Swordmaster Healer

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Chapter 52 – Righteous Shield (3)

TL: Boko


Hundreds of Orcs ‘ceased to exist’ from the

explosion. No, it merely looked that way. They were instantly reduced to ashes and

disappeared, so it only looked that way.

“Shit!” Kalleak cursed.

Before he’d been hit by the lightning bolt, he had

used high-speed movement to get out of the way.

He sensed a powerful mana reaction from above. Just

a short while ago, it was as quiet as the night sea, but now, the air was

shaking, as if a tsunami was coming. It was a huge flow of mana.

“I told before. That ‘that’s enough’,


He hadn’t heard it that well before, but now he

heard it clearly. It was definitely the otherworld language.

She warned, and landed upon the bloodstained road.

“Y-You’re…” Idun said. He knew who she


“Ms. Leia…”

He had his suspicions when he saw her kill hundreds

of Orcs, which included at least twenty Orc Blademasters with a single spell. Leia

was the name of the only SSS-rank Hunter in the world.

“Y-You damn human!”

“Shut up.”

Leia expressionlessly swung her staff, as if it were

a pain to even do so. And then, with a wave of mana, a aura clad blade storm struck


It was already too late by the time Kalleak had

sensed the mana reaction. Since the sharp, aura clad winds had already passed


By the time he felt the pain, his left arm and right

leg had been severed.

“Her casting speed’s incredibly fast. So this

is an SSS-rank Hunter, huh?”

Even Sung Joon was surprised by her casting speed. Seeing

that, Rishubalt smiled faintly and said.

“Have you forgotten? You were much stronger, my


Sung Joon smiled, as Rishubalt’s words hand caused

him to reminisce.  


While they spoke, Leia continued to use lightning

magic to attack Kalleak.

Kalleak wasn’t able to deal with Leia’s repeat high-speed

casting. The lightning raged without rest and ultimately, Kalleak was burnt black

and fell to the floor.


Leia cast another lightning spell to confirm

Kalleak’s death, and once she was sure he was dead, she turned her head towards

Sung Joon.

“Mr. Kang Sung Joon?”

She spoke in Korean. He could tell that she was

using Translation Magic based on the flow of mana.

“Yes, that’s me.”

“First off, thanks. If you hadn’t warned us beforehand,

then I wouldn’t have been able to get here so soon.”

She was going to do some covert operation for the

U.S. government, but the Central Hunter Bureau had asked for help, so she’d

come to New York. If she had been contacted while in the middle of her

operation, then it would’ve been difficult to get out of it.

“There’s a lot I’d like to say, but I’ll take

care of the warp gate first,” Leia said, and immediately destroyed the crystal

maintaining the warp gate.

Idun received a report stating all the monsters that

had crossed over were being unsummoned.

“Mr. Idun. Where are the other warp


Idun raised his map to answer Sung Joon’s question,

but then, Leia raised her hand as if to stop him and said.

“That’s not necessary.”

“The battlefield will continue to spread if we

leave the other warp gates…”

Sung Joon furrowed his brow.

“My guild will take care of this from now


The Hunters of the Witch guild (America’s rank 1

guild) had appeared in New York.

* * *

The situation in New York had been dealt with. Jennifer

visited Sung Joon in the hotel he was staying at and told him he’d be paid

normally for the raid.

Three days after the raid, Sung Joon called Anfels.

“This is Kang Sung Joon.”

“I heard you fought in the New York raid.

You’re amazing,” Anfels said.

Leia, the SSS-rank Hunter, was the one who’d dealt

the fatal blow to the boss, but it was true that Sung Joon had fought in the


“I’d like to meet with you… Are you


He wanted to know how the Empire was faring right

now. Although Zelos had some connections inside of the Empire, it was difficult

for him to access that information, as he was on the run.

However, Anfels had been appointed as a commander of

the Empire’s Special Forces (Investigation Squad) just a little while ago, so

he had access to high rank information.

“I was ‘dismissed’ a short while ago, so I have

plenty of time.”

“Is that so…?”

Sung Joon smiled bitterly. He knew what being

‘dismissed’ meant.

The fact that he was alive meant that everyone in

the base was dead. While the Empire didn’t know he was cooperating with Sung

Joon, he wouldn’t be able to escape punishment for failing his duties.

“How did you take care of the aftermath?”

“They’ll find out once they send an

investigator from the Special Forces, but until then, I’m ‘dead’.”

That meant that he wouldn’t be followed for the time

being. There wouldn’t be any problems with meeting him.

“We’ll meet tomorrow at two in the afternoon.

Once you’ve decided on a place, send me a message,” Sung Joon said.

Sung Joon wasn’t familiar with New York, so he

needed to use his smartphone’s app to get around.

“I understand.”

Once he heard Anfel’s reply, Sung Joon immediately

hung up. Eventually, he received a message regarding where they would meet. Sung

Joon used his smartphone’s map app to figure out where they would meet.

“It’s not very far from here.”

He was able to find the location with ease by using

his smartphone’s map app. However, it wasn’t what he had expected.

The next day, he confidently left the hotel, but he

ended up getting lost.

“I’ll scout out,” Rishubalt said.

“No. That’s not necessary.”

