Taboo Journal

Chapter 146: of Bottled Love: Farewell beneath the Stars

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We ate. A lot. A whole lot. Probably a lot more than we should have. But the food was so good, so delicious. It was hard not to eat as much as you could. Seriously.

But, alas, if you ate too much, you had a price to pay. The stomach could only hold so much. As unfortunate as it was, trying all the food that was offered here would be impossible.

“Haaa… ”

“Yumi? Are you done already?”

“Nn? Well… I think so…”

My stomach was filled to the brim, my hunger gone. My stomach would cry out in protest if I tried to eat more. For a mock stomach, it sure wasn’t doing a good job.


“Want the rest?”

“If you don’t, sure.”


“Thank you.”

At least, Karen would find some more enjoyment out of it.

“Mm. Delicious.”

“That’s good.”

Karen smiled happily as she ate my leftovers.

As long as she enjoys it.

Watching her eating with such a big smile was quite fulfilling as well. Really, it eased my heart.

“Haa. This was good, too.”

Karen put down the cleaned plate, looking quite satisfied.

“I’m glad we came.”

“Nn. There was a lot of interesting food.”

Monster meat, vegetables and fruits from far away, pastries and many other things. Honestly, the variety was so large it’d take hours just to describe half of them. Eh? What else is there other than food? Nothing. There definitely wasn’t anything going on right now. Really.

“Hahaha! Come on, is that all you can do?”

“Ugh… You damn monster… ”


Nothing’s going on.

“Ah. Yumi, look. Another one gave up.”

“... I see.”

Just what are these people doing?

The answer was… drinking. Right, what kind of celebration would this be if it didn’t have some alcohol? So far so good, they got alcohol. A lot of it. And what happened when alcohol was around? Well, people were drinking. A lot.

“Korwen, you damn bastard… Urgh…”

“Hahaha! You’re a few decades too early to drink me under the table!”

The celebration had turned into a chaotic drinking bout between the mercenaries and the Lafrian nobles. Much to my surprise, quite a few of the Lafrian nobles could hold their liquor well enough to compete with Korwen. Merim was, of course, already down for the count.

“I can’t… Burp...!”

Ah, and another one was gone.

All these people whose names I didn’t even know—or rather, couldn’t remember—were desperately trying to down just one more mug.

“These spirits are quite something, Mr Korwen.”

“They sure are. We should thank Will for bringing out the good stuff.”

“Mr King, thank you for treating us to such fine spirits.”

All the while, these particular people were completely unfazed by the others around them dropping to the floor and being carried away by the servants.

“Hahaha! Fairy Lady, these go well with the drinks. Have some!”

“Oh, really? Let me try as well.”

Really, what were these people doing… Where was all that noble and tactful attitude from earlier? Even Will, the king himself, had joined them. Although, he, too, was holding up quite well.

Well, as long as they are having fun.

“Yumi, you’re not joining?”

“Nn? I feel like it won’t end well if I were to… And I’d like to end the day on a good note.”

I’d also like to keep all this nice food inside my stomach, right now. It’d be a tremendous waste to, err, get relieved of it through less conventional means.

“Ah, but I would like to try a sip at least. It seems that the drinks are pretty good, after all.”

Judging from the rate they were downing it, at least. Then again, it was alcohol, so that didn’t necessarily mean that it was good just because people poured it down their mouths like water.

“Not going to join, you two?.”

“Nn? Oh, Fenna. No, we aren’t.”

Just when I was thinking of asking someone if I could have a mug of whatever they were drinking, someone else came over to us.

“Miss Fenna, what about you?”

“Me? I already had some earlier, that’s enough for me. And I’d rather not get drunk under the table like Merim. I’d last longer but against the captain, I’ve got no chance.”

So she said with a strained smile on her lips.

“And I sure didn’t expect the Elder or the High Priest to join in and keep up with the captain…”

“Ahh, that sure is surprising.”

I would have never expected the Elder of all people to enjoy her liquor that much. Then again, she did have quite a taste for the more worldly things… if you could say it like that. Still, seeing those three together with Ruben and Will drinking merrily was quite a sight. Although, Will’s face was already flushed red and he was clearly not quite sober anymore. It was only a matter of time until he was going to join the people who had already passed out.

Ahh, he’s already swaying… That’s no good.

Was it really all right for the king to join a drinking bout and get utterly smashed?

“Anyway, I wanted to tell you to finish up.”

“Finish up?”

I tilted my head in confusion. Finish what up?

“We’re heading home soon.”

“... Eh? Already?”

“Already? Go take a look outside the window.”


