Syren’s Song

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: It Melts In My Mouth!

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As she re-entered the mall and considered her good fortune, she carefully managed an additional rush of dopamine. She now had all the necessities she needed to match Carter’s offer of laundering clothes every two weeks. And a job offer. And a cute yet indecent outfit!

And soon... ice cream.

Combined with their vigorous sex this morning, this was turning into one of the best days of her existence since she had arrived on planet Earth. The thrill of success meant she had to be extra vigilant while moving through the mall, but it remained uncrowded. No one she passed did more than glance at her. Her Subway uniform seemed to camouflage her.

She stopped to check a large lit sign that was obviously a navigation aid. She plotted a path to the food court before her gaze returned to the list of shops. There was a Subway here as well? It seemed the chain was common. Perhaps that was why those in this mall took little notice of her. Many must simply assume she was on her work break.

This revelation further reassured her it would be fine to openly meet Carter in the food court. The Tharons would not expect her to have acquired a job that required documentation, and that suggested this uniform would continue to be useful even after she acquired other clothing. It was camouflage specifically targeted at the expectations of those hunting her.

As she made her way through the mall, she glanced longingly at a number of displays that contained fascinating clothing items she would love to put on her body. As much as she liked the idea of thrilling Carter with indecent clothing, she was also excited by the idea of dressing the human body she had crafted in all the interesting ways she could present it. Simply put, she enjoyed looking “cute”, and this mall offered so many different possibilities.

She needed to purchase some of these items. As soon as Carter assured her she had missed no undesirable obligations in Miss Ellen’s job offer, Allison would accept. His suggestion that she find work of her own had been one she had considered many times, but not something she had ever thought she would be able to manage so easily. Not without a real ID.

A quick scan of the food court found only a few tables occupied, which allowed her to locate Carter immediately. The renewed sight of him thrilled her. His dark hair, while short, was perfect for running her hands through, and the tight T-shirts he preferred seemed grafted to his form. And his jeans! Those left little to the imagination. He glanced at her, then looked away.

For a moment Allison was hurt, but then she remembered their ploy. He was being extra cautious. Good for him! She made her way to his table with her big plastic shopping bag, which also contained the two indecent items she’d obtained from Two Times Around.

She sat down across from him. “I have finished shopping.”

He took a casual glance around the food court. “You think we’re okay?”

“We’ll be fine,” she assured him. “I was able to get everything I needed.”

“That’s great.”

“Your budget was perfect! How did you know?”

As he cleared his throat, he looked a bit uncomfortable. “I took my sister to Penny’s when she had to pick out some similar stuff a few weeks before I... left town.”

“She bought what I did?”

“Not exactly the same stuff, but it taught me average prices. I worked off what I remembered from back then and added a touch for inflation.”

“You did very well. I was also able to purchase something special.”

His brow furrowed. “That sounds hot. Can I see?”

“You may see it when you take me on a date. We could go tonight?”

“Huh,” Carter said. “You sure that’s safe?”

“I think it would be, if we took the proper precautions. We would need to go somewhere with lots of people all around our age. Somewhere people like us would naturally congregate. In such a crowd, we will be all but invisible to those who search for me.”

“Like a bar.” Carter sat back and visibly considered. “I know a few good places.”

“So you will take me out tonight?”

His smile warmed everything inside her. “I’d be honored. Now, you want something to eat? This place has a lot of options.”

She grinned back as she remembered what now waited for her. “Ice cream?”

“Well yeah, after, but don’t you want something else to eat? Like a burger? Or pizza?”

“I do not. Can we get the ice cream now?”

He considered her for a moment, then pointed at a shop. “Store’s right over there.”

Allison breathed. “I will follow your lead.”

She joined him as they walked over the mall store he’d indicated. Allison could not keep her expression calm as she stared through the tilted glass ahead. A dozen large tins beyond, and each seemingly contained a different color and flavor.

It was ice cream. It was all ice cream. She and Ryan used to buy a pint of it at the corner store when they could afford it, and they always got them the yellow kind. She absolutely loved the yellow kind—her human body craved sugar—so did these others taste equally as good?

A bored-looking human male who looked to be college age but only just glanced at them from across the counter overtopping the bins of delicious ice cream. His nametag read ‘Mike’. His eyes widened as they landed on her, but she didn’t sense alarm or distrust.

Instead, his gaze first dropped to her chest, then darted back up to her face, and then guiltily turned back to his ice cream. How funny! His brief glance at her breasts was almost certainly involuntarily. Given her basic outfit, it was also quite flattering.

His reaction was due to her artistic skill. The fact that she had obtained such a reaction from a stranger was a testament to the hard work she’d done to craft this form. Even if she had decided on its configuration rapidly, she had apparently done an excellent job.

“What can I get you?” Mike asked hopefully.

“What do you want?” Carter asked her.

Allison felt overwhelmed by the question. Her gaze passed over each flavor as she confirmed the name on the yellow bin was the same as the pints she recalled—Vanilla—but the other names mystified and intrigued her. Dark Chocolate. Mint Chocolate Chip. Rocky Road. Strawberry. So many possibilities! How could she choose? How could she know?

Was this what Carter felt like when she overwhelmed him with possible flavors of sex?

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“Want a sample?” Mike asked.

Her gaze met his so intensely he blinked. “I can sample these?”

“You bet!” He offered a friendly smile she immediately liked. “I’ll get you a spoon.” He stepped over to his register and grabbed a plastic spoon. “What flavor would you like to try?”

