Taboo Journal

Chapter 192: of Spirit Verse: Rest your Spirits

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“And done.”

“Finally! Hurray!”

While Karen and I played with the three little ones the mother-daughter pair in the back finished their business as well. When Yumias declared she was done, Lily threw up her arms into the air and cheered.

“Hold your oxen, Lily. We’re not finished just yet.”

“Ehhh? But didn’t you just say you were done washing my hair?”

“I am. With washing. I still need to cut your hair. Haa… When was the last time you got a haircut?”

“Whenever the last time you did it for me was. So, around half a year ago.”

“That’s far too long!”

Yumias put her hands on her hips and scolded Lily, who winced at her sudden outburst.

“Listen, Lily! You’re such a cute girl so you should put more effort into your appearance! Don’t you want to look your best when you are with your girlfriend?”

“... I do.”

“Good. Then, there’s no problem with me giving you a haircut, right?”

“... There isn’t.”

Yumias clapped her hands together, fully satisfied with Lily’s defeat.

“Anyway, off into the water with you. We’ll do that later. And don’t you dare escape.”

“Yes, mama…”

While Yumias started to tidy up her things, Lily stood up and came over to us.

“Good work there.”

“Thanks, Yumi… Ahhh… The water feels good.”

Lily’s expression melted as she sank into the water. She had done well, to endure for so long.

“Really, is it so important to cut my hair that often? Yumi, what do you think?”

“... I think you’re asking the wrong person here.”

“... Oh you’re right.”

There wasn’t any point in me getting a haircut, after all. Not only could I change the length anyway, but it’d also immediately grow back.

“Then… Karen! What do you think?”

“... I think I’m not quite the right person, either.”


Lily’s shoulders slumped and she looked back and forth between me and Karen. Then, her gaze fell upon the three girls.

“Mrs Uran always does our hair every month.”

“She does!”


Maya answered before Lily could even pose her question supported by Emily and a nodding Sele.

“I think it’s better to give up, Lily,” I told her.

“... It seems so. What a pain.”

Even if she didn’t, Yumias wouldn’t take it anyway. I could already imagine a repeat of this scene in the future. Well, it wasn’t a bad thing, so it was better to just let them. In the first place, Rina would surely be happy about a cuter Lily.

“That reminds me, Lily. Where is Rina?”

“She’s helping out with chores. We came here together but she left with Mrs Korwen earlier.”

“Huh. How come?”

Mrs Korwen I could understand but Rina?

“She’s filling in for Mrs Korwen since she’s busy. Or, well, it’s mostly just her running around and telling everyone that Mrs Korwen is busy.”

“Ahhh, I see.”

“She’s already completely become her errand girl. But she seems fine with it so whatever.”

It gave her something to do, so that was probably a good thing.

While we were talking, Yumias had finished tidying up things and called over to us.

“The next one can come!”

Well, the next one would probably come…

“Sis, should I go first or…”

“... If it’s okay with you, can I go first?”

“Nn I don’t mind.”

“Thank you.”

Karen asked Sele and Maya to let go of her and then went to Yumias.

“Come right here and sit down.”

As obedient as Karen was, she sat down and Yumias immediately began her work. I watched them for a few seconds to make sure that she really didn’t do anything strange.

“My, you have some pretty hair, don’t you?”

“... Thank you very much.”

“No need to be so stiff with me. Ah, hold still for a moment.”

Didn’t seem like she was up to something.



When I turned to the voice calling me, my vision was blocked. By a face.

“Err… Maya?”

“It’s unfair.”

“... What is?”

“I want to be hugged, too.”

Well, then she should ask those two rascals on my side. Not like I could say that out loud, could I? That wouldn’t end well.

“Emily, change with me!”

“No way!”



A vigorous shake of her head.


Well, what should I do here? I only had two arms. I couldn’t grow a third one out of nowhere, could I?

“Maya, look here, I’m free!”

“Big Sis Lily?”

For some reason, Lily was spreading her arms, inviting Maya over. If that would work, it’d be great but… judging from Maya’s doubtful expression this wasn’t going to work.

“... I guess I can.”

“Hey, Maya. Why do you sound so disappointed? Am I not good enough?”


Instead of answering, Maya simply sat down next to Lily and hugged her arm.


Followed by a troubled expression.

“Big Sis Lily.”


“You’re too hard.”

