Syren’s Song

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Mitosic Twin

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Carter kept still as he tried to figure out exactly what was going to happen next. He knew their plan, in theory. They’d stay cloaked and out of sight until just before sunrise, giving the Tharons plenty of time to search for Allison. Then they’d fly back to his apartment and exit the ship so that if the Tharons came looking for him, they’d find Carter Reed right at home.

That was the other difficult part of their rescue mission. Making sure the Tharons didn’t suspect Carter’s involvement in all this, because if they did, it would basically ruin his life. The chance they’d connect him to Allison was much higher now, but it was also unavoidable.

Holloway knew that Carter had reported the UFO. Given Holloway and the others also now knew that Allison and her partner had found right where their base was, the only question would be if Allison had duped Carter just like them... or if he’d been a willing participant in her plot to follow Holloway back to their home base.

That was why Carter had to go back to his apartment. So when any Tharons showed up to check on him, they’d find him exactly where he was supposed to be, oblivious to the events of last night. He knew Allison’s spacesuit had completely hidden his identity—the viewplate only worked one way—so the Tharon he’d shot with the suppressor couldn’t identify him.

He’d also have to part from Allison, at least for a little while. She and Larika would both live in their cloaked spaceship for a few days while they observed his apartment from above to ensure no Tharons were watching it. Once Allison was comfortable the Tharons had lost all interest in him, she would return and Larika would... fly off around the world somewhere.

Larika couldn’t stay with them just yet. Not until they’d had a couple of weeks to settle into their routine again and ensure the Tharons were completely off their trail. The junction would open in six days, when Larika would pilot the ship out there and get detected. That might convince the Tharons both syrens had fled Earth, or at least make them look elsewhere.

It was all a good plan. It was all in the future. None of it answered the dozens of inappropriate questions swirling through his mind as Allison and her still naked sister eyed him from the other side of the lounge.

Allison glanced at Larika and touched her arm. “I am so glad you are safe, but this has been a stressful night. Why don’t you retire to your room and recover for a bit? Carter and I need to talk about what we plan to do now.”

Allison had no reason to say all that aloud. She didn’t have to ever say anything to Larika, since they could communicate with each other’s minds in less time than it took to blink. She was speaking for Carter’s benefit. They both were.

Larika ogled Carter for another moment, then turned and kissed her sister on the cheek. “Yeah, all right. I am a little beat. You can’t meditate in a tank.” She sauntered toward the... right?... side of the lounge. A door silently irised open.

Her wet blond hair flopped over one bare shoulder as she glanced at Carter again. She shifted just enough to give him a full sidelong view of one bare and gorgeous breast, then smiled at him warmly enough it made his whole body tingle.

“Just let me know if you need anything,” Larika said. “You know. Anything.” She winked before the door irised shut.

Carter snapped his eyes away from the now closed door and looked to Allison, suddenly worried he’d been caught staring at her sister’s tits. Oddly, Allison didn’t look annoyed at all. She actually looked amused. Amused he could deal with.

“Let’s retire to my bedroom,” Allison said. “We have nothing more to do until before daybreak, unless the Tharons get extremely lucky.” She cocked one eyebrow. “And it seems we may have more to discuss before we finalize our plan for tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Carter agreed. “Yeah, that sounds like a really good idea.”

Instead of walking off to her room, Allison walked over to him instead. Her expression remained calm. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking. He couldn’t feel any of what she was thinking, and he finally remembered why.

The muffler. He was still wearing it. He pulled it off, and the moment he did so, her molten desire for him came full force. She was just so...

He kissed her hard enough she stumbled backward, but caught her before she could fall. He kept her upright and forcefully backed her up until he’d pinned her against the wall. He kissed her desperately, and she moaned gratefully against his lips.

He’d come so close to losing her tonight. That Tharon could have shot him with a suppressor first. He could have been too late in flying back, leaving Allison to be caught and tanked. He could have lost her forever tonight.

Her palms pressed firmly against his chest, easing him away. “That will never happen.”

“It could’ve, though.”

“It didn’t.” She smiled wide. “But you may continue kissing me as if it almost did.”

He pinned her against the wall again and devoured her lips. She was so wet. Instead of hugging him back, she simply crossed her wrists behind her back. Submitting to everything. He loved it when she did that. He knew, from their joined minds, she loved it too.

