Taboo Journal

Chapter 134: of Bottled Love: Night’s Desire

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After our little incident stifled any desire to continue, we had decided to finish for the day and call it a day. In regards to the tentacles. And only that.


“Yumi… Nm...”

“Sis… Mmnnh...”

Sitting in Karen’s lap, I kissed her, pushing our bodies together and enjoying each other’s lips, our previous experience already shelved into the back of our minds. Once we parted, Karen stared into my eyes, her cheeks flushed bright red.




Karen squeezed me, pressing me into her chest as she asked for more.

“Ehh? I wonder what I should do?”

“You should kiss me, of course.”

Feeling a little mischievous, I grinned as I gave my answer.

“I wonder what I should do?”


“Si— Mngh?”

A tongue pried my lips open and entered my mouth.

“Nghh… Mm! Ha! Si—”


Karen invaded further, our tongues touching and rubbing against each other as our kiss deepened.

“Nmmgh! Nn! Ahh! Mmn!”

“Mm… Nnh. Pfaah! Haa...”

“Mnaa… Si— Sis…”

The area around my lips was wet from our saliva and I was left gasping for air, all the while Karen smiled at me.

“That’s what you get for not listening to me. Did you forget, Yumi?”

“Huh? Forget?”

“Yumi. Who do you belong to?”

“... Ah.”

Right. I had forgotten...

“I belong to Sis.”

“That’s right. So you have to listen to me, all right?”

“... Nn.”

“Good girl.”

Karen stroked my head, praising me.



“Stand up and strip.”

“... Eh?”

It took me a few seconds to process her words.

“What are you waiting for, Yumi? Stand up and strip.”


“That’s what?”


Sure, we had seen each other naked several times and all that, but stripping in front of her was still embarrassing.

“It’s embarrassing.”

“That’s exactly why you should do it.”


“Yumi. Who do you belong to?”

“... Sis.”

“Whose order should you carry out?”

“Sis’ order…”

She flashed me a grin that seemed so innocent that I thought for a second there had been a mistake.

“Then strip.”

“... Understood.”

Alas, I hadn’t. But, well, it was her order, so I couldn’t help it, right?

I stood up and positioned myself in front of Karen. Her eyes were glued onto me, full of expectations.

“Then… I’ll start.”

After a deep breath, grabbed my trousers and slowly slid them down. Karen’s eyes were firmly fixed onto my legs as I did, following every move. When the trousers hit the floor, I shoved them away with my feet.


Clad in only a shirt and my underwear, I threw a glance towards Karen, looking at her reaction. But she was simply smiling and keeping silent as if telling me to keep going.

Uhh… There really is no choice, is there… Sis, you meanie…

My cheeks flushed a little when I took hold of my shirt’s hem. I wore panties but, obviously, there was no underwear covering my chest. Not that I knew whether something like that even existed…

When I lift this, Sis is going to see…

I would have thought that exposing myself to Karen wouldn’t be embarrassing anymore. Oh, how wrong I had been. Being naked casually was fine but… I was stripping right in front of her. And not because I was changing clothes, but for the sole purpose of showing her.

“Keep going, Yumi. But slowly, you hear?”


With a nod, I lifted the hem of my shirt a little, raising it ever so slightly. At first, only a tiny bit. Slowly, I revealed more of my stomach. When my navel was finally in view, Karen stopped me.

“Stay like that, Yumi.”


“Come closer.”


Karen beckoned me to approach her. When I stood right in front of her, she touched my tummy with her hand.




Her fingers gently traced along my sides, sending shivers down my spine.

“Yumi. You’ve got a cute tummy.”

“Si— Sis… Ngah?!“

She poked my belly button and dug into it with her finger.

“Nnn?! Sis! Sto— Mnah!”

“Hehe, how does this feel, Yumi?”

“It’s! Mmn! Wei— Weird! Nngh!”

An indescribable feeling ran through me, coming from my belly. In part ticklish and in part a little uncomfortable. Yet, for some reason, heat spread through my body.

“Nah! Haa! Sis! Ahh!”

“Yumi, how about this?”

“Huh? Mnaaaahh!”

A wet sensation came from my belly button as Karen licked it.

“Tastes like Yumi. Mm.”

“Stop— Sis! Please! Sto, Stop!”




