Taboo Journal

Chapter 144: of Bottled Love: Celebration Greetings

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“That’s where… It’s huge.”

“Really huge.”

My eyes went wide as I leaned out of the carriage’s window, looking straight at our destination. Karen gently tugged my arm, trying to get me back into my seat while muttering “That’s bad manners, Yumi,” to me.

“Of course, it is huge. This is where the king himself lives. Did you think he would live in a small house, or what?” replied Korwen, sitting opposite us with a smile on his lips.

“No, but… It’s a lot larger than I expected…”

The mansion of Miss Karker was already quite big. And considering how important of a family they were, I had expected the place we would visit would be of similar proportions. Maybe a little bigger, at most. Oh, how wrong had I been.

“I wonder how much it took to build something like that… in such a place...”

A large, castle-like building, sitting in the river. Yes, in the middle of the river. The river parted to the sides, giving space for the castle, before joining again on the other side. There was little to no visible land left around the castle, only the foundation’s stone slopes disappearing into the water.

“It’s a very old castle, from what I know. Built either right after or during the Garm Empire’s collapse. So, there are few records left of its construction. Or, at least, they’re not public.”

“Captain, I recall you saying once that that empire existed thousands of years ago.”

“That’s correct. I just said it’s very old, right?”

But… thousands of years ago? And it was still standing? In the middle of the river? Was it because of magic? It had to be…

“Well, the history of this place is pretty vast and interesting but we’ll have to postpone that talk for another time. You could easily fill out an evening just talking about this castle.”

“I can only imagine…”

If it was that old… it sure had its fair share of history.

“Anyway, you should go back into your seat. You don’t want to come off as a country bumpkin, do you?”

“I mean, I basically am…”

Still, I returned to my seat, albeit only reluctantly. The view was really nice with the castle in the river, after all.

“Even if you are, that doesn’t mean you should write it in big bold letters on your chest and tell everyone, right?”


Well, I could still look out of the window from my seat. Or so I thought, but the carriage was already slowing down as it approached the gate. So much to that.

Outside, we could hear someone talking, then the screeching sounds of the gate opening before the carriage passed through.

“Finally arrived, haven’t we?”

Once the carriage came to a stop, Korwen stood up from his seat—as much as the low ceiling allowed him to—and left for the outside. Then, he turned around towards us.

“Now, my ladies, if you would allow me to… Ah.”

He stretched out his hand to help us out… conveniently ignored by Karen who had already followed him outside.

“Yumi. If I might.”

Only for Karen to copy him, her hand stretched out to me. Seeing her smile and Korwen’s shoulder-shrugging, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“With pleasure.”

Grasping her hand, I also left the carriage.

“Seriously, you girls… Oh well, I guess I can let it pass.”

How magnanimous of him.

“Mh. Seems the others arrived as well.”

Still holding Karen’s hand, I threw a glance behind our carriage, where a second was just coming to a stop. When the doors opened, Merim and Greyward appeared. Greyward then, just like Korwen, offered his hand to Fenna inside. Just, he wasn’t ignored and she actually took it.

“Everyone’s here.”

“The Elder isn’t”

“She’ll arrive with the High Priest and I don’t know when that’ll be. We can’t wait here for who knows how long. We got places to be.”

True that.


“Mh, Merim. Had a good ride?”

“As good as you could expect from an official pick-up. I wish we had them as well.”

“If you feed those, be my guest.”

“... I’ll pass.”

The ride had been comfortable, that was true… And these carriages that had picked us up, they were pulled by horse-like… creatures… I had seen them before when we first came here. The army had used these monsters as mounts. But I actually knew nothing about them… They did look ferocious and judging from Korwen’s words…

“Anyway… Ah, there they come.”


Korwen seemed to want to say something but stopped once he saw a small group of beastkin trotting over to us. Likely the servants of this castle, as they all wore a uniform. They stopped a short distance from us before speaking in our general direction.

“Esteemed guests. We hope you had a pleasant ride. The celebration will begin shortly. If you could follow us.”

“Lead the way.”

“Thank you.”