His hands coursed over the sides of her breasts and then gripped both firmly, squeezing her tits as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She spread her legs with a hungry moan. Every part of her body was so slick now he could barely keep his grip, but he didn’t give up.

He’d just slipped two fingers inside her when he remembered they were no longer alone on this ship. Even as recently as she’d left, he’d all but forgotten. “Hey... should we...”

“Hmm?” Allison looked more than a bit glassy-eyed as she stared hopefully from her submissive position against the wall. Her whole naked body glistened like it was still wet, and she was incredibly wet too. Two of his fingers remained deep inside her.

“Can we do this in... with... you know?”

“Can you fuck me in the middle of the common lounge with my sister eavesdropping on us from her bedroom?”

“Right.” Suddenly worried that Larika might be watching them right now, Carter eased his fingers out of her, mainly so they could talk before he stopped thinking again. “We should probably go back to your room first, right?”

“We do not have too. Though Larika does have full access to my ship and can bring up a view screen of any room at any time.” That thought looked to make her even more horny, which was a whole different matter to wrap his head around.

Carter focused on her. “No, we should talk first, like you said. I’m just so glad they didn’t get you. That we pulled this off and saved Larika.”

She pushed off the wall and kissed him again, then eased away. “We will never forget all you’ve done for us. Her gratitude and mine remain entwined.”

“Cool,” Carter breathed.

“But let us talk... more. I have not purposely intruded upon your thoughts, but I know you must have many questions about us. I will do what I can to answer them.”


She pointed. “Would you grab the muffler?”

“Right.” He walked back to pick up the silver tiara. Wouldn’t want anyone stepping on it.

Allison led him to the opposite side of the lounge from the one Larika had left through. So they had their bedrooms on opposite sides of the ship, but mirrored. Symmetry.

When they re-entered Allison’s bedroom, it was configured as it normally was now. The big bed and the big pillows, but no sheets. Her oval mirror and her little makeup table—without makeup—and those portals showing all those amazing holographic views.

“Do you still require my spacesuit?” she asked.

“Oh!” Carter shook his head. “Nope.” He wasn’t wearing much under the suit, but he was still wearing his silk boxers. The suit had been too hot otherwise.

Allison tapped his chest, and the whole suit “popped” before slipping off him and into her upturned palms like a set of curtains. She neatly folded it into a square as he stared in visible wonder, took the muffler as well, and then walked to the “closet.” She stacked both items neatly on the appropriate shelves and then waved a hand to shut the closet.

She took his hand, led him to her bed, and hopped on. She crawled across it, a lot slower and sexier than was really necessary, then tossed him a pillow. He caught it and grinned, briefly wondering how she’d react if he slapped her in the face with it. Then he remembered she’d know it was coming.

He’d wait until she was muffled to start a pillow fight with her. He pushed the thought away in hopes he could surprise her with it later. That also summoned the idea of Allison having a pillow fight with Larika, and both of them being naked on this bed while feathers flew, and him also having a pillow, and... no! He could not think about any of that right now.

A wave of Allison’s hand summoned a firm but comfortable-looking headboard. She fluffed her pillow and placed it against that, then settled into a sit. He clambered over the bed and set his pillow up like hers, then sat next to her with his back to the headboard. Before he could slip his arm around her waist, however, she dropped her head into his lap.

That surprised and thrilled him, but then he realized she was simply resting her cheek on his thigh, staring out over the bed. She wasn’t... not yet. Thank god for his boxers. He had no way to hide how hard he was in those, but at least his cock wasn’t slapping her in the face.

Though... wouldn’t that be fun as well? Focus, he reminded himself.

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Allison folded one arm beneath her and reached out with her free hand to trace her fingertips up and down his bare calf. “You have questions about Larika, and our relationship, and how our relationship will work with Larika now that she is free.”

Carter just nodded.

“Ask anything you wish about us, and do not worry about offending me. Our cultures have subtle but noticeable differences.  I do not expect you to know it all.”

“Differences. Right.” He remembered how shocked Allison had been when he’d pointed out that her turning into Izzy and fucking him might be a bit sketchy. Both their cultures obviously had blind spots. “So... have you and Larika ever...”

“Have we shared a partner?” Allison asked. “Sexually? Yes.”

“Right,” Carter agreed.