Doing as I was told, I turned around to look out the window.

“Oh, it’s dark.”

“It sure is.”

Where the hell did the time go? The moon and the stars were high up in the air,  illuminating the night sky.

“I thought it was still early…” muttered Karen.

“Nn… Me too.”

All the lights in the hall probably messed up our internal clock.

“Well, just get ready to leave soon. I’ll go and inform the others.”

“Thank you, Fenna.”

“Thank you, Miss Fenna.”

“You’re welcome.”

Fenna lifted her hand in acknowledgement and then went off again.

“It’s already over, huh...”

Time went by a lot faster than I thought… And we had been occupied with eating for most of it… 



“I think I’ll join them, after all. If it’s only for a little while…”

Then I probably won’t end up dead drunk, right?

“... Haa, if that’s what you want.”


“Then, let’s go.”


Time to see if this booze they had was as good as their food.


“My head…”

“Stop complaining and get moving.”

“Ugh… I… I think it’s coming… up…”

“Huh? Wait, don’t you dare! Don’t you dare!”

“Don’t… shake me… Ahh… Burp.”

“There, do it over there. There!”

And another casualty was added to the list. At least, it wasn’t me.

“Seriously, Merim. How weak can you be? Aren’t you ashamed to be this weak to alcohol?”

Korwen was shaking his head as he watched Merim discarding his stomach contents into a corner of the courtyard.

“Not everyone has an iron stomach like you, Korwen.”

“Ha. As if you should talk. You kept up just fine, didn’t you?”

“What kind of superior would I be to my men if I couldn’t drink some booze?”

“Damn right.”

Well, Merim was technically our vice-captain and he was… Yeah, if it was Korwen instead, it would probably shatter my entire image of him. 

“And you, Greyward, why did you not join us? I was looking forward to sharing a drink.”

“I had some business to attend to.”

“Hmm… With the old lady Karker?”


“Still not getting along?”

“I wouldn’t say that… It’s a little complicated.”

Greyward sighed, looking quite exhausted.

“That so? Well, I hope we’ll get another chance in the future then.”

“I hope so as well. It would be an honour to share a drink with you.”

“Don’t get all polite on me now. You know I hate that.”

Ruben laughed heartily, only eliciting another sigh from Greyward in response. Well, he’d survive it.

I drew away my attention from those three and directed it towards the people in front of me. The two girls and the older lady, with the former two rushing towards us.

“Yumi! Karen! Are you already going to leave?”

“We are, El. It’s getting late and we need to return to the camp.”

“Is that so...“

Elma’s eyes were downcast, a look of disappointment in her expression.

“How long will you stay in the capital?”

“I don’t know… We might leave in two days already but…”

Karen threw a glance over to Korwen and the others.

“Depends a little, I guess?”

“I see… Then we probably won’t have another chance to meet before you leave.”

Likely hard to, that was right.

“Promise me that we’ll meet again!”

“... I’m sure we will.”

“Nn, we will.”


Once she heard our promise, Elma grinned from ear to ear.

“It’s a promise, you hear! We’ll definitely meet again!”



Since the fort trade had been dealt with, we surely would get another chance to meet these two. While I didn’t exactly know how far the fort was from the capital, it was definitely easier than however long it would have taken if the mercenaries went their regular route. As far as I knew, that one would take a few years, after all.

“Now, now, Elma, calm down a little, will you?”

From behind Elma and Nela, Miss Karker finally reached us as well, putting her hand on Elma’s head.

“Yumi. Karen. Please continue being friends with these girls.”

“Ah. Grandma!”

“Nn, we will.”


Elma’s face went red from embarrassment, causing all of us to chuckle a little. Even if she hadn’t asked, Elma and Nela were kind girls. If anything, I hoped they’d stay friends with us.

“Aren’t you glad, Elma? They’ll stay friends with you.”

“Uhhh… Grandma… Stop that.”


Her entire face coloured crimson, Elma averted her gaze. I couldn’t quite see her expression anymore, but it felt like she was hiding a smile there...

“Ahh, right. I have something for the two of you.”

“Nn? This is?”

Miss Karker suddenly handed us a small bag. It was light.

“They’re cookies. I hope you can enjoy them together.”

“Eh? Is it really okay for us to have these?”

Weren’t cookies quite expensive?

“It is. Don’t worry about it. As long as you can enjoy them, that’ll be enough for me.”

“Then… Thank you very much.”

“Thank you.”

“Polite as always. Old Korwen really is blessed to have you two.”

We did cause him quite some headaches as well, though…

“Ah, and please give Lily my regards.”



