Syren’s Song

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Reflections in the Water

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When Allison eventually lifted herself off him, the sensation made him shiver with pleasure. She was just so incredibly tight down there, which explained why she felt so amazing when she rode him. It had only been a moment since they finished and he already wanted to fuck her again, but he wasn’t an alien shapeshifter like her.

As eager as he still was, Carter needed a minute.

She dropped onto the couch beside him and snuggled into the crook of his arm without another word. That was just fine. They were both sweaty but had somehow managed not to spill anything, so at least his couch would remain pristine. Mostly. He preferred leather to cloth since it easier to clean, but it hadn’t been his choice.

“Hey,” he said. “I should probably get a shower.”

She perked up and smiled at him. “Would you like me to join you?”

He gave her a squeeze. “Definitely sometime soon, but not this time. The shower’s barely big enough for me, and even if we both fit in there, I’d just end up fucking you instead of getting clean. While I’d love that, I need to wash up after all we just did. Won’t take long.”

“I understand.”

“You can take one after, though.”

“I would be happy to do so, but only if you wished to watch me shower. I don’t actually require showering to remain clean.”

“Really?” One more interesting fact about her cool alien biology. “How’s that work?”

“The smell that comes from not bathing, with humans, is caused by many factors, including a buildup of bacteria on the body and dead skin. While my skin is currently slick with our sweat and my own natural lubricant, I will soon reabsorb that fluid the same way I absorb your cum. Also, my skin cells do not constantly die off as yours do.”

Carter nodded thoughtfully. He wasn’t an expert on body odor, but everything she’d told him sounded plausible. It was even kind of cool.

Allison continued. “I naturally absorb all substances that come in contact with my skin, including your local bacteria. So, I do not have the chance to smell.”

“Damn,” Carter agreed. “So, like... I’m not in any danger from touching you, am I?”

“If you are asking if I can absorb you, then no. Your mass is far too great for me to affect it. At most, if I chose to do so over a period of extended period of flesh-to-flesh contact, I could irritate your skin. I give you my word I will never do that.”

Carter hadn’t really worried she would, but it was good to hear. “Thanks.”

“I can also control my smell and change it when I wish to,” Allison added. “Would you like a demonstration?”

This sounded interesting, so Carter nodded. “Sure.”

She hopped up and positioned herself across his lap again, but per his earlier request for a break, she didn’t straddle him like she had before. “Lean close to my neck.”

He wrapped his arms around her back and leaned close. A moment later, he smelled what smelled flowers, like a subtle perfume. A moment after that, he could swear he smelled clean laundry. And then... was that a pizza?

She eased back and evaluated him. “What did you smell?”

“I smelled perfume, and laundry, and then... Allie, did you seriously make yourself smell like a pepperoni pizza?”

She immediately burst into laughter. He was shocked to see this side of her, so far from the alternately horny, serious, or thoughtful personas she’d presented before. In human terms, she seemed to be laughing her ass off. He liked this side of her.

“Okay,” he admitted. “That was pretty funny. You absolutely made your point.”

She giggled again and then abruptly kissed him. That gesture of genuine affection took him off guard and also made his head spin. She was almost making him feel like he was back in high school with his first crush. He hadn’t expected this at all.

She broke their kiss before he did. “You can take your shower now.”

Head still spinning (mentally) he managed a mock sigh. “I suppose I should.”

“Just call if you need help cleaning anything.”

“If I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

Once Carter was in the shower and cooling off beneath lukewarm water, he was finally alone and able to think for a little bit. He placed both hands flat on the back of the shower rested his forehead on the tile, allowing the water to course down his body from his shoulders to his toes. That always helped him slow down his mind.

After his incredible release on the couch, he was, he believed, thinking more clearly than he had when he woke up and found breakfast waiting. Now, shortly after sex, he could think with his big brain instead of his little one.

It was actually a little scary how fast he was growing to like Allie—Allison—and he knew it wasn’t just because of the phenomenal sex. While the serious and mature personality she’d presented since he woke up was already seductive, when her playful side came out like after the pizza incident, she genuinely made his heart pound. Even the dirty jokes she dropped at the wrong time made him smile as he thought back.

