Syren’s Song

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: New Rick

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Carter’s night shift at Subway came and went without incident, though it dragged on longer than he liked. He knew Two Times Around had likely closed hours ago, and he also knew Allison had the cab fare she needed to get home. She’d be waiting for him when he arrived, and knowing she was waiting for him... willing, eager, and probably naked... was a huge turn-on.

They weren’t going to be able to afford cab fare for her every night, and unfortunately, the limited bus routes serving this small town didn’t travel close enough to his apartment to spare her a long walk. She could be spotted by Tharons. Therefore, tonight, Carter had let Subway John know he wanted to be transferred to day shift.

Fortunately for him, that was also the shift John had wanted him on since he started six months ago. Carter had taken the night shift because he liked sleeping in and because working late reduced the temptation to go out to bars. His first few months alone in Pennsylvania, without friends or a girl or family, had been real tough. The night shift distracted him.

Before his shift started, there was really nothing going on, and after it ended, he was too tired to want to go out anywhere. The night shift at Subway had been perfect for a fugitive trying to save money and not get caught by Pennsylvania PD... until he’d met Allison. Now, the idea of lining his schedule up with hers so they could do stuff was impossibly appealing.

He’d expected Rick to upset that he was moving to days. Instead, Rick was thrilled. Apparently, he was this close to convincing his father to hire Izzy to work at Subway. That figured. Subway John would seemingly do anything for his son.

John had planned to put Izzy on the day shift, but with Carter moving, that left an opening. As much as Carter didn’t want to think about them fucking in the prep room, at least he wouldn’t be around to see or hear it. And after getting to know Izzy he remained confident that she, at least, would run this Subway like a pro.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before Rick recognized how easy Carter had been taking things all day and starting making comments about it. And being it was Rick, the comments annoyed the hell out of him. He wasn’t having trouble walking today because of Allison.

“Still can’t believe she rode you so hard.” Rick chuckled as he watched Carter slowly replace the olive bin for what felt like the third time that day. “I bet she’s crazy in bed.”

It was just past 8 PM and they were finally alone again, with the dinner rush of hungry college students and a few hungry adults dealt with. There were still four more hours to go in his shift with Rick, and with most of the work now concluded, the hours stretched out longer than they would otherwise. Carter had taken more pain killers, but he was feeling pain.

“You need to do more yoga,” Rick continued, oblivious to the true cause of Carter’s obvious discomfort. “It makes you flexible. Izzy’s been teaching me a little since she started staying over. You cannot imagine how flexible that girl is.”

“And I don’t want to,” Carter said gruffly.

“I bet Allison’s pretty limber as well, huh?” Rick grinned lecherously as he idly swept up bits of bread and produce. “Given the way she was bending over that table last night. So how’d you get hurt? Did you do her on the counter? The floor? The wrong angle can hurt your back.”

Carter resisted the urge to glare at Rick. That would only spur him on. He simply started back to the prep room to get another big of lettuce. As he did so, Rick leaned close.

“Izzy mentioned something, you know. She really likes Allison. Like, really really.”

Carter did not need to hear this. Yet as he walked onward into the prep room, Rick followed, oblivious to Carter’s annoyance.

“So if you two want to come over some time and get high, and get drunk, I’m not saying anything sexual would happen.” Rick stepped up and ribbed him. “But—”

As pain like a baseball bat to the gut bent him over, Carter grunted and grabbed his stomach. He couldn’t do much more than breathe in desperation as she sank to his knees, clutching his midsection. The only thing that stopped him from slugging Rick was the pain.

“Dude!” Rick backed up and stared, eyes wide as plates. “What’s wrong? You choking? Do you need the Heimlich?”

The Heimlich would probably murder him right now. Carter wanted to stand, but even Rick’s casual elbow into his gut had left him struggling to breathe.

Allison hadn’t been kidding about how much it hurt to have three knife wounds in your internal organs. Even with the seals on his wounds and all the bandages on, he still felt like his middle was on fire. Maybe he should have gone to the hospital after all.

“Did I hurt you?” Rick asked in shock. “How did I hurt you, dude? You’re like a tank!”

Carter hissed through his teeth and focused on breathing as he fought past the pain. When Rick moved to help him up, he angrily waved him off. “Not now!”

“I’m sorry, man.” Rick sounded genuinely upset. “I don’t know what I did, but—”

“It’s fine,” Carter managed. “Just had a rough night. It’s not you.”

“Damn, how hard did you two f—”

The jangle of bells on the door mercifully cut off Rick’s statement before he could finish. As Carter groaned and attempted to rise, Rick touched his shoulder. The gesture was far more... caring... than Carter had expected. It surprised him as he looked up.

“Take it easy back here. Just relax.” Rick stood straight. “I’ve got this.”

He strode out of the prep room and in his cheeriest, most pleasant tone, said “Welcome to Subway! What sort of art can I make for you tonight?”

Carter found himself impossibly grateful for the reprieve. He managed to rise just enough to get out of sight of the front of the store and balanced against a counter. There, he worked on his ability to stand up straight once more. He’d taken two pills long before he was supposed to take two pills, but even that hadn’t helped. His insides burned.

Eventually, thankfully, the pain faded from a loud roar to a dull burn. It was still a bit painful to breathe and walk around, but he could manage. Like when he’d almost twisted his ankle off back in high school but still had to run a ball, he’d play through it.

