Syren’s Song

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Sinking Balls

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His heart was still pounding even after everyone was safely away from the restrooms and standing in a corner of the tavern. The rage he felt at the two men who had threatened Allison continued to simmer despite the fact that she had proven she could handle herself.

It was the principle of the thing. Those assholes threatened two girls, one of whom was half their size. It didn’t matter that Allison could have dropped them both with her mind powers. Those men hadn’t known that, and who knew what they intended to do?

The odd thing was, Izzy laughed the whole thing off. Carter wouldn’t tell if she was shaken up and good at hiding it or just didn’t care. Rick, by comparison, kept nervously scanning the tavern crowd as if he expected to be jumped again. This was almost certainly his fault.

They were still standing when the lead bouncer, James, walked over. He leaned in and spoke loudly enough that they could all hear, but no louder than that. “The two men who assaulted you have been ejected and banned. They will not return. When you’re ready to leave tonight, let me or another staff member know. We’ll escort you to a taxi or your car.”

Carter felt a surge of gratitude toward James, and not just for the calm way he’d handled the aftermath of a fight that he, by all rights, could have called the police over. It was the extra effort James had taken to reassure Allison and Izzy they would be safe and the offer to see them safely home. They obviously took customer safety seriously at Red’s.

Allison beamed at him. “Thank you. You handled that brilliantly.”

James simply shrugged. “You let the bar know about your drinks yet?”

“We will,” Carter assured him.

“Can we get you anything else?”

“Could we play pool?” Allison asked hopefully.

James glanced over his shoulder at the crowded tables, then at the single table without anyone on it. He looked back to them. “It’s possible. Head over by that booth and give me a moment.” He nodded as he walked off.

“Why’s he so being so nice to us?” Rick asked suspiciously.

Izzy elbowed him. “Because two fools almost jumped me in this bar. His bar. It’s basic customer service. If a customer has a bad time, you comp them so they come back.”

Carter considered the trouble they’d run into again. “Why were those assholes hassling you, Izzy? They acted like they knew you somehow."

She hesitated, and then a bit of what Carter now saw was a front deflated. “It’s all personal stuff. Ex-boyfriend shit. Tommy and I split a week ago, and he didn’t take it well.”

That revelation made Carter angry all over again. He wished he’d landed a few more kicks on Tommy, but it went against his nature to beat the shit out of someone who was already down. He kept his face calm and glanced at Rick. “Why was he after you?”

Rick paled and raised both hands. “I wasn’t running away! I knew those guys were bad news, so I went to get the bouncers.”

Carter actually couldn’t blame Rick for that. He had been confident he could handle or at least distract the two men until help arrived, and Rick’s quick thinking had ensured the fight ended before it got too bloody. “So he was pissed because you came here with Izzy?”

“Ricky took me in when I didn’t anywhere else to go,” Izzy said proudly. “I’ve been crashing at his place since the break and I guess Tommy... found out somehow.” She grimaced. “Tommy’s not just talk. He’s dangerous, and he’s been to jail before. So if you run into him again, don’t let him get you alone. Walk away or call the police.”

“We’ll be fine,” Carter assured her. “Sorry your night had to go like this.”

“You kidding?” Izzy stared in disbelief. “If you and Allie hadn’t been here, I would have been ten times worse!”

“And hey, we got some happy ending out of it,” Rick added. “Free drinks!”

“And a pool table,” Allison said excitedly. She tugged on Carter’s arm. “Carter, look! They’ve brought our balls!”

Rick snickered loudly as Carter glanced over in surprise. James waited at the previously closed pool table. He dropped a plastic square with a full set of balls on the table and motioned them over. Allison was off like a shot, so Carter moved after her.

Once they all arrived, James pointed to the table. “We usually reserve this table for one of our VIPs, but none are in tonight. You willing to give it up if that changes?”

“We are!” Allison said. Then, belatedly, she glanced to the others. “Right?”

Carter nodded to the bouncer. “Thanks.”

James thumped the table once and nodded. “Have fun, folks.” He walked off without another word, probably to return to his rounds. He’d already done a great deal for them.

“I’ll get the sticks!” Izzy announced. She slipped off through the crowd.

“Teams?” Allison asked hopefully. “Or shall we do a round robin?”

Carter watched her curiously. Had she played pool before? She certainly sounded like she knew how to play.

