Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 115: 115

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Chapter 38 – To North Korea (4)

TL: Boko

Editor: Frost

“Full Scale Attack!”

The Hunters faced off against the Winter Sovereign’s minions. As soon as the Supreme Guard Command Team One Leader gave the order, the Hunters moved as one.

Jung Soo joined in as well. Because he was a part of the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces, he didn’t have the right to command. Sung Joon confirmed that they were fighting against the minions and used his high-speed movement to approach the Winter Sovereign.

Though the Winter Sovereign counterattacked by creating an ice storm.

“It’s no use.”

Sung Joon had already fought a Winter Sovereign which was more powerful than this one in Paju, so he could see through its attack patterns. He moved his body with flashy movements and while dodging the ice storm, he simultaneously attacked the Winter Sovereign.

“Illusionary Sword.”

The aura clad illusionary blades, with their sharp cutting power, cut through the Winter Sovereign’s left calf. Blood spurted out, and the Yeti momentarily lost its balance and its stance crumpled; Sung Joon didn’t miss that opportunity.

He had figured out the Winter Sovereign’s weakness in the battle at Paju and proceeded to maximize his advantage, and severely injure its right thigh.

“A mere otherworlder!” the Winter Sovereign roared. Its yell was infused with mana, but it didn’t work against Sung Joon, whose synchronization rate was at 45%.

The Winter Sovereign yelled in agony at the horrific pain that it felt from both legs. By the time it had conjured an ice storm and turned its body to respond, Sung Joon was no longer there.

Though it was weaker than the Winter Sovereign that had appeared in Paju, the reason Sung Joon was able to so unbelievably overwhelm it was because he had faced it before.

He was also genius in combat when it came to figuring out his opponent’s weaknesses and strengths with just one look and not forgetting them. After all, he hadn’t gotten the position of the greatest knight in the Knight Brigade for nothing.  

“Illusionary Sword.”

The Winter Sovereign narrowly detected Sung Joon’s presence and predicted his movements, summoning forth a high-rank spell, but Sung Joon charged while activating his ‘Dragon’s Protection’, so even if the Winter Sovereign cast Blizzard, it would be ineffective.

“Illusionary Sword.’

He used his lethal technique, Illusionary Sword, once more and dozens of swords rushed at the Winter Sovereign. This time, he aimed for its neck. The Winter Sovereign urgently used its aura armor, but defending against his attack was impossible.


Its neck was ruthlessly stabbed, and the Winter Sovereign weakly collapsed. They said it was weaker than the one in Paju, but it was still a futile death.

The Winter Sovereign was unlucky enough to have faced Sung Joon as its opponent.


Sung Joon absorbed the mana and the stamina from the Winter Sovereign, and the moment he sheathed his sword, Rishubalt opened his mouth.

“Your synchronization rate is at 46%. Congratulations.”

“Can I enter the Awakening Dungeon now?”

“I don’t know why, but the next Awakening Dungeon will only open once you’re at a synchronization rate of 50%,” Rishubalt said.

“I see.” Sung Joon nodded his head. He didn’t know exactly how the Awakening Dungeon worked. There was still way too much he didn’t know.

“Hunter Kang Sung Joon!”

He heard Jung Soo’s voice from afar but by the time Sung Joon turned his head, Jung Soo had already closed the distance using high-speed movement.

“We have confirmed that the Winter Sovereign’s mana response has completely disappeared. The other monsters have been unsummoned as well!”

Sung Joon could feel the happiness within Jung Soo’s voice. Sung Joon nodded his head and opened his mouth.

“When do you think I’ll be able to get my payment for the magic stones?”

“If I’m being completely honest with you, we don’t have a proper payment system established, so the fastest we can get it to you is in around two days. And we pay through cash.”

“That’s fine. It doesn’t seem like it’ll take that long, and I’ll just take the magic stones with me.”

“I understand. I’ll relay that to the corresponding division,” Jung Soo replied.

“The accommodations underground were quite nice; may I stay in them until I’m paid?”

