Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 148: 148

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Chapter 47 – On the Battlefield (3)

TL: Boko

Editors: Isleidir, StellarRain

Four representatives of the Species Alliance were gathered in a meeting room. These four representatives consisted of a Vampire, a Troll, an Orc, and an Ogre.

Surprisingly, all four were formally dressed. It was normal for Vampires, who considered themselves nobles, to wear formal attire, but it wasn’t normal for the Orcs, Trolls, or Ogres, who had a barbaric image, to wear them.

“I can’t get used to these clothes.”

The Orc representative, Helrod, had always thought that formal attire was cumbersome. It seemed as though he was uncomfortable, as he furrowed his brow, and fiddled with his clothes.

“But it’s the rule when we’re in the meeting room, so there’s no helping it,” the Troll representative, Kura, said. At his side, the Orc representative, Begu, nodded his head in agreement. The Vampire representative, Riverhein, who was looking out the window at his window seat, remained silent.

The sunlight shined brightly from the window seat, but he was an Archduke, and one of the Vampires that wasn’t affected by sunlight. Therefore, he just felt a little drowsy, as if he were sunbathing.

“We got a report stating that we’ve accumulated enough mana to open a warp gate large enough  to send over several soldiers. Now all we have to do is organize the otherworld expeditionary force.”

“Wasn’t the Empire supposed to organize the first expeditionary force?” Helrod asked. The issue pertaining to the first expeditionary force was stated in the Empire and Species Alliance’s agreement.

“They have internal matters to deal with, and above all, they haven’t completely dealt with the Kingdom Alliance yet. They’ll join in once they do. It’s better for us anyway. Since we’ll be able to monopolize the loot if we’re there first,” Riverhein said. Then, Begu spoke.

“I heard that most of the otherworld’s army cannot use mana. Is that true?”

“It’s true, representative Begu. We’ve already verified this through our ‘dungeons’,” Riverhein replied, and the other representatives looked happy, sporting wicked smiles.

“If that’s the case, then we have an absolute advantage over them with our ‘magic skin’,” Helrod said. The ‘magic skin’ was a type of protective barrier that monsters possessed. Modern weapons were unable to pierce through it.

“The other representatives that couldn’t make it today also agreed on forming an expeditionary force. If you all give your approval, then we’ll all be in agreement and we can form the first expeditionary force.”

“What’s there to lose? I’m for it.”

“I as well.”

“The Ogres will stand at the vanguard as well.”

Everyone agreed. Riverhein, who had introduced the topic, obviously agreed as well.

“With this, everyone has agreed on the plan, so all that’s left is to actually form the expeditionary force.”

“Can you leave that to me? I’m good at plundering,” Helrod said. Once Rivenhein turned his attention to him, Helrod spoke with an excited expression.

“I plan on sending Chief Rash of the Red Axe.”

“The Red Axe will work as our vanguard. I’ll leave you to it.”

“What’s our objective?” Helrod asked.

“There are several countries, but the Empire has designated a specific country. The coordinates are already set, so all you need to do is assemble your forces in front of the warp gate.”

A few days later, the Red Axe Tribe gathered in front of the giant warp gate. It was like they had lit a flare that signaled the start of a huge battle.

* * *

As a reward for clearing the Awakening Dungeon, Sung Joon’s synchronization rate rose to 58%. Sandor informed him about how the continental battle was going.

“I didn’t think the war was progressing so badly for them,” Rishubalt said. Sung Joon walked towards the exit of the dungeon. He raised his head, and his face was exposed by the Light Drone. It was a calm expression. Seeing that, Rishubalt spoke with as serious expression.

“My lord! The situation’s not good. If things continue as they are, it’s only a matter of time before the Kingdom Alliance collapses.”

The Kingdom Alliance had even sent out a general mobilization order, but it seemed like withstanding the combined might of the Empire and the Species Alliance was impossible.

According to Sandor, the Kingdom Alliance had less national power than the Empire, so the longer they fought against the Empire, the more they were pushed back. Ultimately, they had to retreat from the central front.

Since they had been forced to retreat from the most important front, it would only be a matter of time before they retreated from the east and west fronts as well.

“Impatience changes nothing,” Sung Joon judged cool-headedly. He would need to accelerate his plans, but he couldn’t show his impatience to his subordinate.

In his past life, Sung Joon always acted like this. Because of his actions, many people followed and trusted in him.

“Even so, I believe we should tell this to Sir Zelos.”

“Yeah, I plan on doing just that,” Sung Joon nodded his head and replied. Being impatient and hurrying were two different things.

The Empire had begun pushing past the central front, so Rishubalt was right, it was only a matter of time before the Kingdom Alliance fell. Zelos had been operating under the assumption that the Kingdom Alliance would eventually fall.

They continued to converse, and at some point, they saw the exit to the dungeon. Sung Joon got in his car and drove to the Dungeon Bureau, selling his magic stones. He had to a clear a dungeon first before he could enter the Awakening Dungeon, so these were magic stones he’d acquired from clearing the A-rank dungeon.

“We’ve finished depositing the payment into your bank account, Hunter!”

He heard So Eun’s bright voice and then left the Dungeon Bureau. Then, he went back to his mansion.

“Sung Joon! You’ve come back.”

Jang Hoon was in the garden, swinging his greatsword. It was a good sight. Because Hunters had surpassed the limits of humanity, the more they trained, the more powerful they became.

He briefly let go of his greatsword and rushed over to Sung Joon.

“Where is everyone?” Sung Joon asked.

“They went out with Mr. Park Jung Chul. Mr. Zelos is busy with some other business underground,” Jang Hoon answered.

