Taboo Journal

Chapter 85: of Living Dreams: A Growing Relationship

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A little later and Karen and I finished bringing our belongings over to the wagon. There wasn't much after all and thankfully, it didn't seem like anyone had found the pictures the dolls had drawn. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I had the vague feeling the stack grew again, though.

I desperately needed to have a talk with the dolls in regards to this.

"Hey, you girlies. You came at just the right fucking time."

"Mr Wormaz?"

"I finished with the windows. Come and take a look."


Karen and I walked up to Wormaz who had stepped down from his ladder and pointed at the newly covered window. It was honestly a... rather odd contraption. Simply said, it was a metal plate covering the opening. This metal plate could be opened just a little, so that a slit opened at the bottom, barely as wide as my palm.

"Nn, why does the bottom side open? Why not the upper side?"

"Because you sure wouldn't be the first lucky one getting a fucking arrow into your face, standing behind that window."



Yeah, point taken.

It did sound extremely unlikely, to be honest, but it seemed I wasn't the first one to think it was unlikely as well... And I sure didn't want to follow into their footsteps.

"Also, two things I got to tell you."


"First, you probably want to go looking for a lamp. Since I covered everything up now, it'll be rather dark inside."

"Oh... Nn, we'll get one. What's the other thing?"

"... It's going to be hot inside."

"... Excuse me?"

Hot? Well, yeah, it sure would get hot inside when the sun is up for... a while... and...

Ohhh, fucking hell...

"Did you get it?"


"Just a tip, but a basket with water helps a lot on such days. Though, seeing as it is summer, you might want to get one now already. Nothing's better than wiping down after sweating."

"... Nn, we'll take a look."

Wormaz gave us a big grin.

"Now then, I'm done here so I'll clean up. If you got any problems, just call me. Granted I'm not busy, I'll take a look."

"Okay. And thank you, once again."

"You're welcome! It's my job, after all."

He heaved up his tools, gave us one last wave and then he made his way back. Though he'd probably have to take a few trips, cleaning up everything.


"Nn? What is it, Sis?"

"... What did he mean? With hot?"

"Nn? Ahh... Well..."

Karen hadn't noticed yet, huh...

"You know how things heat up when they are in the sun for a while?"

"Of course I do."

"Nn. Well, and black objects heat up the most."


"Also, we can't properly air it even if we keep those windows open. They're not exactly wide, after all."


Karen's expression made an impressive turn from curious over to absolutely horrified. It was a sight to see.

"Miss Yumi, Miss Karen."


"... Yes?"

Our escort suddenly spoke up for some reason.

Speaking of which, this guy was wearing black armour... I was astonished they didn't get heatstroke, walking around with that. Sure as hell didn't want to be in their place.

"Most wagons have a small door in the roof that can be opened. It's actually for emergencies when the wagon topples over, but it can also be used to air the wagon."

"Eh? There is one?"

If that was true, it'd help a lot. Hot air had the fortunate tendency to go upwards, after all.

"There should be one, yes."


We should definitely look for it. Or ask Wormaz in case we couldn't find it.

"Yumi, let's take our things inside and look for it."


I followed Karen inside the wagon after thanking the guard once more. It had been relatively bright before but with the windows mostly closed, it had become rather dim inside. We put everything down and then we checked the ceiling for the opening. And sure enough, there was something right above us. Just... there was a problem.

"It's too high."

The ceiling was rather high so Karen couldn't reach it. Of course, neither could I. Though, if the wagon toppled over, that wasn't an issue, but if we just wanted to get some fresh air inside, it was.

"Yumi, try climbing on my shoulders. It should be close enough for that."

"Nn, okay."

Karen squatted down, waiting for me to climb on her shoulders.

"Nn, here we go."

"Okay, I got you."

"... Don't let go."

"I won't. And here we go."


The ceiling was coming closer! But before that... I was quite high up in the air.

"... Please, don't let go."

"I won't, Yumi. I won't let go of your legs. Ehehe..."

"... Sis, what are you doing?"