Also, despite his still raw memory of seeing those men hassling her, they were gone now and she was not. The thought of her leaning over a pool table in that top and those shorts was doing a whole lot to improve his mood. He knew Allison was eager for him to watch.

“Oh no, I’m not playing against Carter,” Rick said. “He always wins.”

“Sometimes,” Carter admitted.

“Dude, you’re a fucking shark! How many times have I watched you clear a table?”

Allison gazed his way with new and obvious interest. “Is that true?”

He’d never been one to brag, so he simply shrugged. “I do all right.”

In truth, pool had always been easy for him. In its most basic form, pool was angles, and he’d had a talent for math and angles since he was little. His comfort and skill had grown over time and throughout school, thought math had never been something he particularly enjoyed.

Football had been far more exciting.

“No shit, and he’s a genius too,” Rick added. “Like, honest to god.”

“I did not know that!” Allison said excitedly. “Have you done much study of quantum physics? What about wormholes?”

Carter hesitated. “Not really.”

“He’s a human calculator,” Rick insisted. “Just watch!” He looked to Carter. “Do two-thousand five hundred by sixteen-sixty six.”

Carter hated doing tricks, and Rick’s insistence annoyed him even more. “No.”

“Four million one hundred sixty five thousand,” Allison said proudly.

He blinked at her. She’d gotten the answer as fast as he had, or knowing her, likely faster. So were all aliens really good at math? Or was this something unique to her?

Rick’s eyes widened. “No way, you too?” He looked to Carter. “Is she right?”

After a moment, torn between indulging Rick and supporting Allison, Carter nodded. Allison grinned. She looked even more eager to have him now.

“You people are mutants,” Rick said ruefully. “You should be doing taxes.”

Izzy returned carrying two sticks, not four. “All I could find right now. So how about I play Allie while you boys watch?”

Allison perked up and smiled. “I would love to play with you!”

Again Rick snickered loudly, and even Izzy looked amused by Allison’s seeming innocence. Carter resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Were they all still in high school? Rick’s added presence had dropped the average maturity level at this table by a large amount.

Still, Izzy’s suggestion was a good one. She was attractive, especially in those heels, thought Carter doubted he’d be glancing at her much. The thought of watching Allison, by comparison, had his stomach doing happy flips.

“Can I break?” Allison asked hopefully.

Izzy nodded. “Get ready to do your thing, girl. I’ll rack our balls.”

Rick chortled loudly this time, and Izzy smacked him again. Still, she was grinning too. Carter, deciding to be a sport about all this, agreed to chuckle politely.

Izzy had them set up in no time, and Allison languidly bent over the table and placed the cue ball. Still stretched across the table with her ass stuck out and her breasts dangling just above the felt, she glanced at Carter. “Honey?”

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She’d called him honey. She’d never called him that before, and he liked the way that word came out of her mouth. He liked that a lot, especially with her bent over a table.

“It’s been some time since I played pool. Could you remind me how to hold my stick?”

Rick wasn’t laughing any longer. He looked downright amazed. Izzy, for her part, watched with a wide grin and great interest.

Were they really going to do this in front of the whole tavern? Of course they were. Allison would love it, and while it might be a touch embarrassing, Carter loved pleasing her.

He walked over to approach her from behind. Her ass looked as amazing in those shorts as it had in the apartment, except this time, she’d bent herself over a table for him. She rose languidly as he approached, still holding her stick.

He wrapped one hand around her waist as she pressed her ass against his front, then straightened slowly until her back pressed against his chest. As she glanced over her shoulder at him her raven hair cascaded down one breast, luring his eyes. Still gripping the standing pool stick in both hands, she waited compliantly for him to instruct her.

He wrapped one hand around hers and guided that hand higher. “So first, you grip the front of the stick just light enough to let it slide through your fingers.”

With his fingers wrapped around hers, she slowly moved her grip up and down on the stick as he’d suggested. “Like this?”

“That’s right,” Carter assured her. She continued to grind against him as they spoke, though subtly enough that he hoped no one not nearby would notice.

“What should I do with my other hand?”

 “You need to keep a firm grip down here. Near the bottom of the stick.” He took her other hand and slid it down. “Then, you just look at where you want the ball to go and hit it.”

Allison pressed her ass more firmly against him. “I will do my best.”

She was tempting him again. If there weren’t in the middle of a crowded tavern, he would have shoved her down on this table and fucked her from behind. She spent one more moment gazing into his eyes as she pressed against him before turning back to the table.

“I have one more question.”


