System Change

Chapter 230: Change of pace

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“How strong am I?” Walter asked. “Well, that’s kind of a hard question to answer, because I really don’t know.”

“Well, to your best estimate,” said Derek.

“That’s still hard to judge. The soul contract I was under as the patriarch of the family both crippled my stats and halted my leveling. You’ve told me some of your secrets, so I won’t bother to hide anything from you.

“For decades now, I’ve been stuck at level 199, but with the stats of someone in the lower to mid 100s. However, with any free time I managed to find myself, I worked on my skills. This all could be a blessing in disguise, as I will soon be allowed to upgrade my class at level 200. If what we discussed earlier and applied to Clare and Brandi is true, it is possible that I am in for quite an upgrade.” Walter explained.

“If it’s like that, you may be right,” Derek said.

“As for how strong I am now… I switched from a rare class to an epic one at level 100, so I have those stats. You would still be able to get me with your disappearing trick because I allocate heavily into Vitality and Wisdom. I am a support class, so don’t expect too much offense. Those I do believe that even as a support class, I could handle Gerald Torith.” Walter smiled.

“He is just a walking bag of meat.” Derek agreed.

“That’s what happens when you are power leveled to 250. You end up all stats and no skills. Not very good stats, either.”

“Well, in any case,” Derek said. “I’m happy for you. What do you plan on doing now? You going to go out and grab that level so you can upgrade your class?”

“You know… I think I may just do that. I have spent so long staring at the same status that it will be a breath of fresh air to see some different numbers,” Walter said. “However, I need to get rid of this patriarch title first.”

“What do you mean?” Derek asked.

“I kept the title for so long because I didn’t want the soul contract to restrict others. Granted, with the limited support and exile to a sub-city, most of my family hasn’t grown strong over the years. Now, though, since the contract is up and our honor is restored, I think it’s time for a new patriarch or matriarch to step up to be head of the family.” Walter explained.

“I see.”

“I am tired,” Walter sighed. “I am tired of being stuck in the same place doing the same thing over and over. I loved adventuring in the past… I loved everything about it. Bonding with your squad, life and death situations… everything. I think it’s time for me to do something for myself for a change. I want to live again. There are a number of candidates that can take over the family. I’m going to focus on myself.”

“That’s good to here.” Derek agreed. “You’ve been at it for so long, you need to relax now. And nothing is more relaxing than fighting for your life.”

Laughing, Walter said, “It may not sound relaxing, but the change of pace will definitely be. It is something that I look forward to.”

The two continued chatting as more and more people poured into the auction. Walter pointed out a few different people he believed Derek should at least take note of during their talks. Soon, the last person was announced and the moment they had all been waiting for drew closer.

“Well, Derek,” said Walter. “It has been great catching up, and I thank you for everything you have done for me and my family.”

“It was fun. Much better than mingling with other nobles.” Derek agreed.

“It looks like the auction is about to begin, so I will go take my place beside my family. I’ll have to treat you to a meal later,” Walter said as he stood from the bench and made his way out of the booth.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Derek said.

After that, Derek relaxed in his private booth as he watched all the guests move to their seats. Not long after watching another group be led to one of the other private booths, a light knock sounded on the door of his own.

“It’s ope-” he started, but realized that the privacy runes were still activated. Therefore, no matter what he said, whoever was outside of his booth would not be able to hear him. Instead, he walked over and opened the door.

To his surprise, instead of Rudy or Malorie, Alanah stood waiting.

“Well, are you going to invite me in?” she asked.

“Of course,” Derek said. “Come on in.”

She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. Then they both took their seats.

“What are you doing in here?” Derek asked.

“What? You didn’t expect me to sit and watch the auction all alone, did you?” she asked.

“Well, I figured you had a bunch of other stuff you needed to do, so it was a surprise seeing you here.”

“Derek, dear… you are quite literally one of the few people in this auction that I can chat freely with. Of course I am going to come here. It was either you or Edwin and the Princes, and that would just be boring.” She explained.