Because Pyongyang was pretty much ruined, he had to stay underground.

“Of course. Our Leader will like that as well.”

The two of them passed the ruined main street and went down underground. The leading members of the government and Kim Jang Woon were still underground.

“I’ll give you a pager. If you need me, just use this to contact me.”

“I don’t think I’ll need to contact you for the time being. Since I want to rest a little bit,” Sung Joon replied. He honestly wasn’t very tired, but because he wanted to talk to Rishubalt, he didn’t want any interferences.

“I understand. Then, please rest well.”

Because fatigue was common for Hunters after a Raid or a dungeon, Jung Soo looked as if he understood and left the room.

“There isn’t any wiretapping equipment or surveillance cameras. There also aren’t any traces of anyone trespassing into the room,” Rishubalt said. Though he didn’t possess an ability to sense whether there were surveillance cameras or wiretapping equipment, it seems as though Rishubalt was searching the room for them while Sung Joon was talking with Jung Soo.

Then, the moment that he was about to initiate a conversation with Rishubalt… he felt a presence approaching.

Knock. Knock.

Jung Soo knocked on the door, opened it, and entered. Sung Joon furrowed his brow since he had asked them not to bother him.

“Hunter. Our Leader is coming over.”

“Are you talking about Leader Kim Jang Woon?” Sung Joon asked.

“Yes, that’s correct,” Jung Soo said, and nodded his head.

“They’re faster than I expected,” Rishubalt said. Sung Joon agreed. He expected that he’d some way or another have to meet with Kim Jang Woon as he had defeated the Winter Sovereign, which had ruined Pyongyang and inflicted tremendous damage to North Korea. However, it was a bit fast.

“Are you saying that he’s coming right now?”

“Yes. He’ll be here within ten minutes.”

“I understand. I’ll stay here.”

Exactly ten minutes had passed since Sung Joon’s reply. It seemed like Jung Soo was uneasy as he was continuously checking his watch. Then, Sung Joon sensed several presences approaching.

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‘There’re more than I expected.’

Eventually, the presences got close. The door opened and Jang Woon came inside. Most of his attendants stayed outside. Jang Woon went inside with three soldiers who appeared to be Hunters.

“Now who is this? Isn’t this the savior of Pyongyang, Kang Sung Joon?”

“It’s nice to meet you. Leader.”

Sung Joon would prefer not to, but he was as respectful as possible. It wouldn’t behoove him to be the first to worsen the mood.

Whereas, Jang Woon spoke as soon as he saw Sung Joon and acted excessively close. Sung Joon didn’t like that, but decided to let it go for now.

“Right. Is your accommodation comfortable?”

“Yes,” Sung Joon replied. Then, Jang Woon nodded his head with a satisfied expression.

“Hahaha! What a relief! To be honest, I told my subordinates to put special care into your accommodation!”

“Thank you.”

He was emphasizing the ‘favor’ that he’d done for Sung Joon, but Sung Joon decided to just let it go and accept it. Jang Woon continued by talking about women or trivial topics, but suddenly opened his mouth with a serious expression.

“How is it?”

“Regarding what exactly?”

“Won’t you come over to our country? I can make it so you can have everything.”

Befitting his personality, Jang Woon spoke straightforwardly. Then, the look in Sung Joon’s eyes changed.

“If it’s an offer to defect to North Korea, then I respectfully decline.”

“Hey wait, isn’t that too much for someone who hasn’t even heard the conditions yet?”

“It’s fine,” Sung Joon responded firmly. Even if they offered him a lot of money, considering the long-term structure of North Korea, it wasn’t great.

“Then it can’t be helped… But you’re going to participate in the party, right? I asked for it to be organized.”

Though he had defeated the Winter Sovereign, Pyongyang was still in ruins. The fact that Jang Woon was going to have a party despite the situation made Sung Joon want to shake his head, but he resisted the urge.

“That doesn’t sound so bad. I’ll join the party.”

