due to his vague ambition.

“So, going back some ten generations ago, we Teutons were still in the process of discovering this vast, beautiful side of the island. At the same time on the other side of the island the neighboring Shlanks were beginning to explore beyond the marshes and into the vast mountainous region.

“While the Teutons eagerly scoured the area’s resources, quickly building villages and a castle, the Shlanks journeyed through the treacherous mountains, developing their weaponry and battle strength due to the swarms of Giant Ant Beasts. After one of our sentry forces returned with news of the Shlanks, the first king decided to build a dojo and begin combat training to prepare for a possible fight.

After several weeks of training, five men began to grow much stronger than the rest, and continued to compete vigorously with each other. Once the men felt comfortable with their strength, they were each given a group of men to lead in training. These men formed the original Four Generals.”

“But Master, didn’t you say it was five men?”

“Indeed, Cedric,” Gambell nodded with closed eyes, but did not explain.

“Eventually, the king felt confident in his army’s capability to defend the people, and decided to send a group of around fifty normal citizens to meet the inbound Shlanks.

“Bringing a bounty of good food and resources, the group met the Shlanks not far into the mountains where they had apparently long since set up camp.

“To their delight, the Shlanks welcomed their hospitality, and even returned their good intentions. For several weeks, the group indulged in merrymaking, and eventually began to explore the mountains farther north together. By this time, some two-hundred Teutons had joined the camp of around five-hundred Shlanks.

“Due to the difference in numbers, the king had sent one of his five generals, along with his men, to blend in with the group. General Garik acted as the hidden leader of the group, sending reports back to the castle through his men. Despite taking his job seriously, Garik enjoyed himself more than he ever had, and got along particularly well with one of the Shlanks, a strong warrior named Velagoras. The two drank together often, held knife throwing games and wrestling tournaments, and hunted together. It was the effort of these two that tamed the dragon-like beasts known as tragoons, initiating their loyal attitude toward us that apparently still holds today. Garik’s men had never seen him so happy before, and even described Velagoras to the king as his first friend.

“And then, one day, around a month into the successful meeting, Garik was ordered to return to the castle immediately.

“He made haste, riding the tragoon he and Velagoras had first tamed. Upon arrival at the castle’s courtyard, Garik was greeted by a large group of important Teuton officials and elders, as well as the other four generals and their men-all surrounding the king and three ghost like figures.”

The class collectively gasped, looking around at each other with interest. Cedric stayed quiet, but also knew what Gambell was referring to.

“Yes, that is correct. The god-like Sages that we revere, who gave us our collective “Teuton Will”, had come to meet the king, and presented to him a large square relic. It was a fantastic, green emerald, and Garik was immediately drawn to it.

“This Green Relic is a symbol of the Will of your people, which is to cherish and protect your land. Take this gift, and use it according to your One Will.”

Cedric felt his chest tighten at the Sages’ words. The class continued to listen intently, seemingly unaffected by them.

“Those were the only words the Sages left with the king before departing. In a clamor, the officials argued into the night on what should be done with the Green Relic and how to go about enacting their Will-something they seemed to accept very naturally.

“Having lost interest, Garik returned to the campsite in the mountains late that night. When he asked around, he found Velagoras was not there. It seemed he had been called back to the Shlank home front, just as he had.

“He waited over a week, but Velagoras did not return. All his men had apparently gone with him, and most of the mixed group had recently left in separate expeditions, so there was only about a hundred left at the camp.

“Eventually, Garik was once again summoned to the castle. This time, he was led directly into the king’s chambers.

“The King, surrounded by his closest officials, held something, covered with expensive cloth, out to Garik. What Garik had been given was a long, extravagantly green sword, with sleek emeralds encrusted in its fine hilt.

“What King Nova had decided the night of the meeting with the Sages, was to call upon the town’s most skilled blacksmiths, and from a shard of the Green Relic, forge a sword.