Rick returned soon enough. He still looked so guilty Carter couldn’t help but take pity on him. The guy really did look upset.

“Don’t give me that look,” Carter griped. “I’m fine.”

“You are obviously not.” Rick leaned close and lowered his voice. “Did something happen with Tommy last night? Did he rough you up?”

Carter debated lying for a moment and then decided he’d never get away with it. Not with another four hours ahead. Not with Rick needling him constantly.

Carefully, measuring his breathing, he untucked his shirt and pulled it up to reveal the medical gauze wrapped tightly around his midsection. Rick’s eyes went wide again.

He blinked at Carter. “He did all that with his fists?”

“Fucker stabbed me three times.”

Now Rick literally went pale, and for a moment, Carter was worried he was going to pass out. Fortunately, he caught himself and shook it off. “How are you still alive?”

Carter couldn’t reveal that, so he just smiled grimly. “Like you said. I’m a tank.”

“And how could you not tell me? I’ve let you walk around injured this whole shift! If I’d known you were hurt, I would have... I mean...”

Carter couldn’t help but be amused. “What?”

“Well I certainly wouldn’t have let you refill the olives three times. Dude, I’ve been slacking off all night while you worked through a fucking knife wound.”

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“It’s fine.”

“So that’s why you called last night? To warn us in case Tommy came after us?”

“I thought I made that pretty clear.”

“Right, but, we still had no idea that crazy SOB stabbed you! Did you call the police?”

“No point. He ran off after.”

“Right, but, Izzy knows where he lives. Him and his buddy, Derrick. We can send the cops to pick him, or...” Rick paused and winced. “Oh, right. You can’t testify.”

Carter didn’t trust Rick’s look of knowing disappointment. He didn’t like what Rick implied. “What are you saying?”

Rick looked uncomfortable. “I guess you can’t really talk to cops, can you?”

Carter scowled at him. What was Rick implying? What did he know?

“Because of what happened before you got here,” Rick added.

Carter wasn’t sure what lie would work or if he could figure it out in time. How long had Rick known something was up with him? He was, after all, Subway John’s kid.

“And what happened, Rick?” Carter breathed. “What do you think happened?”

“I...” Rick paused. “Dad didn’t tell me the whole story. But he did say that if I ever needed to call the cops, like if the store gets robbed, I’m supposed to send you home first.”

That genuinely surprised Carter. “He said that?”

“And dude! I’m not judging you. If anyone knows what it’s like to get on the wrong side of Johnny Law, it’s me.”

It seemed Rick was a little more savvy than he’d given him credit for. Or Subway John just had a big mouth. Or he didn’t want to get caught employing a fugitive.

“So what else did your dad tell you?” Carter asked.

“Just that you’d had some problems with law enforcement back where you came from.” Rick shrugged. “And dude, don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul. I’ve never told anyone.”

“Did you tell Izzy?”

Rick flushed. “Okay, I mean... I won’t tell anyone I don’t trust.”

Carter sighed. “It’s fine. But yeah, for reasons we are not going to talk about tonight or ever, I can’t exactly call the cops on Tommy. Or testify.”

“Fuck,” Rick said softly. “You think he’ll come and try to get you here?”

“I think you’re safe.”

“I’m more worried about you, dude! I’m quick as a hawk. I can run, and if he comes after me with a knife, I can mace him. But you look like you can’t even walk right now.”

Was Rick genuinely concerned about him? “I’ll manage.”

Rick stood up straight and frowned. “No, you won’t. Go home.”

Carter knew now he was hearing things. “What?”

“I mean it, dude! You got fucking stabbed yesterday night. You shouldn’t be out of bed, let alone running around making these nasty sandwiches.”

Carter chuckled at that, then hissed as that chuckling hurt his ribs. “They’re only nasty when you make them.”

“I am one hundred percent serious right now,” Rick said. “Take the rest of the night off. Go home. I can handle the night crowd and the clean up and the close.”

“You never handle the close.”

“That’s because I knew you could do it without me, and I took advantage.” Rick winced. “Look. I get I haven’t been the best co-worker or friend. It’s like I said, with Izzy. She’s working with me. And I know you might not trust me to handle this, but I can.”

Carter was genuinely confused by this bizarre change. Had Rick had some mind whammy put on him by aliens? This was not the Rick he knew.

“I can handle close tonight,” Rick said. “And if Dad comes by, I’ll just tell him you caught the flu and didn’t want to spread it to the customers. Go home. I’ve got this.”

“You’re serious?”

“As a heart attack. And if you need to take tomorrow off too, do it. I’ll back you with Dad. I’ll tell him you were really sick, like, vomiting up on the floor sick. Take two days off. Take three.”

Carter scoffed. “I can’t take three days off. Your dad would fire me.”

“You let me handle Dad,” Rick said calmly. “You go home right now, and you rest up and get better. Cause like I said, you are really sick. Dog sick.”

Carter wanted to argue, but his insides were still burning from that casual little elbow jab. He needed to drive home, and he wasn’t sure he’d still be able to do that safely in a few hours. He needed some stronger pain killers.

“Go.” Rick pointed at the back door. “As your boss, I am giving you an order, Mister Reed. Go home and rest. Be pampered by your hot girlfriend.”

“Fine,” Carter agreed “And... thanks, I guess.”

Rick smiled wide. “I am a kind and benevolent overseer.”

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