Taimanin Summoning System

Chapter 2: Tutorial

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I was soon transported to a white room, a complete opposite of the other one, thankfully and I simply waited while I scratched my arm. A new window appeared forcing me to read it.

[Welcome Summoner of Taimanin. Do you want to start the tutorial?]


I rolled my eyes at the prompt and pressed yes. I need all the help I can get to avoid any bad ends after all... and stay alive. That's important too.

"So how does this work?" I asked curiously before feeling a little anxious on their mental conditions. "What would happen if I summon someone that was already mind-broken like Shiranui is... will be or is it, was? Gah, fuck it, whenever she is. Will I be killed by her since I'm not her master or will she be loyal to me?"

[The summoner can summon Taimanins in the real world from a medium that corresponds to that Taimanin. They will know that their mission is to protect you above all else. Due to the world being different, some aspects of the summoning process will be altered to fit that world. When the summoner summons a taimanin in the real world, there is no time limit for them to leave unless they are killed or you decide they should go.]

[It is similar to the Fate system where the cards themselves act as the catalysts for all the corresponding Taimanins. All cards are taken from Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena, Taimanin RPGX, and the Action Taimanin game with some features added and others removed.]

(Let's begin... by reading the rules!! Read it! Live it! Love it!)



1. You can summon any taimanin, the UFS group, the Demon group, and the weapons used by all, that includes men also. All that is summoned will either like you or tolerate you to some degree. Some may be loyal to you unless you give them a reason to hate you. Those that are summoned from a brainwashed Bad End will be loyal to you for "saving" them. All women summoned are willing to have sex with you even if it could result in your death, i.e. succubus.

2. You will be given a portable deck holding up to 60 Taimanin cards to be drawn from. The cards themselves are just the medium to summon that specific taimanin. The cards may be stolen and used against you at a heavy cost to that person. An album will be provided for all unused cards that are not in the deck and will be safe from everyone that is not you.

3. To summon the taimanin, it cost mana. The cost is :

Normal card = 75 MP

Rare card = 125 MP

High Rare card = 250

Super Rare = 500

Ultra Rare = 750 MP

Legendary Rare = 1,000 MP

4. You will be able to see the levels, attacks, and defense of everything alive around you. 

5. All summons start at Lv 1. 

Discipline allows them to level up and grow stronger using other taimanin cards as experience. The same cards give more experience than other lower rarity cards and raises the skill level by 1. Higher rarity cards give more experience.

6. Each taimanin has an Attack and Defense point limit that can be surpassed called limit break by using the break limit shards and money. Each break raises a certain amount of attack and defense of a summon. Only useable 3 times for each summon no matter the rarity.

7. Each summons will have a certain amount of HP depending on the mana required of said summons times 10 and will be added by 100 for each level up.

(LR 1,000 (Mana cost) × 10 = 10,000 HP. Lv. 60 = 6,000 HP. 10,000 + 6,000 = 16,000 HP)

If their health goes to 0, they die and will go back to the album unit. They can be retrieved from the album at the end of the day. Lost HP can be reobtained by using mana. [1 mana = 1 HP]

8. You and your summons earn a certain amount of summoning and experience points from your enemies by killing or defeating them. Killing higher-level enemies could give you a chance to earn a golden ticket. These golden tickets have a higher chance of summoning a stronger and rarer taimanin. 

(1 Golden Ticket = 15% chance of summoning SR or higher taimanin)

9. You get 1 free card pack (5 cards) per day. For more card packs, pay 100 Summon Points in Card Store to draw 1 card pack. Non-refundable.

11. You can summon more than 5 taimanin at any given time, but you can only hold up to 6 taimanin cards in your hand. After 6, any extra taimanin cards will be sent to the album where they would be sent back to the deck at the end of the day.

12. When your life points reach 0 you die. You can only increase your life points and mana by raising your level. There are no stat points to raise your stats.

• Gain +500 HP and MP every Level up

• Gain +1 to Regen every 2 Levels

13. There are no "turn" based attacks. You can and will be attacked by multiple people. You can also attack others too.

14. You can draw 1 card every 4 hours or you could save the draw for later. It can not be saved to draw multiple cards.

15. To avoid any bad end(s), make sure to properly communicate with your summons without any misunderstandings and give then a reason to stay with you. Be very suspicious of everyone you meet, especially the men.

