Sword Quest

Chapter 8: Ch 7

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Getting up and kicking the water basin across the room, he trudged out of the dojo grumpily.

Out in the hallway, he carefully slunk along as he neared the main school hall. His current mission: make it to the apothecary’s room upstairs without being seen by anyone. Especially Mel or Quentle. They were likely at the end of their personal sessions as well, so it wouldn’t be a stretch for one of them to pop up.

This was somewhat of a daily routine as well. Cedric would get cuts, lesions, and bruises on his arms and face every day, so regular stops to get treated and receive a tub of medicinal cream became necessary.

Therefore, he climbed several flights of stairs, dripping water all the way, until he reached his destination.

As he opened the door, he heard a loud crash in the stairwell below. Not wanting any part of whatever happened, he hurriedly shut the door and approached the apothecary, who was fast asleep at her desk.

“Umm.. Miss Tess, could I trouble you for a bit?”

Cedric only whispered, but the young bespectacled woman unstuck her face from the page of a book, and looked up with a lively expression.

“Ah, Cedric, what a surprise to see you here today!” The fair skinned twenty-something girl flashed her wonderful smile.

Even if it was usually a sarcastic smile, it was something that made him appreciate his daily beating, if only a little.

“Please don’t mock me, Miss Tess, it makes my wounds hurt worse.”

“Oh, come on, they’re battle scars to be proud of though! Not everybody gets to train with the esteemed eccentric Headmaster!”

“Yes, that seems to be the case. However, I’m starting to question his training strategy, and it’s making sense that I’m his first pupil since Master Feng.”

“Huh? His first?” Tess blinked at him, confused.

“I mean… that’s just what I’ve heard?”

“Hmmm, I guess a non-candidate with lesser expectations is easier to talk about,” She said quietly, looking off to the side.


“Ah, nothing… anyway, I’ve got potion ready for you here. Let me go and get Selmy from the courtyard to make the cream!”

“Ahh, okay-”

Just as Tess went to open the door, it burst open.

“Tess, it’s an emergency! This idiot fell down the stairs and his nose is pouring blood!”

Mel stood in the doorway, Quentle draped lazily over his shoulder grasping his nose, as Tess stared in shock.

“Noctor, is it bad? I won’t die, will I?”

“Hahhh, no Quentle, you’ll be fine, as usual.”

“I know what you’re thinking, Tess, but this time the idiot didn’t fall on purpose. There were small puddles of water all over the stairwell. You’d have to be an idiot not to see it, but unfortunately for Quentle here...”

“Hoy Mul, if I didn’t slib you would hab..”

“Doubt it...but really, who would leave all that water across the stair well like that?”



Cedric, who had just gotten done comfortably resting his hands on the back of his head and propping his feet up, quickly looked away while whistling as the three shot their glances at him.

“The culprit is completely unaffected!” Tess and Mel shouted together, while Quentle crumbled.

“I just started sweating a lot since I got here. It’s real foggy out today, and the window’s open, so the humidity-”

“The sky’s always like that!”

“Ehh, well, Tess is gorgeous, so I was nervous?”

“H-mph, you’ll have to do better than that to flatter me, brat.”

“Ahh Cedrig, why are you trying to gill be? Is it battlefield bragtice? I didn’t know you were that zeriouz.”

“Why would I use slippery stairs to booby trap a real enemy? Ah-that actually looks pretty bad, sorry Quentle. I didn’t think anyone stupid enough to slip would be left in the building.”

“No real remorse seems to be felt from the culprit.”

“Indeed, maybe I shouldn’t treat either of them today…”

“I don’t eben care about the baghanded comments, so blease just treat be at leazt.”

“Mm, okay then, I needed to go see Selmy either way, so I suppose I’ll prepare medicine for both of you.”

With that, Tess left the room, leaving the boys alone.

Quentle slumped over a stack of books, holding his nose back, and quickly seemed to doze off.

“It doesn’t seem like you have any injuries Mel, so why are you waiting?”

“Me? Well, I just wanted to stick around to see if we’ll plan on going to the ruins tonight?”

“Ohh..I don’t see why not?”

“Ha, as anxious as ever, I see. Even with both of you this beat up? Are you sure you can handle me at full strength? It’ll be boring for me to go easy on you, you know?”

