Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 135: 135

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Chapter 44 – Lord (3)

TL: Boko

Editors: Frost, StellarRain

“You said you’re Marquis Laote, right?” Sung Joon asked fluently in the other world language. Jang Hoon and Shin Chul couldn’t follow along as they didn’t understand the other world language, but it wasn’t as if they were completely lost.

That’s because anyone could learn the other world language on Earth if they worked at it. It was just really hard.


Laote curiously looked at Sung Joon, as Sung Joon could speak in his world’s language.

“You’re just an insignificant human and otherworlder, yet you can speak our language?”

The highest ranking members of the Species Alliance like the Vampires, Elves, or Dwarves, were inclined to believe that they were superior to humans. Obviously Sung Joon didn’t like that they thought that.

“Where did you learn our language?”

“What’s the point in telling you? You’ll be dead soon,” Sung Joon said, throwing out a light provocation.

“That’s what you call a challenge?”

Laote acted calm, but it seemed like Sung Joon’s provocation had ended up working. The sword in Laote’s hand was enveloped by a red aura. Sung Joon smiled and took two steps back.

“I’ll leave the minions to you.”

Sung Joon decided to leave the minions to Shin Chul and Jang Hoon. There was nothing more bothersome than minions getting in the way while fighting against the boss.

“You don’t have to worry about us.”

“We’ll finish them quickly and come help you with the boss!”

The two spoke confidently.

“Kill them,” Laote commanded and the Vampire Knights moved first. Laote’s intent was likely to launch a surprise attack on Sung Joon once he found an opening, but Shin Chul and Jang Hoon took on the minions. With a single leap, Sung Joon escaped the melee and landed in front of Laote.  


Laote clicked his tongue and finished casting his blood magic. The red magic circle on the floor spewed red blood, formed into sharp blades, and then rushed Sung Joon like a storm.

“This is high-rank blood magic! You must be careful!” Rihsubalt warned. The technique looked incredibly dangerous, even to Sung Joon. The marble floor was ruined, and the sound of blades cutting through the air intensified.

“It’s not over yet!” Laote yelled. Sung Joon sensed the movement of mana from behind him. He turned his head ever so slightly, turning his gaze backwards, and saw a blood red wall.

‘Is he trying to cut off my escape route?’

If Sung Joon were a mage, he wouldn’t have allowed the spell’s completion. Unfortunately, despite being a bit special, he was still a ‘Healer’.

“Laote’s blade is cursed. If you’re cut by it even once, your blood will explode, and the damage would completely destroy the affected region,” Rishubalt warned. Because he had experience fighting against Laote before, he was already well aware of this.

Sung Joon looked at Marquis Laote and smirked. Laote’s blood explosion may be fatal, but that just meant he needed to avoid Laote’s blade.

“Rest in peace.”


Laote, who thought he’d completely corned Sung Joon, gestured and a storm of blood advanced upon Sung Joon.

The storm of blood advanced instantaneously with a speed akin to high-speed movement. Seeing that, Sung Joon used ‘Blink’.


Blink was a difficult to handle magical technique that was only really used by high-rank magicians or the Imperial Army’s Pan-Dimensional Task Force.

Laote was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected maneuver. Sung Joon reappeared on Laote’s left.

“Gale Sword.”

Sung Joon unleashed his Gale Sword, which was a combination of sword winds with high-speed movement that instantaneously closed the distance.

Sharp sword winds poured out, but the red blood that collected onto the floor blocked them.

“This is active protection magic!” Rishubalt explained.

Active protection magic was a continuous spell that was maintained until the caster stopped supplying the required mana.

There was a continuous strain on mana, but because it was a continuous spell, it enabled the caster to focus wholly on offense.

It was classified as high-rank magic, and the magical formula was incredibly complex, so not many people could actually use it.

“If you want to pierce through it, then you need to use an attack with the force of aura.”

“Do I have no choice but to use the Illusionary Sword…?”

Sung Joon muttered to himself. It seemed like the Illusionary Sword, which summoned thirty-one illusionary aura blades that cut and stabbed, would easily be able to pierce through the active protection magic.

Sung Joon calmly planted his feet, and channeled his mana.

When Laote saw the flow of Sung Joon’s surging mana, he realized that Sung Joon’s was preparing to unleash an exceptional attack.

“I won’t let you do as you please!”

Laote summoned dozens of blood spears, directing them towards Sung Joon. At the same time, he used high-speed movement to close the distance.

Sung Joon not only evaded or defended against all the blood spears, but also parried Laote’s own attack and even managed to counterattack.


Due to the sudden counter, Laote groaned and stepped back. If it weren’t for the active protection magic, he would’ve been on the receiving end of Sung Joon’s counterattack.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen such nigh-perfect swordsmanship since Roukel…!’

Laote was flustered, but he pressed on, calmly attacking Sung Joon with his sword. As Sung Joon and Laote crossed blades, Sung Joon widened his stance and calmly widened the distance. Then, in that instance, he channeled his mana and lunged with his sword.

“Illusionary Sword!”

“This technique is…!?”

Thirty-one illusionary swords rushed towards Laote. Laote had only briefly seen the Illusionary Swords, but he realized from its inception that his active protection magic wouldn’t be able to defend against it. He’d brandished his blade clad in red aura while casting high-rank defensive blood magic and tried to defend.