The servants bowed very slightly then gestured us to follow them into the building. The entrance hall was quite large, easily big enough to fit two or three wagons side by side. But it wasn’t as large as I would have expected, to be honest. Nonetheless, it was just as fancy as you could expect. Colourful walls and large windows with ornate frames flooding the hall with light. Flags and banners hanging from the ceiling, depicting various crests and emblems. One large banner was straight ahead of us, exceptionally larger than any of the others, the crest depicting various animals forming a circle.

“Captain, those are…”

“The royal family’s crest. And the country’s flag is over there and there. The others are also crests of important families. That one is the Karker’s, for example.”


“Although, a few of the banners have disappeared compared to last time I was here. Guess they were the ones involved.”

Even so, there were well over two dozen banners with different crests.

“Don’t stare around so much. It’s time. Look to the front.”


It took me a moment to realise what he meant. Below the banner in front of us was a large door. And it was opening, revealing a large banquet hall behind.

“The Dragon Knights of Lomeria have arrived!” one of the servants shouted into the hall.

Showing no hesitation, Korwen stepped forward, entering the hall.


“... Nn.”

Karen gently tugged on my hand and we followed Korwen and the others. The moment we stepped over the threshold, dozens of eyes landed on us. Curious gazes, amused gazes, unfriendly gazes. The reactions varied.

“I thought this was going to be a small celebration…”

As I muttered, I cautiously scanned the room. There were so many people around us. Not just ten or twenty but way more.

“Sir Korwen.”

A middle-aged man approached us and called out to Korwen. With his back as straight as a match stick, he gave off an aura of confidence and authority, even when facing Korwen.

“Lord Karker. It has been a while.”

“I believe the last time was three years ago. How is your father doing?”

“He is as healthy as can be.”

“That is pleasant news, although to be expected of one of such stature.”

Lord Karker? That Lord Karker? Then, this man was…

“Alas, let us not stand in the middle of the room, Sir Korwen. We are drawing attention. Would you like to join us for the evening?”

“It would be a pleasure.”

“Very well.”

The man, Lord Karker, turned around, leading us to a high table on the side.

“Ah, Sis, look. It’s El and Nel. And Miss Karker.”

Standing at said high table, were two girls we were quite familiar with, together with their gently smiling grandmother. As expected of such an occasion, they all were dressed up to the nines as well. Although, Nela seemed more than a little uncomfortable. Next to them was another woman, who bore an uncanny resemblance to El, the same black hair and fluffy ear. Her smile reminded me a great deal of Miss Karker. It was the same gentle smile.

“Sir Korwen, if I may introduce you to my wife.”

Lord Karker gestured to the woman. So, as expected, she was his wife? That meant, she was El’s mother. No wonder they looked so similar to each other.

“It is a pleasure to meet, my Lady.”

“It is my pleasure as well, Mr Korwen. My daughter has been in your care, I heard. On behalf of the Karker family, I give you my thanks.”

“I am honoured.”

Korwen slightly bowed his head in response.

“My, so well-mannered. If only my husband could be a little like that.”

“Honey, please…”


El’s mother chuckled as the two men’s expressions became a little uncomfortable. Lucky for them, her attention was drawn elsewhere quite quickly. Namely, towards us.

“And are these the lovely ladies I heard so much about? My, they are adorable, aren’t they?”

”Eh, uhm…”

“Thank you for taking care of my daughter and her friend. Your names are...”

“Ah, I’m Yumi.”


“Yumi and Karen, is it? I will remember them. I hope you will enjoy the evening.”

She chuckled again, seemingly pleased, before going on to greet the other members of our group. We watched her as she left before we were called out by someone else.

“Yumi. Karen. Good to see you again!”

With a big smile, El came over, dragging Nel behind her. Both of them were dressed in green dresses. Just looking at them and you could see that these weren’t run-of-the-mill clothes, but really expensive. And they suited them well.

“El, Nel. It’s been some time.”

“Nn. Were you fine?”

“We were! We’re staying at grandma’s for now, though. Just in case, she says.”

Well, that’s a relief to hear.

“I’m glad to hear that.”


El puffed out her chest a little, proud of… something. Not that I had any idea what, though. A moment later, she peeked past us, looking a little confused.

”Are Lily and Rina not here?”

“... No. They stayed behind.”

“Ehhh… But why?”

“Well… There were some circumstances.”


Circumstances mostly being that Greyward didn’t want her to come here. But saying so would just antagonise them.