My arms and legs squirmed from the unknown feeling and I finally lost hold of my shirt’s hem.

“Yumi, Yumi… You can’t let go. But well, I’ll forgive you.”


“So, how about you continue?”



She, she wanted me to continue just like that?

“Go on, Yumi.”

“... I understand.”

Still feeling a little wobbly on my feet, I took a step back so that Karen could properly watch me. Once more, I grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it slowly. After a few seconds, my belly button returned into view, just that it was drenched in Karen’s saliva now. I could feel a slight chill running through me as it came into contact with the air.

She’s watching… Sis is watching me…

With a smile, Karen stared at my belly button as it revealed itself to her again. This time, however, she didn’t stop me. Only a little more and…

“What’s the matter? Don’t stop.”


“Keep going, Yumi.”

I took a deep breath and raised the hem further up to my collarbone, putting my chest on full display. Then, I slowly slipped through it, completely revealing my upper body.


“Don’t hide it. Show me.”

“Ye— Yes…”

With my cheeks flushed red, I moved my arms to my back, so that I wouldn’t reflexively cover myself. Karen’s gaze bore into me and my body slowly heated up. Not only from embarrassment anymore.

“There’s more, isn’t there? To strip.”


More… There was only one thing left, my panties.

“I… I understand.”

Readying myself, I moved my hands towards my panties.

Uhh… This is… This is bad… But I can’t stop now…

Not only because Karen had told me to do it. But somewhere deep inside, I wanted to. My hands slid into the panties and slowly dragged them down. With every little bit, it revealed what laid beneath them. Finally, my panties slid to the ground, where I shoved them away, just like the trousers before.

“Oh? Yumi, are you aroused?”


“Are you?”

“... Yes.”

There was no denying it anymore. Heat spread through my body the moment Karen laid eyes on me and my lower body felt a bit moist as well.

“You’re cute, Yumi?”


“You’re really cute, you know that?”


I averted my gaze, feeling even more embarrassed than before. She was looking at me while I was completely naked… and then she called me cute? How couldn’t I feel embarrassed?

“You’re surprisingly bad with this, aren’t you? Ehehe, I’ll remember that.”

“... You don’t have to.”

“I will. It’s about my beloved Yumi, after all.”


Her beloved Yumi, she said. Her beloved! I couldn’t help but grin in response, forgetting for a moment that I was still exposing myself right in front of her.

“And I have an order for my beloved little Yumi.”

“Eh? An order?”

“Right. An order.”

Karen’s smile grew wider and I had a bad feeling.

“Yumi. Touch yourself.”

“... Eh?”

“Touch yourself.”


My mind blanked out for a moment, unable to process the meaning.

“... You… You want me… to… masturbate?”

“That’s right.”

I glanced down my body. My small chest, my slim waist, and my crotch, albeit hidden from my sight.

“Yumi… Did you never touch yourself?”

Karen’s eyes widened a little from surprise, seeing my reluctance.

“That’s… Uhh… Not since… Well…”

“Ahhh… Since then.”

“... Nn.”

When I had still been a man, of course, I had… Well… But since I had become a girl… I never had the time nor leisure to do that. It wasn’t like it never crossed my mind but… I was a little scared about it… Men could easily see what they were doing down there but it wasn’t so simple anymore now…

“I see… So this will be the first time you touch yourself? I’m looking forward to it.”


She absolutely had no intention of letting me go… I threw another glance back down my own body.

But… How do I even…

Even if I ignored for a moment my nervousness and the distress caused by the thought of doing it right in front of Karen… Even if I ignored those, I didn’t have a lick of a clue of how to do this.

“Mm… Yumi. Why not start with your chest?”

“... My chest?”



I stared at my breasts. After a short deliberation, I raised my hands and touched them. They were a little firm but still soft. Since they were far from big, it was easy to cover them with my palms. The nipples touching my palms were hard and stiff, poking my hands.


Touching my nipples sent a small jolt through me.

“How about you massage them?”


Following Karen’s instructions, I gave them a soft squeeze. After confirming that it didn’t hurt, I started to massage them a little, rubbing them in a circular manner and squeezing them a little.

“Nmmn… Nhaa…”

After some time, my breast massage had begun to feel… quite pleasant… And all the while, Karen kept watching, observing every little movement I made.

“Does it feel good, Yumi?”

