Sword Xia of the Shu Mountains

Chapter 5: 5

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The story goes that Zhou Chun jumped at what that person had said, but his fright was of a different nature when he saw that Yan’er was missing. At first he thought that maybe he had gone off to relieve himself, but after looking all over for him and shouting his name loudly, there was no sign of him, and he couldn’t help breaking out into a sweat. It didn’t want to just up and leave this place either last Yan’er should come back and not be able to find him. Just as he was at his wit’s end, he suddenly heard a thin voice from inside say, “You still haven’t left yet?”

Zhou Chun said, “When I left you I came out here and found that my companion was gone and I don’t know where he went. He didn’t take his travel bag with him. Could it be that elemental spirit you mentioned got him?”

The person said, “That elemental is yin1, it would come out before the third watch. Your companion’s disappearance couldn’t be the work of that elemental. Hurry on to Grandmaster White Cloud and ask her to tell your fortune, then you’ll know where he is. Don’t do yourself in, it’s getting late, hurry up and go.”

Zhou Chun had no choice but to do as that person said and head out. Less than five miles later he suddenly heard the sound of wind blow from behind, carrying with it a rancid stench. Zhou Chun knew it was trouble and took off running. The wind suddenly stopped when he reached a hut. He turned to look but only saw a mass of dense fog and he could faintly make out what appeared to be two red lanterns receding back down the road. Under the moonlight he could see clearly and it made him break out in a cold sweat.

He looked again at the thatched hut. It wasn’t large, and there were two sorry-looking willows on either side of the main gate, the moonlight throwing their shadows on the ground and casting a gloom over the whole area. It looked very secluded and quiet. The sound of sutra chanting could be heard from within. He figured it was the owner of the hut engaged in his evening studies. He knocked lightly on the door twice. The sound of a little girl answered back, “We’re a Buddhist nunnery. Sir, if you’re looking for lodging, keep going straight ahead.”

Zhou Chun said, “I ran into some trouble on the road and have come especially to seek refuge with Grandmaster White Cloud.”

Before he had finished speaking, the door opened and an adolescent nun about thirteen or fourteen and quite pretty, emerged. She saw Zhou Chun and said, “Grandmaster is having her evening study. Please wait in the sanctuary.” Zhou Chun followed her inside and sat in the sanctuary. The little nun brought in a bowl of tea and some vegetarian steamed buns for Zhou Chun, then left and was gone for quite a while.

Zhou Chun was getting anxious waiting when a blue-green light flashed before him and shot to the rear compound like a bird in flight. Curious at this, Zhou Chun left the sanctuary and lightly padded to the rear compound. He had just approached a window when he suddenly heard two people talking; it seemed to be a man and a woman. He listened carefully and heard the woman say, “Second Senior Brother, what brings you here so late at night?”

The man said, “Just now I was coming from Mount Cloud Spirit when I saw elemental qi soaring into the sky, so I went over to take a look. There was a boy standing under you the eaves of a house on the side of the road. The elemental creature was about ten staves away. I saw the boy had a strong foundation and couldn’t bear to see him hurt, so I scooped him up and got him out of danger, then drove away the elemental with my sword. I asked the boy about himself and learned he is the student of Zhou Chun, one of the Three Heroes of Shandong.

“I saw this kid had transcendent bones, wouldn’t it be a shame for him to follow a xia of the mortal world? So I took him as my student and had Bai’er carry him on his back back to the mountains. He said he was afraid that his master and mother would be worried, and I agreed to take him a message and went to find this Zhou. Who would have imagined I would also inadvertently save Seventh Junior Brother’s student, Shi Lin, as well. He had been poisoned with elemental poison and was on the verge of death. I saved him and had him taken back to the mountains and learned that Zhou had come here. Just as I entered I saw a person sitting in the sanctuary. That person must be him.”

The woman said, “Just now Zijuan came and said a man by the name of Zhou had come seeking refuge with me. I was just about to go out and see him when you showed up, Senior Brother, so I haven’t met him yet.”

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The man said, “That elemental back there seemed really formidable. My sword, Darkling Bloom, could only drive it away; it wasn’t able to harm it at all. I didn’t know what the deal was, so I didn’t want to be rash. How can you allow it to be so unruly so close to you?”

The woman said, “I’ve had endless trouble with this elemental. I’ve had a lot of trouble tracking it down, but I lack helpers. Now that you’re here, Senior Brother, it’s perfect.” She spoke toward the window, “Brave Sir Zhou, you’ve come such a long way, why not come in and chat instead of standing there listening through the wall?”

Zhou Chun had been absorbed in their conversation and this question snapped him out of it and made him flush with embarrassment. All he could do was enter. He saw a nun about forty or fifty years old seated on a rush cushion. In the seat of honor was a Daoist with a curly beard and gleaming eyes. He knew they were extraordinary people and so kowtowed to them. The nun and the Daoist helped him up and said “No need.”

The nun told Zhou Chun to sit and said, “I suppose you heard everything we just said. This is my senior brother, the Bearded Immortal Li Yuanhua. My name is Yuanyuan. People call me Grandmaster White Cloud. Your distinguished disciple had been taken by bearded senior brother as his student. Can you accept that, Brave Sir?”

Zhou Chun said, “He is young, it is his great fortune to be favored by a senior sword transcendent. Because my student his so gifted and intelligent, I haven’t taught him much for fear of leading him down the wrong path. Today he is fortunate to encounter this transcendent affinity, how could I not be willing? It’s just that I ran into someone just now that had been poisoned with elemental poison and is on the brink of death. I hope you two great immortals will take pity on him and save him.”

The bearded Daoist said, “That person is Shi Lin, he’s my junior nephew. I was just on the road and rescued him and sent him back to the mountains.” Zhou Chun promptly thanked him.

Grandmaster White Cloud said, “Senior Brother came at just the right time. We mustn’t lose any time. Come with me tomorrow to slay this elemental.”

The bearded Daoist said, “What sort of elemental is this that is so formidable?”

Grandmaster White Cloud said, “This mountain was originally not called Mount Cloud Spirit. A snake elemental appeared on this mountain and spit out poisonous mist every morning and evening that formed into rosy clouds that were illuminated by the setting sun and became one of this mountain’s spectacular sights. These auroral clouds were so resplendent that people loved them and so for a hundred years or more this mountain has been called Mount Cloud Spirit. At first, this elemental was only puffing out clouds and mist on the mountain and never harmed anyone. But about three years ago the situation changed greatly. From the double-hour of the dragon (7-9am) to the double-hour of the rooster (5-7pm), when this elemental is cultivating inside its cave, if any traveler passes nearby, then there’s no problem. At any other time, almost no one who passes by survives. These three years I’ve fought with it many times but could never injure it at all. It knows how formidable I am as well and will run away if it ever ventures too close to my hut. When heard that the wind was up just now I knew that elemental spirit had come. Later I didn’t hear anything but heard this brave sir knock on the door.” Zhou Chun now knew why the elemental had stopped chasing him earlier.

Grandmaster White Cloud said, “One thing subdues another. I know that what this elemental is most afraid of are centipedes. I’ve long heard that Grandmaster Dawneater of Mount Huang has such a creature, so I told Zijuan to go borrow it. Grandmaster at first was unwilling, saying that the centipede was he treasure of Quelled Grotto. Later I went to see her personally and only yesterday did I manage to borrow it. What a coincidence that Senior Brother and Brave Sir have arrived. I think this elemental’s day of execution is close at hand.”



Yin as in yin-yang. It belongs to the night, in other words. It won’t come out during the day.

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