16. The weapons summoned will give a certain boost to the user's attack and defense depending on the weapon's stats. The weapons can be upgraded, but it needs the same copy to increase its stats.

17. All card special skills require mana to activate 3 times per day. They can be upgraded to be more powerful and increase the activation of skills. It takes one day for all skills to recharge. 

Ex. LR [New Year Beauty] Ingrid

Max Level: 60

HP: 16,000

ATK: 4146

DEF: 10094

Special Skill: New Year Beauty 

Cost: 90 MP

Uses: (5/5)

Increases ATK and DEF of all allies by 42%.


I stared hard at the list, trying to memorize it all and found it surprising easy. A few minutes later, I think, the list suddenly disappeared and everything went dark.

[Let's Begin!]

{Name: John McClain}

Level: 1

Exp: 0/100

HP: 8000

MP: 1000

MP Regen: 

Deck: 0

Cards in Album: 0

Available Draw: 0/1


I blinked a few times trying to get my vision back. I took in my new surroundings, which for some reason I was in the middle of a tall grassy field that reached up to my waist, and yet it was empty in the middle where I was. I wearily glanced around my surroundings cursing the tutorial as I started sweating buckets thanks to the sun blaring down on me.

Then the tall grass started to shift gently around me and I started moving backward panicking because I remember watching something similar to this in The Mummy Returns Scorpion King.

Not a minute later, a figure moved out from within the tall grass, it was shorter than me with green skin. It looked like a typical goblin, short green-skinned with pointy teeth holding a pointy stick, wearing only bearskin or what I hope is a bearskin tunic.

I flinched taking a step back, wondering where was the goblin slayer when you needed him. We locked eyes, mine terrified beyond belief and his filled with joyful excitement at finding fresh meat. Before it could take a single step to attack me, it suddenly paused.

I didn't want to stay here so I tried to run while I had the chance but I couldn't move my legs. Before I could piss myself in fear, 5 cards appeared in my vision, but I couldn't see what they were.

[Pick a card, any card]

Deep breaths... deep breaths in... and out. I repeated that a few times as I cursed the system in my head before calming down. I crossed my fingers and simply picked the third one on the right as it slowly turned around.

You are reading story Taimanin Summoning System at novel35.com


Card Name: Helene

Card Level: 1/30

Faction: Demon

Rarity: Rare

ATK / DEF: 170/111

HP: 1260

Special Skill: [Ecstacy Sleeper]

Increases ATK of ally Demon by 14%.

Cost: 90 MP

Activation: 3/3 per day



(1000 - 125 = 875 MP)

The next thing I knew is a milky skin well-endowed young woman with pointy ears, purple eyes, and long light purple hair that is kept in a bun. She had on a white dress that stopped mid-thigh. It has a deep neckline that showed off most of her breasts, leaving only her nipples and a small part covered. Her legs were left bare with her only wearing high heel sandals.

"Welcome! Thank you for choosing me. My name is Helene. Shall I guess your interests, your peculiarities, your goals, and your fetishes? Yes, I know everything. Everything about you master, fufu." She purred at me, slowly walking towards me sensually, and wrapped her arms around my neck pushing her breast against my chest. 

... ... ...

I was completely stunned and aroused. I couldn't help but stare into her eyes since she's one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I couldn't help but think that this is all a dream from me passing out and it'll all disappear. 

"See something you like, big boy?" She asked pushing her breasts up against my chest even more to make it seem like it'll pop out of her dress with how tight it looked. I was waiting, hoping it would, but to my disappointment, it didn't. 

When I didn't answer her, she lightly frowned, "Ah? Did I go too far, master? I'm sorry, I thought you would enjoy it. I guess not." She pouted, about to unwrap her arms from my neck, but she paused as I wrapped my arms around her waist instead and pushed her closer. That caused her to let out a small gasp of surprise.

That broke me out from my trance, I didn't want her to leave so I finally spoke up, "Sorry about that. I was surprised is all. I mean you're actually real and not a dream." Though I still had a little doubt left even if I could feel heat coming off of her and feel her pounding heartbeat. 

"Of course, I'm real, you silly boy," She grabbed my hand with her left bringing it up to her breast and squeezing it, "Mmn~, you summoned me after all."