“I was looking forward to talking with them, though…”

“I’m sure you’ll get another chance.”

“I hope so!”

Then again, we were leaving in a few days… Ah, but if they were staying at Miss Karker’s, then it’d be possible to visit them, right? Well, maybe.

“You can visit them for as long as they stay here, dear. Just make sure you take someone along, okay?”

“Really? Grandma, is that, okay?”

“Of course it is.”

Miss Karker patted El’s head from behind, reassuring her.

“Ah, but where are my manners. Yumi, Karen, I wish you a good evening. Hohoho, those dresses certainly suit you well. They’re very cute.”

“Tha— thank you, Miss Karker.”

“Thank you.”

I could feel my cheeks warming up a little at the praise. It was just flattery but it still made me feel a little embarrassed.

“Right?! They look really cute!”

“El… You and Nel also look pretty.”

“Ehehe! Don’t we?”

“... You do.”

Again, she puffed out her chest proudly. Behind her, Nel flushed red and averted her gaze. Good to know I wasn’t the only one feeling embarrassed.

“Hohoho, we’re certainly blessed with plenty of cute ladies this evening.”

Miss Karker laughed as she watched the four of us.

“Be careful that those carnivorous men don’t bother you, you hear?”

“Nn, we’ll try to be careful.”

“That’s well. I doubt you would be seduced by some honeyed words, but do be careful. They can hold quite a grudge.”


I’d rather not have some people holding a grudge because we turned them down, though… Hopefully, those people wouldn’t come.

“Ah, look, the next group has arrived.”


Like Miss Karker mentioned, the large door opened again, letting the next guests in. A pair.

“Oh my… That is a surprising combination,” muttered Miss Karker.

“The High Priest and the Elder of the elves have arrived!”

In came a tall man wearing a familiar animal mask. Next to him, a petite woman accompanied him.

“Ohhh… They’ve really come together.”


“They’re linking arms.”

“They sure are.”

They definitely weren’t holding back. The High Priest was escorting the Elder as if it was the most natural thing in the world and sure enough… The two looked perfectly comfortable and natural next to each other.

“My... Little wonder our esteemed High Priest never showed interest in romance. He already had his heart set on someone, didn’t he? Hohoho, I can only imagine all the broken hearts today.”

“Grandma, that’s a pretty bad hobby…”

“Let me have that little fun, dear.”

The Elder and the High Priest were immediately caught by some women and trapped in a conversation. That seemed like it would take a while…

“Mh, but are they really like that? Yumi. Karen. You two know the elven Elder, right?”

“Nn, we do but… Well, I’m not sure either…”

“It did seem a little complicated…”


Unfortunately, we couldn’t give El the definite answer she was looking for. There clearly was something between them but whether it was of romantic nature or not, I didn’t know.

Well, it’s hard to imagine it being something else, though… Oh well…

That reminded me that Will hadn’t made an appearance yet.

“Hey, El.”

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“Where is Wi— I mean, the king?”

“He’ll come last. And I think there are still some that haven’t arrived… Like Sir Ruben.”


So, Ruben was coming as well? Well, probably not much of a surprise, considering he was also involved.

“That means we got plenty of time to talk!”

“... Nn, that’s good as well.”

“What, you don’t want to talk with us?”

“No, of course, I’m happy about it.”

El inflated her cheek to a pout. I had to hold back the urge to poke them…

“El, stop that.”


Nel did it instead.


“Hey, don’t laugh!”


That was just too cute.

I had to desperately hold my laughter, making El only more annoyed. Albeit it was clear that she wasn’t really angry, as she started grinning after a while as well. Making merry like that, we passed the time in quite an enjoyable manner.


After we had enjoyed our small talk with El and Nel for quite a while, Karen and I had to join Korwen in giving our greetings to the various nobles. I really wished we didn’t have to but…

“We can’t have our future face be a wallflower.”

And with those words, my fate had been sealed. Much to my chagrin, as it quickly became apparent how… annoying some of these people were.

“Ah, what a beautiful flower gracing us with her presence. My lady, may I present you with my noble name of…”

Rest omitted.

“What, little girls playing at mercenary? You’re at the wrong place, kid. How low the Dragon Knights have sunk. Listen well, kid, for I am…”

Rest omitted.