“... What?”

Too hard? What the hell?

“Yumi is really soft. It feels great hugging her.”

“... I mean, I agree on that…”

You do?!

No, seriously… Well, I guess I already knew that everyone liked using me as a body pillow. Not much I could change about that.

“Come on, Maya. Don’t sulk.”

“It’s unfair.”

Maya was pouting. Adorable.

But even if it’s cute, the person herself isn’t too happy about this. And asking Emily or Sele to switch with her would just result in them pouting instead.

This was quite troublesome. Ah, but if Maya were to…

“Ah, really, come here, Maya!”

“Wah?! Big Sis Lily?!”

As if fed up with the situation, Lily pulled Maya into her lap.

“Hehe, you have some nerve, calling me hard and all that. I admit that I’m not as squishy as Yumi, but I can do this, instead.”

“Ah! That’s… Ohhh… It tickles. Ehehe.”

Maya was going through a full range of expressions within seconds, from surprise at Lily’s actions to a happy grin when Lily’s patted her and scratched her ears.

“Look, this is good, too, isn’t it?


Yes, there was one happy cat… err, catkin girl. Though, for some reason, Lily was shaking… as if she was holding something back.

“Uhh… Maya, your tail’s tickling me.”



Lily resigned herself to her fate and kept spoiling Maya.



And the two on my side were watching intently.

Sorry, but I can’t spoil you with my arms occupied.

Not that they were caring about that yet. They were busier watching Maya and Lily. All’s well that ends well.

Now then, what about Sis and Yumias?

Since the immediate crisis had been averted, I looked toward the unusual pair in the back. But it seemed like they were doing fine over there. Nothing strange happening either.

With that issue off my mind, I decided to just relax and enjoy the bath.

Really, why are baths so great and relaxing? Haaa…

It was like all your worries simply melted away in them. It was wonderful. I could stay here forever. Ah, but preferably together with Karen and the others. It’d be a little lonely otherwise. Yes, that was a pretty good idea… Mhm…

“Yumi! Yumi!”

“Nn? What is it, Emily?”

“Miss Yumias is calling for you!”

“... Nn?”

Yumias… was calling for me?

I opened my eyes, confused about what Emily had said. The scenery in front of me hadn’t really changed. Lily and Maya were still there, though Maya was sitting next to her again. Emily and Sele were still to either of my sides. And Yumias and Karen… had finished, from the looks of it.

“... I didn’t just doze off, did I?”

“You had a very peaceful expression, Yumi,” commented Lily, a grin on her face.


I hadn’t noticed at all. That was… a little embarrassing. Maybe I had been more tired than I thought.

“Taking a nap is all fine and well, dear, but doing so in the bath isn’t good. You might not drown but what would happen if the children copied you?”

“... I’m sorry.”

And now I was being scolded by Yumias.

“My, what a good child you are, apologising.”

“... So, what did you want from me?”

“Hehe, embarrassed?”


Of course, I was. Being praised like a child would was embarrassing.

“Now, I finished with your dear sister, so the only one left is you.”

“... I see.”

I let out a small sigh. My time for relaxing had ended, it seemed. How unfortunate. I could refuse, of course, but that probably wouldn’t end well. Not that I could, after Karen had already gone.

“Emily, Sele, can you let me go?”



Adamant refusal…

“Guess I can’t get out then. Hahaha.”

“My, that’s a problem.”

Yes, it sure was.

“Maya, Emily, Sele. You three have been soaking for long enough already. Too long isn’t good for you. And you’re good girls, aren’t you?”

Yumias smiled cheerfully at the three of them. Maybe sensing that she wasn’t going to allow any rebuttals, Emily and Sele immediately let go of my arms.

“My, that’s good girls. I have some candy so come later and get it, okay?”

“Ah! Yes!”

“We will!”


And now she was baiting them with candy. The fact that it worked and the three were already all smiles was a little scary.

“Guess we’ve been in for a while… Mama, I’ll tag along with them.”

“Ah, I’ll appreciate it. If you go with them, you can give them the candy, too. One each. Not one more, you hear?”

“Yes, yes. Now, you three rascals, let’s get that candy!”



The three girls responded with cheers and raised fists, happily trotting after Lily out of the bath.

“Now, Yumi dear. Come here and sit down.”


And with the only obstacle out of the way… I could only resign myself to my fate.

