Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 142: 142

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Chapter 46 – The Magic Scholar who Fled (1)

TL: Boko

Editor: StellarRain

After Sung Joon killed Mikhail and absorbed his mana, Sung Joon’s synchronization rate increased to 56%. He felt his mana increased significantly, likely because he had killed an SS-rank Hunter.

The Central Hunter Bureau agent did as Sung Joon asked and sent Mikhail’s severed head to the Kremlin.

The high-ranking officials had become uneasy as they had lost contact with Mikhail, but they were relieved when they heard the news that a box with a code that the Russian intelligence agency used had arrived.

“It seems like Mikhail sent it.”

“Where is the package?”

“We’re checking the contents right now. America’s Central Hunter Bureau knows the intelligence agency’s codes, so we should proceed with caution.”

An executive asked, and an agent from the intelligence agency replied. A short while later, the agent verifying the contents urgently opened the door and went inside.

“We’ve verified the contents.”

“Alright. Is Kang Sung Joon’s head in there?”


An executive asked, and a comrade beside him laughed loudly. However, the agent’s expression looked uneasy.

“You’re close, but it’s a bit different.”

“Hurry up and tell us.”

The atmosphere became serious due to the agent’s unusual attitude. The executive urged the agent to hurry up and reply.

The agent cleaned their sweat and opened their mouth.

“Mr. Mikhail’s head is inside.”

The gathered executives were shocked.

“W-We need to tell the president about this immediately!”

Soon, the news that Mikhail was killed was relayed to the president. The impact of his death was huge.

They originally only had three SS-rank Hunters, and now that number had dwindled to two, so they handled the issue seriously within the Kremlin conference room.

“Mr. President. We have to mobilize the army immediately. He may be an SS-rank Hunter, but he shouldn’t survive missiles and bombardment.”

Someone suggested. He was a high-ranking general. It seemed like a good plan to those who knew little about Hunters, but…

“We cannot. Modern weapons do not work on S-rank Hunters and above. Tens of thousands will die. And we’ll just end up irritating Kang Sung Joon.”

“Then what should we do?”

A high-ranking executive of the Russian intelligence agency, who knew much about Hunters, adjusted his glasses and spoke. Then, someone else spoke their mind and raised their voice. The high-ranking executive of the Russian intelligence agency turned his attention to the president.

“I apologize, but there’s no other option other than you apologizing, Mr. President.”


The president closed his eyes and organized his thoughts. The high-ranking general that sat beside him stood up suddenly and opened his mouth.  

“You want the president to apology to just one mere Hunter? You! Did you even think about what you’re saying?”

“That one mere Hunter is an SS-rank Hunter who possesses enough strength to single-handedly overthrow this country. We don’t know for certain whether we can kill him or not, and even if we could, there will be several casualties amongst the government-affiliated Hunters. Can we really afford that?”

The intelligence agency executive sharply said, and the high-ranking general closed his mouth and sat down. Eventually, the intelligence agency executive turned his attention back to the president.

“Mr. President. You must make a decision.”

They continued to press him, and the president opened finally opened his mouth.

“Could you tell South Korea that I’ll apologize to Kang Sung Joon informally?”

Ultimately, Russia’s president announced his surrender.

* * *

Sung Joon received the Russian president’s apology, as well as a pledge that Russia would cease all hostilities. Sung Joon ultimately accepted Russia’s apology, but he was still pissed. Therefore, as soon as he returned to South Korea, he called the Central Bureau agent, Jennifer.

“This is Jennifer.”

It was dawn in the U.S. this time as well, but she immediately picked up the phone.

“Don’t you need info on Russia’s intelligence agency?”

“Do you intend to provide us with those materials?” Jennifer asked back. Though the American intelligence agency’s information gathering was superb, there was a limit to the information they could acquire through peaceful or somewhat violent means.

“I plan on ‘selling’ them.”

“Selling them?”