"Just enjoying the situation."

"I can see that..."

Seriously... Sitting on her shoulders was rather unnerving, to be honest. I preferred to have ground on my feet. It wasn't like it bothered me a whole lot, but I couldn't claim that I was perfectly fine with it either. With that in mind, I turned my attention upwards.

"Nn... Oh, I got it!"

With a gentle push, the door opened. Only as wide as my palm, though, same as the windows below. Nonetheless, it should be a lot more effective than the windows. It did make me question whether it could even function as an emergency hatch like that but Karen could just break it open in the worst case.



Meanwhile, Karen was completely occupied by rubbing her cheek on my thigh. Was it just me or did Karen become rather... shameless? She wasn't even trying to hide it anymore.

"Sis, it's great that you like my thighs that much but I'd like to return to the ground, if possible."


"Sis... Mhm..."

Karen was holding my thighs, pushing both sides towards her cheeks. It sounded as if she was close to ascending to heavens...

"Sis, you can do that when I'm on the ground, so, please."

"... Eh? It's fine to do that?"

"... When we're alone, of course."

I'd rather not have this happening in front of everyone.

"Woah?! Sis! Stop shaking!"

Even if she was happy, I didn't like being shaken left and right by... whatever she was doing below me.

"Ah, sorry. I'll let you down."

"Haaa... Thank you."

The ground returned to my feet! Or rather, my feet returned to the ground.

"Sis, you really like my legs, huh..."

"Of course I do!"

She became quite unrestrained... Huh?

"Sis... Your eyes are glowing again."


It was subtle, but they certainly were glowing again. Did my legs excite her that much?

Maybe... Maybe I should ask her, finally. About those things...

"Hey, Sis."


Karen turned her attention back to me, tilting her head.

How should I ask this... Should I just be upfront about it? I already got her attention so...

Well, here goes nothing.

"Sis. Do you have a leg fetish?"

"A leg... fetish?"


"... What's a leg fetish?"

We had to start there?!

Not quite what I expected...

"Nn... You see... When you get... Uhm... Aroused by someone's legs..."

Hopefully, this was enough of an explanation.

"I see... Then, I don't think so."


That also wasn't an answer I was expecting here...

"The only legs I want are yours."


That still made it a leg fetish... It also sure was effective in making my face heat up.

"That's still a leg fetish..."

"I see..."

Anyway, with this, I pretty much confirmed it now... Probably...

"But, why are you asking about that, Yumi?"

"Nn? Well..."

I paused for a moment, then took a deep breath.

"I thought that we should talk about these things at some point."

"Talk... about?"

"Nn. Like, what each of us... Uhm... likes."

"... Ah."

This kind of talk sure wasn't easy, though... At least, it wasn't for me.

"I... see... What each of us likes..."




Silence. The worst situation possible.

Or not.

"Then, uhm, we should talk about the things we want to do? Or..."

"Well, what you want to do or just in general what you like. Like, how... how you like my legs."

"I see..."

Karen nodded a few times, probably confirming in her mind once more what I just said.

"So, Yumi."


"You'll also tell me what you like?"

"... Nn."

Even if it was embarrassing, talking about those sexual desires. Even if it was embarrassing, we had to... No, I wanted to talk with her about this. I wanted to know what she liked and I wanted her to know what I liked. It was embarrassing, but I wanted her to know.

Such complicated feelings, seriously. Did everyone have to suffer through?

"So you'll tell me..."

Karen suddenly walked past me and sat down on the edge of the bed. Then, she patted the spot next to her, much to my surprise.

"Not in your lap?"

"... I don't think I can control myself then."


That... would be an issue, yeah. Although I had a vague feeling I knew exactly how this discussion would end. Not that I minded. I welcomed it.

With those thoughts in mind, I sat down next to her.

She averted her gaze a little, before speaking up.



"Uhm... You... aren't going to hate me... right?"

"I won't, don't worry."

This surely wasn't going to make me hate her, regardless of what she was going to say.