“Haaa… I’m coming.”

With a bit of reluctance left, I climbed out of the bath and sat down on the chair that Yumias was patting. I didn’t know when, but even her trademark creepy smile had returned… Honestly, I would prefer she didn’t smile like that.

“Every time I see it, your hair really is long.”

“Nn. It is.”

“I’m pretty sure you could keep it shorter, though?”


I could, yeah. There wasn’t a particular reason for it… I just kept it like that since Karen had said she liked it. Actually, maybe that did count as a reason?

“... I guess you have your reasons.”


“My, how fast they’re growing up.”

“... I’m not a child.”

“In my eyes, you all are children.”

Sorry for not having lived aeons but only measly twenty-odd years…

“My, look at all that dirt. Let’s get all that off you.”

Water sprayed over my head and my hair, followed by tiny hands rubbing my hair and my scalp.

Woah, this is comfortable…

I hadn’t expected a lot out of this but… this actually felt great.

Behind me, Yumias was humming a tune, absorbed in her work.

“There really is a lot. Gee, just what have you been doing to get so dirty?”

Running around beneath the fort, for one. Not like I had the presence of mind to say that, seeing how I was melting under her hands.

“Haaa… This is surprisingly great.”

“My, you’re enjoying it? I’m glad. Let your mother do this for you.”

Again with the mother talk…

“You’re not my mother.”

“My, so stubborn.”

Because it was the truth.

Either way, neither of us continued and Yumias simply kept washing. At some point, she had lathered something like shampoo into my hair and was now rubbing it in along the whole length of my hair.

When I peeked at her over my shoulder, I once more saw her focused expression. Yes, this one was far more comfortable to look at.


“Yes, my dear?”

“Why are you so insistent on calling yourself my mother?”

“Because you are?”

Yeah, what did I expect?

“One day, I am sure you will know, my dear Yumi. My, am I so looking forward to that day when you will call me mother. Ehehe.”

“... Not happening.”

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“I don’t get you.”

A giggle came from behind me.

Really, I don’t.

Alas, no matter how hard I’d try, I wouldn’t be able to.

After Yumias washed my hair, the three of us—Karen, Yumias and me—had a final soak in the bath before getting out. There was, after all, still something Yumias had to do. Or so she told me, after dragging me and Karen into another tent. It didn’t occur to me what she could possibly mean, though Karen apparently had an idea.

“Listen, dear, I told Lily earlier, and your dear girlfriend as well, that they need to take good care of their hair. Trimming it regularly is the minimum.”

“... I see.”

I glanced over at Karen, only to be met with a wry smile, paired with a surprisingly expectant gaze.

“So, you’ll cut our hair?”

“No, not yours. There’s no point in doing that. Though it saddens me a little.”

Well, sorry about that. But this situation was of her own making. She was the one responsible for my body being like this.

“But your dear sister girlfriend needs it.”


Karen would get a haircut? Well… Did she really need it? Not that I would know, though. She looked fine to me and I liked her hair as it was.

“It’ll only be some light trimming, though.”


“Now, Karen dear, sit down here.”


Karen sat down on the prepared chair. Her expression was one of excitement, like a child eagerly waiting for a present.

“... Sis, why are you so excited?”

“Er? It’s the first time I get a haircut so…”

“... Oh.”

Okay, then that was understandable…

“My, is that so? Just how did you manage until now?”

“I just cut it off with my dagger once a year or so.”

“Mmm… I see. No wonder it’s so rough then. Okay! Leave this to me, Karen dear. I’ll give you the best haircut you could ever wish for!”

Wasn’t this supposed to be just some ‘light trimming’ or so?

“But first…”

Yumias made a grabbing motion with her hand and as if she was pulling something straight out of the air, a large pair of scissors appeared. A really large one, far too large for her tiny hands. Yet, despite holding only one half, the other moved as if she was testing it out.

Is that magic? Is she moving that thing with magic?

It was… ridiculous to look at.

“Now we can get to work.”

Yumias brushed through Karen’s still wet hair with her hand and then grabbed a few strands with practised motions, cutting their ends with the humongous pair of scissors. It looked almost comical, yet impressive how she managed that with those scissors.

“Yumias, may I ask something?”

“Yes, dear?”

“... Wouldn’t a smaller pair of scissors have been easier?”

“Ah, certainly, if I had one that wouldn’t break, yes.”

