Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 154: 154

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Chapter 49 – South Korea’s Strongest Guild (1)

TL: Boko

Editor: Frost

“W-What do you want?”

Sung Joon smiled coldly, causing Han Seok’s face to stiffen. Sung Joon wouldn’t allow Han Seok to renege on his promise. Han Seok regretted saying that he would do anything to pay Sung Joon back, but it was already too late to take back what he said.

“There’s no way the rank 1 S-rank Hunter, Choi Han Seok would change his mind, right?” Sung Joon said. He spoke it so nonchalantly, but he was actually pressuring Han Seok.

Han Seok regretted saying that. He felt intensely anxious and spoke.

“Of course. Since you saved my life.”

Sung Joon intended to save his life either way, but because S-rank Hunters were so eccentric, Han Seok had assumed that Sung Joon would want something in return.

That small mistake had allowed Sung Joon to turn the situation in his favor.

“Anything at all?”

“Yeah!” Han Seok replied and Sung Joon smirked. Because Han Seok was prideful and the rank 1 S-rank Hunter, Sung Joon didn’t plan on asking him anything out of the norm.

“Please enter my guild.”

“Y-Your guild?”

Han Seok hadn’t expected that offer. Sung Joon nodded his head and continued.

“Yes. It’s to my understanding that you’re not part of a guild or a regular assault team… Am I wrong?”

There were some S-rank Hunters like Eun Joo or Ha Yeon who were part of a regular assault team or a guild, but there were also several S-rank Hunters like Han Seok who wanted to remain independent.

Sung Joon knew that Han Seok was unaffiliated with any guild or assault team from searching Hunter.com just a little while ago.

“No, you’re not wrong, but… I didn’t know you made a guild.”

The news had already spread far and wide that Sung Joon had created a guild, so most people were already aware of it, but it made sense that Han Seok didn’t know, as he didn’t seem interested in the affairs of others.

“You’ll uphold your side of the bargain, right? After all, you don’t take promises back. Right?”

“Of course not! Here’s my phone number. If you don’t believe me, then call me and send over the documents later! I’ll fill out the documents right away!” Han Seok said. Sung Joon smirked. It wasn’t what he had been expecting, but Han Seok, for a forty year old was quite simple-minded.

“I understand. I’ll call you later,” Sung Joon replied. The sound of the wind blowing was accompanied by two transport helicopters landing. They were workers sent by the Bureau to collect the magic stones.

Two investigators were mixed in. One of them recorded something on a chart and the other noticed Sung Joon and Han Seok, and immediately rushed over.

“Hunters Kang Sung Joon and Choi Han Seok, correct?” the Investigator asked, and the two nodded their heads.

“We reported your efforts to headquarters through the Observation Team.”

When a raid occurred, the Bureau’s Observation Team would be dispatched. They not only collected information regarding who should be the MVP, but they would also perform studies that pertained to the dungeons and the raids.

“Who is the MVP?”

“It seems like you are the most likely candidate of MVP, Hunter Kang Sung Joon.”

It was exactly what he wanted to hear. Sung Joon smirked.

“The raid has almost been completely quelled in all the other areas as well.”

“Then, can I go home now?” Han Seok looked at the Investigator and asked.

“Of course. The Bureau will provide you with the transportation.”

“I want a helicopter.”

“Understood. Please come this way.”

The Investigator led Han Seok to the transportation helicopter. Then, he stopped and turned his head towards Sung Joon.

“Make sure you call me! I’m not the type of man who goes back on his promises!”

He waved his hand, and Sung Joon watched his back as he left. The other Investigator approached Sung Joon and said.

“Hunter Kang Sung Joon! We’ve prepared a car for you. We can take you to your home.”

“Ah… Thank you.”

Sung Joon and the Investigator got into the Hunter sedan. As soon as he told him the address, the Investigator grabbed the wheel.

The Investigator began driving to Sung Joon’s residence while Sung Joon looked through the window. It seemed liked ruined buildings were quite a common occurrence.

“The damage seems quite severe.”

“This is the first time we’ve experienced a raid of this scale. But the damage was minimized due to your efforts, Hunter Kang Sung Joon. It’s not an exaggeration to say that you saved Seoul today.”

The Investigator praised Sung Joon. It wasn’t a bad feeling, so Sung Joon smiled.

“We’ve arrived.”

They conversed briefly and eventually arrived where Sung Joon’s car was parked. Once he notified him of this, Sung Joon opened the door and left. The Investigator opened the window and said.

“It’ll take a long time to process the rewards due to the size of the raid. I think it will take about a week.”

“You can take your time. Please do it properly.”

“I understand. Then, please take care.”

As soon as Sung Joon nodded his head, the Investigator departed. Sung Joon went to his own parked Hunter sedan. It had been chaos, but it seemed like his Hunter sedan wasn’t damaged.

“But I should still get it checked,” Sung Joon muttered and got into the driver’s seat. Then, he drove to his mansion. It seemed like wave had spread to near his mansion as well, as there were magic stones laying around.

