Syren’s Song

Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Twin

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As Gavin’s big, rough hands squeezed her breasts so tightly she felt his fingernails dig into her flesh, Larika groaned her approval and ground her ass on the bulge in his thin underwear. She could feel how much he wanted her, and she fed off that feeling. This time, he would not cum anywhere but inside her. She would insist on that.

Ahead of her, Gavin’s partner—an equally attractive dark-skinned human male with multiple facial piercings, visible attractive tattoos, and a set of abs that she would love to rake with her fingernails—casually stripped off his shirt. His name was Juan. The thought of having them both at once had Larika so drenched she suspected Gavin might have trouble with her panties.

He did not. They dropped to her ankles as he ground against her and then pulled down his underwear. Larika gasped as he took a firm grip on her blond ponytail and wrenched her body back against his. All the while he continued to aggressively squeeze her breasts.

“You ready, slut?” Gavin breathed hungrily in her ear. “Tell me how bad you want it.”

“I want it, Daddy,” Larika whispered. “I want you to fuck me.”

“Beg me.”

“Please, Daddy. I want you to bend me over and fuck me so hard I can’t breathe.”

Gavin forcefully bent her over, then pulled hard on her ponytail to ensure her head remained up and looking at Juan. Meanwhile, Juan approached and dropped his boxers, but oddly, he did not feel nearly as excited as she had hoped. He merely felt... businesslike.

Larika was actually offended by Juan’s seeming disinterest. Was she not appealing to him? How could she not be? Was he not into human women?

She had worked hard on this body. She had blond hair to her back, currently bound into a ponytail Gavin had in a firm grip. She had large breasts with suckable nipples and a small waist that flowed into an ass that was, as the humans called it, thicc.

Whatever. Gavin’s overwhelming lust as he pushed into her behind and started pounding away was more than enough to please her for the moment. She moaned her loud approval, hoping the sound would finally ignite Juan’s lust.

As he approached and offered his cock, which was at least erect, Larika snatched it in one hand and dragged him closer with the other. Finally, she sensed a rush of almost grudging pleasure. She would certainly show him!

As Gavin continued to fuck her from behind, Larika wrapped her lips around Juan and took him deep. She sensed both surprise and pleasure. It was only after extended flesh-to-flesh contact that she realized what and who “Juan” was... just as he learned the same about her.

He hadn’t felt businesslike because he wasn’t into women. It was because he wasn’t into humans. Dammit all.

They unleashed their mental blasts at the same time, and Larika tumbled into darkness.




The moment she opened her “eyes” to darkness, everything that had led to her being captured, returned to her base form, and locked in this sealed tank flooded back in a rush. As the last traces of her last memory before this time blazed brightly in her mind before fading away, she recognized the truth of her situation. The Tharons had her. She was caught.

What she’d just experienced—the memory preceding her capture—was likely a result of whatever Tharon interrogator had been assigned to interrogate her reviewing her capture. This result was both exciting and depressing. Still, despite getting caught, she’d had a good run.

She recalled a wonderful night deflowering a funny and entertaining eighteen-year-old virgin who loved pretty much all the books she did. She recalled an equally exciting encounter the a few days later with Gavin, an experienced adult male who promised to share her with his partner. And then this. Capture. The tank. And most terrifying of all... boredom.

There was nothing Larika despised more than being bored.

While she knew Sarenia would give her endless grief about getting captured if they ever again spoke, it wasn’t like anyone could blame her for falling into the Tharon trap. The opportunity to be “double-teamed”, as humans put it, had been something she had hoped for since she arrived on planet Earth. What horny alien shapeshifter would turn that down?

After almost a month of fulfilling but increasingly vanilla encounters, the chance to finally experience two human males at the same time had been so enticing Larika hadn’t just thrown caution out the window. She’d dumped it out the airlock and into deep space. She’d hopped on the back of that motorcycle and ridden to the man’s private apartment.

The second partner, of course, had turned out to be a Tharon bounty hunter in disguise, one whose ability to mentally disguise himself was unparalleled in her experience. Larika had only realized he was mindmasked once her panties were down around her ankles and a Tharon cock was in her mouth. Gavin, the one who’d been hammering her from behind, had no idea his new “roommate”—Juan—was actually a mindmasked alien bounty hunter.

Larika didn’t blame Gavin. A cursory scan of her last partner’s mind had found him to be surprisingly respectful of her boundaries even after she all but tossed herself at him. His seemingly rough treatment had been entirely at her request. He had also been the first casualty of the brief mental battle that followed, though he was, of course, unharmed.

The Tharon had mentally knocked him out, because she knew Tharons, like her, would not harm humans. By now, Gavin had likely come awake with all memory of her wiped away and the impression he’d gotten black out drunk. It would not the be the first time a Tharon or other enforcement officer tasked with policing Earth had cleaned up after a “rogue alien.”

