Syren’s Song

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: Overlap

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Once she had him lulled sufficiently, just as they had discussed in the car earlier tonight, Allison led a visibly relaxed Carter into the bedroom and settled him on the bed. She took his hands. After one quick peek into his mind to ensure he was as relaxed and open to her as she’d hoped, it was time to see just what Agent Holloway had done to him.

If that Tharon hunter had hurt him in any way...

As Allison explored Carter’s currently muddled mind with far more clarity than she had on prior nights, she mentally sighed with relief. While Holloway had placed a simple patch on Carter’s memories of the UFO encounter and the conversation in the gas station—memories Allison briefly relived—nothing in the imprinting Holloway had left on his mental handiwork suggested suspicion. Even by her standards, Holloway had been gentle with Carter’s mind.

It was a reminder that while she and the Tharons were currently at odds, many of them were still decent and moral sapients. Holloway’s work to suppress Carter’s memories of tonight was not as elegant as hers would have been, but it was humane. The compulsion he’d placed in Carter to drive home and go to sleep had already expired.

More importantly, their plan had worked as they had hoped. While Carter slept in his car, she had made the thirty minute journey through the woods leading to the small lake beneath which her ship was submerged. She had been pleased to find it undisturbed and fully functional, even though there had been no reason to expect anything different.

She had landed on the roof of the box store behind which he had pleasured her until the sun went down and waited, cloaked, a full twenty minutes. Soon after Carter, as they’d planned, drove by in his car on the highway and in sight of the store. She then revealed her ship—or a ship—and flown off in full sight of his vehicle.

As she remembered Carter’s tense conversation with Agent Holloway, she was very glad he hadn’t actually run his car off the road.

Even so, that had been their plan all along, or rather... the plan they had developed together. It had been Carter’s idea to contact agent Holloway and get him to meet, but it had been Allison who had decided he should have an encounter with an UFO. The plan they devised together was much better than one she would have devised alone, and it had worked.

Now cloaked, Allison had followed Carter from above until he pulled into the gas station. She’d hovered there undetected. Fifteen minutes later, Holloway arrived, and five minutes after that, both Holloway and Carter departed in separate vehicles.

And Allison, just as Carter has suggested, had not followed Carter’s vehicle.

She could create new memories within a sapient’s mind. It was within her capabilities, but it was also difficult to do without direct experience similar to the memory and even then, such fake memories often lacked important details. So while it had been risky to reveal to the Tharons that she had taken her ship out for a nighttime joy ride, his had been a real memory.

Just one she and Carter had planned for him to experience in advance.

She had no doubt Holloway had viewed that memory himself. Tharons required physical contact with a subject to review or change their memories. So far as Carter knew, he had been telling the truth, and so Agent Holloway had thus departed with no suspicion of their true plan. Carter Reed had seen a UFO and then, freaked out, he called the FBI agent he met nights ago.

Cloaked and flying far above the range of Tharon telepathy, it had been trivial for Allison to follow Holloway’s Earth vehicle along fixed roads back to its point of origin: a large warehouse building just outside town. There, multiple vehicles like Holloway’s parked.

It had been too dangerous to descend and scan for Larika—the Tharons would be expecting that and would sense both her and her ship if she descended—but even observation from on high assured her multiple Tharons were in the building. A pod of hunters would have no need for multiple buildings. Moreover, Carter had been clear that empty buildings were not easy to come by in this area, at least not near town.

There was no question in Allison’s mind that she had followed Holloway back to the location of the Tharon staging base. Somewhere inside, Larika was unconscious in a tank. They could find her now. They could rescue her now.

Now, she had to see to Carter’s mind. She had to restore his memories to the state they had been in earlier tonight. The task would be trivial for someone with her mental talents, but he was simply so precious to her. Even a chance he might forget about her was terrifying.

Allison worked carefully and intently, sifting through countless tangled threads of memory and carefully rearranging each one. She was gentle as she rearranged the multitude of his mind, uncovering the memories she’d hidden away one by one and reliving them as she did so. She had to be certain these were the right memories, and he had given his consent.

In that way, she experienced every moment of Carter’s life, thoughts, and experiences since the moment he met her that night inside his workplace, and seeing herself through his eyes was even more heady and overwhelming than sex. It warmed her mind and left her human heart pounding. His feelings for her were so rich.

She had not dared to dive so deeply into his mind before now. She had not dared to look into his experiences and feelings because to do so felt invasive. Yet everything she experienced was another reminder he really did care for her. She truly did make him happy.