"Y-yeah, your right, Helene," I nodded and I kept squeezing her breast happily. My eyebrow rose when I felt her hard nipple on my palm. I just realized that she didn't have a bra on and I couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing any panties. I didn't have a chance to check yet, because she kissed me. I put as much heat and desire into that kiss, letting her feel how much I wanted her.

She grabbed a fist full of my hair, her tongue battled desperately against mine. I retaliated by grabbing a rough handful of her tight bubble butt as she let out a womanly gasp. 

After a good minute of Helene grinding against me, I gave her a rough slap on that tight ass that cracked the air and got a real squeak from her.

She pulled back, breaking the kiss as a string of saliva remained between us. She fluttered her eyelashes at me. "Mmn~ master, that type of behavior is completely inappropriate in the workplace." She giggled in a silky and teasing tone causing her bountiful breasts to bounce enticingly. 

My cock throbbed in my pants as I swallowed hard, feeling her still rubbing against me. 

She was obviously teasing me, "Mmn~, that feels really nice, but sadly we had to deal with this little miscreant, first. We can spend some quality time together after this, darling." She said winking at me as she turned around to face the goblin and froze.

I wanted to curse the system for freezing her and a new screen popped up.

[Now look at the goblin and Helene. Do you see anything different?]

I stared at them both and noticed something above their head that wasn't there before.

Goblin Lv 1 (ATK 100 /DEF 200)

Helene Lv 1 (ATK 170/ DEF 111)

"Yeah, I can see their attack and defense points now. Helene has 70 more attack points than the goblin, but she has less defense," I said.

[Correct. So let's unfreeze them both and see what happens.]

Helene and the goblin both started moving again, but this time the goblin stopped advancing. He let out a screech of surprise at her sudden appearance and backed up a couple of steps. He stared at her lustfully, licking his lips as a very small tent formed under his loin cloth. Drool started escaping his lips and she glared at him.

"You want to play with me that bad huh? Well, too bad, you're not my type. I like my men with dicks bigger than 1 cm." Helene said playfully almost pinching her fingers together, leaving a very small gap in between. 

The goblin growled angrily at her remark. He let out a small war cry running towards her with his spear raised ready to pierce her. She simply smirked as she used her demonic power to enhance her strength and attacked as he jumped at her. 

Helene simply kicked between his legs and a popping sound was heard, lifting him higher into the air. He flew backward screaming in agony and I flinched covering my penis. The goblin fell back down on his stomach almost dead as his mouth started foaming up. He barely lifted his head, staring hatefully at her through his tears as he clutched his bleeding genitals or what was left of them.

That pissed her off and so she stepped on his head forcing him back down, her heel digging into his skull. "You should be honored that even I, a demoness, would even consider touching a pathetic creature like you," Helene said condescendingly before stepping on his head. She then pushed down squishing his head to a pulp causing a mess, "Ugh, my shoes are ruined now. Damn it, I liked these shoes." Helene took off her shoes muttering angrily to herself. 

I was about to tell her that it was her fault, but I decided not to do it in the end. I didn't want her to knee me in the groin if what I might say will piss her off and also the fact that she's starting to disappear, feet first. 

"This sucks. I wanted to spend some time with you." Helene spoke glumly watching her feet turn to gold dust before brightening up, "See if you can summon me again, handsome. I'll reward you if you do. Chu~ ❤" She blew me a kiss before she completely disappeared. 

I was soon back in the white room and I felt my legs giving out on me. I landed on a chair that suddenly appeared behind me. My body was shaking from all the adrenaline coursing through my body. I waited for the screen to appear and it did.

[You acquired 100 SP and 100 exp for defeating the goblin.]

[Leveled up x1]

"How are the summoning points (SP) calculated each time my taimanin destroys other monsters or humans?"

[It depends on two things. One is the deadliness of said creature and the second is the size.]

"What would happen if a monster that has 100 more attack points than Helene and kills her, do I lose that difference as life points?" 

[No. It only happens if you are attacked by monsters.]

"How do I gain the limit break shards? How do I gain a golden ticket that doesn't involve defeating a higher-level opponent?"

[To gain shards,  you do it by summoning for it. As for the golden tickets, it's not possible.]



To increase the level of a taimanin, give them the card, and then they'll gain the experience. 


[Tutorial End]

[Transporting you to a random world]

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