Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 138: 138

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Chapter 45 – Vladimir (3)

TL: Boko

Editors: Frost, StellarRain



“Let me live…!”

The sharp sword winds raged like a violent storm and ripped the Russian intelligence agency Hunters apart. They screamed out in agony and begged for their lives. Unfortunately, while Sung Joon was well-versed in the other world language, he didn’t understand Russian.

Of course, even if he could understand them, he would never let them live.

“T-This is… an SS-rank Hunter…?”

Vladimir saw the cruel sight and wanted to deny it, but he now knew why Russia wanted Sung Joon so badly!

As well as why they told him not to engage him in combat… only after he saw what Sung Joon was capable did he understand why that was.

“He’s a monster… A monster!”

Vladimir’s subordinates, who had survived the fight with the guards, were killed in an instant. There had been two A-rank Hunters amongst them.

They weren’t even the run of the mill A-rank Hunters. They were veteran Hunters of the Russian intelligence agency who specialized in assassination.

Because they were the best of the best, he didn’t think they ‘d be taken down so easily. However, he had definitely been proven wrong.

“We were wiped out in 30 seconds…?”

“You’re next,” Sung Joon said. They couldn’t understand each other, but Vladimir sensed killing intent from Sung Joon’s gaze and realized that it was his turn now.

Vladimir tried his very best to hide his anxiousness, and silently raised his sword. Sung Joon could tell how Vladimir was feeling as the blue aura upon his blade shook.

They exchanged glances and the two rushed at each other. Vladimir took action first. His modified aura coiled around his right arm.

‘I did it!’

Vladimir sported a clear smile. The moment his modified aura, in the shape of a whip, wrapped around his arm, he was sure that he’d attained victory.

However, that feeling soon turned to despair.


Sung Joon let out a battle cry and released his mana. By doing so, the aura wrapped around Vladimir’s arm melted away.

An overwhelming release of mana would erode and melt away the opponent’s mana. However, this method was quite crude and could only be utilized when one possessed much more mana than their opponent.

‘To think I’d fall prey to such a crude technique!’

Vladimir was an S-rank Hunter and whenever he was given a mission, his opponents would always be weaker. Because he had always overpowered his opponents, he was unfamiliar with fights where he was the weaker one.


“It’s over.”

Vladimir hastily withdrew his sword, but Sung Joon had already appeared behind him. Vladimir spun around and assumed a defensive posture.

‘I-I’m good! It’s perfect!’

He’d done his very best and his defensive stance was nigh-perfect. Thus, Vladimir was relieved.

However, Sung Joon had a fatal technique ready that overcame any and all defensive stances.

“Illusionary Sword.”

Thirty-one illusionary swords rushed towards Vladimir. If there was one thing Vladimir did wrong, it was that he assumed a defensive posture.

He needed to attack immediately if he wanted to stop the Illusionary Sword. But because he didn’t do so, Vladimir’s body was cut to bits.


Vladimir fell covered in blood, and the sight of him was truly ghastly. His arms and legs were sliced into pieces and rolled on the floor.

After taking in the sight, Sung Joon absorbed Vladimir’s mana.

“Your synchronization rate has become 54%,” Rishubalt reported. Afterwards, Sung Joon stretched his left hand towards the area Shin Chul, Jang Hoon, and Jung Chul were gathered and uttered.

“Healing Spray.”

From his left hand, a sphere of light emerged that healed the injuries of the three. It was an large scale healing ability, so the rate at which they were healed was slower than if he had healed them individually. However, their injuries were quickly treated because it was the ‘Heal’ of an SS-rank Hunter.

“You ok?”

“Yes. Guess we won’t die.”

Sung Joon asked, and Jang Hoon replied with a faint smile. Eventually, Sung Joon turned his attention to Shin Chul.

“My father is alright?”

There was no anxiousness in his voice. He could remain calm as he had confirmed that the main building’s defensive line had remained intact.

“The guard leader and Armed Policeman, Han Kyung Min is protecting him,” Shin Chul said. Sung Joon nodded his head and spoke.

“I’ll come back after I make sure my father’s safe. And if you wait a bit longer, the Armed Police Department’s forces will be here.”

“I understand. Our injuries have been treated, so I’ll handle the Armed Police Department’s forces when they arrive.”

“Alright. I’m counting on you.”

Sung Joon went towards the main building

“It’s Mr. Kang Sung Joon!”

A guard holding the machine gun atop the rooftop of the building yelled. Then, a short-haired guard wearing a suit and sunglasses, rushed out of the main building from the first floor. He was none other than Soo Hyuk’s guard leader, the Armed Policeman, Han Kyung Min.

“What about my father?”

“He’s in the underground bomb shelter. He had a seizure once the attack began, so we gave him a sedative. He’s sleeping right now,” Kyung Min said, and Sung Joon grit his teeth. How shocked must he have been for him to have a seizure? If anything went wrong, it could’ve been dangerous.

“They had to be aiming for your father, my lord. We must find out who it was and seek revenge,” Rishubalt said. Sung Joon agreed with him. He didn’t know who ordered it, but Sung Joon planned to find out no matter what with Jung Chul’s help. And he would make sure to punish them, no matter who it was.

‘This can only be paid back in blood…’

Sung Joon’s eyes gleamed with a sharp killing intent.

* * *

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It had been a day since Sung Joon’s mansion had been attacked by the Russia intelligence agency. Sung Joon complained about the Armed Police Department, which was responsible for his father’s safety, and even contacted both the Blue House and the two Bureaus.

“If you cannot guarantee my father’s safety, then I’ll have no choice but to go to the U.S.”