Experiencing that for the first time brought tears of joy to her human eyes.

Once she was certain she had returned the intimately layered threads of his memories to their original configuration, she stripped off all her clothing and settled on the bed beside him. There would be no doubt to her intentions. Only then did she kiss him awake.

His eyelids fluttered as he struggled through disorientation and then found her, after which he smiled. She knew he remembered everything just as he had before she’d temporarily suppressed several days of memories in his car. She knew because of how he felt.

The mental waves of affection roiling off him now were like the sun on her skin, warm and perfect. She loved how he felt about her. She also loved how the sight of her naked body had already filled his mind with longing and lust.

“Hey there.” Carter managed to sit up beside her on the bed. “How’d it go?”

“I found her,” Allison whispered, followed by, “I want you.”

She felt relief that their plan worked. His excitement. Carter pulled her down to snuggle onto the narrow bed beside him. “That’s great, and same here.”

He kissed her again, and as he had before she left his vehicle, he pushed all his care for her into his surface thoughts. It was just as overwhelming as before. His raw feelings. As they kissed, she stripped off his shirt and then helped him with his clothing as well.

The feeling of his hard cock pushed up against her was heavenly, but the touch of their minds was more so. Mind to mind contact with a compatible mind, even this shallow, could be addictive to a telepathic being like her. It was intimate, and it was also absurdly hot.

It was not inaccurate to say that simply by letting their minds blend together, if they clicked, she could instantly fall in love with him. Yet while she did want to fall in love with him, and she was already well on her way, she didn’t want to “cheat”.

She wanted to let her love for him grow in the human way. The same way he would, she now knew, fall in love with her. If he kissed her and then took her every night like he was about to do now, she had no doubt their love would grow.

As his lips devoured hers, she stroked her fingertips across his forehead and applied gentle pressure to part their lips. As she gazed into his eyes, she mentally replayed all the memories, of his, that she had experienced. She also took a deep look at her own feelings.

Was she really going to do this tonight, with him? She was. She had no doubts any longer. She was ready to share with him what she never had with any other partner.

“I want to bring you into my mind tonight,” she whispered.

He paused before kissing her again. She sensed both uncertainty and excitement, and a bit of worry as well. “Is that... are you ready for that?”

“I am,” she said quietly. “I want your mind to overlap with mine. You are so new to telepathic contact that we will need to proceed very carefully... only surface thoughts and sensations, at first... because otherwise, I could easily drive you mad.”

“Sounds dangerous,” Carter whispered. “And hot.”

She giggled nervously as apprehension mixed with amusement. “It is extremely hot.” She brushed her fingers across his cheeks. “Allowing our minds to overlap is not something we syren do casually. It is... special. As such, I have never done this before. With anyone.”

His eyes widened. “Then, are you sure—”

She shushed him with two fingers to his lips. “I am sure.” She kissed him again. “There is no one I would rather do this with. I want you inside my mind. I wish you to be my first.”

Now on his side with her across from and their faces inches apart, with equal parts affection, lust and wonder radiating off him, Carter gazed into her eyes. “So what do we do?”

“Close your eyes and think of me. Let your mind drift.”

He closed his eyes. Even with this surface connection, she could feel how implicitly he trusted her. How safe he felt with her. He was everything she had ever wanted in her partner.

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For the first time in the whole of her existence, she lowered all her mental barriers and opened her mind to her partner. He did not enter her. He did not know how. So she wrapped her mental self around his consciousness, around his core, and slowly drew him in.

She gasped aloud as their minds touched, as their consciousness overlapped for the first time. She was shocked and amazed and unsure what was happening. He was confident and experienced and eager to offer more. Together, they experienced emotions. As one being.

He gazed out at the stars aboard her ship. She caught a football before diving into a line of attackers to gain a few extra yards. She tenderly kissed Barb beneath the stars in his truck as he shifted into a succubi for the first time and found he liked that form very much.

Especially the tail. They could do so much with the tail.

It was too intense. Too much too soon. She was already starting to lose all sense of herself—or he was. He wasn’t ready for that.

Carter had no mental form, no established identity, to separate himself from her. She could teach him how to create one... but not yet. So regretfully, after a moment with all her affection for him trailing across his mental core like silk, she pushed him back to the surface.

Across from her on the bed, staring at her from an inch away, Carter’s glazed gaze slowly returned to hers. He slowly focused, and he looked absolutely awestruck.

“That was...” He stared with wide eyes. “I saw space, Allie.”