Larika had discovering “Juan’s” true nature at the same time he discovered hers, and she’d been sucking him off at the time. As much as she disliked the Tharons, she also knew they were only doing their job, and syren, by nature, were not violent creatures. She had mentally blasted him into the wall instead of biting off something he could not replace.

She wasn’t a monster.

Still, the mental blast he’d unleashed at the same time had slapped her down so hard she lost a full five minutes of consciousness. By the time she’d stumbled to her feet, still in her blond human form and stark naked, she had no time to dress. More importantly, her mental scan had confirmed five other Tharons had ringed her. They were closing in.

With the ring around her, there had been absolutely no chance of escape. As enjoyable as her fun on Earth had been, it seemed her fun was over... for now. In the few seconds where she managed to simultaneously fend off the intrusive push of five minds against her mental barriers, she’d mentally warned her sister to make a run for it.

She had to believe Sarenia had gotten out of Ryan’s crappy apartment in time. Her sister, at least, deserved to live out the rest of her cozy little fantasy on earth. A single loving and protective partner. A lifetime of travel and new experiences and wild sex... with one guy.

That was the part of Sarenia’s cozy lifelong fantasy Larika still couldn’t wrap her mind around. With all the willing human males across Earth and hundreds of other inhabited planets, as well as the ability to shift into, fuck, and repeatedly orgasm with any male and some females, why would any syren in her right mind settle for just one partner?

Sarenia was different. She always had been different, but Larika loved her even so. She hoped her sister wouldn’t foolishly try to free her. She hoped that this time, this one time, her stubbornly overprotective twin sister would think about herself for once.

But even now she couldn’t believe it.

Also, now that Larika was awake, she had no choice but to acknowledge the gentle but insistent telepathic hail coming from outside her tank. It wouldn’t stop, and continuing to ignore it was as annoying as someone constantly blowing in her ears...  and not seductively. The Tharons knew she was conscious because they had intentionally made her that way.

While her tank was sealed and blocked all sound into and out of it, telepathic communication remained clear to her even through the side of the tank walls. She reluctantly answered the hail by reaching out to speak with the mind outside the tank.

“What?” She filled the thought with as much annoyance as she could manage.

“Syren.” Even the brief mental touch they shared assured her this was a different Tharon than the one she’d mentally blasted into the wall. “You are now in the custody of a Tharon Interstellar Pod. You have been charged with visiting a non-uplifted planet and interacting with its inhabitants without legal authorization. This is a crime.”

“It don’t think any of the guys whose brains I fucked out saw it that way.”

“Their consent is irrelevant. Please provide your preferred designation.”

With only this surface mental contact, all that was allowed by interstellar law now that she was officially in custody, the Tharon couldn’t see her identity: the unchanging core of self she hid deep inside. They would have to address each other the same way non-telepathic species addressed each other, with names. It felt so primitive to her.

Even so, and despite knowing her private amusement would have no effect on her captor, Larika couldn’t resist a little fun at this Tharon’s expense. Especially after he’d robbed her of her chance to get spit roasted by two robust human males. “You may call me Daddy.”

“Understood, Daddy. You may call me Fitzkree.”

Larika hoped he wouldn’t pick up the shaded mental titters now filling the tank.

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You are physically and mentally unharmed? Do you require any immediate attention?”

She’d been captured by Tharons before. She knew how this interrogation would go. As fun as it was to screw with Fitzkree, she knew that every moment she wasted with sarcastic quips and witty retorts would only make this arduous and annoying process drag on longer.

“I am unharmed,” she responded. “How’s the guy who had his cock in my mouth?”

“Agent Yatrick is still recovering, but we do not expect any permanent mental damage. I must inform you, however, that your assault has been archived into evidence.”

So she’d still get an extra decade tacked onto her sentence for mental assault and resisting arrest, but not the extra twenty for inflicting lingering mental trauma. The length of her sentence was of little consequence. She doubted the Tharons could keep her in any prison for longer than a few months. Someone would eventually come asking about her.

Given their rarity across the settled systems, unattached syren remained in high demand among the wealthy and well connected. The moment word got out that one was locked up in a cell on some Tharon backwater, half a dozen rich and influential potential partners would bend the laws of space and commerce to woo her. Options were good.

And who knew? If Larika was lucky, one of her potential suitors might actually be fun. Running was also fun, but it would be nice to settle down with a single partner for a few months. If nothing else, it would let her travel the stars in style without fear of arrest.

She’d never had a problem pleasuring a single partner to the point of slavish devotion and trust. She always enjoyed that part of a new coupling. Eventually, any being she partnered with would do anything for her. At that point, she’d slip whatever leash they foolishly attempted to place upon her and flit across the stars.

She’d done it before. She’d do it again. She’d still be doing it if Sarenia hadn’t been so incredibly selfless, which was the reason her sister was in this whole mess.