“... Break?”

The hell was she doing that the scissors would break?

“Mmm… I thought so earlier already, but you didn’t notice either.”

“Notice what?”

“Yumi dear, your own hair is incredibly resilient, isn’t it?”


Somehow, I had a feeling where this was going.

“Your dear sister has a slightly similar problem. Though, it seems she never noticed herself.”

“Eh? I do?”

Yeah, she didn’t notice it either.

“Is this… my fault?” I asked Yumias, referring to Karen’s body changes.

“No, it isn’t.”

“It… isn’t?”

“This is something she was born with. It’s because of her manakin nature.”

Her manakin nature… Steel…

“You’re not going to tell me her hair is actually steel wire, are you?”

“Pffff… That would be amazing. Hehehe.”

Yumias stopped what she was doing and chuckled.

“No, it’s not steel wire. But your idea is not far off. Her hair is simply resilient, like the rest of her body is. Regular scissors would damage their edges immediately on it.”

“Is… Is that so?” asked Karen.


That was… quite amazing. Was that what I felt was so weird when we compared our hair earlier?

“But to think even her hair would be affected by it.”

“What are you talking about, Yumi? The hair is the very first thing affected for all manakin. Where do you think their various colours come from?”

“... Well, if you say it like that, you have a point.”

Certainly, their hair colours were quite wild… Especially mine.

“Nn? If hair is the first thing affected…”

I stared at my own hair. Was the reason it was so tentacle-y… exactly because of that? That was quite a surprise to hear.

In the meantime, Yumias was continuing her explanation.

“Of course, this all changes with species. Monsters and animals are differently affected, but usually, things like hair, fur, scales and skin, as well as the eyes, are the most notable ones. For humanoid races, it’s nearly always the hair and the eyes. Fur, feathers and scales for the various beastkin races as well. Devilkin’s horns are also quick to change colour. For demonkin, it differs a lot based on their lineage.”

“Huh… You know a lot about this.”

“Who do you take me for? I have been in this world for far longer than you could ever imagine!”

True. It wasn’t surprising if she had this kind of knowledge, then.

“Ah, Karen dear, hold still.”


“Mm. Good.”

All the while, Yumias kept trimming Karen’s hair. Small strands of her hair were gathering on the ground. After a few more snips and snaps, Yumias stepped back, taking a good long look at Karen and nodding to herself.

“Okay, that should do it, Karen.”

“Ohh, we’re done?”

“Yes, we are.”

Karen twirled her hair with her fingers, inspecting it.

“It doesn’t look different from before,” Karen said after a while.

“It was just a light trim after all. It’s important to keep your hair healthy, so don’t forget to do it once in a while. Ah, you can always come to me, of course.”

“Nn… If what you said is true, a normal barber wouldn’t be very happy to see us as customers…”

No person would enjoy destroying their tools, right?

“Hehehe, rely on me more, my daughter!”


Somehow, that smug grin annoyed me…

“Still, if you want to change your hairstyle, I can do that as well, Karen dear.”

“Ehh? I don’t know…”

Karen with a different hairstyle? Mm… Imagining her with longer hair or shorter was easy. But a different one… She would surely look good in just about anything, of course.

“Yumi, what do you think?”

“Nn? Even if you ask me… I like your current one just fine.”

“Then I’ll keep it as is.”

Simple straight hair was looking great on her already, so I was perfectly content with that decision. Even if, we could always mess around with things on our own.

“Mh, how unfortunate. Then, Karen dear, how about I change Yumi’s hairstyle?”

“Eh? Mine?”

Why suddenly me?


“We can try a lot of things. Like a ponytail, for example. Wouldn’t that look good on her?”

“A ponytail…”

Karen was intensely staring at me, likely imagining it. Yet, she didn’t say anything about wanting to see it.

“... If you want to, I don’t mind trying it out.”



If it made her happy, then there was no problem. I was too easy, wasn’t I? Yet, seeing her honest desire made me happy, too.

“Ohh? Do I get free reign?”

“... Keep it moderate.”

“Hehehe, I promise.”

… Why was I feeling so anxious about this?

“Then, Yumi dear, sit down here.”

“Yes, yes.”

I switched places with Karen, sitting down in the chair in her stead now. A few seconds later, I could feel Yumias’ tiny hands messing around with my hair again.