“The king called the sword ‘The Great Green Emerald’, and entrusted it to Garik-naming him Takanova’s first Heir to the Sword, and the first Teutonic Knight. The following morning, a grand ceremony was held in the courtyard to establish his status of Heir, as well as the status of the other four new knights as the Four Generals. He was then bestowed with sleek green robes, and a thick green cape.

“Hoping to share his news with Velagoras, Garik returned to the campsite.

“However, what he found there, was….


The class murmured quietly. Cedric and Quentle looked at each other in shock.

“The campsite had been completely ransacked. The hundred or so people…

….had all been murdered.”

The mood in the class sunk immediately, along with the heads and shoulders of most of the boys.

“If you are all this shocked, imagine what it was like for Garik to see this. Both Teuton and Shlank alike, woman and children of all ages, and nearly all of his own men, dead. Killed in cold blood.”

The class went completely silent, some holding their heads in grief.

“I know this is a lot to take in. After all, there is a reason we wait to tell this story to children until they have all reached the age of seventeen. Do try to bear with it.”

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Cedric tried to remain collected, but his memories were resurfacing and joining with this new knowledge in a gruesome way. His fists were shaking, and tears began to well up in his eyes. He glanced over at Quentle, to see tears already silently falling down his cheeks, a violent expression on his face.

He didn’t know why something that happened so long ago would make them so very angry. However, he had to listen through to the end.

“So, upon seeing this horrid spectacle, Garik raced on tragoon-back toward the northern mountains, where the expedition groups had set out. Convinced that an army had invaded from another island, he sent the only one of his men who he’d happened to have with him, back to town to warn the king. He didn’t care that he was alone and didn’t know the enemy he faced. He wanted only to save the rest of the camp.

After a day’s travel across the rugged terrain, he finally found a small campsite. However, he was unfortunately too late once more. In his rage, he followed the scent of blood further up into the mountains…eventually running into the perpetrators.


“Correct, Quentle.”

Cedric had come to the same conclusion, but was too busy trying to control his emotions. Quentle, however, did not try to hide his, his nails digging into the wooden desk.

“Well, it wasn’t Velagoras he ran into, but a group of his men he recognized instantly. The same men he’d drank and wrestled with, slaughtering both Teuton and Shlank people before his eyes.

“His rage overflowed, and he drew the Green Emerald and eliminated all but one of the men.  The lone man, in a crazed voice, revealed everything.

“Velagoras had been summoned back home for the exact same reason he had. According to the man, the Sages had also visited their leaders, and presented them a large red relic. The words given to them:

“This Red Relic is a symbol of the Will of your people, which is to cherish and protect your bloodline. Take this gift, and use it according to your One Will.”

A chair on the other side of Kaolo and Farum shifted, it’s owner, Berd, perking his head up, clinging to Gambell’s words.

“The Shlanks, upon receiving the relic, had the same idea as the Teutons. A sword was forged-the Red Ruby-and, as you might’ve guessed, the Heir chosen to wield it was none other than Velagoras.”

“But Master, that still doesn’t explain…”

“Yes, Berd, do be patient. You see, it seems behind the scenes the Shlanks decided that their newly precious bloodline was in danger of being tainted. That is, because of…”

“The campsite!” Farum burst out, to which Berd slumped down at the realization of what he meant.

“Correct, Farum. After more than a month of living together, these kinds of things do happen.”

“So just like that they moved to eliminate each member of the campsite?!”

Quentle moved their table this time, simply from slamming his fists on it.

“Yes, Quentle, that is correct. Do try to control your anger, this is an unchangeable story. Anyway, once Garik found out the truth, he raced across the mountains in search of Velagoras. His aim was to kill every last Shlank warrior, and protect every member of the campsite that still lived. For several days, he rode the tragoon, stopping assaults from Velagoras’ men and gathering members of the campsite into a single, hidden cave where he left them with several fierce tragoons and equipped them with weapons.