Though I had to admit, I wasn't exactly up for everything. I still had limits to things I was comfortable doing with her. But even if she did like such a thing, it wasn't going to make me hate her. Surely.

"I see... Then..."

Karen took a deep breath.





She still looked away from me, so I couldn't see her expression all that well. Alas, that didn't hide how her face turned beet red up to her ears.

Nn... I guess even for Karen it is hard to talk about this...

I felt a little relieved that I wasn't the only one thinking it was embarrassing. With that said, I could smile now, but I sure as hell was going to stammer as well, wasn't I?

In the meantime, Karen took another deep breath but was still unable to speak. It made me feel a little bad...

Well, now... Maybe I should help her out... It was me who started the topic, after all.

In that case, I should just take responsibility for starting the topic. Taking a deep breath, I turned around to face Karen. She was still averting her gaze, though.


"Ye, Yes?!"

"Sis, I like your tummy."

"... Eh?"

Karen turned back around, staring at me, her expression blank.

"I want to rub my face on your tummy."




She didn't react. At all.

Please, say something!

This was more than just a little uncomfortable.

Especially, since I wasn't exactly done. Well, no time like the present. This wasn't going to stop me.

"Also, uhm... I... Even if it's just pretending to... Uhm..."

My face was so hot I sure was going to explode any second now. I couldn't stop here, though. Not now.

"That... That collar."

"... The collar?"

"Nn. Even... Even if it's just pretending... Uhm... I... I don't... dislike the thought... of being yours... entirely..."

"... Eh? Ehhhh?!"

Once the realisation hit, her eyes grew wide at my confession.

"Yumi... You... You want to wear it?"

"... Nn. As long as it is with Sis."

Now it was my turn to avert my gaze in embarrassment. But, I finally said it! I finally said it!

And now that I said it, it made me realise even more just how messed up that was! But, now it was said. It was too late to take it back now.

"Pff... Aha... Ahahaha!"

"Si, Sis?"

Without any warning, Karen broke out in laughter, holding her belly.

"Sis? What's wrong?"

"Ahahaha! Hahaha! Ahhhh..."

She finally stopped. Then she looked at me, a smile on her face and small tears in the corners of her eyes, probably from laughing.

But then, her expression turned serious.


"... Nn?"

"I want to put that collar on you."

"... Eh?"

"Like... Uhm... If it's... just pretending to. Then... Then I want to do it."

"I... I see."

She wasn't against it like I had expected. Because...

"But... Sis, didn't you say you didn't want me wearing it?"

Albeit it hadn't been related to this kind of topic, Karen was rather vehement against me wearing that collar.

"That's... Because... I don't want you to be seen as a slave... or a pet... I don't like it. Yumi is Yumi."

Ahh... So, rather than me not wearing it, she didn't want others to think of me like that?

"Then, Sis, it's going to be our little secret."

I lay down on Karen's lap.


"Nn. The only one who is allowed to look at me like that is you, Sis. I don't want others to see me like that either."

To be honest, I hadn't even thought about that all that much. I wouldn't have minded it that much a few weeks ago, but now... Yeah, imagining others seeing me like that was uncomfortable. I didn't want it.

"Nn... Maybe I should call you 'Master' instead?"


"You don't like it, Master?"


Karen furrowed her brows.

"... Let's keep that restricted to those times only."

"Hehehe, okay, Sis."

Karen gently ruffled my hair while I was enjoying my lap pillow.

"To think you liked that stuff, Yumi."

"Nn. Surprised? Do you hate me now?"

"I don't hate you. Though, I'm... a little surprised, yes. I did think in the back of my mind about it... If... If you wanted to do that stuff... You were rather hesitant to throw away that collar. But to hear it is... Mm..."

Surprising, huh?

Well, now that I came clean with this, not only with Karen but also with myself, I did feel... relieved. Like a weight was lifted.

Simply being honest sure has quite the effect...

I was glad I came out with it. Really.



"I... want to do many things with you."


"Like, with the collar... To be honest... I did want to... do that as well... Just... Just a little."


Maybe that was why she asked if I would hate her.

