Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 40: 40

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Swordmaster Healer – Episode 40

TL: Boko

Editor: Ren

Chapter 14 – Mysterious Visitor (1)

“I don’t have all my memories, but it’s definitely possible,” Rishubalt said gravely.

If that puzzle piece was right, Sung Joon’s past self, Roukel, had been against the Emperor’s plan to invade other worlds and join forces with the monsters, but then was labeled as a traitor and stabbed in the back.

“If he plans to invade this world, it’ll be tough for me too,” Sung Joon said.

“Didn’t you already plan to get revenge anyway?” Rishubalt asked.

Sung Joon smirked.

“You really do seem like you advised my past self. You know me too well,” he replied.

As his synchronization rate increased, Sung Joon’s personality was gradually resembling his past self, Roukel. Therefore, Rishubalt could easily guess what Sung Joon was thinking.

“Just a few days ago, I had been worrying about it, but it worked out,” Sung Joon said.

Although his past self screamed out for revenge, his current personality only yearned for success.

However, the Emperor’s plan, the dungeons, and the Raids… Now that he had somewhat connected these together, Sung Joon couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.

‘If I just sit by, the Earth will be invaded.’

He didn’t have a grandiose goal like ‘I’ll save the world!’ or anything like that. However, if they were invaded, it was obvious that they would lose everything.

“As long as you participate in the Raids, steadily go through the dungeons, and go through the Awakening Dungeon to improve your synchronization rate, you should be able to stop their plans,” Rishubalt said.

Dungeons and Raids were his ticket to success, so Sung Joon didn’t have any reason to feel repulsed by the idea.

His current goal and his past life’s goal…

There wasn’t any dissonance, since they overlapped. Sung Joon formulated a plan.

“What should I do first?”

“Killing the Emperor immediately is impossible right now.”

“I know.”

His strength was obviously not enough right now and more importantly, he didn’t know how to go to the other world.

“For now, you should focus on improving your synchronization rate in order to recover your lost memories. It’s possible that all of this is just a misunderstanding,” Rishubalt explained objectively.

“Of course, there’s a very low chance of it being a ‘misunderstanding’,” he added.

“I agree,” Sung Joon replied and nodded his head.

“For now, I should increase my synchronization rate. I should go through a dungeon.”

If he wanted to increase his synchronization rate, he had to kill monsters and absorb their mana.

‘Now that I think about it, did I still not get an appointment for a C-rank dungeon solo play? I should go check.’

However, it was too late today so he didn’t want to go out now.

‘I should go check tomorrow.’

The next day… Sung Joon awoke, finished prepping himself, and took a taxi to the Dungeon Bureau.

“I apologize. Because there are only a few newly created dungeons, it’s not easy to get an appointment for solo play.”

“It’s been a long time, though…”

Sung Joon furrowed his eyebrows. Since the clerk had bowed their head and apologized, he wouldn’t  complain anymore. He didn’t think that it was the clerk’s fault at all.

“I would like to go into a dungeon as soon as possible but… Is there no other way?”

“There’s a long queue for B-rank dungeon matching as well.”

“Are there requests for emergency assistance?” Sung Joon asked.

If a regular dungeon assault team or a matched team member lagged behind, the Dungeon Bureau would receive a request to supplement the party.

If he was lucky and there was a request to fill in for a party member, he could immediately attack the dungeon without going through matching.

“Could you please wait for a minute?” the clerk asked, checking the addition requests.

“Hunter, there’s a supplementation request, but it’s for an A-rank dungeon. Will that be alright?”

A B-rank Hunter could schedule an appointment to solo a C-rank dungeon and could apply for matching up to an A-rank dungeon, but Hunters who preferred safety avoided applying for dungeons one level above their rank.

“Is it a regular dungeon assault team?” Sung Joon asked.

Starting from the A-rank, the level of danger increased exponentially. Instead, an assault team would go through those dungeons because the members were well attuned to each other, rather than going through matching.

“Yes, one of them didn’t show up all of a sudden and they requested supplementation.”

“I’ll go immediately. Please go through the process.”

“We’ll send you a message to lead you to the dungeon.”

“Thank you.”

Once Sung Joon left the Dungeon Bureau, he immediately got a message. Sung Joon checked the message and took a taxi to the dungeon’s entrance.

The party members were grouped in front of the dungeon.

“What’s this?”

Sung Joon furrowed his eyebrows. There was one other person besides the dungeon assault team.

‘It’s Kim Ki Chan.’

Kim Ki Chan was the Team Leader of the regular dungeon assault team, ‘Ace’. He was a famous A-rank Hunter and was pretty much a celebrity.

Sung Joon slowly walked over to the group.

“Why are you so late?”

As soon as Sung Joon joined up, Ki Chan berated him. Sung Joon furrowed his eyebrows and examined his surroundings.

“I came as soon as I was matched…”

He kept his manners since there were a lot of people watching, but he didn’t bother hiding his irritated expression. Ki Chan just sighed and spoke.

“I’ll let you go this time, but please behave yourself in the dungeon.”

Although he spoke ‘politely’, it didn’t make him feel any better.

“How dare he speak that way to you! It wouldn’t be enough to cut off his head this instant!” Rishubalt exclaimed indignantly.

‘I heard that Kim Ki Chan’s personality was garbage but it turned out to be true.’

It looked like the rumors on Hunter.com turned out to be true; Ki Chan was arrogant and belittled others.

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“I’ll do my job, so don’t you worry about it.”

He’d been treated unfairly, so in turn, Sung Joon’s voice sharpened. Then he stepped back as he saw a woman approach.

