Swordmaster Healer

Chapter 65: 65

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Swordmaster Healer – Episode 65

TL: Boko

Editor: Ren

Chapter 22: Great Labyrinth’s Predator (2)

“Slow,” the Mage chanted, completing the high-rank magic that slowed its target.

Sung Joon’s movements became noticeably slower and Delfo didn’t miss that opportunity.

Delfo swung his sword at Sung Joon’s neck.


Rather than give up his neck, Sung Joon raised his arm. He was afflicted with pain as his blood spread throughout the air.

He had sustained a severe wound, but fortunately, his arm hadn’t been severed.

“You sacrificed your flesh to preserve your life! It seems that you aren’t inexperienced after all!” Delfo said.

Delfo immediately swung his sword and prepared a follow-up attack. However, Sung Joon had no intention of just sitting there and taking it.

Sung Joon glared at Delfo and the Mage and released his killing intent.



His serene eyes were mixed with a sharp killing intent, akin to an ice storm, which momentarily halted Delfo’s movements.

Even so, Delfo had fought on the battlefield and had accumulated plentiful combat experience, so it wasn’t so bad for him. However, from behind him, the Mage who had been maintaining the Slow spell briefly had difficulties breathing, thereby rendering him unable to continue maintaining the spell.

‘It was released!’

Sung Joon, who had escaped from the restraints of the Slow spell, pushed into Delfo’s position and said, “Illusionary Sword!”

Due to the severe injury on his left arm, his Illusionary Sword was limited, and he was unable to perfectly manifest the technique. However, even if he only managed to summon four illusionary swords, it honestly didn’t change the fact that the attack would still be fatal.


Delfo, who had barely escaped the suppression from Sung Joon’s killing intent, attempted to defend himself by raising his sword, but he only managed to block one sword.

The remaining three blades stabbed and slashed at his vital points.


Delfo groaned and struggled to endure, but he felt his consciousness slipping into the distance. Ultimately, he couldn’t endure it and crumpled to the floor, and Sung Joon turned his gaze to the Mage.


The Mage’s consciousness, which had gone faint due to Sung Joon’s killing intent, returned and he urgently cast offensive magic without an incantation. The five fireballs in the air stormed towards Sung Joon, but they were much too slow to him.

“H-he evaded them?”

The surprise was clear on the Mage’s face. He must’ve planned to use the chant-less offensive magic in order to buy time, but his opponent was much too fast.


Sung Joon quickly closed the distance between him and the Mage, and cast his Heal. Although his left arm was severely injured, his vestments amplified his healing and he had a tremendous natural healing power, so his bleeding stopped instantly and the wound began to heal.

“A B-Battle Priest?”

The Mage saw a white flash quickly approach him. Then in the next moment, he was afflicted with pain.

“AH… ah…”

Due to the pain he felt in his chest, he bowed his head and saw the sword lodged in his chest. He didn’t know if it was at the location of his inner organs, but it felt like his heart had been pierced.


The Mage vomited a handful of blood. Due to the sword lodged in his heart, he had no methods of resistance. As soon as Sung Joon had pulled out his sword, the Mage feebly fell.

“To have beaten the combination of a knight and a Mage so easily! I knew it; you’re truly amazing, my lord!” Rishubalt said in awe.

Sung Joon smiled and absorbed the mana from the fallen bodies.

“Rishubalt, what’s my synchronization rate?”

“It’s the same,” Rishubalt said.

“Is that so?”

He had entered the Awakening Dungeon and he had absorbed quite a bit of mana, but his synchronization rate hadn’t gone up. Sung Joon tilted his head in puzzlement and Rishubalt opened his mouth to explain.

“As your synchronization rate gets higher, you need a lot of mana in order to increase it. It’s similar to the games on Earth where you need more experience points as you level up,” Rishubalt explained.