“In the past, it has generally been Larika’s idea. She enjoys delighting her partners with unexpected surprises, and I admit, I indulge her many fancies more freely than I should. It is difficult to deny my sister anything that makes her happy.”

“So... okay.” Her warm head felt so good and his lap, and at least he had a clear statement that they’d both fucked the same guy before. He traced a hand around her ear and thought about how he loved that curly red hair of hers. “And that’s not weird for you?”

“It is not, because Larika and I are not sisters in the way you think of them.”

“The human way?”


“So... can you tell me what’s different?”

“I can try.”

Allison kissed his thigh and pushed up. She rested her weight on one arm as she turned to gaze over her shoulder and the curvature of one breast caught the light. Her red hair coursed across her skin. She was so impossibly gorgeous right now.

“You have a sister. Jenna. Do you have brothers?”

“Nope,” Carter said. “Just my little sis.”

“But if you did have a brother, even a twin brother, and a woman offered you and your brother the chance to have sex with her at the same time. This would be strange for you.”



“I guess it’s just, you know. Family. Sex isn’t the sort of thing you... generally do with your family.” He chuckled. “At least not in my part of Texas.”

“I understand.” Allison watched him calmly. “Family is vitally important to the syren, but our families are generally much smaller than yours. My family is Larika, our ship, and now... you.” She touched her palm to his cheek in the tender way he loved. “You are now part of our family, Carter, but this family is not the same as your family back home.”

“Sure. But... maybe you can explain how, exactly?”

She pondered a moment. “Larika is my sister, but not in the same way that Jenna is your sister. You share parents as we do. Larika and I did have the same parents. But you and Jenna were also born as distinct beings. You first, and her years later.”

“Right,” Carter agreed. “That’s how it works with us humans. Even with twins.”

“Human twins,” she corrected gently. “Also distinct beings.”

“So...” He was starting to see where she was heading with this. “Are you telling me you and Larika aren’t... that you aren’t exactly two distinct beings?”

“We are in many ways, but not to the same extent as human siblings would be.” She frowned thoughtfully. “Tell me, Carter. In school, did you ever study cell division? I understand that is a concept your human scientists have understood for decades.”

“I... maybe?” He desperately thought back to his biology classes. He’d wanted to pay attention in those, but Barb had been in that class with him, and she’d managed to snag a desk right beside him. She’d always worn her skirts right at the dress code, and her legs were so—

“Larika is my twin, but not in the way of human twins. We are not two distinct entities who developed independently in the same human womb. Rather, we came into being as one sapient, and then, soon after, we divided into two sapients.

“Oh?” So they could just... do that?

“Since we began as one being, we still share many characteristics of that original being... though we have, of course, developed many independent characteristics in the decades since we divided. It is why our mental connection is so intense and will, no matter how close you and I grow, remain the most intense connection in our family.”

“That’s fine,” Carter assured her. “I’d never try to get between you two.”

“We know.” Allison smiled wide. “But, in your scientific terms, the best translation to English is Larika is my mitosic twin.”

He immediately remembered the word mitosis. Cell division. How one cell basically became two and then... four. And so on. Allison and Larika were like that?

“I get it.” Carter did, finally. “So she’s like your clone.”

“Yes!” Allison smiled. “The concept is not wholly accurate, but similar.”

“And it’s okay in your culture when two clones fuck the same guy?”

“The concept is similar, not accurate.” Allison shrugged. “While we have permanently and physically divided, we remain mentally connected. Our minds share a room. So while we are in proximity, if you were to enjoy sex with Larika, you would also be enjoying sex with me.”

That almost made sense to him, and hopefully not because the possibility of doing that was so guiltily enticing. “And...”

“And when you enjoy sex with me, so long as Larika is in proximity, she will also be participating, mentally if not otherwise. Our minds are that close. It is an unavoidable aspect of our origin as one sapient and our most intimate mental connection, one we both treasure.”

“I’d never ask to you change that,” Carter told her firmly. “Not ever.”

She beamed and brushed his cheek again. “We know, Carter. We know how generous and thoughtful you are. We simply wanted to explain this in a way that makes sense to you.”

“Yes.” He nodded. “It all makes sense. I get it.”

“So you see, the mental connection Larika and I share will always be with us when she is near. So were we all to physically enjoy sex together, the three of us in our independent bodies, it would not be like having sex with two distinct human sisters.”


“You would simply be having sex with two of me.”

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