But it was impossible for a Vampire noble to block all the illusionary swords, let alone one with his skills.


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He yelled in agony as his left arm was severed. Laote tried his very best, but it didn’t matter. Laote used his blood magic to stem the bleeding and retreated.

“Tell me. Otherworlder… How do you know of a forgotten technique that only Roukel knew…”

He didn’t think he’d ever live to see another Illusionary Sword used. Laote voice was shaking tremendously. Sung Joon smirked and surveyed the situation around him.

Shin Chul and Jang were doing well. There were only five Vampire Knights left. Sung Joon opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“Go and tell them…”

Sung Joon used high-speed movement right as he opened his mouth, causing him to vanish. Laote sensed a presence behind him and quickly turned around. However, Sung Joon wasn’t there. Laote then sensed a presence to his right.

“That Roukel has returned.”


Sung Joon’s lightning fast slash severed Laote’s right arm. Laote couldn’t bear the pain and Sung Joon, upon seeing Laote flailing around, smiled icily.

“That is, if you can.”

Sung Joon aimed for Laote’s heart and lunged. Laote attempted to dodge the blow, but he had lost both arms and it was difficult for him to even keep his balance, so using high-speed movement was impossible for him.


Ultimately, his lung was completely destroyed. Red blood spilled out of Laote’s mouth, but Sung Joon didn’t stop there. He drew his dagger and followed up with another attack.

His dagger sliced through Laote’s throat. Red blood burst out like a fountain. It was fatal, even for Vampires who naturally possessed a high regeneration rate.

“Ugh! Damn it!”

Laote felt despair. He calmly assessed the situation, but no matter how he looked at it, there was no hope left for him. He couldn’t even use his blood magic to staunch the bleeding due to the severe pain.

Finally, Sung Joon pulled out the sword that had destroyed Laote’s lung and swung it, cutting Laote’s stomach. He continued, stabbing Laote’s left shoulder.


Laote let out an agonizing scream; Sung Joon smiled coldly and opened his mouth.

“Hey, Species Alliance’s underling. I won’t let you go easily, so don’t worry.”

“P-Please… let me live…!”

Sung Joon’s killing intent seemed to freeze the air. Laote begged for his life, but Sung Joon’s expression remained cold and unchanging.

“Sorry, but I’m not stupid enough to be merciful to my enemies.”


His blade had pierced Laote’s right thigh. The more the pain, the clearer it became that he wouldn’t survive.

Sung Joon continued to torture Laote until he couldn’t even utter a scream; only then did he end his life.


Sung Joon absorbed the mana from Laote’s corpse.

“Your synchronization rate has become 53%,” Rishubalt reported. Sung Joon nodded his head with a satisfied expression.

“We’ve finished up over here as well.”

That was Shin Chul’s voice. Jang Hoon pierced the last remaining Vampire Knight’s chest with his greatsword.

“Let’s get out of here.”

They’d cleared the elite S-rank dungeon. All that was left was returning home.

* * *

After clearing the elite S-rank dungeon, the group sold its magic stones. Sung Joon’s share was about $80 million. The total assault time wasn’t very long, even when they factored in breaks, which proved the efficiency of party play.

But because Shin Chul and Jang Hoon, while talented, couldn’t utilize ‘Absorption’, they had to rest for at least one week following an S-rank dungeon run. Therefore, he had to alternate between solo and party play.

“I’m a bit tired today.”

Sung Joon spent his sluggish afternoon sitting in one the large garden chairs. Since it hadn’t even been two days since he’d gone through the elite S-rank dungeon with Shin Chul and Jang Hoon, they were resting in another building.

The silence was broken by the sound of their security being installed, and the disturbance rang in his ears.

“I’ve brought some refreshments.”

One of the caretakers approached him, and left snacks and tea on the table and left. He had three caretakers for the mansion, as the mansion was so large.

He vacantly watched the workers work, but then his phone rang and he realized that he was getting a call.

Sung Joon took out his phone and checked the display. Chief Na Han Soo was calling him. Sung Joon brought the phone to his ear and opened his mouth.


“Chairman. Construction for expanding the facility is finished. I felt like I had to inform you.”

“Ah… Thank you. I’d like to see just how much the laboratory has changed.”

“I think you can come in today. It’s still messy as construction was just finished. I feel like it’d do wonders for everyone’s mood if you were to visit, Mr. Chairman.”

“Then I’ll get going immediately.”

Sung Joon went over to the garage, and drove his car over to the laboratory.

Joo Sung, the head researcher was waiting in the parking lot for Sung Joon. Once she saw Sung Joon’s Hunter sedan, she immediately bowed her head and politely greeted him.

“There are no problems, right?” Sung Joon asked. Sung Eun nodded her head and opened her mouth.

“Yes. There’s nothing of note.”

She moved first.

“Please come this way. I’ll show you facilities inside the laboratory.”

Sung Joon, led by Sung Eun, looked over the laboratory’s facilities. In the middle of the tour, Han Soo joined in as well.

He introduced the new research facilities with an overwhelmingly confidence expression. Sung Joon, who’d finished his visit to the laboratory and returned home, learned from Jung Chul that the security system was fully installed.

Now it was time to call his father, Soo Hyuk.

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