“Yes. Firstly, please come to South Korea.”

“I understand. I’ll depart immediately.”

Their phone call ended. Jennifer immediately reported the contents of her conversation to the higher ups. They viewed the contents of her conversation favorably.

“It’s our chance to gain information on the Russian intelligence agency while also strengthening our relationship with Kang Sung Joon. Agent Jennifer, don’t worry about the funds and just focus on the ‘trade’.”

Jennifer was given her orders. She and a temporary team embarked on a plane to South Korea.

After her long plane ride, she finally arrived in South Korea. She was assisted by a agent on-site and travelled towards Sung Joon’s mansion.

She followed the wide road and the car stopped at a checkpoint. Normally, there wouldn’t be a checkpoint, but after Vladimir’s attack, the Armed Police Agency tightened security, and added checkpoints in various areas.

“We’d like to briefly inspect… Ah… Are you perhaps Ms. Jennifer, who is scheduled to visit today?’

The armed policeman, who approached to inspect the car, saw the car’s license plate and remembered what he’d been told.

While Jennifer was coming over to South Korea, an American agent in South Korea had contacted Sung Joon in advance.

“You can go through.”

Because of that, they just checked her identity, rather than inspecting her, and allowed her to pass.

“It’s a fortress.”

The field agent said. There were several armed policemen patrolling the surrounding area, and nearby, there was a military garrison nearby.

“Because of Vladimir’s attack, it seems like the South Korean government put in the extra effort.”

“It seems so. Since he’s South Korea’s first and only SS-rank Hunter.”

Jennifer explained. Soon, the two’s car arrived in front of the main gate.

The guard performed a final check and they went inside.  Sung Joon and Jung Chul were waiting for them in the garden.

“Please wait here.”

“I understand.”

Jennifer ordered the field agent to remain on standby in the garage and began walking over to meet Sung Joon.

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“It’s nice to see you, Ms. Jennifer.”

Sung Joon and Jung Chul greeted Jennifer in the garden. She happily accepted Sung Joon’s greeting and spoke.

“This place is too exposed. I feel like it would be better to go inside and talk.”

Sung Joon thought Jennifer’s Korean had gotten even better. He didn’t know, but because she was the Central Hunter Bureau’s connection with Sung Joon, she was responsible for Sung Joon and had been focusing on improving her Korean.

Because she couldn’t use Translation Magic, she had no choice but to work hard at it.

“Please go in. There’s a secret room inside the mansion.”

“There’s a secret room as well? Impressive.”

Sung Joon said. Jennifer adjusted her glasses that covered her blue eyes and replied. Sung Joon, Jung Chul, and Jennifer went into the mansion’s secret room.

There was a table in the middle of the secret room and Jung Chul placed the source book that he had personally organized onto it.

“Is this it?”

Sung Joon nodded his head, and Jennifer wordlessly grabbed the source book.

“It’s a lot more organized than I thought it would be. Did you do it yourself?”

“No. Park Jung Chul, who is right beside me, did it in my stead.”

Sung Joon shook his head and naturally introduced Jung Chul.

“My name is Park Jung Chul.”

“You categorized it quite well. It seems like you’ve worked in an intelligence agency before.”

“Those details are a secret.”

Jung Chul smiled and avoided responding directly. However, Sung Joon knew that Jung Chul had briefly worked for the national intelligence agency and had learned the skills do this there.

He had learned this just a short while ago. It felt like there was still a bit of distance between him and Jung Chul. There was still much that he didn’t know about him. Despite that, he was sure that Jun Chul was someone he could trust.

“If it’s a secret then I won’t ask. Because that’s not what’s important here.”

Jennifer completely discarded her curiosity. It wasn’t good to be too curious in her line of work. After she had finished examining the materials, she placed the source book back onto the table and spoke.

“The Central Hunter Bureau would like to buy these materials. Could you please give me your price?”

