Tale of a Princely Dragon

Chapter 11: Ch.10: Stretch your Wings

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Seabirds squawking, almost as sweet a sound as the crow's nest griffin cawing out the first sighting of land after months long voyage across the ocean. 

In excitement, Prince Syn slammed the metal ship door open to witness their arrival, scattering nearby gulls from the sudden noise. He was tired of being closed up in his quarters, fully healed and ready to get to work. Sea spray sprinkled imperceptibly on his scales while the sunlight warmed them. 

Brisk wind ruffled Zeritha's feathers and fur as she joined him on the balcony. 

Finally, the fleet had reached continent Myrrah, near the friendly shores of the vassal state Equellia. This country was his excuse and opportunity for military accomplishment. It's majority centaur populace had accepted autonomous subjugation to Draconia in exchange for support against its neighbors, which just so happen to be under control of Draconis. And here he was, the Crown Prince of Draconia, come with armies to vanquish their foes. 

The docks of this port city were humble, being made from mounds of dirt with wood planks and posts. They weren't large enough to host but a few ships at a time, though the flagship demanded even more space than a regular ship. 

Disembarking from the Draconia onto the docks, Prince Syn was greeted by resounding trumpets and a State Foreign Equii accompanied by his entourage. The centaurs wore military uniforms with badges denoting their accomplishments. 

Zeritha glared at the centaur trumpeters, a couple side-eyed each other under her scrutiny. She only stopped after there weren't any signs of treachery. 

Upright salutations taken care of, the equii was sorry to announce that their leader, the Prime Centarii, was away taking care of some urgent business. A messenger would be dispatched immediately, but it would be a few days before the centarii returned. 

Prince Syn told them that there was no rush, as he would be swiftly leaving to complete his pilgrimage. 

With some shock, the equii informed the prince that it might be perceived as rude to leave the country without properly greeting their leader. 

Here, Lord Horozon stepped in. "Thank you for the advice, but the prince has an important task that is better accomplished with due haste. In the meantime, since our arrival date was indefinite, there should now be plenty of time for the Prime Centarii to orchestrate a proper welcome, rather than this small welcoming committee." 

The equii retracted his protest, and departed amiably, leaving behind an aid for the prince's personal accommodations. 

Syn turned to his advisor, patting his red feathered shoulder. "Thanks for the quick thinking. You're apt at navigating such situations." 

"I have seen much practice." Horozon leaned in and turned his head to look at him with one eye. "How exactly are you planning to travel?" 

"I'm taking my personal retinue and flying all the way to the Principality. I've wanted to stretch my wings for almost a month now." Syn flapped for emphasis. "I figure the faster this gets done the quicker I can turn my full attention to leading this campaign." 

Horozon nodded in understanding, he swayed his striped tail steadily. 

From the ramp, the dozen Covenant acolytes unloaded their boxes containing ceremonial robes, books, and lots of blank paper and parchment. 

"Did I hear correctly, your highness?" Fictis Kaleid waddled towards them, colorful scales shimmered in the sunlight. When they weren't wearing robes, Covenant wore medallions around their necks that rested over their hearts, but Kaleid's swayed side to side with his gait. "You're going on your pilgrimage immediately?" The Wyvern's whiskers waved. 

Syn bobbed his head. "I plan on flying there and back, we'll go over the route on the map, which should only take a couple of weeks by air." 

"Hmm, hmm, Flying?" Kaleid scrunched his eyes and hooked his forewing claw into his mouth while he thought. He took it out before he spoke again. "Oh, I'm going to need to make some rearrangements for those circumstances. Please, I'll need a short time before I can accompany you." 

"Right, well it'll be a few hours at least, to get everyone organized." 

"This is so exciting!" Kaleid's whiskers wiggled. "I'll can't wait to see it." 

Syn tilted his head at him, tail curling inquisitively. 

"The ruined city! The remnants of the Myriad capital, I've never seen them myself." Kaleid wagged his stinger-tail enthusiastically. 