“Gah shut up, you’re annoying. We’ll both be fine, and I’ll win just like I usually do.”

“Six out of ten matches, I’d say.”

“Yeah, matches where I’m by myself against you two. You two rarely win when you’re the lonely man, right?”

“Yeah, yeah…hmm, ‘lonely man’, huh…maybe we should start calling it ‘lonely heir’ from now on.”

Cedric ignored his taunt, not wanting to get into that topic.

“Say, Cedric…how do you think we determine who the Heir is?”

Cedric’s ears perked up at this.

“I’ve never gotten a straight answer from an adult on it, and I’m sure it’s the same for you. Is it simply determined by our combat ability and capacity to grow? You would be the obvious answer in that case, for now at least, but should it really be that simple?”

Mel paused, as if waiting for an answer, but Cedric silently waited for him to continue.

“Or is it up to the people, the ever-evolving Group Will? I hate to say it but, the ruffian probably takes it in that case. His fiery attitude and relation with the commoners outweighs both of us put together. Even without Quentle, your popularity with the elders and priests ever since you recovered from the war sickness is a big factor, along with the fact that Valblin is training you. And I’ve also heard from Selmy that you’re quite popular with some of the soldiers. You both beat me, who’s only backing is the noble class, which unfortunately holds little influence over the people these days.”

“Yeah…” Cedric replied with a brow raised.

“Or…Is it all in how strong our Will is? Then, is there someone to read that? The elders or priests? That would favor you, wouldn’t it? Unless they had the dignity to remain unbiased, maybe…that’s probably the only real chance I have, then.”


“Mm. My Will as a Teuton is undoubtedly the strongest here. I don’t care about the past, the future, other states, or the dome itself, none of it matters. We have a duty to protect and cherish this land right now, and whatever needs to be done to keep that duty, I’m certain I will do.”

Cedric could only let out a breath of air as he frowned.

They both remained silent for a moment.

“Yeah, I’d say you’re pretty strong in that regard. I don’t really know about myself, but Quentle might not be far behind you, though.”

“You don’t know about yourself?”

“…Uhh, yeah, I mean, of course my desire is to become a respected Teuton and to be able to protect the people, but I feel like I can’t exactly make that desire into a solidified Will the way you can, at least not yet. And I certainly don’t have the resolve to say that I’ll do anything necessary to uphold the Group Will. I can’t explain it, but that somehow makes me feel really weighed down… and kind of scared for the people, and our future.”


“Hmph..what an enigma you are.” Mel turned away haughtily, looking no longer interested.


The door burst open once more, cutting off their conversation. Finally, Tess returned with a much smaller girl, whose extravagant chestnut hair reached all the way to her hips. She wore a radiant smile on her face, one that beat even Tess’ charismatic smirk.

“Hello there, Cedric and Mel! And-oh, he’s asleep.” Selmy whispered the last part, slapping her hands to her cheeks.

The cute, slender girl was several years older than the boys and therefore out of school, but looked to be their age or slightly younger. Cedric knew her fairly well, as they would often run into each other in the courtyard while she was working.

“I missed the potatoes today, since Tess kept me up here,” Selmy whined with an overdone frown.

“Ahh, I’ll let you know the day before next time, so no worries!”

“Hmm? Potatoes? Selmy, should the daughter of the esteemed Cillavier household really be taking potatoes from a commoner?”

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“Ah! But Meeeel, you know how good their vegetables are, riight?”

“And hey, you haven’t forgotten that the castle itself gets its vegetables directly from my house, have you?” Cedric quipped with a frown.

“That’s neither here nor there,” Mel scoffed with his signature brush off motion.

“The son hasn’t been officially made apprentice yet, now has he?”


“Hmmph, so then, is it really acceptable to be accepting something so potentially hazardous?”

Mel proceeded to flick Selmy’s forehead, with a smirk that showed he was clearly enjoying himself.

“Oouch…come ooon Meeelll, that’s not fair!”

“On the other hand, it is important for Selmy to experience different tastes and textures, as the court herbalist,” Tess casually put as she knelt next to the unconscious Quentle.

“Ah! That’s right! Nice save, Tess! Oh, and that’s especially the case with vegetables!”

Her radiant smile returned like it had never gone anywhere to begin with.

“Whatever. Anyway, you going to treat these idiots?”