Sung Joon shook his head. He asked people passing by

for directions with his basic English and managed to find where he needed to


He entered the cafe and checked his watch. Fortunately,

he wasn’t late. If he hadn’t left early, then he would’ve been late for sure.

Sung Joon didn’t like being late. After he’d gotten

some coffee, he sat down and a man wearing a brown coat sat in front of him. It

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was Anfels.

“You came right on time.”

Anfels raised his coffee and said.

“I came ten minutes early and was inspecting

the area.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being


Anfels nodded in agreement.

“Anyway, did you call me to ask about the



“You don’t have anyone helping you from the


“The more information, the better.”

Anfels asked. Sung Joon avoided answering

concretely. He still couldn’t completely trust Anfels yet, so he didn’t talk

about Zelos. For the time being, he wouldn’t tell him about Zelos.

“I agree. However, just having a lot of

information doesn’t necessary help. You need to be able to discern what’s true

and what’s not.”

“I have a question.”

“You’re going straight to the point? Then I’ll

‘block out’ our surroundings.”

Sung Joon knew what he meant, so he silently nodded

his head. Then, Anfels placed a small crystal onto the table.

It was a high rank item that would stop their

communication from being leaked to the outside. He’d seen it several times in

the past, as it would often used by the Empire’s Special Forces.


Once Anfels infused his mana into the item, it let

out a tiny buzzing sound and activated.

“Now we can talk freely.”

“It’ll keep us safe, right?”s

“If someone with the ability to see through

this comes, you should be able to detect them.”

Anfels had seen Sung Joon take down Belloc (rank 231

of the Knight Brigade), as well as the first-class assassin from the Ghost


So he knew that Sung Joon was much more powerful

than he was, albeit much weaker than Roukel.


Sung Joon nodded his head and took a sip of his

coffee. He could taste how bitter it was, so he ripped a sugar packet on the

table and poured it in.

“Before we go to the main topic, there’s

something I’d like to ask you. Is Sir Roukel still alive?” Anfels asked.

When they’d first met, Sung Joon hadn’t confirmed

whether Roukel was alive or not.

“No, he’s not. However, I’ve inherited his


“As I thought. I ask only because I didn’t

participate in the battle of the Ridonia Great Plains. Please forgive me if I

was being rude.”

Sung Joon answered clearly, and Anfels bowed his

head, looking regretful. He hoped that Roukel was still alive.

“Is that all?”

“Yes. Please ask me whatever you wish,”

Anfels responded weakly while raising his coffee cup; he looked really lonely.

But since Sung Joon still had some questions he

needed to ask, he asked with a calm expression.

“I want to know about the Empire’s current state

of affairs.”

Anfels had expected that question and his eyes


“Well… a lot of time has passed since the

battle of the Ridonia Great Plains. The Empire has changed significantly.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The Empire’s structure or the Emperor hasn’t

changed. But internal matters have become a bit complicated. It’s become quite chaotic.”

The greatest knight that everyone in the Empire

revered was killed, and the Emperor had formed an alliance with their longstanding

enemy. Although the Emperor had power of the Empire, there was no way that people

in the Empire would remain quiet.


“After Sir Roukel died in the battle of the

Ridonia Great Plains, the Emperor formed an official alliance with the Species

Alliance and began his purge.”

“Who were the targets of his purge?” Sung

Joon asked.

Even if he didn’t say anything, Sung Joon had an

idea as to who the Emperor targeted. Still, he needed to know for sure.

“Anyone associated with Roukel, as well as

those who opposed the alliance with the Species Alliance were targets of the


As he expected. Even Roukel, known as the greatest

knight of the Empire, was labeled a traitor for opposing the alliance with the

Species Alliance.

The Emperor’s position was clear, and didn’t

hesitate with the purge.

“Were they all killed?”

Some should’ve escaped the purge like Zelos. He

wanted to know about them.

“I’m not sure since I didn’t look into it. I

believe someone from the Executive Squad would know.”

The Executive Squad, one of the squads under the

Empire’s Special Forces, was responsible for taking care of and cracking down

on rebels.

“I know where the Executive Squad’s base is. If

you launch an attack on the base, you should be able to steal the data as


“It’s been some time… Do you think I


Sung Joon didn’t really like the idea. Too much time

had passed for him to go looking for information now. According to Zelos, time

flowed similarly, but also differently between Earth and the otherworld. It

felt as though fifteen years had passed since the battle of the Ridonia Great


“Don’t you want to learn the whereabouts of

your comrades?”

Anfels final statement caused Sung Joon to waver. He

returned to his hotel after parting ways with Anfels.

The moment he entered the lobby, he felt a powerful

magical energy. The owner of this magic was hiding themselves, but they

couldn’t fool him.

“What do you want?”

They didn’t sense any hostility, so he didn’t draw

his weapon. Then, the person pushing down on their broad-brimmed hat stood up

from their seat.

“Amazing. You truly are the ‘rising star’ of

South Korea, aren’t you?”

The young lady, whose wavy blonde hair fell to her

waist, took off her hat, revealing a quick-witted but also cute face.

Sung Joon knew who she was.


“The White House wants you. Let’s go


“Why does the White House suddenly want


“Apparently, they’re going to give you an

SS-rank item.”

They had only met twice, but Sung Joon knew that that explanation was nowhere near enough.

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