“... It… It does… Sis…”

“Is that so. Hehehe.”

Karen giggled, seemingly pleased.

This… This isn’t enough…

No matter how nice it felt to massage and fondle my breasts, it simply wasn’t enough.

“Sis… How… How do I…”

“... How do you?”

“That… Uhh…”

“You have to tell me, Yumi, or I won’t know.”

“... I… I want to feel… more… More...”

Another chuckle escaped Karen.

“How about you try playing with your nipples?

“The… nipples…”

Right, I kept massaging my breasts but the part that felt best was my nipples, whenever they rubbed against my palms. Thinking like that, I released my right hand and pinched my nipple between my fingers.


Another jolt ran up my back, making me stiffen up from the unexpected sensation.

“Haa… Nhaa… Haa…”

This felt good… Rubbing and pinching my nipple felt good.

But it’s still not enough.

I glanced to Karen, who was still watching with glee.

“Si— Sis… Nhaa… What… What next…”

“Mm… I wonder about that… What could be next?”

She swayed left and right on the bed as she teased me.

“Well, I guess you’ll have to touch down there, don’t you?”


My hands stopped and my gaze wandered downwards.


“Yes, down there.”

With my breathing rugged, I released my left hand and slowly reached down… but then stopped midair. I still felt nervous and a little scared of touching that place. It was a delicate part, after all. After several seconds of hesitation, I finally reached down to my crotch.


“Right, right. That’s the place, Yumi.”

My hands touched something wet and soft and the next moment, a wave of pleasure caught me off-guard. Yet, I didn’t retract my hand. I wanted more.


My fingers stroked the soft wet flesh. Straining my ears, I could hear the wet sounds I made whenever my hand moved.

This… This feels good…

My body shivered when I stroked myself down there. But I wanted to feel even better… and… and I wanted Karen to see more, as well. That’s why, my fingers spread out, searching for the most pleasurable parts.

“Ngh! Nmah!”

And I quickly found one such spot, a small bump situated just a little higher. Whenever my fingers slid over it, I could feel my body tense up from the pleasure streaming into me.

“Naahh… Ahhh! Haaa! Ha… Ahh?! Ah…”

“Hehe, keep going, Yumi. Keep going.”

My movements quickened as the pleasure built up. Then, suddenly, my fingers slid inside, only adding to the pleasure.

“Haa! Si— Sis! Ahh! Nmgh! Ahhh!”

Karen’s eyes—shimmering in the dark now —were still firmly locked onto me, watching as I drowned myself in this warm pleasure.

Sis is watching me… She’s watching me!

I wanted her to keep watching… That’s what I thought at that moment. The pleasure kept growing and my movements quickened more and more.

“Sis! Sis! Ahhh! Haa! Sis!”

“Are you coming, Yumi?”

“Sis! Naaahh! Haa… Ahh!”

“Go ahead and do it, Yumi. Do it.”

“Sis! Ngh! Nmgh! Ah… Ahhhh!!!”

Electricity ran through my body, my limbs cramped up and I lost my balance.

“Woah, there!”

Instead of the hard ground, however, I feel into someone’s arms.

“Haa… Haaa… Sis… Sis?”

“Yes, I’m right here…”


With my body having lost all control, I laid in her arms, all limp and catching my breath…

“Sis… I love you… Sis…”

I nudged my head towards her, rubbing my face against her arm that held me.

“Sis… Did I do well?”

“You did. You’re a good girl.”


A warm hand stroked my head. This was pure bliss.

“You really did well,” she whispered into my ear.

Karen lifted me up and laid me down onto the bed. She waited for a moment for me to calm down.

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“Caught your breath?”

“Nn… I think so…”

“You gave me quite the show.”

“... Meanie.”

My face felt incredibly hot once I realised just what had happened right now… In the heat of the moment, I just wanted her to watch me… But now, after I had calmed down a little, it was just… super embarrassing.

“And I’ll be even meaner, Yumi.”


I turned my head towards Karen, who was standing next to the bed. With a wide grin, she began to undress.

“Si— Sis?”

“You had all the fun but I’m not yet satisfied.”

“But I…”

“Wasn’t it you who wanted me to feel good as well?”


That was true… I felt bad when I was the only one feeling good… I couldn’t argue against that, even if I was a little tired right now.

