System Change

Chapter 261: Welcome to the Academy

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“Are you ready, kid?” Jake asked Thomas once they were all finished eating breakfast.

Thomas… well, he was a nervous wreck. He had waited for this day for months, ever since Derek had brought it up to him. So, was he ready? No, he wasn’t. But he would go and do whatever he could to not squander this amazing opportunity.

“I’m scared, but it’s really exciting,” Thomas answered. “I think I know what to expect, because of the stories I’ve heard from you and Jensen, but I’m not really like either of you.”

“You just need to find your own way,” Jensen said. “I’m a healer, so it was pretty easy to get along with people, even with the state of my family at the time. Jake… well, he’s a legend.”

“Yeah, one who spent most of my time alone because everyone was too scared of me.” Jake snorted.

“Anyway, I’m sure you’ll do fine. I’ve seen your ability with the spear, and some of your skills. It’s great. You have all the qualifications needed to enter the Academy, so there’s nothing you need to worry about. It’s a time to form connections to like-minded people,” Jensen said.

That was all true. Not long ago, he’d gone out with their group, and they helped him gather the remaining levels he needed to enroll. During that time, he fought as best as he could, and listened to any tips the others had. Jake and Jensen were proper graduates of the Academy, after all. It was surreal being in a party surrounded by people he looked up to.

It left him with a sense of what he wanted. He wanted that for himself. A group of people who trusted and relied on one another. They hadn’t been together for long, but they meshed so well together. Hopefully, Thomas would be able to find that at the Academy. Or maybe Rayna’s group would have a spot available for a spearman once he graduated.

“I imagine this year’s nobles are going to be even more subdued in the Academy than usual… you know, with what’s been going on in the kingdom recently,” Jake said.

Thomas shuddered at that. It started out as a rumor, but was eventually proven true. Multiple noble houses had fallen, some completely wiped out, while others were relegated to a status as bad, if not worse, than the previous House Gracefall.

There were also rumors as to why it was happening, but nobody seemed t know for sure. Well, Thomas and those around him knew, as Derek had played a big part in it. City Lord Savannah had been gathering information from that evil man, and the Royal Family had been acting on it.

It had calmed down after the initial waves, and like Jake had said, many noble families were acting much more carefully. Nobody wanted to be the noble family that just vanished overnight.

“Are you ready? We need to leave now if we don’t want to miss anything,” Jake said.

Thomas nodded. “I’m ready.”

After that, the three headed downstairs. To Thomas’s surprise, though he probably shouldn’t have been, everyone else was waiting in the lobby for him. Everyone said their goodbyes, and Malorie even teared up and cried a little. Thomas could feel all the love they radiated.

Then, out of nowhere, a purple blur flew into his chest, causing all the air to leave his lungs with his gasp. “Ugh…” Thomas heaved.

“Tell me if anyone causes you problems!” The bunny loosed a small amount of her aura. “I’ll take care of them. Nobody picks on mou… er… Thomas, but me.”

“Thank you, Silvi,” Thomas said as he ran his hand down her fur. “I’ll be okay.”

“I’ll get better at cooking. Make you big meal next time.” With that, Silvi hopped out of his arms and moved to the side. Thomas looked at her with a small smile.

The next thing he knew, he was lifted off the ground and was spinning. “Be careful!”

“I will,” Thomas said as Brandi sat her down. She was stronger. Much stronger than he had expected. She nearly squeezed the life out of him with that hug.

“Make some good new friends, too.”

“I’ll try.”

A couple of hours later, Thomas was walking down the streets of the capital alongside Jensen and Jake. Savannah was already a wonder of a city, but it was small in comparison to the capital. Thomas couldn’t believe his eyes or his situation. Less than a year ago, he was a small village boy who had been to Torith with his grandfather a couple of times.

Now, he lived in the greatest merchant city in the kingdom, and was about to attend the Academy in the kingdom’s capital. That, on top of the fact he had met princes, city lords, and the owner of the Crown Restaurant… it was like he was living a fairy tale.

Unfortunately, Thomas didn’t have the time to enjoy the city. They were in a rush to get to the Academy. Though, according to Jensen and Jake, he would have plenty of time to explore the capital during his off time at the Academy.

The two alumni soon took him past the most magnificent building he’d ever seen. It was, of course, the Royal Palace. The Academy had a good portion of the giant capital to itself, and it wasn’t too far past the palace.

They soon arrived at another wall with a gaudy gate being guarded by two armored men. There was an enormous crowd gathered around the gate when they got there. It was full of those entering the Academy and their families. Though most of the families didn’t seem like nobles. It was, after all, a much bigger deal for the children of commoners to be accepted into the Academy than it was for the nobles.