Sung Joon complained quite strongly, so the Korean government took remodeled part of a nearby park to station a company of troops there.

“The Armed Police Department has dispatched an additional twenty-five guards. And the nearby guard post has promised to strengthen their patrols,” Kyung Min reported.

“They have stationed a company of troops right next to it. With this, I believe you can relax,” Shin Chul said. They were indeed protected by the Armed Police Department as well as the Korean army, but Sung Joon still couldn’t feel relaxed. Sung Joon was always conscious of his father’s safety and he believed that he should be concerned about it as well.

“How can I relax when I don’t even know who attacked us? If I could, I’d just kill them all…” Sung Joon said, his voice mixed with anger, while leaning against the sofa. The wine glass he held was already almost empty.

He wasn’t one to indulge in alcohol, but on a day like this, he found that he just kept drinking.

“I’ve acquired information regarding our attackers.”

“Who was it?”

Sung Joon’s eyes gleamed at Jung Chul’s statement. He looked like he would go immediately, sword in hand, and cut out the root of their problems if he knew who it was.

“I heard that just a little while ago, the government created an armed intelligence agency. Its name is apparently ‘White Tiger’… That’s where the information came from.”

Surprisingly, White Tiger had offered the information. It seemed as though Russia’s attack on Sung Joon only further reinforced Joon Yeol’s opinion of sharing information with Sung Joon.

“Could you please get to the main point?” Sung Joon felt a sense of urgency. Jung Chul nodded his head and spoke.

“According to the information White Tiger provided us with, the leaders of the attackers were Russia intelligence agency’s S-rank Hunter, Vladimir, and Nikolai.”

“Why is the Russia intelligence agency aiming for me…”

When he heard that Russia was coming for him, it sounded ridiculous and he couldn’t help but laugh. Sung Joon shook his head with a nihilistic expression. No matter how he thought about it, he hadn’t done anything to warrant a grudge from Russia.

‘Is it because of North Korea…?’

It was a sudden thought. But he quickly shook his head. The situation with North Korea had been wrapped up quite nicely. Just a little while ago, the head of the MPAF (Ministry of the People’s Armed Forces), Lee Jung Soo had contacted him, telling him that everything had ended well.

If that’s the case, then what was the problem? Sung Joon ruminated over the issue, but he couldn’t figure out the cause of it all. Ultimately, he could only look at Jung Chul and urge him to go on.

Jung Chul felt burdened and intensely anxious as Sung Joon stared at him all of a sudden. Then, he spoke.

“We don’t have anything definite, but White Tiger believes that while you were in a dungeon assault, Russia attempted to take your father as a hostage.”

Take Soo Hyuk hostage and manipulate Sung Joon. This was the Russia intelligence agency’s plan. After learning that, Sung Joon grit his teeth.

“I heard that Russia was a powerful country. Still, I believe you should show an uncompromising response,” Rishubalt said carefully. Because he’d learned about the world through TV and Internet, he was at least aware that Russia was a powerful country.

“Shin Chul.”

Sung Joon called Shin Chul cordially. Though they had lived in different places before, they had ate together several times and had become closer.

“Yes. Please go ahead, Team Leader.”

“Take care of my father. I have somewhere to go with Mr. Park Jung Chul.”

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon?”

This time, Jung Chul spoke. Sung Joon grabbed his coat that was draped over the sofa and turned his gaze to Jung Chul.

“We’re going to the Blue House.”

He contacted Kyung Chul, an executive of the Blue House. Jung Chul got into the driver seat and Sung Joon sat in the rear passenger seat, calling Kyung Chul.

“This is Ahn Kyung Chul. Were you looking for me?”

“I need to speak with the president.”

“The president’s busy right now…”

“I understand. Then, I’ll talk to the U.S. President about my problems,” Sung Joon interrupted.

“I-I’m sorry. I’ll tell the president about this right away. I’ll call you again within ten minutes.”

The call ended.

“What are you going to do?”

“Let’s go to the Blue House. I’ll get a call soon.”

Jung Chul began driving the car to the Blue House. And exactly four minutes later, Kyung Chul called him back.

“Great timing. I’m going to the Blue House right now.”

“R-Right now?”

“Yes. I’ll be there within twenty minutes.”

“I’ll tell the people at the main entrance. No… I’ll be waiting for you there myself!”

Eventually, they arrived at the main entrance to the Blue House where Kyung Chul was waiting for him. Once Kyung Chul recognized Sung Joon’s Hunter sedan, he waved his hand and came over.

Kyung Chul went into the passenger seat and they went deep into the Blue House. It seemed that Kyung Chul had been rushed as there wasn’t even a simple inspection.

“I’ll take you to the president.”

“I’ll stay here with the car.”

Jung Chul realized that this wasn’t a place to stick his nose into, he decided to wait with the car. Kyung Chul led Sung Joon to a remote area in the garden. The president was sitting there.

“Then, I’ll get going.”

Kyung Chul left. Sung Joon sat in front of the president and opened his mouth.

“Please ask the Russian government to apologize. Also, get them to promise that something like this will never happen again in the future.”

The president’s expression darkened at Sung Joon’s request.

“We don’t have the power to make that kind of request. The only thing we can do is to strengthen our security. Please take into consideration our standing in the community of nations.”

“What are you talking about!? Attacking me is the same as attacking South Korea itself!”

Sung Joon’s voice rose, and the president just sighed. He looked at Sung Joon with a calm expression.

“There’s nothing more the government can do for you. It would be difficult to request an apology from Russia.”

“Then what exactly can you do?”

“We can remain silent.”

Sung Joon soon understood what the president was saying.

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