Tale of The Maid-Knight (A Genshin Impact Fanfiction)

Chapter 14: The Oni and The Maid

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Noelle, Aether and Paimon are seen moving towards the adventurer's guild receptionist desk in Inazuma city, and this is a few weeks after resolving the issue surrounding the tensions between the Tenryou Commission and The Sangonomiya Resistance.

And what's today's commission? Is to investigate the rumors surrounding Arataki Itto, who is being wanted for thefts by the Tenryou Commission. However, from the information gathered from the people that knew of his ruckus, Itto is not the type to do those. He couldn't even win in a child's game, for crying out loud.

They went to Sango's Detective Agency to speak to her. She told them the famous Inazuman tale of the Crimson and Blue Oni, but there's something that perks Noelle's interest.

"What if the Oni who is the actual suspect is the Blue one?"

"Noelle? What're you saying?"

"It's nothing, Aether. I just find it odd. But then again, Lady Sango said that the evidence is irrefutable."

After some time, and receiving a bag of beans from Sango, they went to find Itto at Yashiori Island. However during the search, Noelle speeds ahead upon finding the first signs of Itto's trails, and without any hesitation, Noelle threw the beans at Itto the moment she sees him.

"Aaah! Beans! Stay away!"

"And please stay down!"

"Stop, stop! I give up! Have mercy!"

"Noelle, he had enough!" Paimon tried to stop Noelle, who kept on throwing beans.

"Noelle, stop! That's an order!" And with that from Aether, Noelle froze.

"Geez, what was that for...!? Alright, I have to tough it out, No I can't! You threw too much!"

After a long while, Itto recovers.

"Hey lady, why'd you have to be so mean!? Going at it mercilessly as if I'm a demon or something..."

"Well, you are an Oni, figuratively speaking..." Paimon sweat dropped.

"Pardon me, but since you are a wanted fugitive and that you might be in a berserk, I thought had to subdue you." Noelle looked away meekly.

"A-A-A-Ah! Don't you dare cry, lady! I was just agitated! Damn, what should I do, I made her cry..."

"Noelle, calm down. And you, you're speaking with me now." Aether pointed.

"Yeah, whatever. You're here to turn me in, aren't you? I'm walking away if I were you. I pack a mean punch and I don't want to hurt any regular folks like you. Especially a fragile little lady like the one you've got there--"

"Pretty big talk considering how many beans she is ready to throw again." Paimon glances.

Noelle was readying herself again, just in case there really is a fight. Itto admitted to everything, about the thefts and the missing people, but he is still insisting on him being left alone, and not wanting Aether and co to waste everyone's time.

"No way, mister! We've accepted a commission to bring you back." Paimon noted.

"What'd you say, little one? Go on... Say it to my face!"

"Uhh, we... Well, mostly, they took the commission to bring you back--"

However right before Paimon finished, a fist hits Itto straight in the forehead, sending him flying to a rock.

"Owowowowow! What the heck's with that strength!?" Itto asked as he rubbed his forehead, and standing up slowly.

"Good job, Noelle." Aether praised, before looking at Paimon. "And Paimon, grow a backbone, and please remember that Noelle is with us."

"Ah, right! Paimon forgot about that. She's millions of times stronger than a Fatui harbinger after all!"

"She's THAT strong!?" Itto shouted.

"Uncle Itto!"

All of a sudden, the voice of a child called out to Itto, alongside an old lady. The child, Daisuke wanted to play with Itto. A game that involves two Onikabuto fighting each other.

Itto then suggested that they should have a duel after they are done dueling beetles with Daisuke.

"And before I say it, no, I want the duel to be with you."

"Just say that you're avoiding to duel her!" Paimon points to Noelle.

"I'll duel her, but not if I win the duel with him."

"But where's the logic in that? I thought if one wins, the winner goes against the one still waiting in line."

"Anyways! Let's just go and get a beetle for the game with Daisuke!"

And after a long while of searching until it rained, they finally find their Onikabuto. Itto takes a small one which he claims that size doesn't matter. However Noelle, who split up from the group to find a beetle for her group, finds a bigger, redder Onikabuto which shocks Itto. When asked, Noelle said that this is the first time in her life tracking and finding an Onikabuto.

And after the Onikabuto duel concluded with Noelle's catch getting the victory (and handing it over to Daisuke as she felt bad about breaking someone's winning streak), Itto admits that he is not the culprit, and that he is actually a terrible liar. He then told the truth about Crimson and Blue Oni and the oath that the Oni made to integrate with humanity.

Itto also said that it is a Blue Oni that caused the crimes, as the one that is seen at the scene has different colored horns. That would also mean that Noelle is technically correct on her guess in the beginning.

They agreed to help Itto find the Blue Oni, and went to the Sangonomiya encampment to speak to one of the victims who Itto has spoken to before. The victim explained that he was ambushed by a group of ronin, with an Oni amongst them. The Oni is the sole reason why the victim is now telling the tale as the former warned the group not to lay a finger on him, but still stole the goods he is selling anyway.