In any case, he needed to stay in North Korea until they were done processing his payment. During that time, he could at least participate in the party in order to prevent anything bothersome from happening.

“Good! This guy knows how to have fun! Make sure you come! I’ll send someone to come get you at six tomorrow evening!”

Kim  Jang Woon seemed to be satisfied with the result as he smiled. After that, he shook Sung Joon’s hand and made his way to the exit.

The attendants on standby opened the door and right when Jang Woon was about to leave, he briefly paused; he looked at Jang Soo, who was standing next to Sung Joon, and opened his mouth.

“Aren’t you leaving too, Colonel Lee?”

“Yes. I just had something I needed to tell him regarding his payment.”

“Is that so? Then keep up the good work.”

Jang Woon waved his hand and left Sung Joon’s lodging and Jung Soo bowed towards his back with discipline. Eventually, the door closed and Jung Soo, confirming that the presences had gotten far away, looked at Sung Joon and opened his mouth with a grave expression.

“P-Please let me check if there is any surveillance equipment in here.”

He took something out from his chest and scanned his surroundings.

“It doesn’t seem like there is any surveillance equipment in here.”

“What’s the matter all of a sudden?” Sung Joon asked. Despite the fact that Jung Soo had confirmed that there wasn’t any surveillance equipment in the room, it seemed as though he was uneasy as he looked around the room once more and opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“Please don’t drink the alcohol at the party tomorrow. The Research Bureau developed… a poison that works on Hunters. If you’re poisoned, you won’t die, but your combat abilities will be significantly impaired.”

“I think I can tell what’s happening.”

Sung Joon was composed. He knew that something like would happen when Jang Woon failed to win him over and immediately suggested a party right after; it wasn’t difficult to figure out. But, he couldn’t help but be angry.

However, he had a question.

“But do you have a reason for telling me this?”

There was obviously some sort of secret feud for power going on, but Sung Joon acted like he didn’t know what was going on.

“It’s a present from the head of the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces for the one who saved Pyongyang.”

“Is that all?”

“It’s probably exactly what you’re thinking, Hunter Kang Sung Joon,” Jung Soo replied, and Sung Joon smirked. He liked his honesty.

“Please tell me right now if there’s something you want,” Sung Joon said. He didn’t really want to owe them a favor later.

“Like I said, it’s a present. If there was something that we want, it’s that we would like you to know that the Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces wasn’t involved and that we consider you a friend, Hunter Kang Sung Joon.”

“That’s not difficult. I’ll remember that,” Sung Joon replied, and nodded his head.

“Well, that’s that, but is the poison only inside the alcohol?”

“Yes. Leader Kim Jang Woon will take out a bottle of alcohol, saying that it’s an expensive bottle. We’ve received word that the poison will be inside that alcohol.”

“How many S-rank Hunters will be there?”

“There’s one S-rank Hunter who answers directly to our Leader, Kim Jang Woon, and is part of the Supreme Guard Command,” Jung Soo replied. They didn’t possess that many S-rank Hunters, and they had lost several S-rank Hunters fighting against the Winter Sovereign, including Ryu Chul Sung[1]. Therefore, there was only one S-rank Hunter left in North Korea.

“Though it’s to my understanding that there are several A-rank Hunters. There will also be normal soldiers there as well.”

Modern firearms weren’t effective against monsters, but they could kill Hunters. Therefore, if there were a lot of soldiers present, it wouldn’t be difficult for them to even kill a high-rank Hunter.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Since all I need to do is kill them all.”

“Then I’ll get going now. If I stay for too long, people might get suspicious.”

It was the day after he left. Sung Joon went towards the party area and opened his mouth as he looked as Rishubalt.

“Let’s go, Rishubalt. It’s time to level up.”

[1] The “talented” S-rank Hunter who was the leader of the Supreme Guard Command. The U.S. was trying to scout him. The Winter Sovereign killed him in Pyongyang.

[2] It’s a Korean word that means to level up a lot in a short period of time. Assuming it refers to his synchronization rate.

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