“Oh! Yes, let’s start!”

Selmy noticed Tess had already started treating Quentle, and began frantically searching through her bag.

“Hahh, well then..” As Mel began opening the door, Selmy stopped what she was doing.

“Ah, Mel, wait! Are you…will you be home tonight in time for midnight tea?”


Unable to control himself, Cedric spat out the potion he’d received from Tess.

As he continued laughing so hard he couldn’t verbally make fun of Mel, Selmy looked back and forth between the two, puckering her lips confusedly.

“Hahhh. I’ll meet you at your place. Don’t go out until I get there, okay?”

“Huh? But that late, my place is...”

“Do not leave without me, Selmy.”

Cedric’s brow raised as he watched him walk boldly out the door like some sort of official.

As he looked back at Selmy, her troubled look quickly flipped back into her usual radiance.

What was that all about?


After getting the necessary treatment, Quentle finally woke up.

“Ah? Ah! Lady Selmy! How does my fair lady do today?”

“Hehe, she does better than you, it seems!”

“Ohh not to worry, some ill-thought booby trap shall not put a damper on my day, for you are always there to brighten it! Like the loveliest sunflower!”

“Huhuu, oh stop it!”

“Yes, do.”

Cedric and Tess both whacked Quentle across the top of his head.

“Why is it you’re only like this when Mel isn’t around?” Cedric asked, annoyed.

“Well my friend, that’s because Lord Mel is quite protective of his lovely childhood friend.”

“Hehe, he sure is!”

“My condolences, Selmy.”

“You said it, Cedric..”

“Huh? But I’m thankful for him being that way! I couldn’t have grown up properly without him there!”

“Ohh? Might you say, then, that Lord Mel is something of a brother to you, Lady Selmy?”

“Quentle, your nose started bleeding again.”

“Oh! Thanks, Cedric! Ah-beg your pardon, ladies.”

“Hehehe, he is kind of like a brother, I guess! Buuut, I think I really see him more like my best friend, and maybe, my own personal knight!”

“Quentle, your brain and heart are bleeding now.”

“How did you know, Cedriiiiic?” Quentle whined, reeling.

“Huuuh? Quentle? Are you okay? Is your head dizzy?”

“Mm, his brain is undergoing some shock at the moment, so he might have some dizziness. Well, better to go rest it off at your own home!”

Tess began pushing Quentle and Cedric toward the door.

“Ah! My deepest thanks for the treatment, Lady Selmy and Lady Tess!”

   “Geh, don’t address me that way.”

   “The fairest of days to you both, oh wonderful ladies,” Cedric followed exaggeratedly.

“Ugh, get out if you’re going to say it sarcastically, Cedric.”

“Ohh noooo-”




As Cedric and Quentle descended through the stairwell, Quentle quickly returned to his usual self.

“Hoo boy, Selmy was as cute as ever today, don’t ya think?”

“Yeah, normally so, I suppose.”

“Hmm, you just don’t get her appeal. You’re probably more into the type that demeans you, like Tess.”

“No..I mean, Tess is gorgeous, but I’m not really into any types. And isn’t she just mature, rather than demeaning?”

“Ah, you’re such a bore. And screw maturity, I’ll be this way all my life, and so will Selmy! So even when rich boy ends up marrying her, I’ll still be her fan!”

“Rich boy might have something to say about that, though.”

“Eh, we’ll just fight it out, then! Ooh! Speaking of, we fighting tonight?”

You make it sound like we’re fighting in the actual war…but yeah, it seems we’ll go as usual. I might be a little late though, I need a nap after today.”

“Oh come on, what are you a kid? We can’t fight properly without all three of us there!”

“Oy, didn’t you just wake up from a nap yourself?”

“Ah, that’s because of your silly booby trap though! You won’t be able to get one over on me like that on the real battlefield, ya wannabe assassin!”

As he said this, he began skipping down the stairs, turning his body to stick his tongue out at Cedric while posing a rather crude hand gesture.

“Uhh, hey..”

“Hu-Oh, Uwaaaaaa!”

He’d tried to point in warning, but Quentle still slipped in a lingering spot of water and tumbled violently the rest of the way down the stairs.

Smirking contentedly, Cedric helped him up, and ended up dragging him back to his slum in Market Town.

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