“After sending an able-bodied man on horseback to report the truth to the castle and request help, Garik set his sights further north, where there were at least three-hundred and fifty members of the campsite unaccounted for, broken off into seven groups. Since they were the first groups to have set out nearly a month prior, he knew they would take some time to reach. The first day, he reached a group, defeated some thirty Shlank warriors, armed the campsite members, and directed them to the cave along with his tragoon. The second day, the tragoon came back to him just as he had found another camp and defended it from more than fifty warriors.

“He repeated this process for seven long days. The number of Shlank warriors grew with each day, to the point where it was clear these were not just Velagoras’ men, but soldiers sent from the Shlank homefront for this sole purpose of eliminating the campsite members. He and the tragoon worked tirelessly to protect the people of the campsite, and on the seventh day, he faced an all-out army.

“During the fight, in which he relied heavily on the magnificent power of the Green Emerald, the two men he’d sent to report to the castle came to him on horseback, with urgent news:

“The Teuton officials had heard the whole story, and had decided not to take any action. They thought that, if this was all true, then Velagoras would ultimately make a move on Teuton soil. For that, they needed to be prepared, to fortify their own walls, and therefore had decided to leave the mountains to Garik, their strongest Knight.”

At this, Cedric’s eyes widened.

“Upon telling him this, the two men attempted to fight but could not handle the chaotic one-sided battle like he could, and were killed defending the final camp.

”On the verge of despair, Garik roared his heart out, and continued to fight the endless fight alone. It’s said that at that time, he ascended beyond that of a man, and became a War God.

“Eventually, he stood victorious, submerged in blood along with the tragoon. The campsite members, the largest group yet at around seventy people, cheered loudly for him from atop a cliff safe from the battlefield. All they could do was fire a limited number of arrows to assist, but they had emerged victorious together.”

A collective sigh of relief seemed to sweep through the room.

“He had finally accounted for the last group, and with the help of the tragoon led them back to the cave where the others were waiting safely. Upon arrival, both Garik and his tragoon could no longer stay conscious.

“When Garik awoke, he was on the tragoon’s back, entering the newly developing Castle Town, along with more than three hundred campsite members.

“As they arrived, there was a clear panic spreading throughout Castle Town. Garik rushed inside the castle doors, where another bloodbath lay before him.

“This time, it was only about twenty or so officials and guards, but what shook him down to his core was what he saw crushed into the stone ground-

-tragoon footprints.

“An official hurriedly explained what had happened:

“A man on a tragoon, wielding a long red sword, had burst into the castle lobby just an hour prior, and began killing everyone in sight.

“After a few minutes the Four Generals burst onto the scene, and drove the man out of the castle. Along with their personal armies, the generals chased the man past an outlying village that, unbeknownst to the busy officials until it was too late, had been burnt to a crisp just before the attack on the castle. Their chase had apparently led them into the forest in front of the Volcano of Disasters, and there had been no news since.

“Wasting no time, Garik and the tragoon dashed out for the forest. Upon entering, there seemed to be a body for every tree in the forest.

“Eventually he came into the center of the forest, where there was a wide clearing. In the clearing, the bodies of three of the generals lay in separate corners.

“In the middle, the man known as Velagoras wiped his red blade clean as the fourth general, who had always been kind to Garik, dropped to the ground.”

No one in the class moved a muscle, each hanging intently onto Gambell’s words.

“When Velagoras looked upon Garik, he seemed to have no care in the world. It is unknown whether any words were exchanged between the two, possibly because Garik himself refused to recount their meeting in detail. The two merely clashed swords in the middle, their tragoons destroying the ground under foot as they darted around the clearing continuously exchanging blows. In a sea of red and green light, Velegoras eventually fell from his tragoon.

“Suffering a fatal wound, he crashed into the earth, his sword sinking deep into the ground.

“Garik jumped from his tragoon and, without mercy, delivered the final blow to his only friend.”

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