“It’s fine, you won’t have to do much, Yumi.”


Karen had undressed herself, her bare body right in front of me. The next moment, she climbed onto the bed and straddled me. Her tail moved between my thighs, tickling me a little.


She took my hands and guided one to her breasts and the other to her crotch. But instead of letting go, she pressed my hands into her breasts and her crotch, guiding them where she wanted to them.

“Mm… Yumi! Do you know what you are touching right now?”

“Uhm… That… Your...”

Again, she grinned at my reluctance and embarrassment.

“Tell me, Yumi. What are you touching?”

“... Your… Your breasts…”

“And what… Nmm! And what else?”


Her hips moved to and fro, with my right hand fondling her breasts and my left rubbing into her lower body.

“Go on and say it, Yumi.”

“Your… I’m touching your vagina…”

“Ehehe, that’s right… But isn’t there something else you could say?”


She… Did Karen want me to say…

“Say it, Yumi…”

“Your… Your pussy…”

“That’s correct!”

Pleased, Karen leaned forward and laid down on top of me.

“A good girl needs a reward, doesn’t she?”


A little curious what she meant with reward, I was lost in thought for a few seconds. Not for long, as suddenly something touched my down there.

“Nah?! Sis? Not! Not there!”


“That’s… My…”

“Tell me, no need to be shy.”

“My… My pussy… Nah?!”

It took me a moment to realise just what was touching me there. After all, my right hand was still on her breast and she still rubbing her pussy against my left hand. It would have been more likely for my own hand to touch me there in this position. But Karen had a small advantage in this case.

“Mnn! Sis?! Sis, it’s… it’s going in! Your tail! Your tail is!”

My legs tried to close and bar the path towards my pussy. Alas, there wasn’t really much point to it, seeing that her tail could easily slip through. And in the first place, the tip was already half-buried anyway.

“Ehehe, how is it, Yumi? Does it feel good?”

“That… Sis! Ahhh!”

“Does it?”

“It… Haa! It… it does...”

I couldn’t go against her. In the end, I could only obediently answer as the jolts of pleasure assaulted me one after another.

“Hehe… Haa… Yumi… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… But I can’t… Ahhnn… hold back!”

“Eh? Ah! Ahhh!”

With those words, her tail suddenly pushed further inside me, the tip completely entering. I could feel it burrow inside and going deeper, as deep as it could possibly go.

“No… No way… Sis… It’s…”

“How is it… Haa... Yumi… Tell me… Ngh!”

Karen’s breaths grew more rugged as she pleasured herself with my hand and her tail moved and squirmed around inside me. I couldn’t help but squirm, yet Karen had me firmly in her grasp, locking me in place with no way to escape.

“Ahhh… Sis… Sis! This…”

“Haa… Yumi… Haa… Ha… Tell me... How it… feels…”

“Go— Good! Ahh! It feels! Haa! Good!”

“Ehehe! Yumi!”

She licked my collarbone, working her way up my neck. But I barely had the capacity left to register what she was doing to me. My mind was completely taken by the pleasure that was overwhelming me.

“Sis! Sis! Ahh! Sis!”

“Yumi, let’s do it… Haa… Come! Ngh! Ahh! Haa!”

“Sis! Ahh… Haaa… Nn! Naaahhh!!!”

“Yumi! Yumi! Mngh! Ahhh!!!”

My body lost its strength and slumped into the bed, with Karen lying limp on top of me, both of us gasping for breath.

“Haaa… Haaa… Yumiii…”

Karen somehow still had the strength to embrace me. Her body was burning up and sweating.


She rubbed her cheek against mine like a little animal. There was no trace left of the lewd atmosphere from earlier… Except for the fact that her tail was still… Well… But it wasn’t moving much anymore.

“Yumi… Ehehe...”


“Yumi… Did you enjoy it?” she whispered her question into my ear.

“Mmmm… I… I did...”

“That so!”

She giggled happily at my answer, squeezing me just a little stronger.

“Sis… You know, you were quite mean…”

“But you liked it, didn’t you?”

“... Nn.”

“Then isn’t it fine? And in the first place, this was your punishment for making me worry earlier.”


If she put it like that, I couldn’t really argue against it… Not that I intended to.

“Still… Sis, you’ll have to take responsibility for this?”

“Huh? Responsibility?”

“... If I’m taking a liking to this.”