“Be honoured to be in my presence! I am…”


“Such a waste for a beauty like you to play with the mercenaries. Hey, how about it, why don’t you work for me? I will take…”

His fate omitted.

Long story short, some were simply a pain in the buttocks and grinding down my nerves. As such, I was really glad when most of them had finally finished their obligatory greetings or their business with Korwen.

“Good work, Yumi. Need something to drink?”

“Nn… I do…”



Wearing a wry smile, Korwen handed me a glass of water which I gulped down immediately.

“Ahhh… Captain, is it always going to be like this?”

“At occasions like this? It’s often like this.”


“Not like you imagined it?”


I definitely didn’t imagine that I’d have to stand next to Korwen with a fake smile plastered on my lips and having to greet dozens of strangers. Sure, quite a few were amiable and simply wanted to greet us or congratulate Korwen for the recent success. But the few that came either reluctantly or simply tried to hit on me soured the whole thing.

“You could have warned me beforehand, Captain.”

“If I had, you probably would have tried to find an excuse to stay behind, wouldn’t you?”

“... I might have.”

Now that I was here, I couldn’t exactly escape the responsibility. But I couldn’t guarantee that I wouldn’t have tried if he had told me beforehand. Slightly vexing.

“At least, now you can relax. You got the worst part behind you. And you did quite well, I have to say. Didn’t think you’d know anything about etiquette.”

“Wanda taught us a little.”

“Wanda did? Now I have to thank her again, don’t I…”

She’d appreciate it if you thanked her, at least.

“So, no more greetings?”

“No more greetings. Ah, but some people might try to talk with you. Or hit on you.”

“... Why would anyone want to hit on me… I got Sis already anyway.”

I lifted my arm where I was wearing my bracelet. Did they not see this? Or did they just, like, ignore it? Even when Karen gave them the stinkeye, they just continued without care.

“Let’s say there are a few with a very high opinion of themselves. Or they think relationships like yours are just a pretend-play.”

“Pretend-play? Seriously?”

Just hearing that annoyed me already.

“That’s unfortunately how it is. You’ll hear similar things when it is about mercenary life, as well. People who never experienced our way of life but believe they know what is best for us. But if you get annoyed at each and every one of them, you’ll only wear yourself out.”

“... That’s easier said than done.”

“Well, that’s true. I don’t really like it either.”

Korwen gave me a few pats on the head, careful for once so that he wouldn’t ruin my hair or the flower.

“Oh, Ruben has arrived.”


I followed his gaze to the other end of the hall where a group of muscled men entered, led by Ruben.

“Well, let’s go.”

“Eh? Where to?”


Without waiting for me, Korwen approached the newly arrived group.

“Ahh, wait. Sis, let’s go.”


We hurried after Korwen, just quick enough that we wouldn’t have to run. Running would probably be bad in this place anyway.


“Korwen. So you’re here, after all.”

“Of course I am. What else did you think?”

“Who knows? No idea what goes on in that head of yours.”

“Is that how you greet me?”

“Sure is.”

Despite the questionable exchange, the two of them exchange and a firm handshake.

“And those girls… No, I should say ladies now, shouldn’t I? Korwen, I really have to suspect you are basing your recruitment criteria on looks. You’re making all the nobles green with envy for sure.”

“Ha! If that’s all it takes, then they deserve it.”

“Can’t disagree.”

Was it really all right to have this kind of topic in the middle of those nobles, though?



“Come with me. Your girls, too.”


Ruben gestured to the men behind him to stay behind and then led us to the side of the hall, where not many others were around.

“You got something to discuss?”

“I sure do.”

“The warehouse?”

“The warehouse.”

The expression of both of them hardened at Ruben’s words.

“Thanks to the documents we found in the warehouse, we uncovered a few more stashes.”

“... Even more of them?”

“Yes. A total of six additional warehouses filled with drugs.”

“... But as far as I know, Lafria doesn’t have such a severe drug problem, does it?”

“Not anymore, that is right. Occasionally, the public order department finds a group or two dealing in drugs but the overall number of incidents is pretty low. Nothing compared to what goes on in some territories of Krohmea or the Empire.”

“... Then, were those drugs intended to change that? Or…”

Korwen fell silent, thinking about his next words.