To be honest, before she had even considered buying the materials, her decision had already been made. The Central Hunter Bureau wanted to maintain their close ties with Sung Joon and at least, establish a relationship where they help each other.

“$300 million,” Sung Joon said. He had discussed this with Jung Chul, who was previously a part of the national intelligence agency, and after determining the information’s worth, found that $300 million was the most suitable price.

The materials were well worth $300 million and it was within the limits that the higher ups had allowed her.

She had the power right now,so she readily nodded her head.

“US dollars are fine, right?”

“Are you going to pay in cash?”

Sung Joon asked. Jennifer smiled and spoke.

“If you want we’ll set up a secret Swiss bank account for you. Would you like us to deposit it there?”

He needed a secret bank account to avoid Russia tracking him.

“That sounds good.”

“We’ll have a secret bank account set up for you within a week and there’ll be $300 million inside. I’ll come back and take the information then.”

“Alright, please do.”

Even Sung Joon thought it was a logical way to do business. He consented and Jennifer left. Three days later, he received word that they had set up a Swiss bank account for him.

At the same time, $300 million was deposited into the account. Jennifer visited again to obtain the source book.

“Nice doing business with you.”

Sung Joon smiled and took out the source book.

“If you need our help just give us a call.”

Jennifer smiled and replied. She had obtained the information from the Russian intelligence agency’s major bases with several things recorded in there that America’s Central Hunter Bureau hadn’t figured out. Ultimately, America hadn’t lost out in the trade.

The trade was completed successfully and Sung Joon returned to his everyday life. Because Russia agreed to his non-aggression pact, there was no one there to stop him.

“Mr. Park Jung Chul. I’d like to sell an item secretly.”

Sung Joon gained another $70 million by selling the items he’d gained from Russia. This included three A-rank items from Mikhail and other items he had gained from attacking the bases.

“Sung Joon! Did you take care of your business in Russia?” Jang Hoon asked. Befitting his rather aggressive personality, Jang Hoon had wanted to go with Sung Joon and fight against Russia. Of course, he couldn’t do so because of the issue of Sung Joon’s father’s safety.

“I’ve taken care of everything. You don’t have to worry anymore,” Sung Joon replied. Shin Chul, who was beside Jang Hoon, nodded his head with a relieved expression.

“That’s a relief. Anyway, didn’t you say that you had a A-rank solo play scheduled in the afternoon today?”

“Ah… You’re right… It’s at three.”

“You should get going soon since it’s in an hour and thirty minutes.”

“Yeah, I should. You guys don’t have anything scheduled?”

Because Jung Chul had gone to work at the auction house, he was just asking Shin Chul and Jang Hoon.

“Jang Hoon and I have an appointment to attack an A-rank dungeon tomorrow.”

Because S-rank dungeons didn’t appear often, there were a lot of times where Sung Joon, Shin Chul, and Jang Hoon did their own thing.

“Then I’ll get going.”

“We’ll being waiting.”

“Come back safe, Sung Joon!”

Sung Joon went towards the location of the A-rank dungeon. After he went through the identification process, Sung Joon cleared the dungeon. He could enter the Awakening Dungeon now, but he left the dungeon.

“There’s someone following you,” Rishubalt reported icily. Sung Joon just nodded his head. He felt a presence.

It seemed like his stalker was using a stealth item, but it didn’t seem like they knew a specialized stealth technique.

“I didn’t think I’d see blood again so soon…”

Sung Joon narrowed his eyes and kept moving. Rather than go to his Hunter sedan, he went into an alleyway instead. The stalker followed him into the alleyway.


Sung Joon’s ring transformed into ‘Roel’s’ blade form and it rushed at his stalker. The man’s stealth was released and Sung Joon could see his appearance. The man, who had fallen onto the floor, urgently spoke.

“I-I’m not your enemy!”

Sung Joon observed his face. It was a face he was familiar with.

“Why is he here…?”

Rishubalt recognized his face.

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