“And… there! One ponytailed Yumi, as ordered!”


“... Does this even look good?”

I couldn’t see myself, so I had no way to judge that. But with my hair being that long, wouldn’t a ponytail look weird?

“It does, Yumi!”

“... Is that so?”


“I’ll take your word for it.”

Still, it felt a little weird, having my hair like this. Usually, I could always feel my hair all over my shoulders and my back, but now it felt strangely empty there.

“Yes, yes, this certainly is great. Now, let’s move to the next one.”

“... I should have known we wouldn’t stop with this.”

“Don’t you want to make your dear girlfriend happy?”

“... I do.”

And with that, Yumias worked on the next one. She didn’t tell me what she was doing nor could I tell but, seeing Karen’s amazed expression, it had to be quite elaborate. And it took really quite a while.

“And one braid finished!”

“Oh, a braid?”

That’s the first time I had one. No wonder it took her so long, though.

“My, now you only need a pair of glasses.”

“... And then?”

“You’d look perfectly like an honour student.”


What kind of stereotype was she digging up there? And she was confusing Karen with her weird ramblings.

“So, Sis, how does it look?”


She was staring, not answering me for a good while.

“I think it looks good but it also feels weird?”

“I see.”

Weird, huh? Was it that odd to see me with that?

“You’re just not used to seeing her like this, Karen dear. Now, shall we do the next one?”


And what about my opinion? Well, it was fine…

Yumias undid the braid and then immediately began working on a new one. This, once more, took quite a good while and Karen was eagerly watching the whole process. Meanwhile, I could only see and feel her messing around with my hair. I could probably try to sense it through my hair, but I worried I might mess things up by accidentally moving it, so I refrained.

“And there we go. One… what do you call this again?”

“Shouldn’t you know that?”

Though I somehow had the feeling that even if she did know, I wouldn’t be able to picture anything from it.

“Ohhh… That looks nice, too.”

“Mm, it’s a bit more of a formal one.”


“I can’t see it, you know?”

“My, I forgot. Here, a mirror.”

I didn’t even question where she got that hand mirror from. I simply took it with a ‘Thanks’ and took a look at my hair. 

Yeah, I had no idea what this was. It was kind of like a bun sitting on my hair but far more elaborate. Like, several ponytails being entwined into a bun, with their ends sticking out… or something like that… It did look interesting but… also a little weird.

“I think I prefer my normal look.”

“My, such a shame. After all the effort I put into this.”

Unfortunately for her, her opinion didn’t matter much to me. Only Karen’s did.

“Sis, what do you think?”

“I like your normal look more, too, but I think this is nice as well.”

“You think so?”



In other words, she liked it, huh…

“Want me to keep it for the rest of the day then?”

“Is that okay with you?”

“But only for today.”

Karen smiled happily. Seemed like my suggestion was the right thing to do.

“We’re done already?”

“Nn looks like it.”

“I see. I guess I’ll have to save the other ones for next time.”


So, there would be a next time. That said, as long as Karen enjoyed it, I didn’t mind that much. Seeing her smile was worth it for simply sitting around and letting Yumias fiddle around with my hair.

“Well, there’s always my dear Lily. I still have to give her a cut anyway.”

Lily, your sacrifice shan’t be forgotten.

I offered a quick prayer to the next sacrifice. Stay strong.

“Then, before I go and meet my dear little girl, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”


I turned around, curious about what she wanted to tell us.

“Or rather, it’s less of a talk rather than telling you something. It’s about the spirit corpse.”

“... Eh?”

The spirit… corpse? The one we saw beneath the fort?

“Err, Miss Yumias—”

“No ‘miss,’ my dear.”

“... Yumias, do you mean the one we found beneath the fort?”

“Yes, the very same.”

So she knew that that thing was below there…

“Karen dear, you should avoid that place. Spirits aren’t fond of demons. It might only be headaches at first but in the worst case, you might get seriously ill.”


Karen and I stared at Yumias, unable to respond from surprise.

“You… know what made sis feel ill?”

“My, do I?”

She giggled, amused by our surprise and confusion.

“But that’s all I wanted to say to you. Oh, actually. Tell Mr Korwen for me: That thing… It can be a boon, as it can be a bane. Think well about what you do. That’s all from me then. See you later.”

Yumias left the tent, leaving us alone, dumbfounded by her warning.


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