Syren’s Song

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Really? On the Bed Too?

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“I want to take on a form that pleases you,” Allison said calmly. “I am a shapeshifter, and I take great pride in my artistic capabilities. I want to craft a form that makes you hot.”

“You already do that,” he assured her. “Especially after this morning.”

“I can change anything about myself, Carter. Not just proportions. My facial features, my hair color or style, my eyes, even the color of my flesh. You have already given me more than enough energy to do that. So what would you most like? Who would you most like?”

“Pretty happy with what I’m seeing right now.”

“So my breasts are of a pleasing size? And my ass?” She brushed both hands down the sides of her body. “What about the rest of me? I ask because any underwear I purchase should be sized to the body I’ve configured. Otherwise, it won’t fit me properly.”

She was right about that, but Carter couldn’t help but feel like asking her to change herself for him was incredibly selfish. Still, he had to remember she wasn’t human. For her, changing the way her body looked was just like him growing a beard or cutting his hair.

If he could change something about himself so easily at the request of a girl he really liked, he’d do it. Especially if he could easily undo it. It wouldn’t be rude to ask.

“All right, you know... I do have one question.”

“Please ask.”

“Your waist is really small.”

She nodded. “Do you like that?”

“It’s not a positive or a negative, it’s just I’ve never seen a woman your size with a waist that small.” The gymnast he’d dated had come close, but she’d been just over five feet tall and even more slim than Allison was now. “Is that how you configured yourself previously?”

“It was one of Ryan’s requests. He asked if I could have a smaller waist.”

Carter thought back. “So he asked you to have that waist with... everything else?”

When she ran into his shop, her breasts had been huge. Same with her ass. All that paired with her tiny waist felt like a configuration that couldn’t actually occur with a human woman, at least not that often. Even with her slimmer form, it still looked a little odd.

“Such a form was ideal for the ways he enjoyed fucking me. Unfortunately, he could not afford to buy me many clothes that fit his preferred form.”

Setting aside that he continued to dislike this Ryan guy more and more, Carter focused on the important questions. “Is it uncomfortable? How does it feel when you change?”

“Reconfiguring my form is as simple as flexing fingers,” she assured him. “It only requires transformative energy, and after last night and this morning, I have much to spare.”

“So being configured like that isn’t uncomfortable?”

“There are some drawbacks,” she admitted. “I cannot eat as much as I would like. When I imbibe a significant amount of liquid, I also have to pee more often. And while all my organs fit, they are crammed so closely together I must be careful with them.”

“Holy shit,” Carter said. “We’re changing that right now.”

She tilted her head. “You’d like me to change my waist?”

“Yes, please, right now.” He grimaced. “Can you make it a size that’s proportionate to the rest of you without hurting yourself or using too much energy?”

Her waist was already slowly filling out as he spoke. Carter’s eyes widened as he watched bone move and skin stretch, all silently. A moment later she still had a great figure, though it was more a slight hourglass than the almost unnatural curves she’d had before. Her midsection looked much better, to him, but more importantly, it looked better for her.

“How does this look?” she asked.

“How does it feel?” he asked instead.

“Better,” she agreed. “I was not uncomfortable, but now all the organs in that portion of my body have room to stretch. Also, my stomach has room now. And my bladder.”

While that was a bit more clinical than he’d expected, it was a relief to hear. “You don’t seem to have gotten shorter.”

“Half an inch,” she said. “Fortunately, the reconfiguration I just completed did not require adding a great deal of additional mass, just spreading out what was already there. Before this, I had to squeeze it all into a small space. Now, let’s talk about the rest of me.”

“The rest of you is just fine,” he said. “I love the way you look.”

She pressed her lips together in obvious frustration. “Please don’t be shy about this. I can take any form you desire, and I want you to desire me. In short, what I want more than anything is for you to look at me and go absolutely out of your mind with lust.”

“That’s already happening.”

“I can be any shape you find sexy. I can be anyone you like.”

“I hear you. I do.” He smiled. “And I like you like this. Like you are now.”

She blinked. “I chose this configuration with little thought in the back of a Subway.”

“Then you must have read my mind when you walked in that door, because this Allison is the one that drives me wild.”

She watched him carefully. “You are not just saying this to spare my feelings? Remember, my feelings would prefer you tell me exactly what you like.”

“I’m not sparing your feelings,” he assured her. “I really do like you like this. If you want me to give you a better explanation, then... let me say it this way.” He took a breath to make sure he said this right. “The person you are now is the person I met last night, the person who cooked me breakfast out of nowhere this morning, and the person I got to know real well on my couch. That’s who you are to me. Who I want. I don’t want you to change.”

“Oh,” she said quietly. She went very quiet. He wasn’t sure what that meant. Just when he was going to ask if he’d said the wrong thing, she spoke again.