“Well, we can...”

“That would be much appreciated. Oh, and greet the little ones as well.”

“Nn, okay.”

I was a little surprised at first but she did talk with them when she visited before. And the girls had taken quite a shine to Miss Karker. They’d surely be happy.

“Well then, I hope we will meet again in the future. I wish you a good journey, Yumi, Karen. Take care of yourselves.”

With a last smile directed at us, Miss Karker gave us her farewell. It was a little sad to think we wouldn’t see her for a long while.

“Yumi, Karen. Take care.”

“Nn. You too, El. And Nel, too.”

“We’ll be fine, right, Nel?”


“That’s good to hear.”

We said our goodbyes to the two of them and headed towards the carriage that would return us to the camp. Fenna had already brought Merim back and Korwen and Greyward were still talking with Ruben. They exchanged a last firm handshake and then parted.

We might not see Ruben for quite a while either… Ah, we didn’t get to say bye to Will... 

The king had managed to get so smashed he had passed out. After a while, a pretty, petite woman had come and ordered the servants to take him back. Korwen later told me that had been his wife.

Oh? That is…

While I was slightly absentminded, Miss Karker had approached Greyward.


“... Karker. Did you not have enough?”

“Now, now, just who is it that is so hostile?”


“I just hope you take my words to heart. That is all I wanted to say. No, that’s not right. I also wanted to give you this.”

“... That is?”

With a weak smile, Miss Karker handed a small envelope to Greyward.

“I wonder?”

“... Stop the games, Karker.”

“Hohoho, but where would be the fun then?”


Greyward seemed to click his tongue in annoyance, causing Miss Karker only to chuckle even more.

“It is a letter, of course. For a certain very elusive person.”

“... Her, huh.”

“Yes, her. It’s not easy reaching out to her, after all. Ah, but it’s just a letter of gratitude.”

“Tsk… she’s not even around currently.”

“Then, just hold onto it until she comes by the next time.”


Greyward sighed and stowed away the letter. I was a little surprised seeing that, considering he wasn’t exactly on good terms with Miss Karker.

“Thank you, Greyward. For all you have done.”

“... I don’t remember doing anything that would warrant your gratitude.”

“Haha, you don’t, do you? That is fine. That is fine.”

After a short pause, Miss Karker turned around.

“Think about what I told you, Greyward. Farewell.”


And with that, Miss Karker left the courtyard.

“Yumi, what are you looking at?”

“Nn. Ah, Miss Karker was there, talking with Greyward…”

“With Mr Greyward? I thought they don’t get along?”

“Well… I don’t think you can call that getting along…”

Admittedly, I didn’t really know what they had been talking about. I could hazard a guess regarding the recipient of the letter, but that was all…


“Anyway, Sis, let’s get in.”


The two of us entered the carriage and made ourselves comfortable. I threw a last glance outside the window, looking at the imposing scenery in front of us. Even in the middle of the night, it was something to behold. The moon was right above it and together with the stars, it shone down on it, illuminating the walls and the spires. It was a mystical view.

“Nn. Until next time.”

Maybe we’d get another chance in the future to come here. As I thought so, the carriage went on its way, leaving the castle.


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“We’re back!”

As soon as we entered our wagon, I dove straight onto the bed, as was customary for me already.

“Yumi. Don’t wrinkle the dress!”

“Ah, you’re right.”

In a hurry, I stood up again. It’d be a shame to treat the dress too roughly like our usual clothes.

“It’s already over, huh…”

“It is.”

“It was fun.”

“Yes, it was.”

We mostly just ate the food but, oh well, that was fine. Or, well, I mostly could only remember the food. Probably because I enjoyed that a lot. All those greetings with strangers were… Troublesome, at best. Ah, but meeting the remaining Karker family was nice, even if we barely spoke with them.

“It’s a bit of a shame that we’re back already. I really would have loved to wear the dress some more.”

The dress was too pretty to wear casually. Well, it obviously wasn’t something intended for casual wear, after all. And there probably wouldn’t be too many chances to wear a dress like this again. It was a bit of a shame. Especially, since it also meant that there weren’t too many chances of seeing Karen in a dress.

Let’s burn her image into my memory while I still can.

Yes, Karen wearing a dress was great. It was cute but also a little on the mature side. Although, that might be due to it being black.


“Yumi... “


For some reason, Karen looked at me, exasperated. Did I do something?

“Come, Yumi. Get out of the dress before it wrinkles.”

“Haaa… A shame.”

With Karen’s help, I undressed, leaving myself in only my underwear.