They were told that the ronin were raiding people in Tatarasuna, in which is the group's next stop. When they arrived, coincidentally a group of ronin is passing by. Itto detects one of the members having horns.

"Let's take care of them!"

"Hold on, let me handle this." Aether said, blocking Itto's path.

"What? I thought we're gonna--"

"Shush. Noelle, get them in 10 seconds, and make sure that horned person does not escape."

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"Whoa, 10 seconds? Man, I know your little lady is powerful, but I think--"


With that Noelle vanished, and Itto's eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets in surprise when he sees golden strokes of a geo infused sword being inflicted on the Ronin members.

"You're not getting away!" Aether shouted, as Itto stood there dumbfounded by what he just witnessed.

The Blue Oni tried to run, but then Noelle suddenly appears right in front of him causing him to skid to a stop.

The group then went into an argument with the Oni, who explained his motives, and their tarnished history, and that Itto is making it even worse by taking the blame for what the Blue Oni, Takuya, did. Takuya then kicked the sand towards Noelle, causing her to flinch from the sudden sand screen. When she activated her shield, the sand came back down, but Takuya had already ran off.

What's worse is that the Tenryou Commission soldiers marching up on Itto from behind.

"Leave them to me, if you attack the commission, they will-- huh?"

Noelle took a step forward, and stood in front of Itto, facing the soldiers.

"Shirogane...? It can't be! You're dead!" The squad leader exclaimed.

Noelle however gave them an unsettling glare, as the center of her eyes glow in a golden light causing the soldiers to run off.

"Shirogane? Now where have I heard that name before?" Itto scratches the back of his head.

"Shirogane is Noelle's late mother..." Aether told Itto.

Itto then raised a brow as he remembers.

"Ah, yes! The one that tried to usurp the Raiden Shogun by herself! She's got guts, I give her that... Wait, what!? This young lady is her daughter!?"

"Aether did mention it." Paimon told him.

Now without needing to worry about the soldiers again, the group tracks Takuya down to a hidden cave which the Ronin used as a hideout.

Inside, Itto and Aether watches as Noelle effortlessly cleared the path of any patrolling Ronin by only giving a punch to the gut to each of them. They managed to find the missing people, two of them being Daisuke's parents. It is revealed that Takuya protected them from being killed, and actually fed them food.

"And especially thanks to you, nameless warrior." Were their thanks to Noelle.

"Eh? But I'm not a--"

"She's not actually a warrior, but a cadet in training." Aether corrected Daisuke's mother.

"For a cadet, she took care of those crooks rather easily. Is she your girlfriend or something?" Daisuke's father asked.


"Oh, yeah! Since I've always seen you clinging to him, are you both dating or something!?" Itto asked.

"W-w-we're not--"

"I'm her mentor. I am responsible for her safety, and vice versa. She was given an order by the grandmaster to be my companion."

"I see. But you both rather fit each other, if you know what I mean!" Itto said, giving an awkward grin.

"Hey, shouldn't we focus on finding Takuya, instead!?" Paimon notified Itto.

"Ah, right! Him! Let's go! We'll talk again at Yashiori!"

Daisuke's parents then escaped, while the group went up a level to find Takuya, to find him being surrounded by Ronin, led by one named Nogata.

"The jig is up! Noelle, wham them in 5 seconds!"


"Eh? Noelle, you heard me, right? 5 seconds!"

Aether facepalmed, and shoved Itto away.

"Let me. Noelle, 5 seconds!"


Noelle then activated her powers, a translucent golden cape emanating from the back of her armor, and the center of her eyes glowed in a golden light. She raised Whiteblind up, and with a single spin, she made one huge slash which opens a golden gap, which then closes and caused the Ronin to lose their electro shields powered from the armor sets in the room. Not just that, they slowly tumble down to the floor one by one leaving only Nogata and Takuya as the survivors.

"What is that power...!? Hmph! I still have my trump card!"

Nogata is planning to blow up the whole hideout and reduce it to rubble with a paper charm that if ripped, will ignite the explosives. However Takuya took the charm, and Itto knocks Nogata out.

However, Nogata wanted everyone to leave and let him sacrifice himself as atonement for breaking the Oni oath. In the end, the Tenryou Commission came in to arrest Itto, and the charm is accidentally broken causing the place to crumble. Everyone escaped safely, and the problem is resolved peacefully with both Itto and Takuya having to turn themselves in to the commission.

The commission nearly tried running scared again when seeing Noelle, but after Aether explained the situation, they took both Itto and Takuya away.

Aether and Noelle finally returned to Yashiori to visit Daisuke, and witnessed his reunion with his family who took him home.

Granny Oni told them that once Takuya is released, she'll be the one taking care of him and Itto as well, as it's the only thing she is able to do about him.

Both Aether and Noelle then watched as Daisuke's family headed off in the distance. Without looking, Aether slowly encloses the distance of his right hand towards Noelle's left. When they touch, they immediately held each other, with Aether looking off to the side with a blush while Noelle smiles warmly.

But what they didn't notice is a white-blue haired girl watching them from a distance. She is holding an opened folding fan which obscures half of her face, but her eyes are that of emptiness.

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