This lighter side of her reminded him of his first crush and first girlfriend, the one he’d dated all the way through high school. Barb, like Allison, had been considerate, fun, a great listener, and shockingly smart. She’d also been his first. Intelligent women remained his kink, and Allison was obviously incredibly smart.

He and Barb had mutually agreed to split shortly before graduation—she was leaving for a prestigious college in another state on a full scholarship, while he was staying in Texas—but while it had hurt to lose her, he’d been so damn proud of her. They’d also been very careful while together, unlike some of his football friends… and Jenna.

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Though... given everything Carter knew now about Jenna’s husband, the wife-beating fucker he’d almost put in the ground, he wouldn’t be surprised if Jenna getting pregnant wasn’t entirely her choice. She and Steven—Carter rarely acknowledged the fucker’s name—had gotten married awful young, right after Jenna graduated high school two years behind him.

Jenna’s baby had been less than a year old when Carter put his father in a coma. As much as he knew he’d had to do it, and as much as it had helped to have Allison reassure him that he’d done the right thing, the fact that Jenna’s kid would likely grow up without his father was responsible for a lot of Carter’s guilt. Then again... when Steven did come after Jenna to punish her for serving him divorce papers, he’d likely have killed their baby, too.

Even if Steven had somehow let the kid live, after he’d shot Jenna and then himself, their child would have grown up without any parents.

Knowing what might have happened was not the same as knowing for certain it would happen, but Carter had gone with his instincts and didn’t have the luxury of a time machine. While Steven had always presented himself as a loving husband and father anywhere they went in public, he’d still been a wife-beating piece of shit who owned enough guns to start his own armory. He hadn’t seemed the type to let someone he thought he owned go.

Carter hadn’t expected to be thinking about any of that this morning. He generally did his best not to think about it, which was always harder on a day off when he was stuck mostly in his apartment, alone, with only a TV for company. Now, of course, he had Allison.

Was he so eager to have her stay because he was so lonely? That was absolutely a part of it, and like she’d asked, he really did need to consider what he wanted from all angles instead of just diving blindly into his desire to help. Would he actually go on the run with her?

He didn’t know if his uncle would ever get things to the point in Texas where he could return and be with his family again, but he still missed them. He missed his mother and father, and his little sister (who he hoped was doing better now that she didn’t have to tiptoe around her piece of shit husband) and all the friends he’d had back home. If alien bounty hunters found him with Allison and forced them to go on the run, could he leave his family in Texas behind?

He had left them six months ago, of course, but with the understanding that their separation would be temporary, like going away to college for a semester. He had only one way to contact anyone in Texas—a cell phone provided by his uncle, the bigshot lawyer—and strict instructions never to call the only number stored in that phone unless it was an emergency. In other words, if he thought he was about to be arrested in Pennsylvania.

He trusted his uncle. Moreover, Uncle Eli had also said that things could get easier if a different DA got elected the next time the elections came round. Carter truly did believe his uncle could get his charges dropped from attempted murder to aggravated assault or even simply battery with enough time, but even the mighty Elijah Reed had no pull with space cops.

Carter could also just go back to Texas and take his chances with a prison term. As they all discussed what to do, Uncle Eli had said that even if the jury wasn’t sympathetic, he could argue for a lighter sentence after introducing the evidence of Steven’s spousal abuse. The max for attempted murder in Texas was twenty years, and Uncle Eli seemed confident he could argue the judge down to less... but he’d also been clear he could offer no guarantees.

Carter and his family had first-hand knowledge that Jenna’s husband had regularly mentally and physically abused her, including putting her in the hospital multiple times, but not everyone knew or believed that about Steven. A number of folks had even defended the fucker after learning Carter had repeatedly slammed a tailgate on his head, shocked that this “young and violent youth” had hunted down and brutally beaten an upstanding member of their congregation. A kind and generous man who was also a new father.

What, they all asked, would become of Steven and Jenna’s baby now?

In short, whether Carter got a full twenty years or ten with good behavior would depend entirely on who ended up on the jury and the judge they got, which were factors even Uncle Eli could not completely control. So after some consultation, the whole family agreed it’d be better if Carter went away a while until Uncle Eli could convince the DA to reduce the charges. Then, even if the jury decided to find Carter guilty of a lesser charge and tacked on some extra time for fleeing the state, he wouldn’t be stuck in jail until he was pushing forty.