“... Pfff. Ahaha!”

For some reason, Karen broke out into laughter.

“Don’t worry, Yumi. I was serious about it.”


“That you are mine and mine only. I won’t let you go anymore. Maybe I should really put that collar on you so you don’t do any stupid stuff anymore.”


“I’m serious, you know? So, if you don’t want that, don’t make me worry again.”

I couldn’t help but smile out of happiness.

“Don’t worry, Sis. I belong to you. If you want to put a collar on me, then you can do that.”

“... Don’t tempt me.”

“Hehe, I just might.”

“Haa… Seriously… Did you even get what I’m trying to say?”

“... I do. I won’t worry you anymore. Well, I’ll try not to.”

“... I can’t help but feel even more worried when I hear that.”

She let out a sigh and then tightened her embrace.

“Let’s shelve those things for tomorrow. For now, we still have to continue your punishment first.”

“... Eh? We’re not done?”

“Of course not. I won’t let you sleep this early.”

With a grin, Karen pushed her body up with her arms, looking down on me.

“I’ll have to make sure you thoroughly remember who you belong to, down to your core.”

“... Please have mercy.”

“I won’t.”

Her lips approached me and she planted a kiss on my lips.

“Ehehe, prepare yourself, Yumi.”


When we woke up, the sun was already high up in the air and the mercenaries were running to and fro, doing their work. In other words, it was well into noon. We had enjoyed ourselves deep into the night and while I wasn’t quite sure when we actually drifted off to sleep, it had been really late, without a doubt.

But it had been a pretty wonderful night… And a pretty intense one.

“I think we need to air the wagon, Yumi.”

“Nn… We definitely do. And we should probably take a bath as well.”

“You’re right… We smell… Haa...”

We were still lying in bed with Karen hugging me like a body pillow.

“Nn… I’m glad we are on break today…”

“That doesn’t mean we can laze around all day.”

“Huh? What else would it mean then?”

“Yumi… Haaa… If I’m not careful, you’ll immediately turn into a lazy bum, won’t you?”

How rude. I just wanted to enjoy my break time with my lover.

“You’ll just have to take good care of me then, Sis.”

“So you don’t want a reward for being a good girl?”

“... That’s unfair.”

“Not really. Ehehe.”

Well, if I was going to be rewarded by Karen, then I’d do my best.

“But I can understand not wanting to get up…”

“Right? Let’s just stay in bed for today.”

“... You do remember that you promised the girls that we’d sleep together today, right?”


“And I think it would be appropriate for us to take a bath before that.”


That might be a good idea… It probably wasn’t good for their education if they ran into us while we still reeked of sex.

“Haa… I get it, Sis… I’ll get up…”

“Good girl.”

“But first… Sis…”


I looked up into Karen’s eyes.

“... Your tail is still inside.”

“It is.”

“I can’t get up like this.”


At some point, I had gotten quite used to the weird sensation of having something inside me… But I sure didn’t expect to wake up like this. It was a little… troubling. Mostly because I was feeling aroused because of it.

“... Yumi.”


“Want to continue where we left off?”

“Sis… Nyah?!”

Right at that moment, her tail—still lodged firmly inside me—squirmed around, surprising me.

“So, how about it?”

“... Can’t be helped.”

With a smile, I nuzzled my face in her breasts, enjoying the soft flesh.

“Good thing today is a break.”



After another two or three rounds, I was lying on the bed with my arms spread out. We hadn’t stopped until both of us were completely satisfied… which did take quite a while. But now, I really felt happy and fulfilled...

“Yumi, I’d like to check something, is that okay?”

“Nn? What do you want to check?”

“... Remember what I told you before? That you had a hymen.”

“Ohh… Right, there was something like that.”

That discussion had been quite a while ago so it had slipped my mind… But why did she mention it now? Unless…

“Well, with what I did with my tail…”

“Ahh… It might be gone now?”


She had done quite a number on me with her tail so I’d be surprised if it was still there… With that said, nothing had hurt or anything and if she hadn’t mentioned it, I would have completely forgotten about it…

“If you want to check, go ahead, I guess?“

“Then, excuse me…”

Karen stood up from the bed and moved to the other end, leaning over my lower body.

“Then, I’ll look now.”