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“Uhem!” After waiting for some time, one of the guards cleared his throat, causing the lively crowd to draw silent. “Please have your papers ready. We will be opening the gates soon. Only enrolling students may enter.”

“This is as far as we go,” Jensen said. “It’s up to you from here.”

“Remember,” Jake started. “Don’t listen to a word Edgar said. In fact, completely forget about anything he told you. Go in and be you.”

Thomas smiled wryly at the man with one of the most notorious reputations at the Academy, but he took his advice to heart. Jake’s situation was much closer to Thomas’s own. He was the son of an adventurer, where Edgar was the son of the King. They may say that the Academy doesn’t distinguish between upbringing, that Thomas wasn’t fool enough to believe that in its entirety.

“Thanks for bringing me,” Thomas said.

“It’s no problem,” Jensen answered. “Do you have everything?”

Thomas did one last check in his storage ring. Inside was his new spear, old spear, and new leather armor Brandi had crafted him, along with all the essentials he needed, including clothing that would help him look like he belonged there instead of his normal village garb. He also found the acceptance letter he had and the contract he had signed.

He would have to present both in order to enroll. The acceptance letter was just that, a letter of admittance. The contract was a simple contract stating that the information he provided was correct. Basically, an easy way for them to confirm that he met the requirements to enroll.

The gates suddenly began to swing open. The first glimpse Thomas got of the Academy was that it was like an entire city. There was a massive building dead center, along with smaller buildings on each side. All of it was surrounded by a behemoth of a courtyard. Everything was meticulously cleaned and nothing was out of order.

“Amazing,” Thomas whispered.

“Those of you enrolling, please line up single file. Everyone else, this is as far as you go.” The same guard as before announced.

Everyone quickly shuffled around, Thomas included. Soon, he found himself in the middle of a line that was actually quite shorter than he originally thought. There couldn’t be more that forty students. The massive crowd was apparently made up almost entirely of family.

Multiple people ran to the line and gave students one last hug or kiss. Many had wet eyes, but all looked very proud. Thomas felt a slight pain in his chest and wished his grandpa and grandma were here to see him off.

A young man with gray hair, wearing a red robe, suddenly appeared from beyond the gate. “Is this everyone?” he asked the guard, who nodded. “Very well.” He looked at the students. “My name is Chandler Thompson. I am the supervisor in charge of this year’s recruits. You will be under me for your stay at the Academy. Prepare your paperwork and follow me.”

With that, Chandler led the new students through the gates, which slowly closed behind them. Thomas turned and gave Jake and Jensen one last look. They both nodded at him. He turned back around and followed.

Thomas found himself in an enormous lecture hall with his peers. Surrounding them were hundreds of people of different ages. He could only assume they were the current students and instructors of the Academy. Chandler Thompson stood close to his group, but a couple of steps away, showing a clear separation between himself and the new recruits.

The hall was rowdy and loud, but soon, silence fell over everyone. If you listened closely, you would be able to hear a feather fall to the floor. Thomas turned his attention to the stage in front and instantly knew what was going on.

The Crown Prince, Edward, made his way to center stage. His long flowing silver hair matched the silver and blue plate armor he was currently wearing, along with the crown on his head. Thomas knew Edgar, but had only seen Edward a couple of times. Neither time was he dressed in such an outfit.

“I am sorry to disappoint you all, as my father will not be able to give the new student address this year. Therefore, as commander of the kingdom’s army, the task falls to me,” Edward began.

That’s why he’s dressed the way he is. He’s here as the commander. Thomas thought. It all made more sense now.

“I’m not much for big speeches. Just know this. The kingdom is watching you. If you are one of those who makes it all the way through the Academy, there will be a place for you. A place in my army. I look forward to seeing all of you progress, and hopefully stand beside me on the battlefield one day.

“Your instructors are the best the kingdom has to offer. It will do you well to listen to them. They know what they are doing. This is the beginning of your life in the Academy. Take this chance and grasp it. You will not receive a better opportunity.” Edward spoke. “Welcome to the Academy!”

He was right; it wasn’t much of a speech, but he said everything that needed to be said. Applause and cheers erupted from the audience, students and instructors alike. Today was the day Thomas began his life at the Academy.


King Edwin, Alanah, and Natalie all sat in a meeting room in the palace. The King hated to miss the new student address, but it was good for Edward to do it. He would be King soon, after all.

“What have you learned?” the King asked. The time to discuss the future had finally come.

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