“Bye, dress, it was nice while it lasted.”

After folding it slowly and putting it on the desk, Karen undressed as well.

“I'm sure we’ll get another chance, Yumi.”

“I sure hope so. I want to see Sis in a dress again.”

Ah, but Karen in her underwear was also pretty nice. But that wasn’t something I could show off to others.




I laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“We’ll be leaving soon, won’t we?”

“Seems so. Mr Captain did say we would leave in a few days.”

“And then we’ll go to the fort.”

The Lomerian Dragon Knights had acquired a fort. A base of their own. From that day on, they wouldn’t be wandering vagrants anymore. They would have a place to come back to. And so would we.

“A home, huh…”

“You mean the fort?”


Karen laid down next to me, joining me on the bed.

“To be honest, I am looking forward to seeing the fort.”

Just what kind of place was it going to be? The only things I knew about it were that it was close to a large lake and a forest…

“Sis, do you know about the place where the fort is?”

“Huh? Uhm… It’s in the north of Lafria, right? Then, I don’t think so…”


Too bad.

“Are you curious?”

“Well, of course, I am. It’ll be our new home.”

“If you put it like that… But we’ll have to wait for a little more. It will take some time to reach there anyway.”

“Nn, true.”

So much to that.

“But, I’m sure it’ll be a nice place.”


Even if it was likely in disrepair. According to Ruben, it hadn’t seen use in some hundred years or so, right?

It… does still stand, right?

They probably wouldn’t sell us a fort that had collapsed… right? Right…

We’ll have to see… But I guess it’ll definitely need at least some maintenance and repairs.

But really, we couldn’t do anything but wait and see.

“Hey, Yumi.”

“Nn? Sis?”


Confused at the lack of response even though she called out to me first, I turned my head to the side, only to be met with Karen staring straight at me.


“Yumi. We didn’t get to dance.”

“... What?”

Dance? What in the hell was she coming up with now?

“Dance. We didn’t dance during the celebration.”

“Well, we didn’t…”

There hadn’t been any occasion to do so. After the king’s speech, there had only been the dinner followed by the drinking bout. Which the Elder won. By a landslide.

“Even though I was looking forward to it.”

“You were?”


“... Well, in that case.”

I forced myself to stand up from the bed, then turned around facing Karen. Slightly bowing towards her and holding out my hand, I called out to her.

“My Lady, would you give me this dance?”

“... Pfff.”

“... Hey.”

Here I was, mustering all my courage to ask her for it… Okay, not really, but still…

“Sorry, sorry… Of course.”

She took my hand and stood up from the bed.

“I think it’s a little cramped to dance here. And there is no music.”

“Well, I can only do so much, Sis… We could go outside.”

“No, this is fine.”

With a smile on her lips, Karen slung her arms around my waist, pulling me towards her.

“Just saying, I’m not really good at dancing, Sis.”

“You managed fine during the festival, though.”

“Well, as long as it is something simple.”

And was accompanied by music. But we didn’t have any… What to do.



“Wait one second.”

I stretched my hand out to the window and opened it.

“Hey, any of you do— Woah!”

Before I even managed to finish my sentence, a doll crawled inside through the opened window.

“Did it wait outside… Well, whatever. You dolls… wouldn’t happen to be able to make music, would you?”

They were oddly multi-talented so I wouldn’t be surprised if they could… And, just as expected, the doll was saluting which I assumed meant yes. Then, it climbed through the window again, disappearing into the night.

“... Okay, what is it doing now?”

“Who knows…”

We decided to wait for a few minutes and sure enough, after a while, around two dozen dolls climbed inside the wagon, holding various small things like stones and sticks and the like.

“I guess this means we’ll be getting some music.”

“... I don’t even know what to say, Yumi.”

“... Neither do I.”

Seriously, who would think that dolls could play music… Ah, but first, we’d have to actually hear them play something. They might still be tone-deaf.

“Okay, then, err, play something we can dance to.”

They saluted. I assumed that meant they’d actually do it. And sure enough, they started making sounds. Clapping the rocks, banging the sticks, slowly, rhythmically. All in a very coordinated manner and soon enough, you could clearly hear that this was, in fact, a song.

“I can’t believe it.”


I’m proud of you, my dolls!

To think they really were playing music.

“So, Sis…”

“My lady, would you give me this dance?”

“... Wasn’t that my line?”

And she was already hugging my waist anyway.

“Now it’s mine.”

“... Well, it would be a pleasure.”

Both of us chuckled, and then, she took my hand in hers and in the rhythm of the doll’s music, we slowly moved. It was a slow dance, only a few steps. More swaying to the music than actually dancing.