"Also... Your... Your tentacles."

"My tentacles?"

"Yes... I want you to do... lots of stuff with them... I mean, there are many kinds, right? So, it's fine to use those... on me..."


The tentacles, huh...

"Nn... There are some that I think are a little... problematic."


"Nn. For some of them, I don't even really know what they do. And for some others, they are a little... Well... They affect the body... Probably permanently."


Some tentacles could make someone's body grow or change in rather... questionable ways. It didn't seem to be a quick change or anything like that, though. Affecting a body permanently wasn't simple. It was more like they could stimulate growth. Not that I ever tried them out.

"There aren't many where I clearly know what they do. And for the ones where I don't know what they do... I'd rather not use them. They might change your body."

I loved Karen the way she was. I would still love her even if she changed a little, of course, but that didn't mean I wanted to mess around with her body as I pleased.

"Permanently... That might be a problem."


"But, the others are fine, right?"

"... Nn. If that's what you want."

We had already done it once with the tentacles, after all. As long as we kept it to those that were safe, I didn't mind.

"Also, there's one more thing, Yumi. Actually, no. There are two."


"Uhm... If we find out what some of those tentacles do. Even if they change something permanently, uhm... It doesn't mean I necessarily mind... such a thing."

"Eh? Wait, Sis. We're talking about your body here, your body. We can't just go and mess around with it."

Honestly, I'd rather not touch that area at all. Like, at all! Changing someone's body was scary.

"I think it's a little too late for that, Yumi?"

"Nn? What do you mea— Ah."

I looked up at Karen, only to see her playing with the pink strand in her hair.

"Also, of course, I'd properly discuss that with you first. It's just, we don't yet know what all of them do, right? Maybe it's something we are both okay with. Then, don't you think it's fine?"

"Uhh... To be honest, I'd rather not touch that... But... I think I can see what you want to say."

There might be a beneficial change or something we both wanted. In other words, Karen just didn't want to dismiss all of them without knowing what they did... Something like that?

"Let's talk later about those, Sis. I'll tell you about the ones I do know so far."


"So... What was the other thing you wanted to say?"


Karen stopped playing with the pink strand of hair, staring upwards at the ceiling.

"Mm... Yumi, could you sit up again?"

"Ehh? Nn... If I have to."

Byebye, my beloved lap pilloooooooowwwwww?!


I sat up and Karen lay down, switching our positions. From the one enjoying a lap pillow to the one giving it.

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"Ye, yes?"

"Could you... spoil me?"

"... Eh?"

Spoil her?

"I do like spoiling you and caring for you but... Sometimes..."

"... Nn. That's fine by me."

I gently pat her head, a smile on my face.

It reminded me of when she had been drunk, how spoiled she acted. So, she really wanted to be spoiled at times as well.

"I'll spoil you all you want, Sis."

"... Ehehe."

It was time to return the favour.



Before I could though, Karen sat up again, looking a little disgruntled.

"That skirt... hurts."


The skirt of the armour dress... I had the subtle feeling she had said something similar a few days ago.



"I want to feel your legs."

And there it came. The one thing everyone already expected.

I could just lift the skirt, of course, but... Well...

"... Got it. Then, can you help me out of this."

"Leave it to me."

I stood up and with Karen's help, quickly undressed, leaving me with only my underwear. Well, the bottom part of my underwear. Not like I was wearing anything above. It didn't seem like anything existed for that either way. Or maybe it did and I just didn't know about it?

"Ahh, Yumi!"

"Woah?! Sis!"

Barely had I taken the dress off and Karen was already jumping into my chest.

"Ehehe. Spoil me, Yumi!"


I sat down again, Karen's head on my lap.

"Ehehe... I'm glad I said it..."

"... Nn, I'm glad I told you everything as well."

It really was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Honesty was amazing.

Even if you think everything is fine... Just some few words and a good talk can make quite the difference.

I sure didn't regret bringing it up. It was embarrassing, yes. It definitely was. But, from now on... From now on, neither of us had to hide these things.