She giggled again and kissed him hungrily, only relenting when she realized he still needed to breathe. She pulled back and snuggled close, burying the side of her face against his chest. She loved the way his arms made her feel. She loved the way he held her.

“I felt what you felt,” he whispered. “I... I think I was you.”

“Only a little,” she assured him softly. “But yes.” They might not be ready to join their minds yet, but they could still enjoy mental overlap. “And there is more we can still do.”


“Touch my breast.”

As his hand rose and cupped her breast, the pleasant tingles of his contact coursed through them both. Carter gasped. “No way!”

“Experiment,” she instructed calmly. “What do we most enjoy?”

Carter looked absolutely entranced as he traced his fingers slowly across her breast, squeezing, caressing, cupping, and feeling every sensation he made her feel. He brushed her nipple with his thumb and tensed as the jolt. She loved the way he touched her, and she loved that she could share this with him.

“This is so weird.” He looked up at her. “And so hot.”

She offered another kiss. “Lower.”

“Lower,” he agreed hungrily.

As he continued to hold her close with the arm against the bed, he slid his hand down her side, marveling at the tingles his touch left behind. She felt him constantly adjusting his pressure against her skin as he decided what felt best, what felt good. As he reached her hip and moved around to squeeze her ass, he smiled.

“You like that.” He gave her ass the perfect squeeze. “You like that a lot.”

“I do.” She parted her thighs for him.

Carter sensed her need because he needed it too. His fingers slipped between her legs and explored. There, he marveled at just how sensitive the inside of her thigh could be. He’d never imagined just touching her there could do so much for them.

He hungered to feel more. She hungered for him to do so. He lightly traced a finger across her clit and gasped. “Oh, wow.”

She tightened her thighs around him and began to grind herself on his hand, causing him to groan in pleasure. Both his hand and her pussy quickly grew slick and wet. She gazed into his eyes and showed him what she wanted for both of them.

“Yes,” he whispered.

“Yes.” She leaned close. “Now fuck me.”

As she spread her legs for him, she gave him just enough support to roll him over directly on top of her. His hard, warm cock slipped into her with no resistance at all, just as she’d intended. She tightened her walls around him.

He groaned again as he experienced this sensation for the first time. “Holy shit.” He stared down at her, wide-eyed. “I can feel you, Allie. I can feel all of that. And that’s... me?”

Allison gazed up into his eyes. “Would you like to share this with me?”

“Fuck yes,” he whispered. His face fell to her chest.

He kissed his way along her breasts as he began to move within her, marveling at the sensations that pleasured them both. Allison thrilled to the sensations of both having her breasts worshipping and worshipping her own breasts.

With any pain from his seals completely blocked away by her firm mental embrace, Carter began to fuck her more vigorously. Each thrust made him gasp, and Allison tightened herself to ensure a firm grip. She even cheated a bit, subtly milking his cock with her walls.

As much as she desired to be human with him, she also couldn’t resist the chance to do a little more. To use her unique talents to provide him with an experience he simply couldn’t get with a human woman. As a being who could shape her body into any configuration she wished, jacking him off with her own pussy was not just trivial for her. It was fun.

His pleasure built steadily as he fucked her, as did his heat. He was still ahead of her and rapidly coming to the point where he would release, but she was pleased by his lack of worry about that. He knew what she needed. He wanted to give it to her.

Moreover, she still had one surprise left. As he grunted with pleasure and eagerly fucked his way to the point of orgasm, she took a hold of his bodily functions through their linked minds and... suspended things.

He was close. As close as he could be. Yet he could not cum, not until she allowed it, and as he realized that, she heard his laughter inside her mind.

She loved that sound.

He couldn’t believe this. He loved this. As he continued to fuck her as hard as she liked, gasping and grunting as the moment before orgasm stretched into forever, she reached down to play with herself. He continued to fuck her as hard as he liked.

As she balanced him on the ledge of orgasm without ever slipping over, her own pleasure grew—and he felt that pleasure with her. Her own fingers and the feel of his rigid cock pounding away made sure of that. Finally, Allison felt the wave cresting. She came as he gasped in pleasure and released him to cum at the same time.

“Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!” Carter experienced his climax as he experienced hers. This lasted for far longer than either of them expected, but it was perfect even so. Neither of them had ever felt anything so intense.

When he finally collapsed atop her with his full weight, pinning her to the bed just as she now desired, Allison sighed with contentment. There was so much more she intended to do with him. So many more ways she could take him into her mind. But this...

This had been a wonderful way to start.

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