Her hands extended to my crotch, touching me. She carefully spread the lips of my vagina and peered inside… which was actually quite embarrassing, once I properly spent a thought on it.

“Nngh… It’s a little cold...”

“Mm… I can’t see it anymore.”

“That so… Well, seeing how wild you were with your tail, I’d be surprised if you could…”

“But you didn’t notice it, did you?”

“Not at all.”

There had been no pain. At least, not to the degree that I would have actually taken notice of it in the heat of the moment.

“Sis went so wild on me that she took my chastity. Now I can’t be a bride anymore. Ahhh, woe is me.”

“You’ll be my bride so there’s no problem there.”


That… That might have been true but how could she always be so blunt at times like these? Seriously…

“In that case, there’s no problem I guess.”


Karen left my lower body alone and stood up, stretching her limbs.

“Haaa… I wish we could have times like this more often.”

“Nn… But I bet in a few days things will be back to normal. We might not be able to laze around like today but we’ll still have the evenings for ourselves.”

“I guess that’s true.”

With the Mother Roper dealt with and the Worshippers gone for now, things should calm down. I did wonder a little if our training and our schedules would change, now that Korwen had a proper plan for us. But that’d be something we’d have to discuss with him.



“I just remembered because we talked about your hymen but… You’ve been a girl for well over a month now, right? Because, there was also the thing about periods.”

“Now that you mention it…”

Nothing resembling a period had come to me so far… Considering it had been well over a month already, it was probably safe to assume that I didn’t have them?

“Guess you are like the long-living races.”

“Seems like it.”

Karen and Rina were demonkin so they didn’t have them either… I didn’t know about Lily, though, who was a beastkin. At the very least, she never mentioned it or showed any signs of it.

“Nn… I’ll have to count myself lucky then, don’t I?”

“Mm… I’ve only heard about it a little but are they that troublesome?”

“I don’t know much either but I was told they can get pretty bad. Like, really bad.”

And if they were that bad, I could happily do without them. Sorry to the people that had to deal with it.

“I see… Good we don’t have them, then.”


Karen collected our clothes that were thrown to various corners of the room and put them on the desk before turning to me.

“So, what should we do now?”

“Take a bath.”

“... We really need one, don’t we?”

“We did go at it, err, rather intense… And honestly, if we don’t ventilate this place, I feel like I’m going to get aroused in no time again…”

The smell was stimulating, to say the least.

“Hehe, that’d be a problem. Then, first we’ll take a bath, then breakfast?”

“More like lunch.”

“Whichever. What do we do after that?”


After that, huh…

“If there’s nothing, I wanted to ask Ria about something,” Karen suggested.

“Ria? About what?”

“... If she has any idea how we could prevent incidents like the one from yesterday.”

“... That’s a good idea.”

I didn’t want a repeat of that either. I was fine now after I got some mana back but that had been the first time in a while I really felt ill. And I sure as hell didn’t want to imagine what could have happened if Karen hadn’t slapped the crystal away.

“Nn… Then, after lunch let’s go talk with Ria. Oh, and we should talk with Korwen about the mana crystals… and about our result from yesterday… We still got some results out of it.”

The simple fact that it was possible for the tentacles to create connections between two points with Space magic. It used a humongous amount of mana but it was doable. Given enough mana, it was likely possible to make long-distance travel a reality.

But it does use an enormous amount of mana… What we did yesterday was barely large enough for my hand to go through. To make one the size of a person, or even the size allowing a wagon to pass through… That’d need an incredible amount of mana.

However, it was possible. Maybe not exactly feasible, however… Although, we’d still likely need to test more first. And all of that wouldn’t matter if we couldn’t find a way to feed it mana enough mana. I’d rather not get drained again because of a lack of it.

“Then, the bath first, then lunch. After that we talk with Ria and then with Korwen.”

“Nn, sounds good to me.”

“Great. Up with you then, so we can go and bath.”

“... Sure.”

Unfortunately, leisure time had come to an end. But it had been a great time.

I still feel like there’s something inside me…

Something had entered that place for the first time after all… It had been an… interesting experience. And, of course, it had felt great.

But it really drives home the point that I’m a girl… No, I understood it before already but… I don’t think I can ever forget this feeling.

With a wry smile, I forced myself out of the bed, joining Karen in getting dressed.

“We should do our laundry too, I think…”

“... Probably.”

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