“So for you, this is now my... identity.”

That, he remembered, was how she explained how her people spoke to each other when they talked mentally. No names. All of them simply had an identity, something so central to their being that they didn’t even need names. As unique as fingerprints.

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“That’s right,” Carter said. “I like this identity. Your identity. So this form? This is the form that, like you said, drives me out of my mind with lust. Because in my mind, it’s you.”

She blinked rapidly as her cheeks once again flushed. “Carter. You... you melt me.”

The way she said that made his heart pound much harder than he expected. “Allie...”

She walked forward and threw her arms around him, forcefully easing his head down so she could kiss him as hungrily as she had this morning. He didn’t complain. She was naked in his bedroom and her hand was already firmly rubbing his cock.

They absolutely needed to shop, but... damn! There was really no reason to rush off to the mall right now. Most of those shops were open until 8 pm.

This time, Allison was the aggressive one. She didn’t ask him what she could do for him or ask for any sort of permission. She simply pushed him backward until he sat down on his bed and she hopped into his lap. She all but ripped his shirt off his chest.

He actually did hear it rip a little as she yanked it off him, but it had always been too tight. Not even one he even really liked. Also, getting his shirt ripped off was really fucking hot. She pushed him onto his back with firm intent and then slipped off him once more.

Kneeling at the end of his bed, she unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off as before. “This time, I will instruct you.”

Before he could say anything else, she slid both hands up his bare thighs, gripped tight, and took over half of him in her mouth. As her hungry eyes stared into his her tongue danced so fast across his cock it was more like a vibrator than anything else, and that felt so good he groaned loud enough the neighbors likely heard.

Was it even possible for a woman to do that? This felt like cheating!

Just when he was certain she was going to suck him like that until he let loose in her mouth again, she slipped her lips off his cock and hopped up on the bed. Using just her palms against his bed, she flipped her body all the way around until her thighs landed on either side of his legs. She bent forward, glanced back, and took his achingly hard cock in one hand.

“Grab my tits,” she ordered.

She was making him feel deliriously good right now, so he listened. She easily slid his cock inside of her as she settled against him with her perfect ass in plain view. Once he reached around her to grip her breasts, she began grinding on him with a firm but steady rhythm.

“Fuck!” he groaned. “Oh, fuck, Allie, that’s—”

One hand popped back before two fingers touched his lips. They silenced him. As she pulled her hand away and ground herself backward on his cock, she spoke once more.

“Don’t talk.” She breathed. “Just play with my tits and fuck me.”

This was almost entirely the opposite of the way they’d been this morning, but it turned him on just as much. He did not focus on being gentle as he drove into her from behind and below. He squeezed her tits as hard as he wanted, and her moans grew loud.

He could go as hard as he wanted. She wanted him to go hard this time. Because there was no doubt, after last night and this morning, she was recovered.

Her hungry moans and forceful lust brought him to the edge quicker than he arrived normally. And again, his orgasm would only help her. He bounced her lightly up and down as he cupped her breasts and she desperately ground herself against him.

He came so fast it surprised him, and her cries of ecstasy grew so loud the neighbors downstairs probably got an earful. Carter’s own loud groans of pleasure were likely equally scandalizing the people next door. He hoped they’d both already gone to work today.

It was shortly after he was finally spent that she slipped off him one more, turned, and crawled along his side to slide against him on the narrow twin bed. They barely both fit, but she made sure they fit. She didn’t even have to shapeshift to do it.

“Would you like to hold me?” she whispered.

“I’d love that.” As exhausted as she’d made him, he could still wrap an arm around her. She tiredly kissed up and down his chest and then snuggled close.

“Carter. You. That is your identity. This is what I want.”

He lowered his head to kiss the top of hers. “Sounds like we agree.”

He wasn’t sure how long he rested. Being in bed with her on a day when they had nothing to do after brain-melting sex was all he needed at the moment. He did drift off, and when he came awake again, Allison’s head was resting on his chest.

As if sensing his movement, she glanced up and beamed at him. “Did you have a good sleep?”

He yawned and nodded. He could still barely believe he was in bed with this gorgeous, insatiable woman. “What time is it?”

“Just past 3 pm.”

“I napped that long?”

“You earned it,” she assured him. “I am ready to go to the mall when you are.”

“Sounds good,” Carter agreed. “They have several department stores and a few specialty places. We can shop around and find you a good deal.”

“I do have one question, though. It occurred to me as you slept.”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“Could we get ice cream?”

He loved how excited she sounded. “Sure, we can get ice cream. You like it?”

“I love it,” she all but gushed. “I’ve only had it a few times. It just melts.”

“What’s your favorite flavor?”

Her eye widened so much he got a little worried. “There is more than one flavor?”


Next week: Allison goes panty shopping. Plus ice cream.

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