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"You'll have to tell me more about them later," Syn snorted. "Right now there's much to be done before the day ends." 

"Indeed." Kaleid scuttled back to his fellow acolytes, who gathered around for instructions. 

"Lord Horozon." Syn returned to his previous engagement. 

Horozon chirped and raised his crest in attention. 

Syn scooted over side-by-side to wrap his foreleg around his shoulder, his neck curved so that he was face to face. "I'm going to rely on you to keep track of things while I'm gone. When I return, you'll need to inform me of the situation." 

Horozon bristled his feathers a bit at the unnecessary closeness. "It should be no problem, your highness." He croaked. "The commanding lords are directing the troops and coordinating with local forces for the time being while the army disembarks." 

The prince tapped his claws on the shoulder.  "Then, could I also burden you with the care of my servants? They are to stay here and maintain my lodgings, they could also do yours too." 

"Your servants in my care? You honor me." Horozon was a bit stiff. 

"But I'll not tolerate you abusing them." Syn gripped him ever tighter. "You best treat them better than standard slave conditions." 

"Of course, your highness. I wouldn't dream of it." He flicked his tail nervously. 

"Good." Syn released him, all tension vanishing, a happy toothy grin on his muzzle. "Now if there isn't anything else, I need to get my retinue ready to move out." 

The centaur aid, who had waited patiently since the equii's departure, finally spoke up to inquirr who exactly he was to assist. 

Horozon and Syn simply exchanged glances. 


The golden scales of Syn Sevis' outstretched wings glittered in the sunlight while the wind filled them out pleasantly as he took to the sky. 

Accompanying him was his bodyguard Zeritha and an armed retinue of the finest dragons of the army. Their numbers totaled around a hundred, and they were to accompany him on the battlefield as well as be a personal troop on his travels. Handpicked by King Pyram, only distinguished fliers and swimmers filled out the ranks to ensure they could always keep up with the prince wherever he went. Each of them was armored with draconia red and gold. 

Fictis Kaleid and his fellow acolytes followed their path. They were all to witness the pilgrimage, so the members that couldn't fly were carried. The centaurs and skarsh were in lift harnesses, with straps attached to two or three others who would fly for them. So they rode with their fellow believers high in the sky, and were not left behind. 

The port town below had a very irrigated aesthetic. Buildings were built upon earthen mounds and smaller houses were built on stilts. Large drainage ditches and canals throughout the town ensured that water stayed where they wanted it. The more solid buildings were made from burnt bricks and plastered to appear more pleasant to the eye, with clay shingle roofs on wooden frames. The ones on stilts were more woven using waterplants, and had palm fronds for roofing. 

Any townspeople peering up could see a red wave of fliers as the prince lead his armored troop out towards his destination. Skarsh children playing in the canal looked up in astonishment as they passed overhead. Centaurs in the middle of a sandy game of hoofball paused to watch the sight of them flying in formation. 

Outside the town was a tent city which tripled the town in size. It spread out into the surrounding flatland while avoiding the marshes near the coast. Equellia had prepared this space for Draconia beforehand, and it would be put to use by the army which numbered approximately thirty thousand. A respectable force, to march side by side with allies on another country. 

It wouldn't stay idle here for long, this red sea of tents would pick up and station itself further inland, strategically positioned. But for now troops were still offloading from the docks and by the shores, which they chose as a landing to expedite the process. Many a dragon and griffin flew low in flocks carrying supplies and swarming around their tents. Centaurs were ants streaming across the beaches and land as it appeared from on high.

Syn wouldn't be seeing this place again, at least not until his return to Draconia. After a fortnight of traveling and finishing his penance, he would instead go to the inland capital for his more permanent lodging during the campaign. Then he'd be commanding in the war... 

But right now that wasn't his focus. He shook his head. One step at a time. After glancing at Zeritha by his wing and his retinue backing him, he redoubled his flapping to pull out ahead just a bit further. 

The pilgrimage was now underway.

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