He was taking a much longer shower than he’d planned. He hoped Allison wasn’t bored, and then wondered if she even got bored. What did hot alien shapeshifters do for fun when they didn’t have someone to flirt with or fuck? That might be the next thing he’d ask her.

One other fact was starting to sink in as the water coursed over him. Allison had said that if they partnered up and then shacked up, he’d be making a commitment to helping her flee from interstellar law. By lifetime, did that mean... married?

As much as he already liked her, and as amazing as she was in the sack, asking her to marry him after a day was absolutely nuts. He did have a lot to think about. More than he’d realized when he first dived right in with his offer to become her next “partner”.

Even if he didn’t change his mind about that, the fact that she had anticipated that he might not have thought this all through was another huge point in her favor. As she’d said, she had protective instincts too. That just made him want to partner with her even more.

Either way, he was getting hungry again. It was probably noon or close. Time had flown as he and Allison talked, laughed, and fucked again on his couch, and he’d always had a fast metabolism. He hoped she hadn’t already made him something to eat.

As nice as it was to have a gorgeous woman wait on him hand and foot, that wasn’t how he’d been raised. He wanted to do something nice for her, especially after she’d made him breakfast this morning. So he’d make her lunch this time, or give it a valiant attempt.

He emerged from his shower and toweled off, then debated dressing again. He decided he’d better. If he walked out in just a towel, he and Allison would be at it again in moments.

Though given how horny she seemed to be, who knew what might happen after?

He rummaged through the open suitcase in his bedroom and pulled out another set of clean boxers, jeans, and then another T-shirt. That reminded him how bland his wardrobe really was, but he hadn’t worried about that when he was alone.

He almost expected Allison to walk in on him as he dressed, but she did not. Once he was presentable, he headed back into the living room. He found Allison sitting, not on the couch as he’d expected, but in the middle of the open floor, still stark naked.

She had her knees spread wide with her feet almost touching and her elbows resting on her thighs. Her eyes remained closed as she breathed deeply and evenly.

If Carter didn’t know better, he’d say she was doing yoga, but did aliens even need to do that? As hot as she looked right now, he also got the sense that she wasn’t trying to seduce him. If this wasn’t yoga, it must be meditation, and it would be rude to interrupt either.

But she’d be a lot easier to ignore if she’d just put some damn clothes on.

Then again, did she even have any clothes? He still had no idea what had happened to the windbreaker and jeans she’d worn into the Subway last night. The rest of her Subway uniform—the shirt and pants and apron—must still be in his apartment somewhere, but while they stored uniforms, they didn’t store ladies underwear. Did Allison even have any?

Carter had fled Texas with a full suitcase, including two weeks of clothes and all the toiletries he’d need. He been living out of that suitcase for six months, but he also had a stacked washer and dryer right in his apartment, so he could easily do loads of laundry for free. Allison didn’t even have laundry to do.

This apartment was sparsely furnished. He had the couch in the living room, its side table, the TV, the twin bed in the bedroom, and the two wooden stools beneath the kitchen counter. He wasn’t about to ask Uncle Eli for more. The man had given him enough.

By comparison, Allison didn’t even seem to have a set of panties to her name. He hated the idea of leaving her with so little and once again remembered why he’d been so eager to allow her to stay at his place. Even if he wanted to, which he did not, it wouldn’t be right to send her back out there like this. Not with alien bounty hunters after her.

And who was to say their partnership had to be forever, forever? Every new relationship might be, but nothing was set in stone. You dated and then hooked up and then lived together, and you saw how that went.

They could do that. He could invite her to stay and make sure she got back on her feet and stay with her a lot longer after that, or they could decide they worked better alone and she’d go on her way again. All sorts of things could happen.

Her hunters might find them. They might not have a clue. Neither of them could know, and the only facts he could work off were those right in front of him.

She needed his help. He wanted to help her. And she’d have a far better chance of staying free if she stayed with him. The alien parts aside, all the rest made perfect sense.

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