“But it seems you’ve studied way too earnestly, Rishubalt!” Sung Joon said, bursting out into laughter at Rishubalt’s explanation, that had involved an example.

Rishubalt had a passion for learning about Earth’s culture. Now he could completely understand games and experience points.

– Verifying the existence of a new item.

After Sung Joon absorbed the mana, his measuring tool reacted. Sung Joon checked the Mage’s body first, but there weren’t any items. Eventually, he turned his gaze towards Delfo’s corpse.

“He has a Knight Brigade ring.”

Rishubalt guided his mana into the Knight Brigade ring with the number ‘465’ engraved into it. Sung Joon swiped the ring and brought it to his measuring tool.

[Knight Brigade’s Ring]


Verifying Aura Persistence effect.

With a mechanical sound, the measuring tool displayed the item’s information on its screen. Sung Joon took his own ring and raised his left hand.

“Rishubalt, fuse them.”

“I understand.”

Rishubalt spread his mana and the ring with the number ‘465’ engraved into it was absorbed into Sung Joon’s ring.

[Knight Brigade’s Ring +2]


Verifying Aura Persistence effect.

After the fusion was complete, the measuring tool’s information showed a +2 after the ‘Knight Brigade’s Ring’.

“This is the second fusion, so the Aura Persistence effect has grown by another thirty seconds. Just with the ring’s effect alone, it will increase your aura duration by two more minutes.”

Rishubalt faithfully explained the item’s effect so Sung Joon could quickly understand.

“Shall we pick some locks?” Sung Joon said elatedly, and withdrew the ‘Anvel’s Master Key’ from his bag.

There were many safes in the storehouse.

As soon as Sung Joon brought the key to the lock of one of the safes and poured his mana into it, the key eliminated the protective magic and opened the lock.

– Verifying the existence of a new item.

His measuring tool responded.

“One for now.”

Sung Joon immediately walked over to the safe right beside him. He brought the key to the lock and poured his mana into the key, but nothing happened.

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“What’s wrong with this?”

Sung Joon was flustered, but Rishubalt calmly inspected the state of the key. After he was done inspecting it, he spoke with a calm expression.

“It seems that it needs to be recharged. The built-in mana that maintains the disarming magic formula* is depleted.” (*If you’re familiar with Japanese media/novels, it’s similar to Jutsushiki.)

“I can’t replenish it with my own mana?” Sung Joon asked and Rishubalt nodded his head.

“The master key’s magic formula is unique so it will only respond to the built-in mana. My lord’s mana, or an external mana, will just stimulate the built-in mana which will then flow into the magic formula.” (*There’s a set amount of mana inside of the master key that powers the disarming magic formula. He’s saying that an external mana source won’t recharge it.)

“How long will it take for the built-in mana to recharge naturally?”

“It should take at least a few days. It seems as though the locking magic formula on the safe that you just opened was strong, so the built-in mana was depleted,” Rishubalt explained.

Sung Joon bit his lip. He coveted the other safes, but he couldn’t stay in the Great Labyrinth for a few days at a time.

Although time on the outside world had stopped, he didn’t have enough food. He could starve and it would be tough to take on strong opponents without proper nutrition.

“I guess I should be satisfied with just one.”

Sung Joon suppressed his frustration and took out a small leather pouch from the previously opened safe. The measuring tool had reacted so it was definitely an item.

Aside from the leather pouch, there were also a lot of gold coins inside the safe. Sung Joon checked the leather pouch’s information with his measuring tool.

[Unknown Leather Pouch]




Sung Joon lifted the leather pouch as he called Rishubalt. He didn’t explain in detail but Rishubalt was able to understand his intent and stretched his hand out as his mana flowed.

“I have removed the other world energy,” Rishubalt reported.

Sung Joon nodded his head and once again utilized the measuring tool’s appraisal feature.

[Waltger’s Dimensional Pouch]


Verifying Subspace Storage effect.

The information appeared on the measuring tool’s screen.