“Be careful,” Ki Chan warned with finality. It was a power play; he had taken the initiative and wanted to clearly set their roles before going into the dungeon. How childish. However, it was a common sight when an outsider butted into a regular dungeon assault team.

Meanwhile, the girl had gotten directly in front of them.

“Hello! My name is Yoon Seol Ah!”

Yoon Seol Ah had her brown hair in a ponytail. She was as beautiful as her name.

“You’re a Healer Hunter, right? I’ll be counting on you today!” she said.

Sung Joon smiled and nodded his head. Eventually a man arrived, introducing himself as Jung Myung Soo. He explained a few matters that required attention. It mostly consisted of the formations that the ‘Ace’ regular assault team used, as well as other basic corresponding topics.

“Ms. Yoon Seol Ah seems like a civilian. Is she participating in the dungeon run?” Sung Joon asked.

“Yes. I don’t know the details, but it seems like she has connections with the Blue Dragon Group,” a party member said.

“The Blue Dragon Group?” Sung Joon asked.

The Blue Dragon Group was a huge fifth-generation company in Korea.

“Yes, the Blue Dragon Group made the request and it seems that Ki Chan accepted.”

“Since she’s a civilian, if she comes with us, she’ll be put in danger…” Sung Joon asserted.

“She brought along three B-rank Hunters to guard her. It doesn’t seem like we’ll have to worry too much about her safety,” Ki Chan said.

Sung Joon nodded his head.

“Let’s go into the dungeon!”

After he finished his explanation, Kim Ki Chan’s friend and ‘Ace’ teammate, Jung Myung Soo, opened the dungeon doors.

“Ms. Yoon Seol Ah, please stay next to Mr. Kang Sung Joon.”

The Healer was placed at the safest place in a party’s formation. Even though she had guards, she was still a civilian, so it was obvious that she would stick next to Sung Joon.

They went down the stairs, entering the dungeon, and the Hunters activated five Light Drones.

“There’s an enemy in front! There are two Fire Berserkers and three Gale Knights!”

There were five A-rank monsters at the entrance.

“Strength,” the Supporter Hunter said, casting a buff.

“Battle formations! Charge!”

After the Supporter Hunter had buffed the party, Ki Chan and Myung Soo covered the three A-rank Hunters and two B-rank Hunters behind them, and charged forward.

The Fire Berserker opened its mouth and spewed scorching flames.

“I’ll block it!”

Myung Soo ran forward and raised his shield, blocking the barrage of fire. While the other Hunters held off the three Gale Knights, Ki Chan threw himself at the two Fire Berserkers.

His sword was clad in a clear, gleaming blue aura.

‘An aura-user…’ realized Sung Joon.

Ki Chan nimbly evaded the flame-wreathed spears and swung his aura-clad sword, destroying the two Fire Berserkers.

The other Hunters had also killed the three Gale Knights. They weren’t aura-users but a Hunter’s weapon fundamentally contained mana, so their weapons could even hurt spirits.


Seol Ah couldn’t shut her mouth after witnessing Hunters fight for the first time.

“Healer! We need your healing!”

It seemed like the battle had ended instantly, but they had still faced five A-rank monsters. One of the B-rank Hunters had quite a serious injury.


Sung Joon casted his ‘Heal’, enveloping the injured Hunter in a brilliant white light. The injured Hunter’s wound quickly started to heal.

“This is called ‘Heal’, right? This is the first time I’ve actually seen it,” Seol Ah said.

Seol Ah’s eyes gleamed with curiosity. Myung Soo watched the speed at which the injured Hunter’s wound was healed and opened his mouth.

“You said you were a B-rank Healer, but your healing power is considerable. With this much healing power, I’d believe it if you said you were an A-rank Hunter.”

As Sung Joon’s synchronization rate improved, his body strengthened, and as a result, his healing power grew.

“It seems like you’ll be able to participate in the next battle, since the healing is so fast,” another Hunter said.

The other Hunters also nodded their heads in agreement.

The party advanced deep into the dungeon.

“Mr. Sung Joon, what are your hobbies?” Seol Ah asked.

At first, Seol Ah had been very curious, but because she hadn’t been able to watch the battles up close, she quickly lost interest and turned her attention to Sung Joon, starting to talk to him continuously.

While he was the closest to her, he was also only healing from the back. It might’ve seemed to her that he had a lot of free time.

Sung Joon socialized moderately with her without losing his focus as a Healer Hunter.

“Why are there so many monsters coming out?”

“You’re right… Could it be an Elite Dungeon?”

As they went deeper into the dungeon, the number of monsters that appeared increased exponentially. Thus, the Hunters couldn’t help but think that this dungeon might be an Elite Dungeon.

“Team Leader, if it’s an Elite Dungeon, wouldn’t it be best to leave? I think we need another A-rank Hunter,” an assault team member suggested.

Ki Chan glanced at Seol Ah and said, “Let’s just continue on like this. I won’t take no for an answer.”

Sung Joon, who had been listening to their conversation, stepped forward.

“Shall I help? I’m confident in my swordsmanship,” he said.

Since he couldn’t participate in the battles, he couldn’t absorb any mana. If this went on, he would’ve come here for nothing, so he asked if he could participate in the battle.


“Are you saying you, a Healer Hunter, will swing his sword on the battlefield? Please just sit back and heal from the rear. That’ll help a lot more.”

“I understand.”

Since the Party Leader was Ki Chan, Sung Joon had no choice but to obey. He returned to his position but briefly stopped.

He looked at Ki Chan and said, “Just for your information, there are more than thirty monsters lying in ambush in front of you.”

“Yes, yes. I understand.”

Sung Joon had felt their presences and relayed that information but Ki Chan didn’t listen to him at all.

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