System Change

Chapter 233: The Walking Forge

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“Oh?” Alanah said, seeing Derek lean forward, turning all of his attention onto the current auction. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you quite so anxious.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” Derek replied. “I’m a glaive user by trade, but don’t have a glaive that can withstand my skills. Every fight I get into… it’s like I’m fighting with one hand behind my back. This is what I wanted the auction for.”

“Well, it was one of your first conditions in your contract. It’s no wonder you would be so anxious,” Alanah said. “So you’re saying you’ve been fighting basically crippled without your weapon?”

“Not crippled, just not at full power,” he answered.

“I see.” With that, Alanah pulled out a red crystal from her storage. When Derek looked at her in confusion, she said, “So Stella can know if the offer is good enough. Another reason I’m in your booth instead of my own.”

“And here I thought I was special.” Derek chuckled as he turned his attention back to Stella and the auction.

“Must the weapon be a glaive?” One bidder asked.

Alanah looked at Derek for his confirmation.

“Glaives first, but if there are none, or none of good enough quality, I could settle on a very good halberd. But the halberd would have to be exceptional. I much prefer the blade on a glaive to the axe on a halberd. Though, I understand a halberd is most likely more common for some reason that I’ve never been able to get my head around.”

Alanah nodded at Derek and poured mana into her communication crystal. On the stage, Stella flicked her wrist and an identical crystal appeared in her hand. She closed her eyes for a moment before continuing.

“I have been informed that the glaive with take priority, but if there aren’t any of high enough quality, we can accept an exceptional halberd in its stead.” Stella informed the crowd. “If you have a weapon that you are willing to part with for this extraordinary opportunity to gain stats, please rise and form a line in front of the stage. We will examine the goods then.”

Derek watched with anticipation as a handful of people rose from their seats. After a few minutes, a line of seven individuals formed in front of the auction stage. Derek clinched his fists as Stella stepped forward.

“City Lord Savannah.” She announced. “If you would be so kind as to help us with the examination.”

The door to Natalie’s private booth opened up and the petite woman walked out, back to the stage. Soon, she was standing next to Stella in front of the bidders.

The first person, a dwarf with a full beard and long salt and pepper hair tied in a bun, stepped forward. Alanah leaned closer to Derek and began telling him about the bidder.

“That is Mr. Gregory. He is a prominent smith in the capital. Though he is one of the best smiths around, I am afraid the weapons he makes are more standard, as he is one of the smiths who outfit the army. He doesn’t take many custom requests, so I do not know if he will have anything worthy of you.”

“I guess we’re about to find out,” Derek said.

Soon, the dwarven smith presented Natalie with two halberds, both identical. “I do not have any custom halberds or glaives, but these two halberds are sturdy and durable. I am willing to offer both of them for the Void Beast meal.”

Natalie took the two halberds, one in each hand, then, as she examined them, a white glow covered both of her eyes. Finally, the glow faded, and she shook her head. “I am sorry. I cannot deem either or both of these weapons worthy of this item.” She handed the weapons back to the smith.

Mr. Gregory bowed his head. “Thank you for your consideration.” Then, turned and walked back to his table.

The next person in line was someone Derek was very familiar with. It was Prince Edgar. He’d come out of his father’s private booth when the announcement was made. Surprisingly, when he presented his weapon, it was actually a glaive.

Natalie examined the weapon, then whispered something in Stella’s ear. Soon, Alanah’s communication crystal activated, and she relayed the message to Derek.

“Natalie said that she wouldn’t even consider the weapon if not for it being a glaive.” Alanah explained. “She said it would make for a great weapon for those level 190 or lower, but she does not believe it to be able to endure your void affinity for long.”

Derek thought about her words. Really, he didn’t even need some super high quality glaive, just one that could hold up to his affinity and enemies without breaking. Unfortunately, this did not seem to be the one. He shook his head and Alanah relayed her message.

“Thank you for the offering, Prince Edgar, but unfortunately, this glaive does not meet the minimum requirements,” Stella said.

Edgar took the glaive back and shrugged with a smile. “It was worth a shot.” He moved away, back to his booth.

After Edgar left, two people left the line as well. They must have known that their offerings weren’t comparable to the glaive Edgar had presented, so they chose to not waste everybody’s time.