“They weren’t intended for Lafria.”

“Correct. Gleaning from the confiscated documents, they were intended to be shipped west.”

“West? But that’s…”

“The Wooden Sea.”

What the hell would they want in the Wooden sea with drugs?

“And no, we have yet to understand the purpose. There seems to be someone there buying the drugs at high rates, however.”

“In the Wooden Sea?”

“In the Wooden Sea.”

Ruben confirmed it with a nod, causing Korwen to groan.

“There are several merchants involved with this. While we raided some warehouses, we suspect that even a whole trading guild might be involved in this.”

“A whole trading guild? And they could do their business without anybody noticing?”

“As loath as I am to admit, yes. They likely bribed their way through or threatened the opposite parties into silence. The merchant you dealt with belonged to that trading guild.”

That warehouse did?

“But then, why would he…”

“Guilty conscience, maybe. At the very least, he purposefully let you find the drugs and fled the country. Likely not because of the war but…”

“His fellow merchants.”


So, he sold Korwen the mana crystals for low in the hopes that we would find the drug and then inform Ruben and the army? And before we did, he’d flee the country in fear of retaliation from his fellow merchants?

“And, you’re investigating this entire mess now, I assume?”

“Of course. That is my job, after all.”

“And what is your goal with telling us all of this?”

“What, you weren’t interested in what became of the investigation?”

“Even if I say I was, you wouldn’t be telling me that simply out of favour.”

It was a little odd when I thought about it. We were mercenaries and now aligned with a country. And this concerned rather sensitive information, didn’t it?

“Well, I am not. I have a favour to ask of you.”

“A favour, you say…”

“Yes, a favour. Not a job, just a favour.”

“Mh, then, let’s hear it.”

“Thank you, Korwen.”

Ruben smiled briefly before continuing.

“If you encounter any clue that could help us, please inform us without delay.”

“Hm. I expected you to ask us to investigate on our own.”

“I would love to but you know already that the country’s coffers aren’t lined with an infinite amount of gold. That’s why I’m asking a favour.”

“I see. Does Will know about this favour you are asking?”


Korwen scratched the back of his head, ruining his well-groomed hair a little.

“Well, if we find anything, we’ll let you know. But since you are asking like this… You want us to let you know directly?”

“Yes. If they really bribed officials and other people, it might not be possible to clean this up through an official channel. And our resources are already spread thin thanks to the Empire’s incessant provocations.”

A frown formed on Ruben’s brows, showing his annoyance at the situation.

“We’ll see what we can do.”

“Thank you, Korwen.”

“Don’t thank me before I did anything. Either way, you’ll owe me one.”

“I’ll owe you even if you find nothing?”

“That’s what it means.”

“No mercy, I guess.”

“That’s right.”

The both of them erupted in laughter, grabbing each other by the wrist.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“I’m counting on you.”

Exchanging a final nod, they let go of each other’s wrist. And just as they did, the sound of a bell being rung echoed through the hall.

“Well, damn time, is it.”


“Will’s coming.”

The entire hall quietened down when the bell rang. Korwen narrowed his eyes to the end of the hall, opposite where we had entered. A group of fully armed soldiers formed two rows facing each other in front of the door, forming a small path.

“Announcing: The King, Willrich of Lafria!”

The door opened and a man, clad in lavish blue garments, entered, followed by two women behind him. The soldiers readied their weapons, their swords, in a salute. With confident steps, Will strode forwards, before coming to a stop. Only now did I realise that the other end of the hall was slightly elevated, allowing him to look over everyone present.

“We welcome you, friends and nobles of Lafria! Today is an auspicious day. We are happy to announce that the corrupt nobles festering in our kingdom have been purged! The evil worshippers have been driven away and their beasts slain. What more could We wish of you all? You have shown your strength and your integrity throughout this crisis. Lafria’s unity has been preserved! We could not be happier. This king is euphoric at your accomplishments. And as thanks, We dedicate these celebrations to today’s heroes: Sir Ruben and Sir Korwen. Cheers!”

Will lifted a golden cup high up in the air, and a moment later, many of the nobles copied him. Korwen stealthily handed Karen and me a cup before raising his own.


And so, the toast that signalled the start of the party ended.

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