Tactical Maiden

Chapter 3: Maria

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Maria was born into the nobility in Vordan and had the same fate as many nobles: The death of her family at the hands of bandits. she had been taken prisoner when she was a small child, .  she develop a hatred for bandits and she was sold as a slave  but managed to escape during a raid on the slave market, mercenaries from the U.N. liberated the town and saved her from being sold, she was given a chance to become an official member of the army at a very young age as well as becoming mercenary herself. However, she still keeps on training to hone her skills further with other knights. She has a strong sense of justice and will not tolerate any injustice done towards others or herself. She also has a habit of being overprotective of her friends which can sometimes be annoying.

she was the youngest female mercenary who was trained and raised in the military camp in the port of Vordan before joining the knight order but she prefers to be called as a mercenary than anything else because she hates having people calling her "Lady" all the time. She has a tendency to speak bluntly and even rudely to the less fortunate but she is also very kindhearted. Her most prized possession is a necklace that she used in her past life and she considers it as her lucky charm

She doesn't have much knowledge about the modern world except for what she learned from reading books in the library or overheard conversations while visiting the marketplace. Her greatest strength is her ability to read and analyze situations quickly and act accordingly. She is also highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can use almost any weapon available including modern weaponry

despite the technology prevention act, she has access to a lot of information through her contacts in the government and the military.

She was also taught magic by one of the elf teachers of the academy that is part of the military base. She may not know how to control her powers yet, but she knows enough to make simple spells like lightning bolts and freezing spells and more complicated spells like a pocket dimensional storage.

Despite being a woman she often gets mistaken for a boy due to her height and build. Her height comes from the elves bloodline in her family tree. 

she often disguises herself wearing a white leather cap paired with a light blue dress

She does, however, wear 5.11 pants, chain mail, a helmet, and night vision goggles while on duty. Her uniform is all brown and grey, and her primary weapon is a M4 carbine and a bayonet.

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