As the presentation went on, Derek got a sinking sensation in his gut. I’m still not going to be able to get a new weapon, am I? He looked over at Alanah with a frown.

“Be patient. This is only the beginning,” she comforted.

As the final bidder was dismissed, Natalie went back to her private booth and Stella stepped forward once more.

“As no glaive or halberd of high enough quality has been presented, we will move on to our other option. This option is specifically for the Blacksmiths who have gathered here today. We are willing to part with this meal for a contract with a smith to create a quality glaive. As for the smiths here who can create such a quality glaive, I’m sure you know who you are,” she explained.

“There are two,” Alanah said.

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“Two?” Derek asked.

“Yes, two smiths who I believe have the skills to create a glaive good enough to be considered by you. One is that Dwarven smith from before, Barsic Gregory, his focus is on quantity for the Kingdom, but if he accepts the custom request, I believe he could make something to your standards,” she explained.

“And the other?” Derek asked.

“The other is tricky.” She pointed at a specific table.

There, a burly giant of a man with pale, scarred skin, sat alone. Without seeing him stand, Derek couldn’t be sure, but he would put him at seven feet tall, at least. His rugged face sported dark black stubble, and his black hair was shaved almost bald. He looked rather worn down. His black iris’s stared at the Void Beast meal as he had a contemplative look on his face.

“How is he tricky?” Derek asked.

“Well, when I first thought of a smith to make you a weapon, it was him who came across my mind. If you can commission him to make a weapon, you are guaranteed to have something of the highest quality. He is the best smith in the Kingdom, after all. His is ‘The Walking Forge’ Tyron Blacksteel.” Alanah explained.

“Oh, he even has a nickname like that? What’s so special about him?” Derek asked.

“Well, he is a smith who fights.”

“What do you mean?”

“From what I can gather, his class is both a combat and crafting class. He doesn’t rely on anyone else for materials. He has no problem going out and getting them himself. He is one hundred percent self-sufficient.”

“Sounds like a hell of a guy.” Derek commented.


“Still, why is it tricky to get him to do it?”

“That would be because of the new raid dungeon that recently appeared. He has decided to join in as the blacksmith on the mission. He can’t pass up the opportunity to obtain materials from such a dungeon.”

“I see…” Derek said. “So he will be away and not able to create the weapon any time soon.”


Derek sighed and watched as Mr. Gregory stood back up from his seat.

“I am willing to sign such a contract. I can guarantee a quality weapon within two months. It will, of course, take me some time to gather the proper material.” The smith announced.

“Thank you for your offer, Mr. Gregory. We will take it into consideration,” Stella said. “Now, is there anyone else who would like to make an offer?” As she said the last sentence, her eyes landed on Mr. Blacksteel. “What about you, Mr. Blacksteel? I’m sure you have the ability.”

Soon, the giant man stood from his seat. Derek was correct, he was at least seven feet tall. With a deep voice, he said, “Of course, I would love to make such a contract. However, I do not believe I have the time to do so. As Mr. Gregory has said, it would take time to gather such materials, time that…” he looked around. “Due to certain circumstances, I will not have. It would most likely be a few years before I am able to complete the contract.”

Stella nodded at the man. “That is unfortunate.”

“Unfortunate indeed.” Mr. Gregory said with a big smile. “Does that mean I may have the honor of this contract?” he asked with greed in his eyes.

“However.” Smith Blacksteel continued. “I would like to make an offer, nonetheless.” The giant walked to the stage and presented Stella with a grand halberd. It was at least eight feet long and thick… very thick. The smith’s hands fit around it perfectly, like it was made for him. “This is a halberd I once made for myself when I was but level 220. I do not believe it to be worth the Void Beast meal, so I did not present it earlier.”

“I see,” Stella said. “If you do not believe it worth the meal, then…”

“I offer this halberd, plus a contract,” the man explained. “The halberd with be a down payment, and when I become available once again, I will create a glaive to the best of my capabilities. What say you?”

Alanah gave Derek a questioning look. “Mr. Gregory or Mr. Blacksteel? It’s your choice.”

Derek chuckled. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“To me? It is.” Alanah smiled back. “Mr. Blacksteel?”

“Mr. Blacksteel,” Derek nodded.

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