“Hey, Yumi.”


“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For dancing with me.”

Karen grinned, looking really happy.

“Always, Sis. No matter when or where, I’d always dance with you.”

“... You’re too good for me, Yumi.”

“What are you saying, Sis. Isn’t it the other way round? You’re far too good for me if anything.”

“... I’m not really that good. I’m really selfish and possessive, after all.”

“Oh, I don’t mind that.”

I wouldn’t say she was all that selfish, anyway.

“Hehe… Yumi. Thank you.”


She tightened her embrace around my waist, pulling me a little closer to her. As she did, the rubbing of our skin intensified a little, making me more acutely aware of a small problem.

“You know, maybe we should have dressed first.”

“Now is too late.”


That it was but… I couldn’t help but be distracted a little when her breasts were right in front of me in full view. Or rather, they were basically being pressed into me.

“Lewd Yumi.”


“But it’s okay. I’m lewd too.”

She tightened the embrace even more.

“Sis, this is…”

She only chuckled in response.

“Haaa… Really.”

Couldn’t be helped.

“Sis, I love you.”

I stood on my toes, rising to meet her lips. Karen’s eyes went wide at my surprise attack but soon enough, she closed her eyes and met my kiss in kind.

Several seconds later we parted again.

“You’re sly.”

“Always a pleasure.”

“... Take this.”

“Nn? Woah?!”

Suddenly, I was lifted into the air, ending our swaying little dance.


Karen was holding me up in her arms, my eye level just a little higher than hers. For once, she was looking up at me. And I was looking down.

“Yumi. I don’t think I can contain myself anymore."

“I don’t think I can either.”

“In that case...”

Karen approached the bed, putting me down on it and then climbing up herself.



“I won’t let you sleep tonight.”

“Have mercy.”

“I won’t.”

With those words, she bore down on me, kissing me, parting my mouth and letting her tongue through.

“Mm, mm!”

“Nn! Hn! Nah! Haa… Sis…”


Karen, with a big smile on her face, hugged my waist again and rubbed her face against my chest.

“Yes, I love Yumi’s chest the most.”

“Even though it’s so flat?”

“It’s too soft to be flat.”

Wasn’t it soft because my whole body was? Well, whatever.

“Hey, Yumi?”


Karen suddenly stopped rubbing my chest with her cheek, instead she laid there hugging me, motionlessly.

“Soon, we’ll leave the capital.”


“I’m going to miss everyone.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“We still have to say goodbye to Lefa.”

“We should.”

She was probably at the Academy if she was still in the capital.

“We won’t see Elma and Nela for quite some time.”

“Ahh… We won’t.”

“They were kind girls.”

“Nn, they were.”

I gently stroked the back of Karen’s head while she buried her face in my chest.

“Miss Karkas was nice to us, too.”

“Nn. She even gave us cookies.”

“Mr Ruben was a little scary.”

“Pff… I guess he was.”

“And that professor at the Academy… He was weird.”


That one had been really weird, yeah.

“Do you think we’ll see them again?”

“I’m sure we will.”

“Is that so…”

“Nn. It is.”

Karen fell silent, hugging me without saying another for a while. I kept stroking her head, as gentle and slow as I could. After a few minutes had passed I called out to her again.



“Hey… Sis?”

No reaction… Did she not… Ahh…

“Really? You fell asleep?”

A quiet sleeper’s breath escaped her. She actually fell asleep while burying her face in my chest.

“Haaa… Can’t be helped.”

With my free arm, I pulled the blanket over Karen and me, making sure we were both warm and covered. Then, I turned to the dolls in the corner of the wagon.

“Thank you for playing. Close the window when you leave, yes?”

The dolls saluted and promptly climbed out. And yes, they closed the window.

“Haaa… Good night, Sis.”

I gently stroked her silver hair, enjoying the smooth texture in my hand.

“I love you, Sis. No matter how selfish or possessive you are, I will always love you. I mean, I’m also quite possessive, you know? After all, I’d never want to share you with anyone. You’re mine and mine alone. And I’m yours and yours alone. That’s why, be as possessive as you want to be. Be as selfish as you want to be. And… be as sad as you want to be.”

I kept stroking this gentle girl’s hair.

Seriously, just what should I do with this girl?

So I wondered to myself, chuckling a little. Who could have known that she was actually this sad about leaving?

“I’ll always be there for you, Sis.”

Under this star-lit night, I kept caressing the girl in my arms, who seemed even younger now than she actually was. Until the sleep took hold of me as well, I kept going on and on...

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