"Hey, Sis."


"If there's ever anything else, we should definitely tell each other."

"... We should, I agree."

I gently combed through her hair with my hand. The strands of hair that touched my tighs tickled slightly.



"I love you."

"Nn. I love you too, Sis. I love you too."

Karen turned around, laying on her back and looking up at me.



"... I want to try sucking on your breasts."

"Eh? I... I don't have all that much though."

I wasn't completely flat but... Could as well have been.

"I still want to."

"Nn... If you want to, that's fine by me."

"Ehehe! Yumi!"


Once again, Karen jumped at me, making me fall backwards onto the bed.

"Sis, be a little careful."


Karen sat up again, then threw off her own clothes before diving into my arms again, our naked skin pressing against each other.

"Then, here I go."

She rubbed her cheek a little against my stomach before turning her attention to my chest.

"I think they're fine as is, Yumi."

"Nn... It's not that I have a proble— Hya?!"


Rather than sucking she started to lick them.

"Mm... Tastes like Yumi."

"... And how the heck does that taste."

"Mm... It tastes good."

So I tasted good? Guess I had to be careful in the future, or a certain someone was going to eat me up.

I gently ruffled Karen's hair while she was busy licking around my chest. Then, after a while, she stopped, focusing her attention to the protrusion she had ignored until now.

"Ahh... Mm!"

"Ah! Nn?!"

Karen had caught my nipple, sucking on it gently. I could feel how her tongue slid around.

"Nn! Sis..."


This felt surprisingly quite nice. Her tongue sliding around was a nice feeling.

In addition to that... Looking down, I could see Karen sucking and licking my nipple while I was still caressing her hair.

"Ehehe... Sis..."

The usually so reliable big sister was now being spoiled by me, like a cute little child.

"Mmmm... Yumi!"


After a short while, Karen stopped sucking on my nipple,, lifting her upper body a little. I could see the saliva where she had sucked. The area around the nipple had become a little red as well.

"Yumi... Let's do more."

She crawled up, towards me. Her eyes were glowing again, this time a little stronger.

"Yumi. Mm."

"A— Mmh?!"

Our lips met. I wrapped my arms around Karen, hugging her.


My mouth was forced open, only to be invaded by her tongue.

"Mm! Yumi. Ah, mmgh!"

Her arms wrapped around my, pressing our skin against each other.

"Ngh! Yumi... Ehehe..."

"Haa... Si... s..."

Our lips parted, leaving me gasping for air. I could feel Karen's hand caressing my cheeks as she looked down at me, a smile on her face.

"Hey... Yumi..."

"... Nn?"

"I love you."

"Nn, I love you too, Sis."

"Ehehe... Then..."

Karen's embrace became a little tighter.

"Then... is it fine if I... make you mine entirely?"

"Nn? What do you— Ah."

Did she possibly mean...

"Nn... Please do... Sis. Or should I call you Master?"

"Ngh! I won't be able to hold back if you say that, you know?"

"Then it's all the more reason to do it."

"... You're so sly, Yumi."

I let out a chuckle in response.


"Wait just a moment, I'll be back in a second."


Karen left the bed and walked to the desk where we put down our stuff. Facing with her back to me, I could see her black tail twitching left and right a little. Her tail never moved all that much but at times like this, it did show how excited she was.

"Mm... Where did you put it, Yumi?"

"It should be somewhere among my stuff."

Karen leaned forwards, rummaging through the bag with my stuff. It was probably unintended by her but... her butt was sticking out in my direction, giving me quite the view.

Mm... Nice... Thanks for the treat.

I sat up as well, watching Karen still being unable to find it. The very thing I had wanted to happen was going to become a reality in just a little bit more. My body was heating up at the thought of it. And, well... not only heating up...

I should get rid of this thing...

My underwear had become a little uncomfortable, honestly. And so, off with it.

"Yumi, I can't find it."

"Nn? Wait a moment, I'm coming."

I left the bed as well and joined Karen in looking through my stuff. Sure enough, the collar... wasn't there.

