Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 162: 162

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Chapter 51 – Attack Dungeon (2)

TL: Boko

“I know what a ‘Riodan Crystal’ is. But doesn’t it only exist in the otherworld?” Sung Joon sharply pointed out.

Because he’d been a Hunter for quite some time now, he knew most of the materials and items that existed on Earth.

Thus, he knew that ‘Riodan Crystals’ didn’t exist on Earth. Yet it wasn’t common in the otherworld either.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Riodan Crystals exist here as well.”

“Really,” Sung Joon said assuredly. Then, Zelos nodded his head and spoke.

“I must’ve not explained it very well. The Empire’s Investigation Squad crossed over to Earth with a small quantity of Riodan Crystals. They’ve stashed it in their base, and I know where that base is.”

Zelos avoided the Empire’s purge and then came to Earth, but he always had to keep an eye out for any pursuers.

He had only been able to survive by being one step ahead of them, so he had set up an independent information network and ‘watched’ their bases.

In order to survive.

“Where is it?” Sung Joon asked pressingly.

He was excited, as he wouldn’t have to play on the defensive anymore.

“It’s in New York.”

Sung Joon decided to travel to the U.S. A few days later, he gathered his guild members and explained the situation.

He kept out the Empire and the warp gate, and told them that he had business in the U.S.

After he’d told the others, like Hyun Sung and Seol Ah where he was going, he booked a flight to the U.S.

He must’ve booked his flight too late, as the earliest flight was in a week.

“A week, huh…” Sung Joon reclined in his chair and muttered. He could see the solution to all his problems right in front of him, so he felt pressed for time.

He’d considered asking the air force for a plane, but entering U.S. airspace with a Korean military plane would require him to go through some troublesome procedures.

With his influence, Sung Joon could do away with the procedures. But that in itself was a pain in the ass too. If he didn’t have any other options, he would’ve gone with the military plane, but now wasn’t the time.

“How about asking Jennifer? The Central Hunter Bureau should have a private jet stationed in South Korea.”


It was only after Rishubalt’s suggestion did Sung Joon remember Jennifer. It only made sense that an intelligence agency would have a means of transport in a foreign country.

This was especially true for South Korea, as it was a strategic location for several countries. Therefore, several intelligence agencies were stationed here.

The Central Hunter Bureau was the same. They should have a plane to make travel as seamless as possible.

Sung Joon called Jennifer without hesitation.

“Yes. This is Jennifer.”

Although it was dawn, she picked up immediately. She must’ve seen the caller ID and known it was Sung Joon, as she spoke in fluent Korean.

“I’m planning on going to New York. I’m in a hurry, but the earliest flight is in a week.”

Sung Joon went straight to the point. After all, he didn’t need to tell her how he was doing.

“We can provide you with a private jet.”

Jennifer was quick on the uptake. Although he hadn’t even said much, she knew what he wanted and was able to provide a solution for him.

“Is that ok with you?”

“We normally can’t, but we’ll make an exception for you.”

Jennifer emphasized the term ‘exception’. Although the U.S. still wanted Sung Joon, it was difficult for them to make a move due to the establishment of the White Tiger, even though they were allied nations. But with this, they’d be able to make a good impression.

“I see. Thank you.”

“We can take off immediately. Are you all ready, Mr. Kang Sung Joon?”

The Central Hunter Bureau was prepared for an emergency, so they had a plane ready to take off at any time.

“Where should I go?” Sung Joon asked.

He wasn’t going to sightsee over a long period of time, so he didn’t have that much to bring with him.

“Please come to Incheon International Airport. I’ll inform the agents there beforehand.”

“I can ride the plane with my weapons, right?”

“It’s a private plane, so yes you can,” Jennifer replied.

One place Hunters were forbidden from carrying weapons was inside  a plane.

When Hunters boarded a plane, they would transport their weapons through a freight car. It was necessary, but also a pain, so Sung Joon had been concerned. Fortunately, he didn’t have to worry about that in a private jet.

“Then I’ll be going to the Incheon International Airport now.”

As soon as he ended the call, Sung Joon carried his bags down to the garage. Han Seok was waiting in the driver’s seat. He would be his chauffeur until he got to the Incheon International Airport.

He was an S-rank Hunter, so Sung Joon was probably the only one in South Korea using him as a chaffeur.

Sung Joon was able to arrive at the airport comfortably because of him. He sent Han Seok on his way and waited for the agent in the parking lot.

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon?”

He waited for  about five minutes and then, someone carefully approached him and called his name. Sung Joon turned his head to the sound of their voice and saw a man who appeared to be an airport employee.

“Ms. Jennifer sent me. This is my ID card.”

In order to prove his identity, the worker showed Sung Joon his ID card. His ID matched the agent Jennifer had told him about.

There was one thing that didn’t match his expectations: he was Korean. However, he’d heard that this was common in the field, so it wasn’t very surprising.

“We’re done with the procedures. You can get on the plane now.”

“Are you sure?”