“Waltger’s Dimensional Pouch? Who was Waltger again?”

His memories regarding the dimensional pouch were clear, but his memories of the name Waltger were a blur.

The Dimensional Pouch was given subspace magic and contrary to its outward appearance, it looked like it’d be able to store quite a few things; it was a useful item.

“Waltger was the Archmage at the beginning of the Empire, as well as a Marquis. He’s one of the three Archmages that created the Great Labyrinth.”

“Ah… I remember now.”

Due to Rishubalt’s explanation, his sleeping memories awoke.

“Anyway, the dimensional pouch you say… It’s a harvest above expectations. After the battle of the Ridonia Great Plains, if the Empire’s technology hadn’t advanced, it should’ve been impossible for them to produce the dimensional pouch. You see, in the Empire’s first civil war, the magic formula for subspace magic was lost.”

Sung Joon nodded his head and replied, “This would probably be hard to obtain in the dungeons on Earth. I haven’t heard anything regarding a dimensional pouch on Hunter.com.”

“Congratulations, my lord.”

Sung Joon smiled and nodded his head.

“Then shall we try putting in the gold coins?”

There were too many gold coins to put into his bag.

The ‘Waltger’s Dimensional Pouch’ voraciously ate the gold coins that poured out of the safe. Soon, the safe had been emptied of gold coins.

“It still has space left. It’s a great quality from an item created by Marquis Waltger.”

Rishubalt was in wonder at the dimensional pouch’s capacity. Sung Joon was the same.

“Let’s move.”

There were a lot of safes. However, he had no choice but to push past his regret and walk away.

Sung Joon left the storehouse and took out the map.

“Where do you think the Boss will be?” Sung Joon asked.

Rishubalt quickly studied the spread out map and pointed to a point close to the center with his index finger.

“The Training Supervisor’s office.”

“Isn’t the Training Supervisor the post in the Brigade that manages the ‘Great Labyrinth’?”

Sung Joon grasped at his memories. Rishubalt nodded his head and said, “That’s correct. I believe it’s highly likely that the knight managing the ‘Great Labyrinth’ is the Boss.”

Sung Joon folded the map and packed it away.

“The training supervisor’s office you say… It’s not that far.”

“But it’s highly likely, based on the soldiers’ reactions before, that news of our intrusion has already spread.”

“I agree. They’ll have gathered a defensive force, but they won’t be able to stop me.”

“Of course.”

Sung Joon quickly walked forward. As he got closer to the office, he saw a lot more defending soldiers; and so, even if he had to consume more mana, he decided to use his stealth item.

“Something’s coming!”

He had easily infiltrated and come close to the training supervisor’s office, but unluckily, there was a very high-rank Mage beside the defending soldiers.

The Mage had noticed Sung Joon’s approach and hurled his offensive magic at him.

It was a chant-less spell so the spell was weak, but due to his evasive movements*, his stealth state was released. (*Reminder: Large movements also cause the stealth to be released.)


Sung Joon threw his body to the side and drew his sword. A dozen soldiers blocked Sung Joon’s way.

“It’s a pity. If you had just quietly let me pass, you would have kept your lives…”

Feeling instinctual fear from Sung Joon’s thick killing intent laden voice, the soldiers retreated a few steps.

“Don’t fall back! Haste!”

The Mage cast a buff on the soldiers, but Sung Joon had already passed the soldiers and was rushing at the Mage.


From the small guardhouse, a blazing fireball was aimed at Sung Joon. Sung Joon read the flow of mana and swung his sword.

The fireball’s flames weakly dispersed in the air.

“S-Spell Breaking Sword?”

The Mage was astonished. The theory behind the Spell Breaking Sword was widely known, but it was considered to be a high class swordsmanship and it had a high difficulty, so there weren’t many who could use it.

‘I-It was a perfect Spell Breaking Sword!’

Indeed, it was a textbook Spell Breaking Sword.

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