"Huh? That's weird. Where did it go?"

"Mm... Maybe it ended up with my stuff. I'll take a look."

Karen turned around, walking up to her own bag with stuff. Once again, she had to lean forward to pick it up.


"Hyah?! Yumi?!"

Ahhh... Her tail was so smooth. And the way it twitched in my hands was cute as well.

"Yumi! Don't surprise me like that!"

"Ahh, sorry. I couldn't hold back."

"... Tell me in advance next time, okay?"

Eh? So, it's fine to do this?

I was already expecting that I'd have to let go of her tail but... Apparently not.

"... Nn, I'll tell you next time in advance."

"Wah! Yumi! Don't, don't rub it!"

"Nn... No."

Her reactions were cute after all. She had told me before that her tail was sensitive but... It wasn't as perky as Rina's or as fluffy as Lily's, so it was easy to forget that it was around. I should treat this cute little tail better, shouldn't I?

"Uhh... Yumi!"


The tail escaped. How unfortunate.

"Seriously... Do that when we're on the bed. It's dangerous to do that while we're standing."

"Nn. Okay."

"Anyway, I found it. It was in my bag for some reason."

Karen held up the collar she had found.


It was time, it definitely was time now.

"But, Yumi."

"Nn? Nn?"

"... How do we even use it?"

"... Ehhh?"

Use it? Well, you... put it around my neck, for starters? Although, I had the subtle feeling that wasn't what she meant.

"I mean, it's a magic collar, right? But how does it exactly work? Do we have to do anything specific with it?"

"Ahh... That's... A good question."

It was designed to enforce obedience to the owner, after all. There might be something like a registration or so.

Although, Ria had told us that it probably wouldn't work all that well with me anyway.

"... Should we just try it as is?"

"Nn. We can ask Ria or so some other time."

"... But, how are you going to ask? You can't just go and say 'Ria, please tell us how the collar works for our sex plays!' or something like that, right?"

"Tha— that's... Nn... We could just say we wanted to know just in case? Or we were simply curious... I don't think Ria is going to mind that."

She probably wasn't going to doubt why we wanted to know it if we didn't explicitly tell her.

"Mm... I guess we can do that later..."

"Nn... So, uhm..."

Talking about that was nice and all but... Yeah... We could still talk about that later.

"... Yumi, sit down on the bed."

"... Nn."

I did as she told me, sitting down in the middle of the bed.

"... I feel like I'm about to do something bad."

Karen approached me, the collar in hand.

"Then, Yumi, here, I go."

"N, Nn..."

She opened the clasp of the collar. Then, with slow and cautious movements, she put it around my neck. The cold sensation of the leather and metal parts was transmitted through my skin.

"... The, there we go."

It was... She put it on. Karen put the collar on me. Now... Now I wa—




A small shock went through my spine for some reason. I didn't know what had happened, but the collar definitely did something.

"Yumi, are you okay?"

"Nn... I thiiiiiii—

Another shock ran through me, this time a little stronger.

"Ahh... Yumi. Lie down on the bed."

"Nn? Ngh!"

Another shock. So that's what it was. It was trying to make me obey. Unexpectedly, it seemed to work fine even without us asking for Ria's help.

Still, this was quite the uncomfortable feeling, so I did as Karen told me and lay down. There wasn't much point if I didn't do it, after all. That's why we were doing this.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it doesn't. Just a little uncomfortable."

"... That's good."

Karen was still worried, huh. 

We did this simply for our pleasure, so there was no point if it hurt or was uncomfortable, after all. And while I did... Yeah... Want to do this, I wasn't a fan of pain. The shocks were uncomfortable but not bad. In a way, they were just right.

"Yumi. Spread your legs."

"... Eh? Agh!"

This... This was incredibly embarrassing. Karen stared at me, a grin on her face.

"Hehe. Yumi."

She crawled on top of me, looking down, straight into my eyes.

"Yumi, you're completely mine now."

"... Nn."

"Mine and mine alone."

And then, she hugged me.

"Nn, I'm yours."