Still overwhelmed with options, she glanced at Carter for help. “Suggestions?”

While he looked outwardly calm, she sensed amusement. “Try the chocolate.”

Was he playing a game with her, like she had when she teased his nose with pepperoni pizza? It didn’t matter. Mike already had a small dark bite on his spoon.

Allison leaned forward and opened her mouth as she invited Mike to feed her the sample of Dark Chocolate. Mike’s eyes widened so much she worried she’d frightened him. What had she done wrong? His arm quivered and it looked like he might drop the spoon.

“Oh heck,” Carter said softly, as his shoulders shook with... laughter? It was so quiet she couldn’t be sure, like he was trying to keep it secret. “Here, let me.”

A visibly relieved Mike handed the ice cream spoon to Carter, who then raised it along with one eyebrow. “All right, Allie. Open up.”

She wasn’t sure what had gone wrong, but all worries vanished as Carter eased the plastic spoon and its glop of dark, melting ice cream into her waiting and eager mouth. As Allison closed her lips over it and enveloped it with her tongue, her knees wavered. She almost crunched the spoon.

It was so good. This was so good! This was chocolate?

As Carter whipped the spoon out before she could accidentally eat it, she wiggled her tongue around in tastebud-popping, absolutely spectacular flavor. She clenched both hands and moaned. Her eyelids fluttered as she simply let this delicious substance... melt inside her.

When she finally opened her eyes again, Carter was staring at her with a grin that suggested he could barely keep himself from laughing. Vanilla had been very nice, but chocolate... she was having difficulty classifying chocolate. It defied categorization.

She looked to Mike again, whose face was now visibly red. Now she had embarrassed him? Was it not acceptable for her to accept a sample directly from the store owner?

After another glance at Carter, who still looked as if he was on the verge of breaking out in laughter, she decided she did not care. She looked to Mike once more. “May I try it again?”

“I... guess?” Mike blinked rapidly. “Is there... okay, you want the same sample?”

“One scoop of Dark Chocolate in a sugar cone,” Carter said for both of them. “I’ll take the same with Cookies and Cream.” He looked to her. “That all right with you, Allie? You good with chocolate for now?”

“We are getting more of it?”

“We’re getting you a whole scoop.”

“I am good with that!” Allison said loudly.

This time, Carter’s chuckle was too loud to contain. “Yeah, we’re getting that.”

Allison watched Mike hopefully as he, for some reason, seemed uncomfortable looking at her. He expertly used his round metal scoop to create two huge balls of delicious melting substance. He popped each onto a pale, crisscrossed cone and handed them over.

She snatched both cones before Carter could offer. He, after all, was going to pay for these, and someone needed to hold them. What if he dropped one by accident when he rummaged through his pants for the money? She would have to lick the ice cream off the floor!

She didn’t even notice the price Mike rang up. She was already eagerly licking the edges of her chocolate scoop, working valiantly to suppress her pleased and quiet moans. Logically, she knew this substance was so cold that were she to simply take a huge bite, it would chill her teeth and tongue to the point where it would become painful. She could handle that.

No. She would lick it. She would do this properly, the way humans did it, because that was how she wanted to experience Dark Chocolate for the first time.

A gentle hand on her elbow suggested Carter was ready to guide her back to their table. She continued licking and trusted him to do that. They walked to the table without slowing down. It was so. Melt. Delicious. He pulled a chair out for her and helped her sit.

Carter leaned back in his seat and simply observed as Allison worked her tongue around and around the ice cream scoop. She was unwilling to let even the smallest drop of melted ecstasy escape her mouth. She would not waste any of it.

She was crestfallen when she finally finished her scoop until she realized a great deal of it had melted down into the cone. How clever! The cone didn’t just support the ice cream scoop, but gathered that which escaped into a tight, secure corridor perfect for her tongue.

As she pushed her tongue deep into the cone, she could not decide if she wanted to lick it out or slurp it. She settled on a combination of both. She leaned back and tipped the cone up. She jiggled it eagerly to ensure every last melted bit went into her mouth, and as it coursed down her throat, she could not hold back another pleasurable moan.

Beside her, Carter cleared her throat. “Uh, Allie?”

She had finished all the chocolate. She had, for all intents and purposes, sucked the cone dry. She was disappointed it was over, but even she had to admit her taste buds could only experience such pleasure for so long. Her chocolate scoop was now finished, and while she remained eager for another, she was satiated. For a time.

She lowered the cone to stare at him. “Carter, that was...” She wet her lips and searched for any chocolate she might have missed. “That was indescribably good.”

“You can actually eat the cone,” he told her. “You don’t have to do it... like that.”

Was he right? She had assumed the cone, like the spoon, was not intended to be eaten, but she trusted him. She took an experimental bite. It was a little dry, but also contained sugar. Good, but not chocolate. Perhaps next time, she would combine them.

She only then realized he hadn’t actually finished his own scoop. There was already a significant stream leaking its way down, and it was on the verge of coursing over his hand. Just before she leaned across the table to lick it off him, she sensed eyes upon her.

She paused, took a casual look around, and observed as three human males at nearby tables all rapidly averted their gaze. Had they been watching her? Why?

She looked to Carter. “Did I do something... was that wrong?”

“Totally,” Carter said. “It was so wrong, Allie.” He grinned wide. “It’s really that good?”

“Of course it is that good.” She blinked at him. “It melts in my mouth!”

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