He was sure that he had to do those procedures, the ones necessary when entering another country. Sung Joon’s question caused the agent to smile and then speak.

“There’s nothing impossible with the U.S.’s ‘protection’.”

Quite the meaningful statement. The agent led Sung Joon to the private jet.

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“We’re here.”

“It’s a lot smaller than I expected.”

He’d expected it once he’d heard it was a private jet, but it was so small that he was doubtful it would even make the trip to the U.S.

“That’s not the one. It’s the one on the left,” the agent said and Sung Joon looked to the left of the small plane.

There was an airplane so large that he couldn’t see it all with a single glance.


“It’s the same type of plane that the President uses, Air Force One. It’s the largest plane we have in South Korea.”

The agent looked at Sung Joon and smiled. Sung Joon was bewildered, as he’d expected a small plane.

“It’s a lot larger than I expected,” Sung Joon said honestly. Eventually, he turned his attention back to the agent.

“And you’re letting me use this?”

“That’s correct. We’re only taking you, Mr. Kang Sung Joon. No one else will be on the plane.”


“Please keep in mind the lengths that the U.S. went for you.”

“I understand. I’m not that bad.”

Hearing that, the agent nodded his head. Then, he went up the stairs and said.

“I’ll take you to your room.”

The interior of the plane was wide, and it was even set up with a private room. There was a flight attendant waiting for him in his room. She was a beautiful Caucasian woman. He felt relaxed, as she could speak Korean, although it wasn’t the best. Eventually, the plane took off.

The flight time was long, but his private room was comfortable, so he didn’t feel any jet lag. Even after he landed, Sung Joon wasn’t required to go through any other procedures.

“The private jet will stay here until you’re finished with all your business, Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

“Is that alright with you?”

“Please just think of this as the U.S. government’s goodwill,” the Central Hunter Bureau employee said.

Because he had no reason to refuse their goodwill, Sung Joon happily nodded his head. After all, he’d learned that the more time saved, the better.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“And could you please take this?”

The worker passed him a card that was about as large as an identification card. There were some numbers on the card, whose meaning Sung Joon couldn’t ascertain.

“This is a Central Hunter Bureau ID card. You can use this instead of an identification card, and you can use it to request assistance from either the Central Hunter Bureau or the U.S. government.”

“Thank you.”

Sung Joon took the ID card and put it into his wallet. It felt like he’d eventually find a use for it. He’d been provided a private jet, and he could even call for the Central Hunter Bureau or the U.S. government’s help! With this, he could tell just how much the U.S. was favoring him.

‘Was there something important in Russia’s secret files…?’ Sung Joon thought.

In the past, he’d had trouble with the Russian intelligence agency, and he’d sold the secret files he’d acquired from the bases to the U.S.

It seemed like the U.S. government or the Central Hunter Bureau had made good use of the secret files.

“Then, have a nice ‘vacation’.”

There was some sort of hidden meaning behind the word ‘vacation’, but Sung Joon just smiled, left the airport, and spread out his map.

Zelos had given him the map, which detailed exactly where the Empire’s Investigation Squad’s bases were in New York.

He must’ve used magic, as its quality was much higher than normal maps. Sung Joon didn’t know New York very well, but by comparing the map with his phone’s map, he could tell that their base was located in the John F. Kennedy International Airport.

“Let’s get a move on.”

“How will you get there?”

“I’ll take a taxi and stop nearby. Then, I’ll go by foot.”

He’d exchanged plenty of money. There was no point in suffering through public transportation. Sung Joon could’ve asked the Central Hunter Bureau for a car, but he didn’t want them knowing where he was going.

“My lord… if you want to use a taxi, then you’ll have to speak English.”

Rishubalt carefully voiced his opinion. Sung Joon, who was walking over to the taxi stand, stopped. He was briefly flustered, but soon regained his composure.

“I can speak some English.”

Eventually, he got into a taxi, but the words wouldn’t come out easily. Ultimately, he used his phone to translate and was able to arrive near the airport.

He ordered coffee from a nearby cafe and while drinking it, carefully observed the building.

“Rishubalt. Can you scout out for me?”

Sung Joon acted as though he were talking to someone on his phone in the corner and asked Rishubalt. The building had five floors and if Zelos was right, then all of the floors were a front.

“It’ll be difficult for me to scout. I feel a powerful mana interference.”

“Seems like they’ve prepared themselves.”

“What will you do?”

“I’ll make my move at night,” Sung Joon said.

There was a hotel nearby. Sung Joon used his phone to translate once more and was able to procure a room.

He laid down on the bed within the wide room, and passed the time. And when it was night…

“It’s night time.”

“Is it time…?”

Sung Joon changed his ring to ‘Roel’s’ sword form, and went into an alleyway nearby his destination.


His body melted into the darkness. Once he was completely hidden, Sung Joon carefully entered the building.

At the same time, his eyes quickly darted around and surveyed his surroundings. It didn’t seem like the place was equipped with any stealth detecting or stealth removing items.

“This’ll be a piece of cake.”

Sung Joon smirked.

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