I returned the hug, indulging in the warmth that came from Karen.

"Yumi, Yumi!"

"Nn?! Si— Ah?!"

Her tongue was crawling along my nape, while her hand was caressing my chest.

"Yumi! Ehehe!"

She continued for several minutes until I was left gasping for air once again. Before I could recover, turned around. She was still on top of me on all fours, but now her butt was facing me.

"Yumi... Could you... No, that's wrong. Yumi. Lick me down there."

"... Nn."

I stretched my hands out, grasping her butt and pushing it down towards my face. Though, with that said... Karen's private place was right in front of my eyes. A cute slit, that was distinctively moist.

"Ngh?! Si— Ah!"

While I contemplated on what to do, Karen decided to do the same thing to me down there. I could feel how her tongue was sliding across.

"Yumi. What are you waiting for? Lick me."

She took a more commanding tone now. The sensation from the collar also told me, I shouldn't think about what to do too much. I had never done it before, no matter how much I thought about it, it wouldn't change that I was a beginner.

"Nn... Mhm..."

"Ah! Yumi..."

I stuck out my tongue and cautiously licked Karen's privates. I was a little hesitant to start right in the middle of it, so I first licked the immediate surroundings. It tasted weird. A little salty, like sweat, but not quite like it.

Karen also continued to lick me down there.


"Yumi, hold still."

"Mgh! Sis... Sto— Ah!"

The pleasure once again ran through me when Karen licked me. She had spread it open and I could feel the air touching the parts that were usually hidden, only to be once again covered by her tongue.

"Yumi, don't stop."

"... Nn."

Karen was spreading that part down there so...

Trying to copy what I could feel her doing to me, I tried to spread Karen's vagina open.

Ohhh... It's... pink.

This was... This was Karen's place. A spot nobody had seen before, probably not even Karen herself.

I stuck my tongue out, cautiously licking it.


A cute yelp escaped Karen. It seemed that this was the right spot.

"Nn... Mhmm... Mm..."

"Ahh, Yumi!"

I was burying my face in her crotch, licking every spot. Karen did the exact same to me.

"Yumi, ah! That's, that's... Right there! Mmh!"

"Haaa... Haaa... Sis... Hyah!"

Suddenly, a strong jolt of pleasure made me shudder, incomparable to before. And it didn't stop there. Another came and then yet another.

"Si— Sto— Ah—

I couldn't even protest as my body cramped up, unable to resist the pleasure.


And then it peaked. I came.

After convulsing for a few seconds, my body fell to the bed, completely limp.

"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa..."

"Hehe, Yumi, we're not done yet."

"Heee... Ehhh?"

Karen once again turned around, facing me. Except that she was now mounting me, sitting upright.

"Yumi, lick me more."

Karen moved closer to my face, then pressed her crotch towards me, prompting me to continue. Despite still feeling overwhelmed from the pleasure, I stuck out my tongue, licking her crotch again.

"Mhm! A little higher, Yumi. Yes. Ah!"

"Mhmnn. Nm."

"That's... That's good, Yumi!"

Following her instructions, I moved my tongue upwards, to the top of her slit.

"Ah, Yumi, more, right there."

"Nhmm... Nhh..."

"Mmmm! Ahhh!"


At one point, Karen's body cramped up, her thighs squishing my face in between them.

"Yumi! Ahhh!"

After several convulsions, her body collapsed on top of me.

Karen... Karen had...


She rolled to the side, freeing me. Then she pulled me up, into her arms.

"Ahhh... Yumi."

Her glowing eyes stared at me as if she was intoxicated. She squeezed me, her arms and her legs wrapping around me. Even her black tail wrapped around my leg.


"... Nn?"

"Want... to do more?"

"... Nn."


We moved closer, kissing each other.

Indulging even more in each other's warmth, in our bodies. More and more. Forgetting all about our worries for a brief moment and simply loving each other.

"Sis, I love you."

"Ehehe... So do I, Yumi. I love you."


Hope you all are safe and healthy.

Thanks for reading!

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