“Alright. Keep up the good work.”

“Sung Joon! Have you eaten yet?”

“I’ll eat late. You eat first,” Sung Joon replied, and walked over to the basement where Zelos was. He didn’t feel like eating because of the issue with the Kingdom Alliance.

“This is quite complicated!”

As soon as he descended the stairs to the basement, he saw Zelos’ workshop. Zelos was in the corner, inspecting a magic formula whilst muttering to himself tiredly. He soon felt Sung Joon’s presence and turned his head around.

“Sir Kang Sung Joon? You don’t look so good. What happened in the otherworld?”

“I feel like I need to sit down to talk about this.”

“Please, sit down.”

Sung Joon sat in front of Zelos. Where should he start? He organized his thoughts within three minutes, and Zelos calmly waited during that time. And then, Sung Joon spoke.

“The Awakening Dungeon opened up at a ‘battle’ this time.”

“Are you saying that a warp gate opened up in the middle of a battlefield?”

“Yeah. It was a battle between the Empire and the Kingdom Alliance,” Sung Joon said. He told him about how he had helped out the losing Kingdom Alliance forces, how he’d destroyed the enemy’s command, how he’d met with the general of the Kingdom Alliance’s third central army corps, and what the general had told him regarding the progress of the war.

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“If they retreated from the central front and the third central army corps has intervened, then that means that the Kingdom Alliance isn’t in a good spot.”

Zelos had a similar opinion to Rishubalt. As soon as Sung Joon nodded his head, Zelos brought the water bottle beside him to his mouth.

“I’ll speed up the development of the warp gate.”

Zelos suddenly realized why Sung Joon had come all the way down to the basement.

“The theory is perfect. Now all we need to do is put it into practice.”

He didn’t explain in detail, but he had found a magic formula that they could use at the end of a cleared dungeon. The theory was completely finished, so Zelos believed it wouldn’t be long before they could make a warp gate.

“If there are any items that you need, just tell me. Don’t worry about how much it might cost.”

“As expected of you, Sir Kang Sung Joon.”

Zelos was slightly amazed by him.

“Then, keep up the good work.”

“I’ll make the warp gate as soon as possible.”

Sung Joon left Zelo’s basement and went to the study. And took out the ring and bracelet he’d pilfered off Dante. Even with the chaos of the battlefield, Sung Joon didn’t forget to loot the items.

“It’s definitely rank 278.”

The ring and the necklace had the number ‘278’ engraved onto them.

“I’ll combine them now.”

Sung Joon nodded. Once he placed the necklace and the ring that he was wearing on the table, Rishubalt drew his mana and fused Sung Joon’s ring and necklace with Dante’s.

– Verifying the existence of a new item.

The measuring tool reacted. Sung Joon utilized the appraisal feature.

B+ rank

Verifying the Aura Persistence effect.


Verifying Mana Recovery effect.

The number on the ring and the necklace had increased, but the rank didn’t change at all. Once the two items were combined, Sung Joon re-equipped them.

He couldn’t check the aura persistence effect right this instant, but it felt like his mana recovery had increased a little.

“I think I should rest today.”

Sung Joon walked up to the second floor terrace. He hadn’t used up much mana, but there wasn’t anything he could do right now.

He had spent an entire week attacking dungeons and had even cleared the Awakening Dungeon, so he thought he could at least rest a little bit.

“Are you going to rest?”


The situation’s wasn’t very good, but if he overexerted himself it might have a negative effect rather than a positive one. Once he reached the terrace, he sat in a chair and looked up at the sky.

The sky darkened rather quickly, perhaps because it was winter. He rested whilst looking up at the night sky, but then he heard his phone ring. Sung Joon didn’t even check the screen, brought the phone to his ear and picked up.

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon? Can we please talk for a bit?”

It was Seol Ah.


“There’s something I have to tell you regarding the guild registration. Could you please spare a bit of your time?”

“Of course,” Sung Joon replied willingly. If Seol Ah hadn’t called, then he would’ve just vacantly watched the night sky. And the guild registration was indeed a serious matter.

“Where would you like to meet?” Seol Ah asked.

“Please come over here.”

“Is that alright?”

“Yes. I’ll be waiting.”

He waited for about an hour before the main gate opened and Seol Ah’s car entered the estate. Sung Joon watched the car from the terrace and then went down to the first floor.

“It’s been a long time. It seems like you have been really busy lately,” Seol Ah said, and Sung Joon nodded his head. During a dungeon assault, phones or any sort of communication devices wouldn’t work due to mana.

“I heard there was a problem with the guild registration. Please, come in.”

Sung Joon led her into the living room. The housekeepers prepared two cups of coffees and laid it in front of them. Seol Ah smiled and spoke.

“I was contacted by the Hunter Bureau this afternoon.”

“The Hunter Bureau?”

“Yes. I believe it’s because I’m in charge of the registration.”

“What did they say?”

“They said that the guild registration would be finished before Christmas.”

“Christmas, huh…”

Sung Joon narrowed his eyes and spoke ambiguously. Now that he thought about it, Christmas was coming up.

He thought he should prepare a present for his team members as thanks for their support of the guild.

“So I was thinking… Would you like to spend Christmas toget…”

Before Seol Ah could finish speaking, Sung Joon felt a powerful mana reaction and rushed out to the terrace.

“There’s a mana reaction in the air!”


Sung Joon immediately changed Roel from its ring form to its sword form, and raised his head. And he was shocked.

“Holy shit…”

A huge warp gate had opened in the sky. It signaled the start of a large-scale raid.

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