He saw the Bureau workers collecting the magic stones. It seemed like his teammates had done well, as he saw traces of the battle, but almost no damage to his residence.

As soon as Sung Joon got close, the main gate opened. Sung Joon finished parking in the garage and got out of his Hunter sedan.

“You’re back?”

Zelos rushed over and reported the damage to the mansion. A few of the security equipment was damaged, but fortunately, there were no casualties.

“What about Mr. Park Jung Chul?”

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“He’s busy with the restoration process,” Zelos replied. Sung Joon nodded his head with a satisfied expression. As expected, Jung Chul did things even when he wasn’t told.

“I’m resting until tomorrow, so don’t bother me unless there’s something that demands my attention.”

“I understand.”

“Keep up the good work.”

Sung Joon went up to his bedroom, threw himself onto his bed, and slept deeply. At eight o’clock in the morning the next day, Sung Joon woke up. After he’d taken a shower, he raised his phone, and in the other hand, he held the memo with Han Seok’s phone number.

Then, he dialed the number on the memo. He heard his phone ringing for some time and a little while later, Han Seok picked up.

“Is this Kang Sung Joon?”

“You know my phone number?”

“Nope. You’re the only one who would actually call me.”

Sung Joon could tell that Han Seok really didn’t like human contact very much based on his response.

‘Seems like what they say is true. S-rank Hunters and up have a screw loose somewhere…’

Sung Joon sighed briefly and shook his head.

“You called me, so talk.”

“I’ll send you my address, so please come over here. I’ll prepare the documents for your guild enrollment.”

“What? You want me to come over there?”

“Then do you want me to go over there instead? Are you going back on what you said?”

Han Seok was the one who said he’d repay the debt. Sung Joon came out so forcefully that Han Seok had nothing to say, as all he heard was Han Seok’s breathing over the phone.

“Send me a message with your address then. I’ll go right away.”

Han Seok was a simple-minded Hunter who wouldn’t go back on his word.

Considering how things had progressed so well, it seemed like Han Seok had decided to join his guild.

“I’ll be waiting.”

“By the way, is there a place where I can land a helicopter?”

“Yes, I have place where you can land one. Are you coming by helicopter?”

“Yeah. Just wait for me.”

Once their conversation was over, Sung Joon sent a message with his address. And a short while later, Han Seok replied.

“I’m leaving right now. On a helicopter.”

It was a brief, but intense feeling message. Sung Joon organized the document with Jung Chul and then, went to a wide open, vacant lot in the back.

He checked it once again, and confirmed that the space was good enough for Han Seok to land his helicopter.

“The helicopter is coming,” Rishubalt said. He heard the wind blow and the helicopter slowly descend.

It wasn’t a designated landing pad, but there weren’t any obstacles in its way, so the pilot was able to land the helicopter without much difficulty.

Once the propeller stopped, the door opened and Han Seok stepped out. Like when Sung Joon last sawhim, Han Seok wore a black robe which looked to be an item.

“Have you prepared the documents?” Han Seok asked, and Sung Joon turned his head towards Jung Chul. He raised a small briefcase, which contained a pen and the necessary documents inside.

“They’re all ready. Would you like to go into the living room?”

Jung Chul had a lot of experience with high-ranking officials, so he knew how to deal with prideful people like Han Seok.

“That sounds good.”

“Please, follow me.”

Jung Chul and Han Seok went into the living room. Sung Joon observed the helicopter for a little while longer and then followed behind them.

Eventually, Sung Joon arrived in front of the living room door and heard Jung Chul’s awkward voice.

“That would be a bit difficult.”

“Why’s that?”

“The Guild Leader didn’t approve it.”

“Then, you just need to get his approval.”

It sounded like they were arguing, so Sung Joon opened the door and went inside. Their quarrel was briefly put on hold, and the two people focused on Sung Joon.

“What’s wrong?”

Jung Chul sighed, came over to Sung Joon’s side, and said.

“He wants us to change the guild payment rate,” he said softly, but the S-rank Mage Hunter, Han Seok could hear it. Considering the fact that Han Seok wanted to change the payment rate, it meant that Han Seok was trying to benefit from this deal.

Sung Joon was speechless the moment he saw Han Seok’s unpleasant smile.

“You should take the initiative. A whip is best for a disobedient dog like him,” Rishubalt said. Sung Joon didn’t nod, but he agreed. He acted immediately, releasing his killing intent and getting behind Han Seok.


Jung Chul responded immediately. Sung Joon hadn’t explained his actions, but Jung Chul knew that something was wrong once he sensed Sung Joon release his killing intent. Therefore, he transformed his ‘ring’ into a ‘spear’.


Han Seok felt a presence behind him and summoned his staff.

He double casted an offensive and defensive spell simultaneously, but Sung Joon had already transformed his ‘Roel’ into a sword and was pressing the blade into the back of his neck.

“Don’t misunderstand.”

Sung Joon was no longer respectful. Han Seok’s attitude would decide where Sung Joon’s sword would go.

“You’re the one who said he’d repay the debt.”

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