Her sister, thinking Larika imprisoned for good after her latest prank, had agreed to take a partner she believed was influential enough to free her sister from a life sentence. After that partner did so, it had taken Larika almost three months of wheedling, pleading, and pointing out the partner’s many flaws to convince Sarenia to ask him to dissolve their partnership.

After Sarenia’s partner refused, it had taken another full month for Larika to talk her sister into becoming a fugitive right alongside her. That was perhaps her only regret in the entirety of the known systems. She was fine getting herself in trouble, but not her sister.

Her interrogator spoke inside her mind again, telling her what she already knew. “You arrived on this planet approximately five Earth weeks ago with another syren. Our records suggests this syren is your mitosic twin. Is this information correct?”

Even with only this surface contact, Fitzkree would detect lying. Only a few telepathic species could lie, mentally, without a Tharon interrogator ferrying it out, which is why they were tasked with the recovery of telepathic fugitives. They were annoyingly good at it.

Larika knew she wasn’t telling Fitzkree anything he didn’t already know. This was for the record, and Tharons loved their records. “She is my twin.” Denial would just delay things.

“As a courtesy to you both and as required by interstellar law, I remind you that should your sister surrender voluntarily, the sentence she will receive for unauthorized interaction with the inhabitants of a non-uplifted world will be greatly reduced. Can you convey this offer?”

“I could,” Larika agreed. “But only if you ask nicely. Use my name.”

“Apologies,” Fitzkree said flatly. “Could you convey this offer, Daddy?”

This time, Larika couldn’t hide her amusement in her mind. She knew Fitzkree would detect her peals of mental laughter, but she was equally sure he had no idea why she was laughing. Perhaps he would simply think she was a tad bit insane.

“Was my thought confusing in some way?” Fitzkree asked.

“No, I understood you. I just enjoy making your life difficult.”

“Please provide your answer for the record.”

“If you were to allow me to re-establish telepathic contact with my sister, I could convey your offer.” Larika mentally rolled her eyes. “You could also trace where she is.”

“This is not something I deny. The offer is a generous one. She should accept.”

“That’s not going to happen. But if you want to send Agent Yatrick in here once he’s back on his feet, I’d be happy to finish what we started.” She surfaced her memory of the abbreviated encounter. “So long as you take me from the back.”

The mental sigh from her Tharon interrogator was extremely satisfying. “I will state, for the record, that sexual congress with or coercion of a captive currently in the custody of an accredited interstellar enforcement organization is a crime. I will not do this.”

“But you want to, kind of.”

“I state again, for the record, that I do not.” Fitzkree’s palpable annoyance was a balm upon her soul. “Now, I make the offer one last time. Contact your sister. Ask her to surrender. Let us be done with this unpleasantness and return together to a civilized system.”

“You can toss me in whatever cell you like,” Larika thought, and not in a sexual way. “But you leave my sister out of this. She’s already miles from here, probably already fleeing this territory for one abroad. You’ll never find her. You’ll never catch her. She’s a ghost.”

“Then why did she fire a mental blast outside the human gathering spot known as ‘Red’s Tavern’ less than six hours ago?”

It was all Larika could to keep her true thoughts hidden: her disappointment and her burst of fear. Her sister had stayed here in this tiny little college town instead of hopping back into their ship and flying off to literally anywhere else. Worse, if Sarenia had fired that mental blast, she’d likely found another human partner to restore her resources.

Which suggested Sarenia intended to try to rescue her after all.

Damn it all. Her selfless sister was going to get herself caught, but what could Larika do? She was trapped and tanked. She’d be unconscious the moment this interrogation ended.

Was Sarenia still stuck with Ryan, still buried in her noble and useless attempts to “save” him from his drugs? No. She had to have dropped Ryan when she fled. So who was the new guy? Whoever he was, she hoped he was a decent fuck. Sarenia deserved one of those.

“Has your sister taken a new partner?”

“I don’t know,” Larika said, though she certainly suspected. Mentally.

“Do you know the identity of her new partner?”

“I do not.” That, at least, he couldn’t pull out of her.

“This concludes my questions for now. To confirm for the record, you refuse to cooperate. You will not pass our offer of a reduced sentence to your sister.”

“That is correct. For the record, you can go fuck yourself.”

“Very well, Daddy.”

It was the perfect setup. The perfect joke. Larika was now too worried about Sarenia to appreciate it.

You will now reenter suspension.” Fitzkree continued. “You will wake when we have further questions or when we have arrived at an interstellar court. Good day.”

Larika terminated their mental communication before he could. Sarenia was coming to rescue her. She’d roped another human partner into coming for her. Both of them were going to get captured and the human might even get tossed in a zoo.

Still, she couldn’t stop them. She couldn’t warn them. All she could do was wish them the best and hope they somehow thought better of their insane plan.

And be ready to run again the moment they got her out of this tank.

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