“Would you mind watching me from the other side of the table? I’d like you to closely observe my form and let me know where I can improve.”

In other words, he was going to stare right down her top. “Uh... sure.”

Carter walked around the entire table as if in a trance. Once he was on the short side across from her, she smiled and slowly bent herself over the table again. She adjusted her stick as her boobs all but spilled out of her black corset top.

After a sultry look his way to make sure he was paying attention, she eyed the cue ball hungrily. She hit it with a smack so loud it made Carter jump.

It zoomed into the tightly-packed balls and sent a number of them rolling off in all directions. Balls careened everywhere and bounced off the bumpers, but nothing went in. Still, she’d hit that ball far more confidently than her seeming inexperience implied.

Allison rose, visibly pleased, and look to Izzy. “Your turn!”

Izzy whistled. “That was a great break!”

“No lies detected,” Rick added. He actually wiped his brow.

Carter had no doubt Izzy would put on a great show for Rick as she took her shot, and while he didn’t want to seem impolite, he couldn’t stop staring at Allison. She stood now on the long side of the table with her stick resting on the ground.

She glanced at him and offered a shy smile he knew was shy for his benefit. As their gazes locked, her grip lightly stroked up and down on her stick. He really envied that stick.

“Damn!” Izzy cursed. “Missed that one. Your turn, babe.”

Allison turned to look at them. “Understood.”

This time, she did not glance at Carter. She seemed truly intent on the game. Or maybe she just wanted to let Carter ogle her while pretending she didn’t notice.

Allison’s next strike knocked the cue ball into a solid that thumped into a hole. The cue ball slowly rolled away at the angle he’d anticipated, but then he wondered. Had she anticipated that angle too?

“I am solids!” Allison announced. “May I continue?”

Izzy chortled. “That’s how the rules work, babe. Sink those balls.”

As Carter watched in growing amazement, along with Izzy and Rick, Allison marched around the table and calmly sunk one ball after the other. By the time she was down the last two balls, she barely had a shot on either.

She took a moment, visibly estimating, and then popped the ball off a bumper at an angle that got it where it needed to be. It hit a solid and dropped it into a pocket. She frowned as the ball came to rest among the remaining stripes and 8-ball.

The single remaining solid stuck was now stuck in the middle of a crowd of stripes. Still, her run had been incredible. Carter doubted even he could have managed it.

“Drat,” Allison said.

“What?” Izzy stared wide-eyed. “What’s wrong?”

“I do not believe I can hit the final solid without jumping the ball.”

“You’re jumping what now?” Rick asked.

Allison offered him a patient smile. “Most establishments do not allow you to jump the cue ball. They do not want inexperienced players knocking the balls off the table. As I cannot strike my own solid without jumping the ball, I see no option but to scratch.”

Carter was now absolutely certain Allison was even better at pool than he was, but more importantly, she had precision. While he could easily plan out the angle of any shot in pool, actually pulling that shot off was where he sometimes struggled.

Allison, by comparison, did it all. He really wanted to see her do this trick. “Do it, Allie.”

Izzy, Rick, and Allison all glanced at him at once.

Carter gave her his most encouraging smile. “What are they gonna’ do, kick us out?”

After a long moment of gazing into his eyes, Allison nodded. She leaned across the table again, but this time, Carter was more focused on the stick and the ball than her breasts. He loved the way she looked right now, but he really wanted to see her pull this off.

She struck the base of the cue ball with a precise smack. It hopped over two solids and landed on their far side, then rolled smoothly to the final solid in the crowd. That solid took the hit and rolled to stop... short of the side pocket.

Allison rose again and sighed. “I apologize. I did my best.”

Izzy stared at her like she was crazy. “Are you kidding? That was amazing!”

Rick shook his head as well. “I haven’t even see Carter do that. That was fucking sick.”

Allison suddenly looked concerned. “Have I made you ill?”

Izzy narrowed her brow, glanced at Rick, and then glanced at Allison again. She snorted and grinned. “No, Allie, I don’t think you made him ill exactly.”

Carter proudly walked up beside Allison and looked to Izzy. “Your shot.”

“Like I can follow that!” She held out the sick. “You take it.”

Carter considered. “You sure?”

“Course I’m sure.” She glanced at Rick and smirked. “After seeing how into each other you two are, back at the bar, who wouldn’t want to watch you go at it again?”


Next Week: Some unexpected poking, a sexy nurse, and more hand action.

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