“What about Malorie and Rudy?” Derek asked.

Alanah pointed toward a table. Derek followed her finger and saw Rudy and Malorie sitting at a table, along with Roman and Freia.

“Huh?” he muttered.

“What?” Alanah asked.

“I didn’t think Roman would be able to drag Freia away from her notes for the auction. I was just surprised,” Derek said.

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Alanah chuckled. “I’m sure she knows that whatever happens with the potions today will benefit Roman, and ultimately, her, in the future.”

“That’s probably it. She’s probably excited to see how much money they will end up getting. The more money they receive, the more experiments they can do, and the more she can study. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as studious as that woman.”

“It’s not a bad thing,” Alanah said.

“So, besides being able to talk with me, is there another reason you are here?” Derek asked.

Alanah shrugged. “I can leave if you would like.”

“No, no, no.” Derek laughed. “I’m more than happy to have you here. I was just curious.”

“I figure it would be the most fun this way,” Alanah replied.

“How do you mean?”

“Well, only you and I have nothing to do during this time. Neither one of us has any need to bid during this auction. Who else better to spend the time with?” she explained.

“I guess that’s true.” He agreed.

“All we need to do is sit back and see how much profit we will be receiving. Whether that is in gold or in items. It really is the most fun part of an auction. And we can see old rivalries flair up. That’s fun, too. Nothing makes old men and women act like children more than an auction.”

“I didn’t think about that,” Derek said. “Maybe this auction won’t be boring after all.”

Alanah giggled. “Dear… auctions are never boring.”

Derek snorted.

“So, did you have a good chat with Walter? I bet he was very thankful to you.”

“I did. He is a very good man. I’m glad I could help.”

“Out of all the people I’ve met since I came to Cydaria, he has always been one of the most honorable,” Alanah said. “Which is ironic since he was the patriarch of a dishonored noble house.”

“Those with chips on their shoulders always have more to prove. You either end up becoming someone like Walter, or you become someone like his son, Wallace,” Derek said. “It was truly his house’s good luck that Walter became the man he is.”

Alanah nodded deeply. “So, what does the patriarch of House Searidge plan to do now that his honor and power is restored?”

Derek chuckled. “Of course, he plans on stepping down from being patriarch. He wants to go back to adventuring. It seems like he misses it dearly.”

A glint flashed through Alanah’s eyes. “Oh, really? That is quite interesting. You know, his house used to be one of the best support houses in the Kingdom. I wonder if he plans on continuing that legacy.”

“Who knows? All I know is that the old man is finally free to do what he wants, and he couldn’t be more excited.”

“Good for him,” Alanah said. “One of these days, I would like to get some free time and go adventuring once again.”

“I seem to recall a dungeon you wanted to run with me,” Derek said. “Has that plan changed?”

“Oh, no.” Alanah waved him off. “We are most definitely going dungeon diving together. I just fear that with the two of us together, it won’t make for much of a challenge.”

“That may be true.” Derek sighed. “But it could still be fun. I look forward to it.”

“As do I…” Alanah trailed off. “Oh, it’s finally starting.”

Derek moved his focus away from Alanah and back to the auction’s stage, where Stella was walking up to. The beautiful red head shined as the lights dimmed and all eyes fell onto her. She was a prime example of a kingdom toppling beauty at the moment. All kinds of tropes fell into Derek’s mind as he watched the woman prepare herself. Then he glanced back at Alanah and sighed. Of course, she isn’t outdone at all.

A hush fell over the crowd as Stella took center stage.

Her amplified voice boomed throughout the hotel. “Please take your seats. The auction will begin momentarily.”

Once everyone was finally seated, her voice sounded out again. “Ladies and gentleman. I am honored that all of you would take time out of your busy schedules to attend the Crown’s auction.”

Both Derek and Alanah laughed at the same time.

“As if anyone in their right minds would miss such an opportunity to become stronger or get acquainted with such esteemed guests.” Alanah scoffed.

“Without further ado… let’s begin!”

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